Denton Record-Chronicle (Denton, Tex.), Vol. 45, No. 86, Ed. 1 Sunday, November 23, 1947: Searching Inside

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... w Denton 40 w. Oak • j For the first time In history, you can give him pajamas that have built-in... location Across from Denton Hospital 419 South Locust Street Appreciate Your Visit—Portion of Your Business... Stout's line. Tobin the urd» to tl I Sports IjetuS 8-1 DENTON (Tea.) RECORDCHRONICLE— Sunday, Nov. 23... Antonio In 1946 and part of 1947 for the Browns. .rUpPe<’..the_d^Ve When he l7*Denton°substltutloins ITT... Robertson pand swivel-hipped his way 30 yards to the Denton 45. The neat bit of running would have done

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... the automobile.1 TEXAS LAUGHS By BOYCE HOUSE FORWARD Denton I* On the March America’s Ideal “Home-Town” City... of an d L. C J. H C I I opportunity to see him. Invitations have been extended the Denton High School Band... In Denton that would make for more convenience of both patrons and workers of the railroad company... court Monday as court LESSON IN LOLO HISTORY — A native audiehce g-athera as a member of a U. S. Army... expedition (right, not identified) holds the manuscript for a tribesman who chants the history of his village

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... ‘TV I* r NTSC Coeds To Symphonic eed —Bi ’i - > I JOHN J. SILBER Denton Students 5-2 At TSCW... that can to I ...... x SAMPLEY RECEIVES DAEDALIAN AWARD ush >uld ible >le - I t Elizabeth j history, j...." Towne 2 Miles South of Denton on Ft. Worth Hiway Opening Dance UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT DANCELAND !nnt - nr....£ 1929 lent ill! - 16H ies.s foi era The 11< c Aho : to ini* no Ap- Pampas Sunday, Nov. 23. 1947 —DENTON... of the Journalism classes and publications staffs at Denton Senior High will act as assistant hosts to delegatee

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... Denton Won’t Lose Eagle-Lion Classic Move to Cotton ^Michigan And Southern Cal Cinch Rose Bowl F*. '... the scqye Taking th* ball on down* on the Denton- Itos’ 43, Batchelor opened up with passe* He hit Watkins... it agala. I • • • • Th* mud musalcd Denton's passing gam* Friday night, but the ‘ *_ “... —DENTON Denton probably won't lose it* every-olher-yesr... wanted to do was what the students, faculties and fans of Denton and Commerce wish In fact, Fouts had

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... ) t * < .*■ rl > SECTION TWO DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE BusineM/AMl — DENTON, TEXAS, SUNDAY MORNING... a ua 1 in- Annual Christmas Seal Sale Denton Building Permits Climb Nearer Record $2,000,000 Mark... this year, rests at 453.400. t * Meet in Denton Chester Strickland. Denton school superintendent... a meeting tn Denton Dec 10 at the First Methodist Church Dr L D Haskew. dean of the for a new passenger... Administrators may invite their school boarsd and friends to attend tend The Denton High School A Capela Choir

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..., IM? —DENTON I Tex.) RECOBDCHKON1CU J.J CL Roltkainp of Dallas Survivors are: her husband: two alsten.... Mmes T. C. Acols and David Chandler of Fort Worth; a brother, William Oanser of Denton; a number.... of the Oakhurst Methodist Church in Fort Worth ..... r Former Teacher In Denton School Dies at Dallas near *1... Denser) Denton ROSE & BUSHES ti> J \ Dfi ridson R i tes Held Saturday Mrs Henry (Martha . Holtkamp, <53... Denton at 3 p m. Mrs Holtkamp was bom Denton April 7, ISM, and attended North Texas Stale College when

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... For Her Phones 235-255 Denton's Finest Jewelers 125 Ave A. SATINS £ SALE Blues Cr Wine The A Planned Pre ■... MODE South Side Square Denton, Texas Buy for Xmas - Won’t Last Ixhir t 1 Phone 958 yr — > - > y J *■<... staff of the Denton Senior High School at El Centro Friday night after the Denton High School... School Dallas, and Is now employed Dallas. The bridegroom - to bridegroom, a graduate of the Denton... Kimbrough will review one of double candelabra. Mrs . Wayne Irhis books, “The Wayward Bus”, Win of Denton

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... te yYxe',~;: 10-2 DENTON (Tex. I RECORD-CHRONICLE— Hunter. Nov. 28. 1M1 Wi H 4 L. S :1 with E3 ..... Jobs BISCUITS Krum and Ponder The Morrison Milling Company Denton. Texas 310 East Prairie 8t. & Tl lef... Denton, Texas t> ANDY'S FEED STORE Hey Kids! f Phone 142 Discovers Broken Rib Horpool Seed House Are You... Is Honored By Department Of Agriculture A Denton-reared man, William C. Orr, Jr., was one of the thirtythree... years. He is a graduate of Denton Hi’h School and North Texas Blate College. Prior to going

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...- was organized eas^ °f Denton Phones 21-1922 Church GUEST EDITORIAL l)ur Marching Orders' Central Baptist Church... and Dinneron the Grounds Serving Denton County for Over 55 Years! Strictly Confidential at 11 A. M.-3:00 P.... AN INSTRUMENT WORTHY OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST MUSIC 705 North Locust St. Denton, Texas Deuton County Naf 1 Bank... Meml>er F.D.I.C. Member Federal Reserve’ System Of Fallen and Dead Animals CALL COLLECT 2116, DENTON... CALL A .• ,r ; • frit i’ 'V TEL.413 314-N.LOCUST ST/DENTON the name changed .tn Street Baptist

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... Louie J. Tackett, Gen. Mgr. Denton Phone 1786-W Box 754 45 I r ■ ■ ml iTUDf HAM 4 ' ■til 8JTE R NATION... Home Made Chili DENTON PLUMBING CO. 129 E .McKinney St. Ei 40 I' 1! Proscriptions Filled ■ x... > c * 4 » <10*5 a ’ r a Q * * GULF SERVICE STATION ttt 8. ELM 8T. WB m 8-2 DENTON IIlX... Bakery is busy making preparations to provide the people of Denton with lots of good eating. The young.... STIFF Roy Paul Motors 1706 N. Elm Phone 434 DENTON MATTRESS CO. Old mattresses renovated and made

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... DENTON Phene M5 * ’ f »■ 1’.; .4 ,L J ■ i T . . I Well Be Closed All Day Thursday FOLKS - EAT... 1 V » 1 » DELIVERED IN DENTON NEW BUICKS For Your Information, We Are Listing Below the Correct... BALLOON PARADE In Denton Friday, November 28 It's one of America's most unique outdoor entertainments... for many happy family dinners here in Denton this year. And as you enjoy the festivities... and the delightful pastries. Top quality is what Denton arid Denton County housewives have been saying of Kimbell

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... on the Christmas concert of the boy choir Woods is a student of the Denton Senior High School, where he is a member... and Journalism students of Denton The Denton High School Radio! High School will attend the annual Workshop... an address on “What the Superintendent Expects of Publications." Denton High School publications will sponsor... courtesy cards for the tournaments have been I Denton High School j ' Feb. 7; Harlingen, Feb" 8-9; Corpus...*’ breakfast will be held I Dec. 6. ___ Attending from Denton High will |

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... r-ITY DRUG STORE Spiels Sunday, Nov. 13, 1M7 —DENTON (Tex.) RECORD-CHRONICLE 9.2 New restricted addition... Tweed suit, slsc 30. Bee at Armstrong FOR SALE: No. 1 oak flooring DENTON COUNTY LUMBER CO 3J1 E... M Campbell through Jack Hill Conoco Station Ph. 11M HO South Looust Denton FiF Gas Hosting Ou... retell store, fulltime only Permanent If you can I qualify Write F O Box 31. Denton for RENT unfumtohsd... for property In , west Denton and also north Den-1 "I you want to sell your home we will I appreciate vour

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... GOT START FROM DENTON COUNTY 168 Our Boardin'1: House with . . Bv J R. Wili’-T's c I n A II I Ti >V (e.... Worth Ray. Who came to the Legislature 40 years azo from Denton county, knows He was there. 7' iV ex y...." are more than geographical in de- IlnlUon. He locates the cross timbers in one phase of the history... BIGGEST TIMBERLAND DESTROYER Denton Record-Chronicle orders are accepted on thia basis only ■ f 1 ■ ■IrJ... by The Der.ton Publishing Company Riley Cross, Publisher. Altered at the postornce at Denton. Texas. January 18

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.... Pica 8112.54; Smith-Corona Clipper, Elite 171.55. NORTH TEXAS TYPEWRITER CO. 114 FRY DENTON... living, desire an apartment.” They got results Immediately. r— or \eAV er DENTON (Tex.... Charles R. Sikes, Jr. and infant daughter. 2024 North Elm St., returned to Denton Friday from 8t. Paul... and Clinic. Mrs. L. V. Fortner of Denton, route 1, and Infant son returned to their home Saturday from... a week. Bom in Guthrie, Okla., Aug. I. 1803, ha had lived in Denton about one year. He attended Wichita

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... of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, 210 Center, wag presented as the Denton High School football queen Friday... night at the half of the Denton-Highland Park game here. The blonde, blue-eyed senior was escorted onto.... Denton Pointer and Setter Club members, accompanied by Dr. F P. Hen- Ika, State Game Commission biologist... Parkie Olman. the 0 Denton High School band played "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" during the coronation... bridge welcomed Highland Park to Denton. It read "Welcome Scots, Yea Broncos!" Jane Piott and Billy .

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... —DENTON (Tex.) RECORD-C HRONICLE 7-1 PERMANENTS in 441- Mrs REVLON Plan Dinner ■ i’ll DERMETICS t Phone..., 1428 N Locust, with Marriage of Miss Emma Trietsch j Mrs C. Lipscomb as co - hostess of Denton and Fred... jo © FRIDAY Wedding of Miss Juva Williams and Theodore Duncan of Denton I During the business.... 5J9 Bolivar. lege for Women, was guest speaker at the Denton Junior H1 Smother School Parent - Teat... outlined SATURDAY Marriage of Miss Rose Marie [ Royal of Athens and Walter L Harpool of Denton at 7:30 p. m

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...* worianarahip, it* quality and value—you'* gaf Ao poWI SHEAFFERS J? K*' Remember to be in Denton next Friday... AS • TH 4 First State Bank of Denton Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation We Have Grown Because

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... Inventions • NOW THRU MONDAY —Showing in Denton Ahead of Dallas— efamous famous A GOOD FAMILY PICTURE - I.... Nov. 13, 1M7 —DENTON (Tex.) RECORD-CHRONICLE £ \ i l-IPALACE —CARTOON— I ‘CATS TALE’ | » NEWS n (wkvrv

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