Austin College - 82 Matching Results

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[Certificate of Appointment to Postmaster for John Patterson Osterhout]
Certificate of appointment to Postmaster by President Chester Alan Arthur for John Patterson Osterhout. The certificate was signed by the President and the Postmaster General, Walter Q. Gresham. It certified John to work as Postmaster in Belton, Texas.
[Letter from Alice to her Cousins, October 19, 1884]
Letter from Alice to her cousins about family news and her schooling. She wrote about the teacher she and her sister have and the state of the school building. She told her cousins that they had to write a return letter or she would not write them again.
[Letter from B. F. Lee to Paul Osterhout, October 2, 1881]
A brief letter from B. F. Lee to his friend, Paul Osterhout, regarding the college Paul was attending. Lee requested that Paul send him all the information he could about the college he was attending.
[Letter from E. B. Convers to Gertrude Osterhout, October 8, 1884]
Letter from E. B. Convers to his cousin, Gertrude Osterhout, regarding news he had heard about her health. He was glad to hear she had recovered from being sick and mentioned a dispute that seemed to be going on between him and a mutual acquaintance. He told her that he would be heading to Washington for work soon. Included is an envelope addressed to "Miss Gertrude Osterhout."
[Letter from E. B. Convers to his Cousin, August 15, 1884]
Letter from E. B. Convers to his cousin regarding a matter that has upset him. The full details of the event are unclear and he moved on to write about his work in the office and about his ideas for his next summer vacation.
[Letter from George E. Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, August 9, 1883]
Letter from George E. Osterhout to Paul Osterhout discussing what he has been doing. He apologized for not writing sooner and told him what he had been doing during his recreational time. George's crop of cotton did poorly this growing season. Also, he included some news from other family members.
[Letter from George E. Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, January 8, 1884]
Letter from George E. Osterhout to Paul Osterhout regarding what he has been doing recently. George took part in a recreation of a Japanese wedding and went to see a play at the opera house. He ended the letter by telling Paul that he and another family member had settled their dispute over a barn.
[Letter from George E. Osterhout to Uncle Joham, November 10, 1882]
Letter from George E. Osterhout to his uncle, Joham, regarding the death of George's father. George gave Joham the details of his father's last days and where he was buried. He ended the letter with saying that he and his mother were doing well.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to John Patterson Osterhout, November 17, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to John Patterson Osterhout. She wrote to her father to update him on her life at school. She told him about the bad weather they'd been having, a teacher that took supper with them that evening, and her studies. She informed him of her Latin exam and that her brother Paul had arrived in town. At the end, she asked when she should come home for Christmas.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to John Patterson Osterhout, September 24, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her father, John Patterson Osterhout. She wrote to inform her father that she had received the items that were sent to her and detailed what a typical day studying at Baylor College entailed for her. She mentioned a reverend that came to campus and asked if her brother Paul would be joining her at school.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, April 8, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout. She wrote to update her mother about her life at school. She lamented the fact that she had been receiving no letters from home lately, but thanked her mother for sending the clothes she had requested. She requested money to be sent to her and that her mother and other family members write soon.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, April 22, 1883]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout, regarding her remaining time at Baylor University. Gertrude was eager to return home and help out around the house. Commencement was fast approaching and she wrote to her mother about what she was going to wear and that she needed her mother to send a few items to make sure she was prepared.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, February 6, 1883]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout, discussing her time at Baylor University. She wrote to her mother about how discouraged she had been feeling lately and that the poor weather outside had her feeling unwell. She asked for news from the family and said she would be writing her sisters soon.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, February 20, 1881]
Photocopy of a letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout, about her life at school. She mentioned a sociable she was getting ready to attend and how the other girls were worrying about what to wear. She mentioned events that were happening at school, including a music event and lectures she attended. Her brother, Paul, had received a joke Valentine's Day card and she promised to write her younger sister, Junia, soon.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, March 6, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout. She wrote her mother to update her about her life at school. Among the small bits of news Gertrude gave, she mentioned a musical performances that the girls gave, a memorial service, and upcoming examinations.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, May 16, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout. She wrote to her mother to update her on her life at school. She spoke of how excited she was to go home, a trip to a nearby town she made with the boys, and a list of items she needed her mother to send.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, May 29, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout. She wrote home to update her mother on her life at school. Gertrude detailed to her mother some of the end-of-session events that would be happening for commencement and final examinations. She wrote of some girls who had fallen sick and a contest she had entered to win a poetry book.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, November 13, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout, discussing her life at school. She wrote about a trip to town she had taken with other girls and the new faculty and campus. The faculty was young this upcoming session and she said the campus was being built slowly. She mentioned some news she had heard from others and asked her mother about mutual acquaintances.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, November 26, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her mother, Junia Roberts Osterhout. She wrote her mother to update her on life at school. Gertrude mentioned the Thanksgiving dinner they had at school and time she had been spent with her brother, Paul. She had started learning to crochet and was excited about being able to go home in a few weeks for Christmas.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, October 15, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout. She wrote to update her mother on her school life. Gertrude informed her mother why she was taking a small course load, the high housekeeping standards at the boarding house, and the food that one of the women there makes for them. She requested that her mother send her some things and tell her brother, Paul, to write more often.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Ora and Junia Roberts Osterhout, April 14, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her sisters, Ora and Junia Roberts Osterhout. She wrote to update her sisters about her life at school. She included small bits of news regarding her studies and plans to go on a picnic. She asked about the family orchards and requested that her sisters send her a box of the fruit.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Ora Osterhout, November 9, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her sister, Ora Osterhout. She wrote to her sister to update her on her school life. Gertrude mentioned how some girls at her school had pretended to be ghosts, a lesson she had to write to teach in one of her classes, and other small bits of news. She asked if her sister had written a letter to Santa Claus yet and if their mother was going to write her.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Ora Osterhout, October 11, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her sister, Ora Osterhout. She wrote her sister to update her on life at Baylor College. Gertrude mentioned how she had been sick recently, a prodigious student on campus, and other small bits of local news. She finished by asking about family and talking about clothing.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Ora Osterhout, October 24, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her sister, Ora Osterhout. She wrote to update her sister about life at school. She told her of a sermon she attended, social event, the food she had been eating while away from home, and other small bits of local news.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Osterhout Family, March 13, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Osterhout Family. She wrote to update her family about her life at school. She spoke of her school work and upcoming examinations, her concerns about her weight, and a recent death.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Osterhout Family, September 13, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her family. Gertrude wrote her family to let them know how she was settling into life at Baylor College. She told them of her living accommodations, food, and the other girls that were there with her. The letter ended with her asking for some items to be sent to her and she spoke of her family and alterations she made to her uniforms.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, February 27, 1882]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her brother, Paul Osterhout, discussing her life at school. She wrote about her responsibilities of acting as a supervisor for the girls at the boarding house. She told him of the local gossip and school events, including concerts and drawing room receptions where the girls were taught how to entertain guests. A day after she finished the first part of the letter, she continued to write a couple pages more about a recent storm that had hit the city and resulted in property damage and a couple of lives lost.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, June 30, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her brother, Paul Osterhout. She wrote to inform her brother of her life at school. Gertrude told him of the weather, that she thought she was gaining weight, and a visit she made with a woman near the school. She mentioned how she was doing in her studies and promised to write a letter to one of their sisters.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, March 16, 1882]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her brother, Paul Osterhout, discussing her life at Baylor University. She told him that her examination scores had been excellent and commencement would be taking place later this year. She wrote of some of the events that the school held including debates, concerts, and essay readings. A storm had passed through her town recently and she told her brother that she would refuse to sleep on the third floor of the boarding house should she return. The letter concluded with a promise of gossip in her next letter and her sympathies that Paul has a night job. Included is an envelope addressed to "Mr. Paul Osterhout."
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, November 1, 1880]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her brother, Paul Osterhout. She wrote a reply to her brother's letter to update him on her life at school. Gertrude mentioned her lack of knowledge about current affairs and that the girls around her had voiced their opinions in politics. She included information about a trip out she had, a little about her studies, and other small bits of local news.
[Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, October 3, 1881]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her brother, Paul Osterhout, regarding news she had heard about his arrival. She had heard from several girls that Paul had been seen in a nearby town and would be visiting only to learn that someone else had been mistaken for him. She told her brother he needed to hurry back and that the girls were asking about him. Included is an envelope addressed to "Mr. Paul Osterhout."
[Letter from J. H. Luther to John Patterson Osterhout, August 18, 1880]
A brief letter from J. H. Luther to John Patterson Osterhout confirming John's daughter's, Gertrude Osterhout, enrollment in the spring session of Baylor College. Included is an envelope addressed to "J. P. Osterhout."
[Letter from John Jeremiah Osterhout to Bud, April 2, 1881]
A brief letter from John Jeremiah Osterhout to Bud with news from Belton, Texas. He wrote that he had recently gone to a ball. He discussed people who had recently fallen ill and described his family's health. He ended the letter by stating that one of their cows had had a calf and that they were considering selling one of their animals.
[Letter from John Jeremiah Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, November 22, 1885]
Letter from John Jeremiah Osterhout to his brother, Paul Osterhout, updating him on events at home. John regretted not writing sooner and mentioned an expensive wedding that was being planned in Belton, Texas. He told Paul that he was well and that some of their mutual acquaintances had arrived in town.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, April 3, 1881]
Letter from Junia Roberts Osterhout to her daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, discussing news from home and some items that she sent to Gertrude. Junia had fabric, shoes, and money sent to her daughter and told her she would have to get a dress made where she was. Her mother told her how her family and friends were doing and that she was worried about the headaches Gertrude was experiencing.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, April 26, 1881]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, regarding news from home. He told her that Gertrude's sisters had recovered from being sick. He and his wife were trying to raise money to send to Gertrude and her brother, Paul, although he told his daughter that she needed to make sacrifices while she was in school. He ended the letter with other various bits of local news and looked forward to seeing her return home.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, December 4, 1880]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, discussing life at home. He wrote of a child that had died and that some of the family had gone to the burial. He then discussed in his letter how Gertrude and her brother, Paul, would be returning home.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, February 26, 1882]
Letter from Gertrude Osterhout to her father, John Patterson Osterhout, discussing daily life at school. She told her father of her responsibilities to check housekeeping of all the girls' rooms and to keep flirtation between the boys and girls to a minimum. The letter detailed many of the events that Baylor held for its students, including musical recitations and drawing room receptions to teach the girls how to entertain guests. She closed the letter by saying she expected her sister to write soon and that she would write her brother next.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, January 10, 1881]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, about what was happening in Belton, Texas. He told her that she should have written sooner if she wanted a reply letter earlier. He regretted telling her that he had found out about her dancing at a local party and a committee had been organized to investigate the incident. He advised her to write the committee a letter lest they rescind her membership in the church.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, March 19, 1881]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, with news from home. Everyone at home at been well, except for her mother who had a cold. They had four cows that they milked and used the milk to make butter to sell. He told his daughter that she should not be so eager for school to be over. He concluded the letter by correcting his daughter on her use of the word "too."
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, May 7, 1881]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, discussing daily life at home. He mentioned that they would be able to make some money by producing buttermilk and that they would be getting more poultry soon. John's uncle, Peter, was having a birthday soon and he requested that Gertrude write a letter to him so that he may pass it along. The letter closed with John saying that it was his birthday the next day and that he wanted Gertrude and his son, Paul, to write to him.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, October 21, 1881]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, from when he was traveling around in Texas. He told her where he'd been traveling and that he and the family were doing well. He closed his letter by saying she should bring her roommate down next time she visits.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, September 17, 1882]
A brief letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, with news from home. He wrote with news of the family's health and a recent murder that occurred in town. Included is an envelope addressed to "Gertrude Osterhout."
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Gertrude Osterhout, September 24, 1880]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his daughter, Gertrude Osterhout, discussing affairs at home. He wrote about his family's health and a show that came to Belton, Texas that his sons went to see. He told Gertrude that he hoped he would come to like the doctors she worked with and that his son needed to start working on their cotton crop.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout and Children, May 19, 1884]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his wife, Junia Roberts Osterhout, and his children about his recent travel. He listed places where he had visited, including arrival and departure times, and told Junia about how her parents and the rest of their family were faring.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, April 12, 1881]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his son, Paul Osterhout, involving the state of the family while Paul was away at school. A family has been feeling sick, possibly with the measles, and John was able to make sales on some of his cattle.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, June 04, 1880]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his son, Paul Osterhout, discussing work. John was writing from his place of work, the post office, and gave Paul some advice regarding how he should go about receiving work from "G. O." John hoped to send his son to school at Baylor in the fall and promised to write again later.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, June 7, 1886]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his son, Paul Osterhout, regarding Paul's return home. John sold Paul's bike and sent him money to help him afford the trip home. John expects his other son, Jeremiah, and his wife to have a child soon because she has been staying with their family for long periods of time. John mentioned that their town, Belton, was worried that their oil well would leave town and they would have to rely on the college for their future.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, May 10, 1881]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his son, Paul Osterhout, about how glad he is that Paul went to school. John looked forward to seeing Paul and his sister's, Gertrude, educational growth. He expressed worry about his younger son, John Jeremiah, not showing any interest in receiving education.
[Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to Paul Osterhout, May 22, 1886]
Letter from John Patterson Osterhout to his son, Paul Osterhout, regarding Paul returning home for a visit. John recommended Paul get his certification to practice being a doctor before he graduates. John sent what money he could and if Paul was able, he had a list of people he wanted Paul to try to visit.
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