McMurry War Whoop (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 10, No. 25, Ed. 1, Saturday, April 22, 1933 Page: 2 of 4

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Page Two
fHdttery fflar UIliuii
Studtnt I'tililKitlii't ol IMium (illh l.iin I xtn
Muiil.u I.x.i- Inti null .i Hl I'n-s ocialum
Lntcieil .! i Li liar .it iIil I'o-loffue at Ahlluil Iei.i
cu1im riptmn lt.itc SI 5ll inr soar 75 per linn
ilr.liimj Halts on Application to Oil- IluMtiess Manner
I linouixi. "iTMl
Kdittu ui-( hit f
Assoiiate 1 tli or
Assot i ite I ttitoi
Kxilianne fthtoi
Sports I Hitor
Ktuliin ritt i
HiIijmous ilixit I thiol
limine s Maiiayt i
h simss
K.l.mtlli- (nwlot.l liihh lii.ltMt 'uii. Maine ll.urih. DorU
P....I. r I l:llll lollllM. Milt ".111 I I'lllllllls. Modi .ill Kliwlllics
M u Jan. Dorali "Ninth 1 a I ae Niiiihtomli. Ilxnuii
It mu. Hoiol'ix Wind. Mime illianit
TClss l.ontnu- jlon. Mihlittl
rditm in tint I
sslMllll I till
Spoils I dilnr
II l i. It
Phillip- He! in in Hill. Ilol. (un. I' West. -Mopp" Smith
....I II. II. Willimus
llusoos. Mm lliu.le Y Mrs
"'" '""'
'I'lte War Whoop Motto
Co. the .hat n.'.l its tan.
I... lite lulu. in ll.e disia.ui.
Vtid the pim tint we t.m .lo.
In pi ml..!.!.... hotlx .ll s. op
pos. 1. lush m.l so ol ih. Mud. ut I....K in UKUI.1 lo .1 11 u..N I. It... . I
lull .loan Inn ..ul hint limine md it Is a known lad
th... limit Ih ...... pus llnl the stuilmt I....K Mill ...1 mi. I. btlo.e
tin mini. I. ....... hss i . loins Italu.e ululotluw
uie not nisd in
s I.I ...muk k-hs ih 1 nlli is uhil hulls u.osl. Ih.uloie
ei .In. in- I. be disiiMinn.l lo a di.v and lliis i he tak .1
u.lo iisolu.l wluu ...hiiuns iioiiltui
x nli In. 111 uishiu! I.. 1 nl .nil .111 i.hlion th it will 1.111k hifdi
wilh ih ul.- wish I til a pa pi 1 tit it ihestmhiil bodx as
a wl.ol. will 1. id i i an. 1 ulk about i.illiu than to utilize.
lawns th. s.uus 11 tin imlth wuuldliK 111 to uad siiih b M.
x . the lime loi all od 1'iolissois to 10111 to the aid ol
Uieu ..1 In the list i.u.ii.uK ...uimi.U . . sh.lwlon
llu' "' ' ' si..n .Hid Ih. an swol luxe a I .l' Ol
1.. ill....
"- ' ......... ...v ..... ..
xionli s wlu hi.l III 111 1 an
I .
lid nl x. xou Wi 1111 Kin
1 .
(iuu x u s.. ouis'i ...1 .. I
k .Miu-si iu ....u .i.i.i siiii
C 1 . .
I fXOW dl.ll I !! t sl l.ll 11 Is.
ihuiuti. .is i i.. ... M... .1 .I.. .. I. ioit
'ubou. Hi and should lo lle U. .111 m. this s. jt.ass and
. ...n a.... . ....
ll.l U. ... s
- I . Ihe past low wks niiuli tun and iiiouox has kin spun
m tin I. mliluatiou ol Ihcauipiis ullu.iili s haxi lu.u fin muiij.
moil h o i all dial nullum nl.N iiiou In m li.ul tli m ll. biau.x
ol it. muss and llie sil aioiu i . budduit llowus
Whx i iiiuot the stuilinls is.i ui.l lulp u iiutam die things
llnl t.l.l In lliui happintss ml iasiiu ' Uls not he like a hud
(d l.up lollowuie Ihe li.ulu mil lonluiii to lollow ihe well boatu
"kiw paths ll. .1 liud ill mu tin imiipiis In us as students do
Di put lowaul the biaiililKiiliou ol die iinpiis s tint it uiifdil
i I ii pliasniK sum to all
y"' ci ;; DKiaaL;!
Ih. in. ...I was had and tmiuii.s i k Line 11 oxoi llie
... i i i I i -. i il i
wuihl s IUv will hu k hi look 71 .law iiiiii who u. d
li i i . i . i .
11 ' k '' "l"" slu" "l l"1
mi m ...... i.t(iiitoiinK
w adliilt thai lime
Vklon si beftau hu I. ml i.iku hx I.H.ikiun loose liom hi I
I in. .011 n. ia te it i i. Iluu. uln i au iuxisi;atiii(;
toinii in ii was hoaidiUK In to npl the liuno
iiii-l. I mi hi ul thiiw bus aauisl Ih innul mating
111 ti l i i ihlo uupiotiiion upon the woilhx uieiiiheis of I iiiiii
I in i.luh ui one ol hi i woist uuuiiU .he tivk ofl w.lhoiil
J UKU...I.X iiixuit with I ii lluti im ml s . In igouutl uw
iliinxlinn il 'In md of Ioiik lopes Unix one ol llio.o uieu suixix.d.
lh 'ih.. two diippl to ihui tli .till
I .nun in waiiiit Ihe same lonnues lint would luxe salil
th doom ul iiioduii ax alum win die Wnlil Inolhus wue oxpen
in .llii ll Kill llnwk Hie il il i;aiu
I'm ll Vkiou ilisi.ti is uiisilx ami should mils uxeix line
lii. in iii to mi i in II die s.uu lokin ox i) uuiau should bo lo il. I... I Viueiiian i iituioi iui and lo boast huhlu-lhcn an
nun (sptuull die ngiil kiiul n .
-'1 - !'"' fv"-'"K ' " I !'-'- -''eUII Houi '" '
lis lUi of id xk.un. in too lui.nlx n foiinu.K on tf'
F. uV lM a Imifi mojio ol iI.ImIi.mi wlmh will ileieiuiine Ihe !'. U
fate ul (iii.ji.blis s . . ho Kxu t loniomed. Mo""t "'" " W-
i lull ispiuulli ihe ngid kind
xx eiuii uie tuiunie ami use
Don't deal loo h.iishl) with au lllfuut umuiioii Lit it glow U!-
l.ut I'exuu Aiislcv
katlitrwie i"iuiipon
Mn ki ' arriill
lli.!.'i 'teals
1 lox I Marlnll
Helm Walhr
la i".i)e Miiiiluomli
Claude I. Mvers
Jot- Ihun Visililafinj.T
ilium-. anil Dorulli) Marshall
I ioti (larsiiiu
ii ii.
Iloiate Joluiso'i
. i i . .
Anion Johiislou
lloxd Marsh ill
I....I I!.. I I . .f.r.l M.ihlf
... 1 1... ...1......
.- ' """"" '" ""
eix n most oiilsii woik. I hi ill s
r . 1
1 x s Mn.. u . the iiiiistiiiu
.Ml to su.-Kisi . tu8 ol w.u 01 pi
1 111 1
. . .... ... . .....
I'l Ik' GRASS!
lu ""l l-"'" ' "1
is UllU l ne in Itixoi of ih
uie luiun.i uue m xoiu ilixision
I lie ftiij to ii iiiiiii s hoiut I
tlmitili his Milium h so think
Alhnc Williams who ulxxnxs oe.
Mutt Nio m'.s hi. shine of the
Hit' latest st(. hats .n u nl
tli uiinpus stem to he ot anil I
.omblnik' in inaihllns h ei n
mi piufossnis xvtni Ihun'
Huklo. still thinks that she
would haxo hail the It. id in 'l)i
I'l ifessni i( she h idn t hi en s
nthlfuallv intlinod
m mtuls u that Su (.u
m(1 . luMl u ( a K
'" -1"1" "I' that she ta ked ton
l" S" ' UU "l0 "" '""fJ
M'l p-oil (X.iiuple to the pom
little mil
'lhisT Smith to Itnw i i to I!
loiiihination is cttui; to he one
of those well known l'.U'iual lu
angles I'.lx semis to hae the
small amtlo though
i. . . i
Homed lorn toun.iuio is sum
to he he lane in the uu K dm in'
' .1.11
lei was the coat as u and
UilliiU'stiiiitl villi vnw l... I
no cut
hituii some pouihai uitai.s
otliu the Tiieiit liuluiu I d ns
I. h.s nol t. it. I his pro i puh
ht.tx tins vo 1 appealed a.
l.asl ho s.1.1. Im the past two
iwiis ikl ilm' i
! '"'" i "i" ' '
..v.W.U K'sl lo. a hill.
t -' -'l' l'1'-' ''"'" '"
u ' I'd went lo Knsnllo wi
uolni.l u p lulled Ink is.
amiss the la.o t.l the little Win
Wlmm si u. s will us uuo ho
ornament siugni on hoi aim
!.. had. l.d xoiill loam f.sunan (..... Win
" '"'- -'' ''" l"'B '
"' ' '' tin M.Mm. stud ills
'- J- '" l-l' ' '
h.i Auiuo It.u.o i...iiiK his
"x- Newhx was s.u uiiuk hi
njovxehx sloi window will n
". llime poimnm at a sa.k
In l-o bad. 1'iatt. it's a uuel
II xou Hunk tul 11 iiint
blush walk in oil him 111 the
Win Whoop olliie wlu 11 he ami
the txpiseltu uie t.l k.llK
"V 'J1;' T V iT' !"' I"
win 11 the stent. Is tilling him ho
w 1 punts I'apa. stax at
homo xoui hahx s Muio wild
1ik1 (u h u
vu. l(
lain ... .iMinsel s.ii.l I.. I.. .
. 111
plilnuiiii blonde appiaiinc sex
. .. ' '
oiiii iiiii. s x e aio pione .
u (( ( . su. s .
W onion a 1110x10 siai. 01 xx belli
; ; " !mim :: is v;"
"l '" ' "" Muk X"U"
hi fiiiiious xot
siiul lliilth Ih. k loo i torn. I
initiate I mn the Spanish Ml
loin Club this xx. ek II xxtis is
' sued out lo him foi his skill and
muincx in IhnnuiiK the Hull
" N(U Sl' lm sld'' wipini II x.u waul In moi t a man
bis Khisses off jiisi afloi the ma I is all luawii ami mu i 'o. a
u uios in i is not hoitniso lu oiuplsioi of mosi tliftiuill
exis aio weak hut h.uiuso hi. leats piohablx the nioalist stu
bourne Now Moxno lass (ot don in Mi Mum. look up Miutx
"t hi" iiddiesn Doliixho II xou dun I hohoxe
all this hue. nisi ask him il il
"" know (1 is almost hu isii t so

-lDithhe Churches-
"! ln Ml.llHMilsr (. IUUU It
k i s xi i i . i
'" s- Mnisliall will loi boh iiioiiiiui; and oxiiuiiK
.... . . i . .... i .ii .i . .i r.r
Mi.ues v. niuiiiMiin in i o not k i moio smux in episiie oi oi
Cud lMn ll. siudx will be bx j l' 1'alli.s
Nmilax sihool. ')..(0
Mo. nut; siixho. lti:50.
ounp.ple. 700
huuiiiK so'uio. M.lHl
I'lnsi Mmikmum I 111 hi ll
ii. . i .i . w i . ii i . i .i i i
lux I al t Wiiuhl will pieaili .it both sotxtie. mule
.pia.lit loniposid of . I' low.. Losl.o Cuius. . Hooku.
md J Mit.iv will sn lo nioimns soixi.e Mi. ( . W
will bad the souj; suxne al the t
iuidax sih.Hil. 'J-.tO.
Moinuiu Mixiio U)Ir.
oiuig People 7 00.
Kx iiiii s is ie !l:00.
(aixii. Miliiniiist Mismon
I7lh and Pine
l.liwoith liamie N'lxue 6.15.
LxeiuiiH iciMiv. 7.15.
llie Junior Claw it indeed
flusf tl.ll sllsors l.irlnl with mi
. (. (uf um . () t (l ( u) lhii frM onc u Mt ou.r raliional
Ipitnie unnioli tttl. Hie sophomore (limit r. sign da.
.ind ullur traditions were i.irrieil
m" 'llll-d Jinnoi-Snior haiiiutt lias hem a unts under the
.'I'reilnm of (aniline Couth and Willie Mac Christopher
" -
t isii 1st UKt. unnei ouloiiii"
..' -
hookstoie What d" xmii eu

e Upes mn to now '
I sh lsihki. impel voutci iiijj
lhe don I i till. 1'itsh
""" ""Vu -"l"""1'
s r- o T .
""' C... loll (In . lass mool.nj;)
l)l'. ' '' -'"'e a h ud spukei foi
"'e next .slime I'.tiui
SI....U e M.e " I "" I
s". e will hue oii uistui.l
The Same Maa
U. Ie alteis a.1 ho. .
(ie walknm down the stieel
VK. u m alx.i hi-
W ho was tint Helen 1111(111
mat was the uudeit.iku. Mi
1 an htoi ivphe.l he: mint'
Oh. I '. mi mho. hu... II. leu
sso-.l. he umleitook ..a.iiuo
. Cotwt tnolish
Nann and W K n w .0 I ilknu
lXlM hl' fl"e
la.lm. Nn. s.1 When
" '"' '""....I villi luxe 1
" '" " '" l"- ' ' "boieilh
'wS " '' '"
W iIm.u lo kel m. piiM.l l.u
llllesl he a..l I. ppilx. I did
"'' kll'" 1"1 x " "l''l ' ""'
M" lx
N"i' shniism-il hei shunlii
win 11 wt 1 iiimiiui in hi mu .
'- li'if! t" 'lxe VNl11' '
llathss to h IK. .a'd iwln w i
s I.) s h l liiei.M
I thai mm. hi x.u. n aid
.hi. i'i. I niils xou told til.'
abi ul '
Mi lloii.ihl n. Ibis is a kin
' '
dtma.len .lass I hail
t I.. II. .1 . .1 .
..... r.'...M ...
" " "
"" "" """
uianx skuis do xou
man this s most i she siu
nbxuxs xxall.iii): aioimd in a
x iiinv; houi
mi i i
1"0'Ul "" "0 ttmnM "ml
proud to haxc suih lapable ponsot.
. I.. ...! ..r.. I.T....I. i..i.l.
out the first two cars and no
Art Prilgrimage To
r n n i i .
U U.J Al A ....
nP nPlfl At AlKnll
IlCiU ill nUOlUI
thousand posteis Iwno hto
puintt. I and mailed nit to al
p.uK f loxas .oad.n. as follov
Come to Austin foi the
l-lpnniaw wnk OnwNwH
t ... .tamed .... 1 .l IMMu.i W
.uliKtod l. the 1 me All
sHiation Mtn will h.i
the puxilin- f mowu.k Mm u
laiuli.i.ukN mii.Iio
aml molx '1'1 lu"lN ""1 ''"
IhoNox Mil mu. an old stone
''"''diiip. that w.ts the home ol
Utuabetli No and now is the
home of the loas Cine Ails As o-
"aiiou llieie will b booths mil
oxh.h.ts tho stu.l... ll.t-...lejiu.
'"' known wo.k f the fu
Kivat a. list su-p.o. of lex.
I ib. h N will be ... ew
U.e Iomis 1 o .l WmIuu.
has spousoied an annual 1 xluh.t
of itisisuitl 1 uuil e
hihiti. of thou wo.ks (01 s0
ual eui
. v Hu . Mis'iuun Ji. .f
X" '"' ' ''' -'1l" ' 'l M.i-fjtir I
t (llull (lf lun . .rl
iaiinuu of aiiiiiiKeiueiits and
"' !Zt!Z
unto M'lU'i ex)) imeil 1101
" ni lo. k h.s .k'li mix of
tenoi lied boi nine ill "
i I Setix lull in hid into
Hu i 'oik s offito In hoi hand
she bniv a li.ense lo Hut iloik
she said 'Did xou in did xou
nol. issue this liionso for uiaiix
in;; uie to Juno tnii
los. 1 hohoxe 1 d tl Whx '
w-vvl"" ' Nm -"ui
d .bent 1 she demanded
... i
- -.-.. .....
l ouiiim i i mu pan- one1
xumv ll eiiMinble naxe Uie
llolx l Ux solooil bx Mrs H 11
oil H W x ho and Iteuo 0 tiuiu.
Wunx 1 ho ensemble nao ' lh
Ib Ix 1'ilx solo .1 bx Mr H"h
and the bonis smm 'th the
i n tiuhle
ittiuK end lo he pK'Bi m
us yixeu when Kilheiuie la
luu load KiplliiKs 1 ouxoi and
1. III. in s ami Miss flu isiophoi s
UN' lu"' lMlt loumuud hi It'
s. .. i
s"1 ". tixei iiIU Ihe oulx

'' "" s" l "u ln" 7" " "I
Vmii; hoi In-m..l his lml
"" "m(VHu ' "
M Donald as he t.l hiMiWlil
.. me. h.s l.ia.l Mm. .In in
x.niion o( a new piitu hti'i b
Wo.dit.w MiiKuait aliiiosl uiiiiitl
''is opou an laxt uxxnx
. . . .
""' ''; .! Uti.ii n
N l"" 1l'-' '" "'k "' '
Wax no C i k Mxit'o Juno . Hu-i
loi Hell. Doxle Mo.liui. Iloiuer
's.i'lx. lboi ( mper and Ksie'i
llai.ib'o.i weie aiuontj Ihosn son
those uiakitit. Hie tup ftom Mi
Mum w.i Hi J w Hint Jul
tan Hunt. Miss Willie Mao Chim
i.iphei Mis. Iloboit H Wxlie.
Woiilix.w M'ltattu' the (5'ils
y"'-" kIix .xlllot. Vhni! M
. . XX..I. .....I liene 0
bom. and the Hoxs Oolotle Jul
lH vmvfKmti WlBll
Hak - i. limine Johnson lxilui
MiDmuild. Will Morns Uonuld
Mooiv and Kloyd Marshall.
'I he Mi Mum lmliaii I nut Ii is
two events on its sthcdillc f.n .
I e (Oiniiit; wtek I he fit-t is a
liai.i 'e teue h'T with ill- tine 1 1
Ih -i hind in the tit to he m
i tin- '.Mth (ii .i h of Mn h I ic
i.iiul has ml hail niiuli evpeu I
fine in the art of man Ii nt; hu i
hope to a e a fan ehihitiou i
thai t'luo I
I he sfinnd twiut Is of a somll
niiluie At the last uuvlim; th
uitiuheis nteil to hue a piciui.
nt Lake Alnlene nevt Moiulin
I Vitit. C. uumittees weie appoint
etl and plans mi ide f i a tpiul
' and pit nle eie m ule
I'laiis fm net eai ne a- e
mi indt'fimle hut Di SiIm
h pe- to sot in e quite a few new
ineiulieis foi the hand b soluil
hi.' imtsniaiis f 1 1 nt the unnu
liiph shios. u is hoped tint i
good hand ill he in leidinos.
foi the niiiiin; football soasou in
(Continued fnini pate one)
with both hiimi'iou. and sennit
Ca-son Announces
A eix unusual pieseiitatiou of
he pi-ogtam was tamoil on
with Kit Cu-son iiilu'ilm mg tl
inoiubois ftom the uxstal wliuh
was eftottixolx luhtul He ion!
bumoi-ous and euleitniiiiiu
'hii'K .ilx ii' o uh si im i hu a
in-eixals the uxstal w u'd dun
' il tipposodlx the in. mbeis mi
Ii pn ciiiiii weie s . i tin. u!i
S1IM. seh txix -ln
'.ii ed 'ho nivpt-mi of o t'oi ai i
tiient a d the ii till in -am; w i
C lel'iti' he pii'muui i in
nutteo was fu'iiale m souimiu
Cum '. who d niied a 'tl a
'us el n i. It - ti .(ul s in h
tos'tu.o lu'ie oitii was hoi
ut in uitiisi mi the p ano fea'uio on the piotiaiu
was a lull Huht win. It
was is- uit.d in inetoiliiiiiii n
hum this was u u i the iluei '
i u of 1 in MiKen e with tin
he'p of Cn-ohno roudi and o .e
I 'he Sj .i (.'lasses
I' e mi. Ih mi M nod to u
I ' a'tonx im nitii x hoio Se mi
line ii n Willi his mn i s(
i 'tied Seiion'a Ikmo O 1mm i
who nmwued the i ill. i . th
"imiliii ended in a duel 1 he Ii
mil uiiiuhiM on the pioiam xx.i
HUinlet of lumm hos who
ibanM'd fix. in the Spimm thouie
o pine oiiteit'iiiiiuuil 'Just a
Htle Stixet Where Old I in id
Miol' a noxoltx iiiuuhoi. an. I
M na' weie the se'o innis sun
bx Joe I'ntloison 1'aul Muilh
iuon Johiislou .mil Hub Cum
Orchestra Plays
Mush was plaxod tluiin the
bat iiiiol In tin t'.lloue
On hea u in nle the due lion
I'i I Ix (.win Silxox Ibex
wt ie saii in the balionx and
addtil linn h to Ihe .nixolx ol the
I .impii t June oiiiiit was of spoe
ml assishuuo in piopaiatiei tm
'he pioniani as a thioilm and
also as an outoiliuuei Hit im in
hois of the (lu host a aio xiimo
11" uie Henderson June ouiik
Wilson Johiislou liawlmd 11 ihh
ml Hoi' Mil nuns
l'etoialioiis wue i fialitn of
he oxenim as th soilun; was a
'iiiu'iliil palm in siuinx pain
ui.l the t'.itit . p.u in- was a
ii'uk of Infill il atlimlixe
Spanish minis . f sttxal w is
he iomiII of sexoial wo.ks of
'ihm'iit pitpiialiou and pun
no on the put f the jinuoi
'ass Mnuheis oi i loiuuul
ie thai wue In Ilx lespousi
i.'" (oi i ho loshxal wt ixt Huh
Wilhauis Mhe Hhillips k
o'.s is. Menu in II Hill Jt .
Wilho Muilh sluppx Smith Jim
Milxuiie Hob ( um. and Miss
Wilh. Mm ChiMimhn and Cm
line C mil Spmisois
Uhlei AUtucIIoiu
ie 'anit'o was ft imed tl .
'allies aKund ihe Mtlii-iU.U
ha'l itmn wi'h the mu's annul;-
ed on the outside On Ihe m-id
of the tables llie entile spaie xx-is
'.iii"we in a hoauiifiil (luxxoi
Ktiixlen ooutetx'tl with an old
fn.hionod xxoll Ihe floxxoi hod"
on eiuh sidu o( the xxell xxoix
made ot btlKht mliCcli.l floxvis
and untile a Iiuko "J on one side
and au S" on the othei The
'eiteis xxore hoideivil th l'u
bmioels and the ouliio bisl xvas
encix'ihl by a gi-ans lawn. Tho
old vll In tht Milter wa n '-'
lu Septiiuhor 111 in U7 cf Hi"
('team of hi;;h s(hool i.ulu iloi
euleied MiMum C.'illeu'
As tnlui'e to the S uioi' Ie
is bo said that then! riethnieu
wtie'iai.od iiuht' and noxx i in
pos. iho i lass' of U Mum Co!
In It'll thue e ih ted into the
t ollojie almost s in.rij hu' b. o
tut an as bii(ht a btpith 'f l'x'i
C niposod of slid men a Tin
Mmhtx llikei Simon "I'uie"
simpson popular lu kethill star
and titheis not xxoith spue me i
t'onrij:' W hu h u tin:
the Sophs this xoai ci.' e isp'i
nous b thou iib.eii. e at the an
nun! i lass fmhtsi Wliuh also re
iiiuids us that the "Kiii of
Sp its" we iv the oulx upp""r-
(l.issineu present at this (i'ii
I'he oiitstandiii" athletic stms-
files of he xeat bitxxieii the Jm
mis and Sophs eu.le.l in "an
t nht dfiisinns in fixoi of th"
luniuis.. a 7 xii loi x ui hisk't
ball and M 7 Mint' m ba'hi1'.
Now i 'oixo this pnot neglected
hittiih of linn imlx tint h ut t
postpone a tia.htn mil ihniei for
two wioks in iuxIoi to ! ii m.i
loiilx of then nienibeis to alt ml.
N'ow ' r this e.u's rie-hnioi
Cuss the ou'x i lass in slor'
" n a ileusion oxe lh- Jici
i i-s Miuh Ins boo'i a'temn'el
lu' '. an omphalic! hx thi
i 'ass Well do lomeuihoi xxhen
twelxe 1'n hint n tould not do !
Iimi; xxi h (mil Jumoi bins at
he "piuiio (ls-ht ' Well tlo xxo IV
tin uihei xxbe txxenlx luuorboxs
im k ihe I tvshnieii spous1 1 (ttu
i'x siine- ami h.s foot n. .ti
'ilui'i; tiem xxa'k '(; buck1 x'e'l
do xxo omoinhiM xx'io'i Mi" F eili
uie kuhu-pneil the S-p't V esi
tit nt a". I af'ei "iiru ii ix f tl
Inn xxtth s.i'ulxx i bos ami x "'ll
mil il pop bit ii"lii 1 in h m
aiitt put him to boil'
lo Ihe Seniors of Ibis xoai
oflo. -. i'i ml Hunks f r the
'falhoilx at'i'iu'e' xx.". xxlrc'i
Ibex haxo uiisoil us 1' . inuc'i
piaiso t.innot he .jixen ilu'in ul
ibex no emt i" m u I ' bu-
llion the "p'li' oi ln ..- .(
'.. s .- the I -Imx of MlMllt-V.
Ihe Knij.s of Spoil '
ol niton xi In ut e of tin. is-fo h
ii K pu -ih III ii w is sotx "d (i tu
au oaken hu ki" h.iiiKini; im Hi-
xx II as the hamiuel boy in l"u
pun h was si'ixo.l in the old (ash
HMii.l xxax wilh a diiukliiK Kmutl
Ciuli (m im .1 a unique put of
(he fosiixal. as thex weie u ed ut
several xx.ixs la.jn native cc'i
weie plated in diffoKvit sp
nimuiil tho hall loom to add b
"in patio (ffut of the setluiK
itiall nidi of soxoial xauetios
weie plaulod in pots of differ-
ent lolors ami Ibex xxoio used
foi pltue iiuxls anil faxois. xxluih
xxoio xux iiitei.stiiiK to obsrve
Mtxitiin polteiv aloii; the lah'e
added iiuiih to the pn 'uie ipio
si one
Mill mine intoiost was uoa'e.l
bx the piiiK ni uis Ihev vvoix tu
the hum of Spanish south er
whii I wue paiiileil m thfhiviil
slxlos ami minis Ot t lio iiisith
iht im mi and pioviiiiu xa punt
ui ui Spanish
Ihe hmioi miosis (ixiui the Se i
im Cass weie UiikIi MUli'iix
losopluiio llliun. riiciholh How
xoi Mnkio Cmi Kill Iixiii C'ax
ton lluile Daniel K M l.'iwliss
(lia Cave Hollev Hill (liven l.u
ulle (Ik on niuo ltu'h V istits
I'otis llunn Uvelxn Daitlou W i'l
Munis Iliuniie Huiim'x Mi
ix no Suupsou Kittx Yea's. Hi'K
WiikIu ls.o Cuieiiin l."ln Mm
iiuiih. It v Ivt niiuli Vohua Shaip.
J I I'attorson 111111110 Ouui
minus ami Miss (. Mvatl.
spmisoi lit ami Mis J W Hum
xxoio also Im no 1 miosis
la ullx menthol- pre out xxoio
Mi ami Mi- J-mios K K-.. .
Mis- JuMiuo la'e Ml i Hr 0 '
lath.iui Miss Ins (litthiiiu a nl
ill'-i" lh ilson
I Jlinlrl(r-aMubos ut'eiul
1 niB were lalvvtmlTrhslviv.lni
HaidKH Mm Kiiei ite Htnrow C'te.
lerCaiviiu. HohCum Ku Klllol.
Heiiiian II Hill Ji xmnu John
stun linn Con Miiiikiiiii. Klovd
MuiNliall Claude Mveis. Jim Mc-
kenzie 0hoin Joe H-uter-son
Miib'e I'hllllps Itnv S'ade.
Connie Snulli. Cianus Sui'lh
Haul smith. Willie Sinllh Mm
nee lVamii'vd'.rkens West iu
Wllliutm Willie Mao Chustophei
- I olluftJ.vshSnfnsors

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McMurry War Whoop (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 10, No. 25, Ed. 1, Saturday, April 22, 1933, newspaper, April 22, 1933; Abilene, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting McMurry University Library.

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