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T. E. Dowdle

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes illustration with stylized business name and text reading: "T. E. Dowdle. Proprietor. Livery and Feed Stable. Buggies, Carriages and Hacks in Good Repair. Horses in Excellent Condition"; "Brick Stable North Side Square. Everything First-Class. Best Accommodation Offered Traveling Men."
Date: 1897
Partner: Texas General Land Office

T. J. Worthington

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes stylized business name and text reading: "Dealer in Furniture and Undertakers' Goods."
Date: 189X
Partner: Texas General Land Office

T. M. Peeler

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes cattle illustration and stylized text reading: "Ranch, 'Basin Hill.' Atascosa Co."; "Postoffice, Campbellton, Atascosa Co."
Date: 1893
Partner: Texas General Land Office

T. R. Hill

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes illustration of surveyors with text reading: "General Land Agent and Surveyor. Attention to Taxes. Established 1872"; "Loans made on Real Estate Complete Abstract of Land titles for Comanche County."
Date: 1890
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Taylor National Bank

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes illustration of business with business name and text reading: "Capital paid up $100,000.00," in lithographic print by Clarke & Courts, Lith. Galveston. Letterhead contains the names Joseph Speidel, President; C. H. Booth, Vice President; C. Mendel, Cashier.
Date: 1897
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Texas Brewing Company

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes decorative images and business name with text reading: "Brewers & Bottlers. Special Brews: 'Spaten Brau' Standard"; "Capacity Beer 2,000 Kegs, Ice 120,000 lbs. Daily," in lithographic print by Frey Stationary Co. St. Louis. Letterhead contains the names Jas. J. Gannon, Prest.; Zane-Cetti, V. Prest. & Secy.; J. C. McCarthy, Treas.
Date: 189X
Partner: Texas General Land Office

The Texas House

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes decorative designs and business name with text reading: "$1.00 Per Day. Special Rates by Week or Month." Letterhead contains the name Otto Boehme, Proprietor.
Date: 1891
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Texas Live Stock Agency

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes cattle illustration and stylized business name with text reading: "We Refer, By Permission, To Merchants and Farmers National Bank, Weatherford Texas. First National Bank, Cisco, Texas. City National Bank, Corsicana, Texas. Texas Loan Agency, Corsicana, Texas. Stock Traders Bank, Strawn, Texas. Ward & Black, Bankers, Breckenridge, Texas. Burton, Lingo & Co., Fort Worth, Texas"; "Cattle Bought and Sold … more
Date: 1896
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Texas & Pacific Railway Co.

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes decorative designs and business name with text reading: "Dist. Manager Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. Des Moines, Iowa"; "Net Value of All Policies Deposited with the State of Iowa"; "Texas Pacific Elapsed Route." Letterhead contains the name J. M. Tucker, Agent.
Date: 1897
Partner: Texas General Land Office

The Texas Salt Co.

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes and decorative designs and business name with text reading: "The Texas Salt Co., Manufacturers of Pure Solar Salt. Steam Refined." Letterhead contains the names Geo. E. Briggs, President; W. S. Marshall, Vice President; H. L. Gill, Secretary.
Date: 1890
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Texas Trading Company

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes illustration of business and stylized text with business name and text reading: "Wholesale Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Groceries. Wool and Cotton Factors." Letterhead contains the names Wm. Ginnuth, President; Geo. T. Malone, Vice-Pres. and Eastern Agt.
Date: 1890
Partner: Texas General Land Office

The Texas Western

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes decorative designs and business name and text reading: "Office of Dan M. Jones, Lawyer"; "Proprietor of The Texas Western."
Date: 1896
Partner: Texas General Land Office

The Texas Western

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes decorative designs and business name with text reading: "Office of The Texas Western. M. K. Irvin, Publisher."
Date: 189X
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Thomas Trammell & Company, Bankers

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead contains stylized business name and text reading: "Established 1883"; "Responsibility $300,000.00." Letterhead contains the names R. L. McCauley; Thos. Trammell.
Date: 1891
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Thomson & Donnan, General Land and Claim Agents

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead contains, decorative designs, and text of business name in lithographic print by Clarke & Courts, Galv. Additional text reads: "Buy and Sell Lands and Land Scrip. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Solicit Business with All the State Departments. Correspondence Promptly Answered. References Furnished When Required." Letterhead includes the names R. M. Thomson and Jno K. Donnan.
Date: 1890
Partner: Texas General Land Office

The Times-Clarion

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes decorative designs and business name with text reading: "The Times-Clarion, J. W. Johnson, Proprietor. Circulation Largest Ever Published in Gregg County"; "The Clarion Established 1886, The Times Established 1893"; "$1.60 a year"; "Job Work a Specialty."
Date: 1895
Partner: Texas General Land Office

The Traders Bank

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes and decorative images and text with business name in lithographic print by Geo. W. Crane & Co. Topeka, Kas. Letterhead contains names Henry Hamburg, President; Robert Moody, Vice President; J. M. Pugh, Cashier; L. E. Finch, President; Henry Hamburg, Vice President; Fred S. Lord, Cashier.
Date: 1890
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Tremont House

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes decorative designs and business name, with the name A. Sens, Prop'r.
Date: 1891
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Turner Hardware Co.

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead includes illustration of business with business name, and text reading: "Plows, Wagons, Implements, Mowers, Binders"; "Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Stoves, Lumber"; "Sulky Rakes," in lithographic print by Woodward & Tiernan Prt. & Co. St. Louis.
Date: 1891
Partner: Texas General Land Office

The First National Bank of Vernon

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead contains stylized text of business name in lithographic print by Clarke & Courts. Letterhead includes the names A. U. Thomas, President; B. M. Logan, Vice Prest.; W. G. Curtis, Cashier; L. A. Snow, Ass't. Cashier.
Date: 1891
Partner: Texas General Land Office

The State National Bank of Vernon

Description: Business correspondence written on letterhead from the late 19th century. Letterhead contains illustration of bank and stylized text of business name in lithographic print by Texas Ptg. & Lith. Co. Fort Worth. Letterhead includes the names W. G. Curtiss, President; J. V. Green, Cashier.
Date: 1891
Partner: Texas General Land Office
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