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[Firefighters Fight Fire at Superior Bowling Lanes]

Description: Photograph of a close-up view of the front of Superior Bowling Lanes as it smokes. In the foreground, the top of a fire engine, with "Dallas Fire Dept." on the side, is visible. On an aerial platform in the right background, two firefighters spray a hose into a window of the building. On the back of the photograph are handwritten notes giving the Superior Bowling Lanes' address and the date.
Date: April 9, 1964
Partner: Dallas Firefighters Museum

[Smoking Roof of Superior Bowling Lanes Building]

Description: Photograph of the roof of Superior Bowling Lanes (a one-story, light-colored cinder-block building), which is partially obscured by smoke. A large ventilation unit sits on the roof, and an electrical pole stands on the left, connected to the building by four long wires. On the back of the photograph are notes giving the address of Superior Bowling Lanes and the date of the fire, in handwritten blue ink.
Date: April 9, 1964
Partner: Dallas Firefighters Museum

[Firefighter Standing in Lot Behind Superior Bowling Lanes]

Description: Photograph of a uniformed firefighter standing in a bare, dirt lot behind Superior Bowling Lanes (a one-story, light-colored cinder-block building). The firefighter is wearing glasses and is looking at something out of shot on the left. Partially visible through the smoke above the building, a stream of water is directed at smoke from an aerial platform that extends up and out of shot. Beyond the building, on the right, a one-story house is visible through the smoke. On the back of the photogra… more
Date: April 9, 1964
Partner: Dallas Firefighters Museum
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