Cleburne Morning Review (Cleburne, Tex.), Ed. 1 Saturday, May 31, 1924: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... little to do with his temperament or musical exprelsions. He began his studies of music in Germipy'at so... the popular type, of music to» the so-called __ __________ _ — .00 concert type, Johuwan Connty Review, Weekly... State Teachers’ ollegc has more calls for teachers of music, with other high-school subjects, than

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... THRILLS TD STRING MUSIC PLAYED the fulfill required the 1 1.20, 0, /" ■ d FAIR ASSOCIATION TO BE ORGANIZED... music ranging ' emna from “Echoes of ‘61,’’to diffieult-aa (By Associated Press) INDIANAPOLIS...., was introduced by his sonin-liw, Earl Kennard. * The usual enjoyable music was rendered by George Cohde and his

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Good music furnished .by the orchestra. Come and worship with us in any or all of these services. ORASE... will be exhaustively dealt with. The tries they wish to investigaie. All the music' of this tonvention

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