Texas Patents - 18,564 Matching Results

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Abdominal Support
Patent for an abdominal support in pants which is held up by leggings.
Abdominal Supporter.
Patent for a new and improved abdominal supporter. This design "consist[s] of the waist-belt, the abdominal sector-shaped pads hung from the waist-belt by elastic straps, the straps buttoned to the belt behind and to the bottom of the abdominal pads in front, the side straps connecting the abdominal pads with the pieces at the back, and the front strap connecting the two abdominal pads together with the shoulder-straps" (lines 70-79).
Abdominal Supporter.
Patent for a new and improved supporter for the abdomen during pregnancy. This design "consists of an abdominal sack for the support of the abdomen in pregnancy, which is contrived with supporting-bands adapted for supporting it from the shoulders of the wearer, where the weight can be best sustained, and so as to entirely avoid the belt commonly used, and thus relieve the stomach and liver from the pressure and irritation which it produces" (lines 7-15).
Abrading Element For Tire-Patch Containers
Patent for an improved tool that is affixed to tire-patch containers. It is used for abrading the surface of a tire to effectively roughen it (without the use of sandpaper) to allow the adhesion of a patch. Includes illustrations.
Abstract-Book for County Records, &c.
Patent for a "book leaf or page for abstracting county and like records" (lines 12-14) with illustrations included.
Accelerating Foot Throttle for use on Automobile Engines
Patent for an "improved form of foot pedal or foot throttle" (line 10) which "provides means for effectively controlling the speed of an engine by the action of the driver's foot against the foot throttle located in a convenient position on the floor of the car" (lines 13-17), including illustrations.
Accelerator for Engines
Patent for an accelerator for engines that has an improved foot pedal that is used in connection with the throttle control on an automobile engine.
Accident Brake Appliance
Patent for an accident brake appliance for trains.
Patent for improvements in account books to "facilitate the identification of pass books and to expedite the keeping of accounts by enabling the cashier, or bookkeeper, or other clerk concerned, to readily identify the book of the depositor or other owner and thereby more readily post the entries from one book to another in keeping accounts" (lines 16-22); includes illustration.
Patent for a new and improved account book that is arranged to improve accuracy of record-keeping and facilitate the referencing of different accounts.
Account Book
Patent for an account book that is to be used "to receive in condensed form the dates and other particulars when sums are due to and from a person or firm are payable" (p. 2).
Patent for improvement in account-books by “dispensing a multiplicity of books in keeping accounts and to devise means for combining in one book and upon a single page thereof the features of the ledger, day-book, bill-book and bills-receivable book, said page to be so provided with perforation as to admit of the detachment of certain parts, leaving intake theat part of the page that is intended for permanent record.” (Lines 13-22) Illustration is included.
Patent for an account index card holder with “superposed parallel arms” (lines 111-112) that allow portions of the front and reverse side of each card to be visible. The holder and its supports may be used with a system for organizing, tracking, and indexing accounts.
Acetlyene Generator
Patent for an imporived acetlyene generator, "wherein the carbid container or receptacle will be elevated clear above the surface of the water contained in the generator when said receptacle is not discharging into the water."
Acetylene-Gas Apparatus.
Patent for improvements in “gas-machines in which the gas is generated from calcium carbid; in which the gas will be thoroughly washed before passing to the distributing-pipe, thus affording a pure white light, and further to provide a means for running off coal-tar that may gather on the top of the water in the machine.” (Lines 9-18) Illustration is included.
Acetylene-Gas Apparatus.
Patent for machines that generate acetylene gas for a "simple and comparatively inexpensive construction, in which the gas is thoroughly washed before entering the service-pipe and in which the water-supply to the generator is controlled by the gas pressure and the carbid kept at all times cooled by surrounding water" (lines 11-17).
Acetylene-Gas-Generating Apparatus.
Patent for "improvements in apparatus for generating acetylene , and comprises the novel features." (lines 8-10) including illustration.
Acetylene-Gas-Generating Lamp.
Patent for a new and useful acetylene gas lamp, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene Gas Generator.
Patent for a acetylene gas generator which combines "both a generator and a gasometer the parts of which are so arranged as to render the machine efficient and entirely automatic in action, as well as inexpensive of production." (lines 16-20) including illustrations.
Acetylene Gas Generator
Patent for an acetylene gas generator. Illustration included.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for a new and improved acetylene gas generator, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene Gas Generator
Patent for an acetylene gas generator. illustration included.
Acetylene Gas Generator.
Patent for a new and improved acetylene gas generating machine, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene Gas Generator
Patent for an acetylene gas generator. Illustrations included.
Acetylene-Gas Generator
Patent for an improved automatic acetylene-gas generator which allows the carbid vessel to recharge with carbid without permitting the escape of gas, and also to simplify the construction of the generator.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for certain new an useful improvements in acetylene gas apparatus, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for a new and useful acetylene gas generator, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for certain new and useful improvements in acetylene gas generators, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for an improved acetylene-gas generator "which is kept in a relatively-cool condition by a surrounding bath of water and which generator is removable at will from the floatable bell of the tank. A further object is to prevent the waste carbid from dropping into the water of the expansible tank and to provide for the free discharge of gas from the generator [...] while [...] permitting the expeditious removal of said generator for the purpose of cleaning and recharging" (lines 13-24).
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for an acetylene gas generator, which is chiefly operated by the fall of a gas-bell.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for a new and useful improvement in acetylene gas generating and storing apparatus to "provide a simple, compact, and economical means for automatically said gas" (line 10 - 13).
Acetylene-Gas Generator
Patent for a acetylene gas generator with an improved valve for sending carbide into the generator which is more efficient and cheaper to make.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for "improvement in acetylene-gas generators, and has for one object to provide an exceedingly- simple apparatus of this description in which the pipes and connections are closed , and thus protected from freezing by the effects of atmospheric changes; and a further object of my invention is to remove the possibility of an explosion taking place during the manipulation of the machine." (lines 9-17) including illustrations.
Acetylene-Gas Generator
Patent for an Acetylene gas generator with an improved building method for holding the carbide tank above the generator tank.
Acetylene Gas Generator.
Patent for a new and useful improvements in apparatus for generating acetylene gas. This design is to "provide with few applicances a simple and compact apparatus requiring little attention for generating acetylene gas for light, heat, and power purposes" (line 11 - 14).
Acetylene Gas Generator
Patent for an acetylene gas generator. Illustration included.
Acetylene-Gas Generator
Patent for a large hopper-based device which generates acetylene gas.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for improving an Acetylene-Gas Generator. To eliminate a check valve between the generator and the gasometer, this will purify the gas and keep siphoning off of water from occurring.
Acetylene - Gas Generator
Patent for certain new and useful improvements in gas generating apparatus, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene Gas Generator
Patent for "a new and useful acetylene-gas generator" (lines 5-6), including illustrations and instructions.
Acetylene-Gas Generator
Patent for an acetylene-gas generator which automatically feeds carbid to the generator and in which the gas generated is washed within the bell.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for a new and useful acetylene gas generator, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for an acetylene gas generator, which claims to improve upon this device by simplifying the "means for feeding carbid to the water," (line 14) hence making it "more efficient and durable in use and less expensive to manufacture." (lines 19-21)
Acetylene Gas Generator
Patent for an acetylene gas generator. Illustration included.
Acetylene Gas Generator
Patent for acetylene gas generator. Illustration included.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for an improve to a Gas-Generator by controlling the liquid for decomposing the carbid in acetylene, by doing this the generation of gas is monitored and the waste of gas will not occur. This is an improvement to the Gas-Generator, this construct will have an automatic cut-off for the liquid-supply.
Acetylene Gas Generator
Patent for an acetylene gas generator. Illustration included.
Acetylene-Gas Generator
Patent for an Acetylene gas generator that allows waste to be emptied from the machine without losing any gas.
Acetylene-Gas Generator.
Patent for a new and improved gas generator, including instructions and illustrations.
Acetylene-Gas Generator
Patent for an improved acetylene-gas generator with a carbid receptacle on top of of the gasometer an an improved automated valve mechanism to assist with gas maintenance.
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