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[Hill County Courthouse in Hillsboro, TX]]
Photograph of Hill County Courthouse in Hillsboro, TX]. The three-story white stone building sits on a green lawn filled with a few dark green bushes and trees along with parking meters, which line the sidewalk surrounding the courthouse. In the left side of the photo, a sign saying "See you in church Sunday" sits in the lawn. The widest side of the courthouse faces the right edge of the photo, though a large tree blocks its details from view. Each corner of the building resembles a tower as they sit out from the rest of the building a short distance, their grey sloping roofs ending in flat tops with small windows in the sides. Three rows of windows span the width of the courthouse's walls, appearing in pairs throughout most of the building. In the center of both of the visible sides of the courthouse are grey, triangular roofs held up by tall columns. A white clocktower sits in the center of the courthouse's roof. It has a sloping, windowed base supporting a straighter section with windows which is topped by the final section with the clockfaces. A weathervane rises from the top of the clocktower.
[Robertson County Courthouse in Franklin, TX]
Photograph of Robertson County Courthouse in Franklin, TX. Telephone poles sit on a stretch of green grass next to a section of paved ground that two cars sit on as they parallel park next to the courthouse's sidewalk. Grass fills the space between the sidewalk and the courthouse and contains multiple large green trees whose foliage almost entirely covers the walls of the courthouse. The building has orange brick walls with a row of circular windows near the edge of its dark gray roofline. Each side of the courthouse has a square section that sticks out from the center of the building. The roof on these sections has stones in the shape of flat-topped cones on each corner. In the center section of the roof sits a clock tower which has one tall window in each side of its orange brick base. The clockfaces sit on the sides of the tower's brown, sloping roof which has a small platform at its top with a column-supported roof. Upon that pointed roof is a weathervane.
[McLennan County Courthouse in Waco, TX]
Photograph of McLennan County Courthouse in Waco, TX. A busy road runs in front of the courthouse, occupied by different colored cars and trucks. A tall set of stairs runs from a sidewalk right in front of the road up to the doors of the courthouse, with white stone plinths bordering the stairs and rising in height at regular intervals. On either side of the stairs at ground level are green lawns and tall green trees whose foliage partially obscures the courthouse's walls. The doors to the building are white, as is the rest of the building, and have a pediment set above them with indistinguishable words written on it. Pairs of windows surround the doors on all sides, each with its own smaller pediment. Six columns rise over two floors of the building, three on either side of the door, and hold of the base of a central section of the third floor that sticks out from the rest of the building. The rest of the building consists mostly of walls extending on either side of the middle section, each with four rows of windows with the bottommost row set right above ground level at the same height as the base of the stairs. A pediment occupies the center of both walls' rooflines, with more columns appearing to support the decoration. The roof of the building slopes upward, with a small rectangular structure with its own sloping roof sitting above the pediment on the courthouse's right wall. The roof over the center of the courthouse has baes for multiple humanoid statues that stand around a circular base with tall windows interrupted at regular intervals by pairs of columns atop which sit sculptures of birds. A large dome tops the structure, with its own smaller dome sitting on small columns …
[Montgomery County Courthouse in Conroe, TX]
Photograph of Montgomery County Courthouse in Conroe, TX. A road and a line of parking spaces span the width of the paved ground in front of the flat-roofed courthouse, with a single car parked in one of the lot spaces. A sidewalk runs in front of the parking spaces with parking meters set at regular intervals on it. A green lawn containing short green trees and lines of bushes sits between the sidewalk and the courthouse, interrupted only by a walkway that leads up to the entrance of the courthouse. A base made of bricks sits in front of the stairs leading up to the courthouse's doors and has two flagpoles on it, one with the Texas flag and the other with the American flag. An overhang with the words "Montgomery County Courthouse" on it in brown letters is held up by white rectangular columns, providing shade over the doors that lead into the courthouse. On either side of this part of the building are additional sections that extend farther out onto the lawn, both with a single row of tall windows spanning the building's width. Behind this initial building is a second one made mostly of white stone, towering into the sky and made up by multiple sections of varying heights arranged symmetrically around the center y-axis of the courthouse. One section of this taller building has the words "Montgomery County Courthouse" carved into it.
[Limestone County Courthouse in Groesbeck, TX]
Photograph of Limestone County Courthouse in Groesbeck, TX. A white truck in the right side of the photo drives from a red brick road, past a grassy median, and towards the concrete driveway of the courthouse, which curves from the left side of the image towards the right. On either side of the driveway are small patches of grass in the form of a lawn and a median, while a black and white car sits parked in the driveway directly in front of the courthouse. A tall tree and multiple bushes are planed around the base of the building. The courthouse is made of dark red bricks and white stone and faces the right side of the photo, with a small set of stairs leading up to its entrance. The building has two horizontal rows of tall windows across the main section of the building as well as two horizontal rows of smaller windows, one near the roof's edge and one along the bottom edge of the building. The small windows near the edge of the roof have a small, railed balcony in front of them, spanning most of the building's width. For the main two horizontal rows of windows at the front of the courthouse, stone columns divide each vertical row of the windows. Additional columns appear on the left side of the building, which faces the left edge of the photo, and are holding up a pediment with a design carved at its top. The design is also used on either side of the courthouse's corners, at the edge of the roof. The roof itself is flat, with only two thin metal structures on top of it.
[Falls County Courthouse in Marlin, TX]
Photograph of Falls County Courthouse in Marlin, TX. Two rows of cars parked diagonally sit in a parking lot in front of a flat-topped white building. A green lawn with tall, green trees and bushes growing in it surrounds the courthouse whose entrance faces the camera. A short set of stairs leads up to the entrance of the building which has three brown doors with large windows in them. Above the doors is a row of windows, then tall grey rectangles followed by another row of windows, which is repeated one more. This section of the building rises higher than the parts extending from either side of the courthouse's entryway. The parts of the building on either side of the tall center section have one row of windows at ground level and two rows of windows above them, with each column of windows divided by rectangular sections that project slightly from the rest of the building. A tall, thin metal structure rises from atop the center of the building and has a few wires hanging from it onto the courthouse's flat roof.
[Brazos County Courthouse in Bryan, TX]
Photograph of Brazos County Courthouse in Bryan, TX. A building with a flat top and a silvery gray border hanging from the edges of its roof, supported at regular intervals by white rectangular columns, sits across the street from the camera. A line of black windows runs along the walls just under the roof's edge while green bushes line the base of the structure's walls. The side of the building facing the camera, its widest side, has a large window the same height as the wall positioned right before the left edge of the wall. On the side of the building facing the left edge of the photo is a gap in the building's wall, likely accommodating an entrance, with undistinguishable words on the walls next to the gap. Green trees rise behind the building while a silver, rectangular building towers over the previous structure, and has "Brazos County Courthouse" spelled out on the wall facing the camera in large metal letters. A tall, thin metal pole rises from the building's roof. Nearer to the camera, a streetlight appears in the photo's top left corner as power lines extend across the image's width towards its top edge. Concrete squares with spots of green growing between them extend away from the camera to a two-way, four lane road occupied by three blue cars with white roofs. A sign facing away from the camera sits on a patch of grass in front of the road, at the right edge of the image, with unreadable text on it.
[Burleson County Courthouse in Caldwell, TX]
Photograph of Burleson County Courthouse in Caldwell, TX. A wide paved road runs in front of the green lawn the courthouse sits on, with multiple cars parked next to each other along the edge of the grass. A short pink tree sits in the left half of the lawn while a taller green tree grows in the opposite side as a wide walkway leads from the road to a tall set of stairs pedestrians walks in front of, which in turn lead to the courthouse's entrance. The doors to the building are tall and dark brown, framed by pilasters and topped with a pediment. Narrow windows with decorative framing sit in pairs on either side of the doors. The row of windows extending to the left and right of those windows are taller and end in half-circle shapes rather than flat edges. Rectangular windows appear in a row below the aforementioned windows, closer to the ground. Above the doors are two rows of tall windows bordered by a thinner window on either side and covered by four tall columns that lead to a dark overhang that runs across the courthouse's width. Tall windows extend in rows on either side of the columns, with the last window of each end having a small balcony. The roof of the building is flat with thin wires and poles rising a short distance above the courthouse.
[Ward County Courthouse in Monahans, TX]
Photograph of Ward County Courthouse in Monahans, TX. The courthouse faces towards the right edge of the photo as a sidewalk separates the building's lawn from the paved road running from the left edge of the photo to the bottom right corner. A section of the sidewalk near the center of the photo curves outwards to accommodate a patch of yellow and brown shrubs, next to which is a small brown box with a red top labeled "US mail". Behind the shrubs it a stone block with and upward-slanting top and indistinguishable writing, positioned to the right and in front of a taller stone slab with writing placed within a shield shape on the slab's surface. Throughout the lawn of the courthouse are small brown bushes and green trees, planted at the edge of the sidewalk and the bottom of the courthouse's walls. The building itself is made of stone white blocks accented with gray stone blocks, constructed in a mostly cubic shape with two rectangular sections projecting outwards at the front of the building. The sides of the building connected to these projecting sections rise to a lower height than the main part of the building. The shorter sections have five rows of windows across the width of their sides while the main section has seven. A tall geometrical arch, rising to the height of the smaller sections of the courthouse, sits in the center of the building's front side and has "Ward County" written across its top.
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