The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And Confederate Armies. Series 3, Volume 2.: Searching Inside

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...., August 6, 1862. His Excellency E. SALOMON, Governor of Wisconsin, Madison : The President declines..., Brigadier-General and Assistant Adjutant-General. MADISON, WIS., August 6, 1862. E. M. STANTON: General... 8, 772 July 9,1862 Massachusetts ...--....--............--- --......---..--.... . 1 1 26 27.... 14,1861 Connecticut..................................... .. ...... 1 10 10, 012 Feb. 18,1862 New... York......... ... ..................... 103' 6,2 105 106,606 Apr. 16,1862 New Jersey

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............ 500 June 6,1862 Captured. General Price .................... 400 ...... Do.... General Pillow .................... 40 July 3,1862 Do. Fair ................... 300 Sept. 5, 1862 Do. Alfred .......... 150 Feb. 28,1862... Do. Clara Dolson....... Receiving ship........... 1,200 June 10, 1862 Do. Sovereign............. Store-ship ................ 800 June 6,1862 Do. Victoria ... ..... .............

Page: 185 (standard view) | zoom view

... department. I I 4 Date of re- S turn. 16, 451 June 30, 1862. 0L, 770 June 20..., 1862. 17, 409 June 30, 1862. 72, 807 June 30,1862. 3, 525 June 30, 1862. 1, 005 June 30, 1862. 19, 334... June 30,1862. 7, 098 June 30, 1862. [8, 705 June 30,1862. 24, 798 June 30, 1862. )4,120 June 30, 1862.... 4, 858 June 30, 1862. 125 June 30,1862. 396 June 30,1862. 97 June 30,1862. 55 June 30,1862. 1, 794... June 30,1862. 887 June 30, 1862. 24,234 . 1 0uu vt i

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..., John H., 951. Maryland. Enrollment and draft of 1862, 289,317,318,440,456, 465, 471,492, 493, 506, 507..., 509, 656, 657, 865, 866. Men for old regiments, Aug. 15-Nov. 21, 1862, 861. Men required to fill old... regiments,Aug. 13, 1862, 404. Militia, 537, 538. New regiments of volunteers, 208, 408, 418. Operations in. See... Maryland Campaign. Sept. 38-0, 1862. Orgn., equip., etc., ofU. S.Vols., 115, 163, 208, 374, 512, 865, 866.... Quotas and credits, 188, 291, 340, 465. Regiments sent to the field, 1862, 565. Resistance to the draft

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... Department, U. S., 11. Newberry, John S., 937. Newburg, Ind. Raid on, July 18, 1862. Communications from... Governor of Indiana, 232. New Hampshire. Enrollment and draft of 1862, 317, 318, 440, 447, 467, 471.... Menforold regiments, Aug. 15-Nov. 21, 1862, 861. Men required to fill old regiments, Aug. 13, 1862, 405. New..., 188, 291, 341, 412, 447, 542. Regiments sent to the field, 1862, 565. Results of recruiting and draft..., 1862, 865. Return, under War Dept. Circular of April 14, 1862, of troops, 16, 21. Statements

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... UNION AUTHORITIES. BOSTON, April 4, 1862. Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War: Assistant... also ? JOHN A. ANDREW, Governor. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, D. C., April 4, 1862. His Excellency... are well. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, D. C., April 5, 1862..., your obedient servant, EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. [Inclosure.] WASHINGTON, April 3, 1862. Hon..., January 2, 1862. 4. Letter of John A. Poor to Secretary of War, .January 31, 1862. 5. General Totten

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... 990 INDEX. New York-Continued. Men required to fill old regiments, Aug. 13, 1862, 406. New... to the field, 1862, 565. Results of recruiting and draft, 1862, 865, 881. Return, under War Dept. Circular... of April 14, 1862, of troops, 16, 21, 25. Returns of volunteers and militia organized and equipped, 954..., 955. Statements, volunteers in service, 1862, 183, 184, 314, 859, 860. State militia, 544, 547, 570..., series 1862: No. 79, 666. New York, Department of. Organization, strength, etc., of troops,June 30, 1862

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... CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, D. C., August 18, 1862. His Excellency... August 13, 1862, 3,282 men. C. P. BUCKINGHAM, Brigadier- General and Assistant Adjutant- General. WAR... DEPARTMENT, Washington City, D. C., August 18, 1862. His Excellency FREDERICK HOLBROOK, Governor of Vermont..., Brattleborough: Required to fill up your regiments in the field August 13, 1862, 2,000 men. C. P. BUCKINGHAM..., Brigadier- General and Assistant Adjutant- General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, D. C., August 18, 1862

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... of the .U. S. Army on or about December 31, 1862. Present for duty. 2 3 Command... of the Cumberland a (Rosecrans). 3, 342 61, 621 74, 555 119, 175 Dec. 31, 1862 Department of the East (Wool... 1, 471 29, 782 36, 508 42, 074 Dec. 31, 1862 Middle Department (Schenck) ................... 28, 1862, en route to the Department of the Tennessee (Grant). It is not borne on any... returns for December, 1862. Principal officials of the War Department and its bureaus from April

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.... Attack on, Sept. 6, 1862, 877. Washington, Defenses of. Organization, strength, etc., of troops: June 30..., 1862, 185. Dec. 31, 1862, 957. Washington Territory. Orgn., equip., etc., of vols., 1. Statements..., volunteers in service, 1862, 184, 860. Watson, Benjamin F. Correspondence, War Department, U. S., 328... of 1862, 399. Orders, General and Special. See Tennessee, Army of the. West Virginia. Enrollment and draft... of 1862, 317, 318, 440. Men forold regiments, Aug. 15-Nov. 21, 1862, 861. Men required to fill old

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... . CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. No. 13. QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington City, September 11, 1862.... Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.: SIR: On the 4th April, 1862, you directed... that the accounts due for service of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to the 1st April, 1862, upon the main.... MEIGS, Quartermaster- General. [Indorsement.] SEPTEMBER 21, 1862. Approved. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary... of War. No. 14. QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington City, November 3, 1862. Hon. EDWIN M. STANTON

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.... Van Vliet, Stewart, 835. Vermont. Enrollment and draft of 1862, 317, 318, 368,440,450, 453, 470, 471..., 481. Men for old regiments,Aug. 15-Nov. 21,1862,861. Men required to fill old regiments, Aug. 13, 1862... to the field, 1862, 565. Results of recruiting and draft, 1862, 865, 879, 880. Return, under War Dept. Circular... of April 14, 1862, of troops, 16, 19. Statements, volunteers in service, 1862, 183, 184, 314, 859, 860.... Strength of troops in, June 30, 1862,185. Vermont, Adjutant-General of. Correspondence, War Department, U

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.... GRINNELL. [Indorsement.] AUGUST 20, 1862. Respectfully referred to the Secretary of War as touching... City, D. C., August 18, 1862. His Excellency SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, Governor of Iowa, Davenport: Required... to fill up your regiments in the field August 13, 1862, 8,005 men. C. P. BUCKINGHAM, Brigadier- General... and Assistant Adjutant-General. FRANKFORT, KY., August 18, 1862-10.30 p. m. Hon. E. M. STANTON: A week since we... City, D. C., August 18, 1862. His Excellency ISRAEL WASHBURN, Governor of Maine, Augusta: Required

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... INDEX. Kansas, Department of-Continued. Organization, strength, etc., of troops, June 30, 1862... of 1862, 317, 318, 325, 383, 417, 410, 464, 492. Inauguration of Governor Robinson, 401. Invasion of, Aug.... 16-Oct. 24, 1862, 874, 875. Men for old regiments, Aug. 15-Nov. 21, 1862,861. New regiments of volunteers..., 1862. Kentucky. Invasion of, Aug. 16-Oct. 24, 1862. Muldraugh's Hill. Skirmish, Dec. 28,1862.... Munfordville. Siege, Sept. 14-17, 1862. Perryville. Battle, Oct. 8, 1862. Richmond. Battle, Aug. 30, 1862. Orgn

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..., 680, 705, 790-792, 810, 816, 838, 863, 869, 878, 902, 904, 957. Papers accompanying report, 1862, 809.... Quartermaster-General, U. S. A., 957. Report, operations Quartermaster's Department, V. S. A., 1862, 786. Mejan, E.... Enrollment and draft of 1862, 317, 318, 440, 456, 466. 471. Men for old regiments, Aug. 15-N ov. 21, 1862... and credits, 188, 291, 340, 466. Regiments sent to the field, 1862, 565. Results of recruiting and draft, 1862..., 865. Statements, volunteers in service, 1862, 183, 184, 314, 859, 860. Strength of troops in, June 30

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..., James, 756. Shields, Joseph C., 448. Shiloh, Tenn. Battle, April 6-7, 1862. Relief of wounded, 14... report, 1862, Surg. Gen., U. S. A., 749. Care, etc., 26, 30, 145, 146, 216, 221. 222, 564, 565, 683, 684... Brigade, 952, 953. Extra clothing authorized, 246. Furloughs, 221, 222. Northern Virginia Campaign, 1862..., 493, 496, 525, 697-703. Number in hospital, Aug. 1, 1862, 389. Shiloh, Tenn. Battle, April 6-7,1862.... A.-Continued. Myer, A. J., Signal Officer, 957. Officers detached for duty, 162, 163. Operations, 1862, 754-760

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..., 651, 653, 670, 707, 708, 934. Allotment system, 19. Amounts drawn during fiscal year, June 30, 1862..., 1862, 19, 20, 40. Militia drafted into service, 281, 282. Negroes employed under act of July 17, 1862..., Elias, 521. Pemberton, John, 729. Peninsular Campaign. Mar. 17-Sept. 2,1862. Withdrawal of Union forces... of 1862, 317, 318, 321, 330- 332, 356, 357, 407, 414, 440, 449, 469, 471, 475-477, 497, 508, 509, 662, 670... Campaign, 1862, services of militia, 538, 539, 563, 589. Measures for defense, 80, 88. Men for old

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.... Quotas and credits, 188, 291, 340, 467. Regiments sent to the field, 1862, 565. Results of recruitment... and draft, 1862, 705, 706, 715. Return, under War Dept. Circular of April 14, 1862, of troops, 16, 20.... Special troops for forts. etc., 249, 250. Statements, volunteers in service, 1862, 184, 314, 859, 860.... Mississippi, Department of the. Organization, strength, etc., of troops, June 30, 1862, 185. Mississippi... Central Railroad. Operations on the, Aug. 30-Sept. 1,1862, 875. Mississippi Marine Brigade. Organization

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... UNION AUTHORITIES. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, D. C., August 18, 1862. His Excellency DAVID... TOD, Governor of Ohio, Columbus: Required to fill up your regiments in the field August 13, 1862..., Washington City, D. C., August 18, 1862. His Excellency A. G. CURTIN, Governor of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg...: Required to fill up your regiments in the field August 13, 1862, 34,766 men. C. P. BUCKINGHAM, Brigadier...- General and Assistant Adjutant-General. HARRISBURG, August 18, 1862. Hion. E. M. STANTON: Under your order

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..., Ky., Sept. 14-17,1862, 590. Enrollment and draft of 1862, 290, 325, 375, 430, 436, 440, 455, 463, 471..., 240, 251- 254. Men for old regiments, Aug. 15-Nov. 21, 1862, 861. Men required to fill old regiments..., Aug. 13, 1862, 403. New regiments of volunteers, 208, 408, 415, 416. Operations in. See Newburg. Raid... on, July 18, 1862. Qrdnance depot, 913. Orgn., equip., etc., of vols., 41, 44, 46, 61, 63, 69, 70, 75... and credits, 188, 291, 338, 339, 463, 485, 491, 495, 516. Regiments sent to the field, 1862, 565. Regulations

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