Texas Patents - 7 Matching Results

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Combined Bevel, Protractor, Gage, Center-Square, &c.
Patent for "a combination-tool seeking to provide a single implement so constructed and inscribed as to be useful to architects, draftsmen, millwrights, machinists, and all metal and wood workers, and which shall be light and convenient to carry and may be quickly adjusted to its different positions for use" (lines 8-14).
Patent for a simple, inexpensive self-adjusting file mounted on a revoluble base allowing the operator to successively access the several sub-divisions including illustrations.
Gangway for Loading or Unloading Stock Cars.
Patent for a new and improved gangway. This design consists in "[t]he combination, in an animal-trap having an inclined bottom and opposite sides, of a winch journaled at one end thereof, a movable platform mounted on the bottom and provided with opposite posts at its front end, a gate hinged to one of said posts, and opposite chains connected to the winch at one end and passing over drums located at the opposite ends of the sides, the opposite terminals of the chains being connected to the opposite posts" (lines 6-16).
Padded Hat.
Patent for a new and improved padded hat. This design "is to provide a pad which can be quickly applied and when applied will remain in place, and by means of which a hat that is a trifle too large can readily be made to fit. . . . Heretofore persons wearing hats of odd sizes, or after having their hair cut short, have been compelled to place paper, felt, or some other material in between the sweat-band and the body of the hat in order to make the hat fit. These pieces, not being secured, are constantly coming out and are a source of great annoyance" (lines 7-19).
Revolving Signal.
Patent for a new and improved revolving signal-light: "[t]he combination, with a car-axle and a shaft driven thereby, of the lateral supporting stems carrying signaling-lanterns glazed in alternating colors, a shifting-lever acting alternately upon studs or stops of the said shaft, said shaft having a sliding movement, and gearing alternately with said signal-carrying stems" (lines 82-89).
Spring Hinge.
Patent for a new and improved spring-hinge. This design consists in "[t]he combination of a hinge having one of its leaves provided with a casing and the other provided with curved projections, the spring arranged in the casing, and the rod engaging said spring and having the curved portion provided with trunnions engaging the said projections" (lines 65-71).
Wire Tightener and Splicer
Patent for "a device adapted to be used in tightening and splicing the wires of wire fences, which can be manufactured at a very small cost and sold at about five cents each" (lines 12-16).
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