Brownwood Bulletin (Brownwood, Tex.), Vol. 38, No. 209, Ed. 1 Friday, June 17, 1938: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Per Representative, District: W. R. WM. R, J. O. HARWELL DISTRICT AND COUNTY OFFICES Per.... PALMER enlng and pulled (For Re- PUr County J. O. (i (For Re- Fer kbartff: W. E. ( (For Re-1 ELLIS DA... —Heywood Broun and Jonathanh J. E (Ed) MURRAY Eddy were reelected president and W. O. Wayne) WEEMS... PACE SEVEN j - . I] | BROWNWOOD (T«x«.) BULLETIN FRIDAY, JUNE IT, 1838 I, H ^ p > M...* on 19" Fard and Chevrolet wheels. On the “Y” Sale or f^dTl j Aatomotfrr~| Train Robber Ends I ||

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Amarillo. 4 and 3. Mis, Walter Sikes. Amarillo, defeated Mrs. Otto Morris. Port Worth. 4 and 3. I Mrs J. W... 0 0 .score by inning* 0 o w-VBUsan ..... . .. » 0 Oi KniJblB :........J.... 01 0 0 Home... English, 2b . H Morris sf Wilson. 3b Cabin s*. lb Haynes, c ... Henson, a* .'. J. F»N*. W Durham p Nodurft... | j HLs final score of 279 for tlWidlf- MINNEAPOLIS, Minn June; 17— ficult Westwood Country Club cdr... and an eagle on the championships. final round, j A forecast of fair and wgrmer In second Place 8""®? ..

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... not been a formal program arranged It was announced by J. C. Hunter. Abilene. president cf th? organization.... Brownwood men who are expected to attend the gathering include Roy Ragsdale and J. B. Whttesid \ directors... and to acquit one. Lieut Roy J. Allen, the second man convicted, said that he also was prri wired to carry... toward Washington, aft# he|: suffered a 'painful fall fr«n | an: Pennsylvania railroad freight train j... and impendent children of Oklahoma/ The candidate said there are 150 - W ASHING TON June 17—(UP)— The New Deal

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... of stability, —Dr. Harry Woodbum Chase, chancellor of New work Ohivetsity. I, j 1 took to the Murray w» 1... PAGE FOUR I W- B0WNW00D BULLETIN carver, tzsrc Brownwood, T**a*. N. P. MAYMi SAMIS C. WMI WHITE# *... indicates a fundamental of which every man and woman should be thoroughly ashamed. I ■*> • ■ ■ -w...! read It every once in a while. Hatchets on the Horizon _ I J rpHESE are trying days for J>eopie who... so dlately her adjustments and plans. white It lasted, and want horn# if he's continually catching j

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... thorough investigation l^P^l to his death from the wtntoday " "l J /' I j#9W if Ms hotel room ---1... incline- j New York Bay for a rousli* recep- ^^^^"1^ Ilona." to/^ubenit briefs by next * f„,the,f°d °f... h"‘"aid*n ™y~ group which .spent the morning vls- J j|| I 1, unique In .tuu lack, the tr.- P Emet... to cd entirely by buttons: j At “tyS/the ,"F?nt to Dislyrwspapermen during a reocas of j------ - I... the nation's wit- W»r> and hours legislation was gency naval cooatnicftkm. the outstanding Roosevelt

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... tin. M J. Flowrrs. J. M. Olll. W. H. Thomiwon, Johnny S|>arka. Burman Black. C. C ChoatS, John Olll.... It was learned tod;ivy Tlie wool went to Hirer different Bouton houses, Charles J. Webb. Henry Maginot. nnd... Ki.M-tmin Ccmpany. i -------- j Pn frs»i,r Die. ATLANTA. (la.. June 17 «UP» —' DiFrancisco Haynen fYrrz, 58... of the Brcwnwcod department: Charles Alford. W.‘D. Wilson. Rnrtre Pettit. Bill Snider. Jimmie Pike, Pryor Mai... at the time he was fatally shot j by Beckham was a deadly weapon, cuimcm to connection with the claim of self

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... night an elusive “phantom” j .bandit, who In little more than two 19, w..« » .--k------ -—T... ZEPHYR June 17—<8p->— Mrs Howard Drisklll complimented Mrx : Nephus Adams, a recent bride, with j... a ^miscellaneous shower Saturday j afternoon. June 11. at the home of, Mrs Oeorge Adams. Jce crerm and cake... was served to the following*. Mesdames Port rifemlth. Clyde Brewer, V. R. Rat- Uff. J. E Smith. Myrtle Lee... Pyburn. LjBha Bowden. Joy Weeks. J. F Herrington. Carl Belvln. Oral Rat- j A Clara Carltfje. Clara

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... by bees, e a counterpart produces better seed than the radio antennae, first crop. 1 FRESH PINEAPPLE j... hopes to cut 1.800 cords next winter. kHM . Special Prevue * . ' Saturday Night I//..J0 \, COLORED ONLY... Pint....... . . Z Quart......j si Maxwell House COFFEE , A 20flt Century • fos Jl) lough ■ musical... ROAST| [ Dressed! ROUND OR f A# LOIN STEAK . • FRYERS, 1 0CF VgtKk is M HAMBURGER 4 A* MEAT t.j

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