University of Texas at Arlington Library - 140 Matching Results

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An accurate map of North America describing and distinguishing the British and Spanish dominions of this great continent according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763 : also all the West India Islands belonging to and possessed by the several European princes and states ; the whole laid down according to the latest and most authentick [sic.] improvements [Sheet 1].
Map shows European settlements, areas of Native American habitation, routes of Spanish galleon voyages in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Includes explanation to symbols, text of Articles 4-7, 9, 17-18, and 20 of the Treaty of Paris, 1763, textual commentary and notes on explorers and discovery dates, and illustrated title cartouche depicting new world natives and animals. Insets: "A particular map of Baffin and Hudson's Bay" and "The passage by land to California discovered by Father Eusebius Francis Kino." Scale not given.
N. America
This map shows the continent of North America and surrounding areas. Portions of present day Canada are labeled "Parts Undiscovered" and only partially delineated. Some regions are marked including notations showing the locations of some Native American tribes. Rivers and mountains are marked (with relief shown pictorially). Prime meridian: London.
N. America
This map shows North and Central America and the surrounding areas. Countries are shaded in different colors (with all of Central America labeled "Guatemala"). Cities and towns are marked based on population (the key is at the bottom of the map). Bodies of water and geographic features are marked (with relief based on hachures) as well as Russian and British possessions and the locations of some Native American tribes. An illustration of an Indian near a lake is in the lower left corner.
This map shows most of the Western Hemisphere, including North and Central America, South America, and the surrounding oceans and islands. Countries are outlined using various colors. Cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures).
This map shows most of the Western Hemisphere, including North and Central America, South America, and the surrounding oceans and islands. Countries are outlined using various colors. Cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Scale [ca. 1:42,240,000].
N. America.
Map shows geography and settlements in early nineteenth century North America. Relief shown by hachures. No scale noted.
América Septentrional.
Map shows North America, Central America, Greater Antilles, "America Rusa," "Nueva Bretana," "Virreinato de Mexico," the West Indies, and isolated portion of Pacific Coast as British possession. Native American areas of occupancy are also noted. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
America Settentrionale
This map shows North and Central America. The United States, Canada, and Central American regions are outlined in various colors. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures).
America settentrionale divisa ne' suoi principali stati.
Map shows detail of the eastern and western coasts of North America, New Spain, and the West Indies; areas of Native American habitation; French "Loisiana" [Louisiana]; Pacific and Atlantic Oceans connecting via waterways across the northern regions of North America. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Americae septentrionalis pars I.
Map shows "Louisania" [French Louisiana], "Tecas" [Texas], New Navare and New Mexico, "Great Space of Land unknown," settlements, and areas of Native American habitation. Inset: [Map of Baffin's Bay, Hudson's Bay and adjacent lands]; in upper left corner: "This scale is half of the other." Includes dates and names of explorers. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not indicated.
Amérique du Nord.
Map shows major cities, major roads, major railroads, state and territorial boundaries for the United States, ocean currents, shipping routes, and areas of Native American habitation; [modern day Alaska as] "Russie Americaine"; two [?] differing northwest boundary lines for Texas. Inset: "Carte supplémentaire des Iles N.E. de l'Amérique." Includes number of days for ocean travel from point to point. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [ca. 1:12,334,000].
Amérique du Nord.
Map shows political divisions and major cities for North America including the Greenland, the West Indies, and Central America; areas of Native American habitation; former Mexican state of Texas as "Repúblique Fredonia," Missouri, Arkansas and Columbia territories as western portion of the United States; [modern day] Alaska as "Russie Amerique." Inset: "Supplément de la partie nord-ouest de l'Amérique du Nord." Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Amérique Sepentrionale.
This map shows North and Central America and the surrounding areas. Each country or region is outlined in color and labeled. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Scale [ca. 1:41,184,000].
Amérique Sepentrionale.
Map shows North America from Russian America [Alaska] to Greenland to Mexico and Central America; West Indies, major cities; Florida panhandle extending to Louisiana, United States extending only to the Mississippi River; areas of Native American habitation. Relief shown pictorially and by hachures. Scale not given.
L'Amérique septentle. : qui comprend les XII provinces-unies la Canada, la Louisiane, le Méxique, ou la nlle. Espagne, le nouveau Méxique et les illes Antilles.
Map shows political boundaries and European possessions in North America, Central America, the West Indies, and the northern portion of South America; areas of Native American habitation, settlements, towns, and notable physical features. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Amerique Septentrionale
This map shows North and Central America and the surrounding areas. Countries are outlined and shaded in various colors. Some major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Around the outside of the maps, there are various colored illustrations showing people, landscape, and animals. At the bottom of the page, there are two blocks of text; the the right, statistics regarding population, and to the right, "Explication du dessin."
Amérique septentrionale
This map shows North and Central America with countries outlined in various colors. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, locations of Native American tribes are labeled. There are two insets in the lower left corner showing the islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique.
Amérique Septentrionale.
Map shows mid-nineteenth century geography, cities, and political boundaries in North America. Twelve national flags are also shown [Republic of Texas is included]. Inset: "District de St. Thomas." Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:23,394,000].
Amerique Septentrionale.
Map shows major cities, political divisions, and areas of Native American habitation in North America and the West Indies. State and territorial boundaries in the United States are also shown. Inset: "Supplement à la Partie Nord-Ouest." Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Amérique Septentrionale.
Map shows major cities, political divisions, and areas of Native American habitation; European possessions in North America and the West Indies. Includes geographical information given in panels of text on left and right sides: De L'Amerique en générale. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Amérique septentrionale.
Map shows known geography, major cities, and political boundaries in early eighteenth century North America and the West Indies. Relief shown by hachures. No scale indicated.
Amérique Septentrionale: avec l'indication des principaux courants marins d'Amérique en Europe.
Map shows principal currents of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans, the locations of the underwater transatlantic telegraph cables to England and France, and the route of the transcontinental railroad across the United States. Relief shown by hachures. No scale indicated.
Amérique Septentrionale : corrigée et augmentée en 1816
This map shows North America including present-day Canada, United States, and parts of Mexico. Some regions are outlined in color. Some cities, Native American tribes, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown pictorially). Prime meridians: Paris and l’Isle de Fer.
Amerique septentrionale : dressée sur les relations les plus modernes des voyageurs et navigateurs, et divisée suivant les differentes possessions des Européens.
Map shows mid-eighteenth century geography, settlements and European possessions in known areas of North America and the West Indies. Relief shown pictorially. Scale [ca. 1:15,000,000].
Amérique Septentrionale en 1540
This map shows North and Central America and the surrounding areas. Each country or region is outlined in color and labeled. Major cities and bodies of water are marked. There are several notations on areas throughout the map and there is text beneath the map with information regarding explorations and discoveries with a color key. Scale [ca. 1:33,333,333].
Amérique Septentrionale, ou Colombie
This map shows North and Central America and the surrounding areas. Several countries are outlined in color. Some cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Prime meridian: Paris.
Amplissimæ regionis Mississipi seu provinciæ Ludovicianæ a R. P. Ludovico Hennepin Francisc Miss in America Septentrionali anno 1687. detectæ, nunc Gallorum coloniis et actionum negotiis toto orbe celeberrimæ nova tabula.
Map shows areas of Native American habitation, settlements, and explorers' routes to 1716, through French Louisiana, Florida, New England and the British colonies, part of Canada, Nouveau Mexique [New Mexico] and northeastern portion of New Spain. Three of the Great Lakes are also shown. Includes legend and illustrations. Insets [illustrations]: "Catarrhacta ad Niagarum [Niagara Falls]," [Father Louis], and [Buffalo pictured with Native Americans]. Relief shown pictorially and by hachures. Scale not given.
Amplissimae regionis Mississipi seu provinciae Ludovicianae a R. P. Ludovico Hennepin Francisc Miss in America Septentrionali anno 1687 detectae, nunc Gallorum coloniis et actionum negotiis toto orbe celeberrimae nova tabula.
Map shows areas of Native American habitation, settlements, and explorers' routes to 1716, through French Louisiana, Florida, New England and the British colonies, part of Canada, Nouveau Mexique [New Mexico] and northeastern portion of New Spain. Three of the Great Lakes are also shown. Includes legend and illustrations. Insets [illustrations]: "Catarrhacta ad Niagarum [Niagara Falls]," [Father Louis], and [Buffalo pictured with Native Americans]. Relief shown pictorially and by hachures. Scale not given.
Arbuckles' illustrated atlas of fifty principal nations of the world.
Atlas shows illustrations of nations throughout the world with brief descriptions.
Carte de l'Amérique septentrionale.
Map shows geography, cities, towns of early nineteenth century North America. Inset depicts the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:22,528,000].
Carte de l'amérique septentrionale : dressée pour l'usage des colléges.
Map shows early nineteenth century geography, cities, and political boundaries of North America. Relief shown by hachures. No scale indicated.
Carte de la Nouvelle France, où se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi: aujour d'hui S. Louis, aux environs des-quelles se trouvent les etats, païs, nations, peuples &c. de la Floride, de la Louïsiane, de la Virginie, de la Marie-lande, de la Pensilvanie, du Nouveau Jersay, de la Nouvelle Yorck, de la Nouv. Angleterre, de l'Acadie, du Canada, des Esquimaux, des Hurons, des Iroquois, des Ilinois &c., et de la Grande Ile de Terre Neuve.
Map shows early eighteenth century North America. Major roads, areas of Native American habitation, large settlements, and political boundaries are indicated. Insets: "Les environs de Quebec," "Veüe de Quebec," and "Les costes de la Louisiane." Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Carte des États-Unis d'Amérique.
Map showing early nineteenth century geography, territories, political boundaries and cities in the United States, with titles for bordering nations. Relief shown by hachures; no scale noted.
Carte des États-Unis d'Amérique, du Canada, du Nouveau Brunswick, et d'une parte de la Nouvelle Bretagne.
Map shows early nineteenth century geography and settlements in North America. States outlined in colors. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:9,504,000].
Carte des États-Unis d’Amérique
This map shows the United States and surrounding areas including parts of Mexico and Canada (New Britain). Each country, as well as U.S. states, are outlined in color. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, the names and locations of some Native American Indian tribes are noted.
Carte des nouvelles decouvertes au nord de la Mer du Sud: tant à l'Est de la Sibérie et du Kamtchatka, qu'à l'Ouest de la Nouvelle France.
Map shows routes of exploration, areas of Native American habitation, and major settlements; western New France [northwestern portion of North America] includes "Mer ou Baye de l'Ouest" possibily as an early and enormous representation of Vancouver Bay; dates and names of explorers/discoverers. Includes "Avertissement," illustrations, and title cartouche. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Carte générale de l'Amérique Septentrionale
Map shows political boundaries, cities, and geography of North America. Relief shown by hachures. No scale indicated.
Carte Physique et Politique de l’Amérique Septentrionale
This map shows North and Central America and the surrounding areas. Regions are outlined in color based on the controlling nations explained by a key in the lower left corner. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are noted (with relief shown by hachures). Prime meridian: Paris.
Carte physique et politique des États-Unis, Canada et partie du Mexique.
Map shows geography, political boundaries, cities, and towns in mid-nineteenth century North America. Inset: "Région du nord-ouest aux États-Unis" [Region of northwestern United States]. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:1,250,000]. Map is from Atlas universel et classique de géographie ancienne, romaine, du moyen âge, moderne et contemporaine [World atlas and geography of ancient classical, Roman, medieval, modern and contemporary].
Carte politique de l'Amérique Septentrionale.
Map shows early nineteenth century political boundaries marking areas of North America claimed by the United States and European countries. No scale noted.
Classification territories, certain freight association territories, and certain common points.
Map shows boundaries for freight classification associations and major railroad "termini" for northern Mexico, southern Canada, and the continental United States; state boundaries, major cities, and railroads lines. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
The eastern provinces of the Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland [and] Mexico, Central America and West Indies.
Maps show late nineteenth century geography and settlements in the eastern provinces of Canada, Newfoundland, Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. Relief shown by hachures. No scale indicated.
Map shows North and Central America, outlined areas of United States considered to be part of the Confederacy, the Union, and the states of Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland as neither. Includes key to European claims in North America, key to volcanoes, and number key to New England states. Insets: "Az Aleuti Szigetcsoport" [Aleutian Islands]and "Kis Antillák" [Lesser Antilles Keys/Islands]. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [1:20,000,000].
Map shows late nineteenth century geography, boundaries, and major cities in the United States and parts of Canada and Mexico. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not indicated.
Map shows early nineteenth century geography and settlements in North America. States outlined in colors. Relief shown by hachures. No scale noted.
Etats-Unis et nouvelle Bretagne.
Map shows mid-nineteenth century geography, political lines, territories, and cities in the United States and most of Canada and Mexico. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:19,008,000].
A general map of North America drawn from the best surveys.
Map shows major settlements and interior rivers for the fifteen United States, French Louisiana, New Spain, and the West Indies; coastline detail for Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts. Includes "References to the United States," a key to the names of the state. Scale not given.
Geologic map of North America
Map shows the known geology of early twentieth century North America. Includes legend of geological periods. Scale not given.
Johnson's North America.
Map shows existing and proposed railroads, major roads, cities and towns, North American Indian tribes, U.S. Mail and Pony Express routes, and pre-statehood boundaries for contiguous western United States. Alaska is among "Russian Possessions" and Canada is "British America." Mexico, Central America, Greenland, and West Indies are also pictured. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [ca. 1:15,840,000].
Johnson's North America.
Map shows geography, settlements, and political boundaries within and between the late nineteenth century countries in North America. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. No scale indicated.
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