The Daily Sun (Goose Creek, Tex.), Vol. 20, No. 28, Ed. 1 Friday, July 22, 1938: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... J'ai!teal5?»VUy Central '**«*• ta **ytcmn, s p. m. ■ mm* w’ ; r«;ft X B trinity par- L church presided. - opening...! E g porrmnque, X. E, Gardner, ^lerlein, Pearl Lehde, Lortoe Lch- j nway, Holllngshcad, and E. ^... Brunson,' c. . j Lawson Hankins, V. W, Hicks,1 Women ?»HKiy (Arthur Newman, Jerome Zierlein, Home.... Sherrill, Mrs. H. A. Mrs. J. A. Benson iM ** to Honor Mai w i The shower Friday afternoon at tne home.... A. A. Womack over the week-end. Miss Womack is working in Corpus Christ!. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ball

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... the only paasageway that lad to the mine an- :JBRf BEACH W-' L : Openv Tonite te •DELUXE Naw and j trance... COELECTd ■ TT T*>elCinSof I | Tell Vi i our A Mm w Proven HO: r J CmdMrtefor'... if ^ lw: Tklt Isa easas Me ttatedoatt ra»y •wwed by M. * ***■* pul Hitt tew fauMk «w» «pRff2... Ceethrard Praw P*fr 1 place hr *u ahonn y«»Ur-j day, tn cartaialy beautiful.’ ***** Dr. Lawt *D4l jjp»nw_ mr, that tbt note Wd tba groaad of tea ail ermyaatea

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... v-r~r«roic*. a B. Jprdvx wm tong, y, ■ NAUM swaumm - : *#> * m<*t * Tutax * »fe w»- {*£ WAtmWGTOH July J... ONE EGG With ham or ba | I^GECUPCOFFEE Th* Kind of Man You C*n Proudly J o W r i’i£W... by hie bootstrap* be was peat 80 end 'V - sa.. ».j___ei-_-l v..b RF.ADIN line* In thel "I am aiaarod... on the 1937 rot.on WWj 1 imp are wd yet In the hat*!, of W county agents and therefore not H i..—.e. »u ,*...* and that the tWi Payment «r the )•« cotton etb, Nan Dxrotaxf Interment was in White «#«W- tatry, near Mgtdaadfr lag

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... ctiry •**?... who u w, K origin*) l« of th. U* opening, restaurant will , hm »nd 0n|y , U«nU... ambassador at) Stratton took photographs of (See Russia Spurns Page 2) j several places along the bayou... was in official hands. At a barbecue supper held last night at the Cedar Bayou home of W. T. Busch, honoring..., and! that an international court of araround Highlands. j Miration be established to deter.... In the party were Stratton, j mine whether the Mexican gov- Thomap, Busch, G. K. Edge, Dr. j eminent shall pay

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... of many baseball W-aa, his two sUccesive nd-Wttcrs j reaching the peak of mound perfeet ion. For a young... Ribbon...................7Sc * ypewruer moDon*.,.................... Multi-column Pad...................r...........J!«€ Hi... s'iiv, waiawwit»nliii^mmw^ 1 m m w"!! new Stealing Show In Major Leagues ■ See. Record Go | Letter Bring...*. j1** riptod hhadicsMK kMnkhl mW< mk» frihf to the _ *«adtn« emmfh books to enable iirittufl aru) Ui... the Wlot " F- • 1 ■ - ■ -__________ . • j to the November retmral election -also would free

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... Used in its construction. / Earl J. Stoufflet 7d& CAMS* STREET l-W-' ■ '■§-T -.. PHONE 105 r iPsa... of whom nre j c*pkn*nofd and mil of whom nr* : w*lt known her*. ' “In aome town* there ia aome j... i&wiL -."fa ® ' « y v - " r.i'j ^ ’ ip®f -1 §| viK^e-t 9-Inch Size Choice Colors SPECIAL! Electric... entcreritom*au»ai *« to w, % WWMS. who mm hate fRNS » feat, and tha *«aail floor m« «Y«, wW uy that thu departmm a i...*. »miii«»> *>»* y« Hir Was UmU»W. funs to by # tort A* with too S tt. Knm mmfimy for «tpfe* a ntsnwaW **WU

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... • atud m p Six M Fire jt . dr, „ i H|J .-a art tit u Pf**£e brtT'“ [ * tolrphonj •“<**»».'j...» on leave, "■ te«»or trrivtd j •ster, found R J "Immediate" orwwdea irftter) “for tUon." id In turn to |... at the outlet, rdttlng troop» " i the m*Mhmd f iv " HhHhI m m . J Slot Machine P^oof • Against Coin, Blows... ."W CUE VELA ffD nig Xjjgpt bfeik initiative ’ Konte cBrto !!e didn't even break the alot machine... in which ha had fcS STSS S ttBJIESSf **’“ JJJLnt race in hiatory, proto j - fr^ill detennine the outcome

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... Lil!ie-I»uk| 1 hmfie st lpifl Tri-Oitio, nee. Wagner, of , *« t»ken fn* j 'capital Pi her h* was' ma,|e hy , i... ||Hnme i irn was taken I cek iinspiui y, ne at 305 K*» I KhPumH King and infant i were removed j e... hospital to I 'lands yesterday 1 uneral HokeM lutler and infant j of COs We*; nsferred from ip:tnl... to their l fc Funeral ■ twiay. ■ j Mercer wai I hospital to hern lands in a 1 ambulance. Krigar and Sue. were... tournament w* beUcvJ It is the logical thing to do to climb a little further out on the limb and wty

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... ceremony of worshipping the pahoe brave* •Uaed uJ? j un, Uu god of their ancaatora. aaat of the reaamtlonT... the burial TILS erday. It will laat unUI aunaat their anoaatora. The (W?* iaturday Than the bravaa who almoat... are Aa the Sboabone* be*. J xpected to come and go during dance, medicine men ttrok*.! be three day... Retag, and I w9 always see to It that inbor gets a square daaJ," he said. * The life of Morris N. HaR..., a I halation 15 miles tl W under water. I L Square SurroJ I All the 3,000 popull Ka took refuge in tH

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... as no drawing or Painting could do. Re was at Gettysburg immedi- Elmo SeaR Wahseii W Brady was the first rl_.n... conflict over ownership of 12,027 J^Sfcre mifca alon| northeastern wood, lie convinced it doesn't pay... for improvemenU In Mi fbgborn equipment at Point Arena, they fathom' TZnTZ the ” w ooapwm sunsriy mw "Big Grunt...* Stanley SCOTT’S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. NAVAL FACTS aas mm AwmtrYmi 'SRiFWlWShS/^sJ LON* SIMOOUM- urri pur />...“ 'j 15'THE OHVY jm K1.D CLoYtB. ^8] ako mhm oaapfktooA-ra® fiowaMo pupl.r rare, on raqaest. pWoMllil

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... the faltel 1 ; w through J [ft. camera. , chose a carecl j danger on the I XI'War to reel t great conflil... •■*■*’»«'*■ •Tr'*,****1, .f.T 1 :•-* •v'^';■■ v-; ■ - . r- .. /\< * W •■• ■•• c •- HHK. „_... wfwrts «***«'... „•*»"« r*r^4 off** «M tto “W tto training Mi m Id IK Mm for the °w»y OwRttorawntra Practoet S Tto aria... with toyng ia tongue with tto “*tofl truat.” Tto truth w that Mm. Maaaay to aariag tax money on entry yard

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