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Power and Gold: Jewelry from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines [Exhibition Photographs]

Description: Photographs of the exhibition "Power and Gold: Jewelry from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines," December 20, 1987-February 7, 1988 held at the Dallas Museum of Art. Photographs documenting this exhibition include thirty-three gallery installation views.
Date: 1987
Creator: Dallas Museum of Art
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art

"The Voyage of the Icebergs," Frederic Church's Arctic Masterpiece [Exhibition Photographs]

Description: Photograph of the exhibition "'The Voyage of the Icebergs,' Frederic Church's Arctic Masterpiece," September 8, 2002-January 19, 2003, held at the Dallas Museum of Art. Photographs documenting this exhibition include one gallery installation view.
Date: 2002
Creator: Dallas Museum of Art
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art

Dallas Museum of Art Installation: Contemporary Art, 1984 [Photographs]

Description: Photographs of the installation of contemporary art at the Dallas Museum of Art in 1984 for the opening of the new museum building. Photographs documenting this installation include twenty-three views of artworks installed in galleries on the museum’s first floor.
Date: 1984
Creator: Dallas Museum of Art
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art
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