The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 162, Ed. 1, Monday, July 7, 1884 Page: 1 of 4

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- " 1 XT :
The San Antonio Light.
Will Sell
Straight goods cheaper iban trash I
told elsewhere.
Harry Eanm &Oo
Every one to call unci examine goods
nnil prices before purchasing.
Harry I3aum & Go
Snn tlntonio ZTcrno flDontmw 3lv 7 1884.
Zen Cento n THUcch
Ol. HID. TWO. 102.
Cheap Columns .
Special Adferilsemenls Suen Wanted For
Rent Losl round Personal Tor Silt tie. Will
Iw Inserted In Ihli '"lumn at the rale of J lines
for 95 cents eich Imerllon. Each Additional
line 10 cents.
NOTICR-lIntlna- openfila Bret-class ImrtxT
shop In the riebots bulldlni. on Alamo
street I invllp nil my friends unit eiirtnrners
to J-B-U CiiAHi.lUm
1I0II8R Kill! HRT-l'.iiir rooms corner
I Victoria hihI Mt.ord streets. Inquire
atOeorgoScUroedei'sstO'e. i-J-it
I Wlt HAI.H-Vlfteen shares In third serlesot
1 the Mec-haolca' llulldlnirand hnan sswele-
llon. At'Plr in '' '' Johns in LliniT olllco.
1JWJII HKNT-Newsqusroii
HOUSE TO IIKNT-SMO (litnlen street I S a. 2 n'lrle. a'llhle wel till I'. o
Inquire (51 Hokdad street. 7 J-3t
Parlies Wishing to Buy or Sell Wilt Find It to
Their Adsnlage 10 Consult This Column.
A 1'I.NK TAIIS! OP 1100 ACltBH 1'OIt BALK.
Fine tract of land of 1100 acres In
Harris county six miles from Houston
on Buffalo Ilayou railroad running bv
same l'lenty of water grass and tim-
ber. Some improvements nnd part
sinder cultivation. Four hundred tons
of hay cut from same last season. Will be
imt.i lionn nml nn pnsv terms at a bar
gain. Address. T. II. Johnson this-
iilllce or J. AV. liradley Heal I-.state
Agent Han Antonio. fi-ii-tf
Full Bet of elcgnnt fnrnlliire nearly
new can be bad at a bargain; also the
rout nfn nlen seven room bouse only a
short distance from Alamo plaza. In-
quire at this olllec or ot .1. W. liradley
I1U tVCSl JlOUSIOn BireUl. n-i...
fixe lot ciikap.
Corner lot in block B northeast corner
of Franklin square In Second ward
fronting on San Subn street; size -10x40
vnras. Fine location for a store and a
residence. Can bo bought clieap. in-
quire of J. Y. liradley -102 Fast Hous
ton street.
tvo comaE-i ion sale.
Two handsome new cottage bouses.
Jour rooms gallery city water our- nil modem itnnrovements. only
.two blocks from strcot car. Will sell to
cood nartles on easy terms. Not much
cash required.
CAltD l'UKSS 1 OH S.U.i:.
One liueirles card press. In llrst-class
order for sale; $50 cash
A now six room' house near Avenue
C with hydrant water and other con-
venlenccs. Property now rents for $25
a month to be had on the Installment
plan. Price $2."i00.
fixe noa-iK ami liunav
At a bargain. Horse can trot In 3 min-
utes. The buggy Is new. Side-bar
spring. Address " S" this olllce.
On Avenue C No. 1009 fronting east on
3111am square. Has 10 rooms bathroom;
stables and carriage room; all the mod-
ern conveniences: double parlors water
and gas. A special bargain can be had
by applying at once as tho owner has
left the city and wants to sell.
- 1 KN-ItOOM TW 0-8 1 OltY
Frame houso closets in every room and
all the modern Improvements; located
on Avenuu C. To lie bought for$G000.
A bargain. 7-3-tf
Four (If lots and two outhouses ol
three .rooms each on Crockett street
for $1100. Terms easy.
Six tine building lots on Alazan creek
near Krlsob property.
Fifteen-shares second series. In the
Merchants' and Mechanics' Building and
Loan association.
One grand Fmmerson piano bran
new cost $350. Will bo sold on monthly
payments at a discount.
Only 100 copies of the Jtevlsed Ordi-
nances of tho City of San Antonio left.
If you want a copy apply at once.
Pamphlet blndlng$l;clotb $1 50.
WIIITK oak ami rixi:
Lumber well seasoned from one to 20
car loads at $18 per 1000 feet. For par-
tlcularsatldress T. II. Johnson this
A well established bakcrv business
with wagon and team of horses for sale.
A bargain for $000. Address "W" this
A four room cottaire. two galleries.
liall Btable carriage house well water
and Irrlgablo land for sale $1300
young fruit trees shrubbery and shade
on place. "
A live room cottage stable carrlago
room plenty of shade nnd hydrant
water iticb uw
Address T. II. Johnson I.iour olllce.
with on without i-unxiTUitK.
One of the finest finished houses In
the oltv. located unon one of the fash
ionable avenues. Is supplied with gas
hot and cold water belli room stable
and carriage room. House has 10 rooms
nil elerrantlv furnished and carpeted
with best Brussels elegant pictures
and llnepiano. can De Doucnt at a Dar-
gain. Address "II" this olllce.
house six bed rooms and parlor bath
Toom servant's room and kltohen also
two-story carriage house with two
large lots In third ward convenient to
business centre two blocks from street
car line l'rloo $5700half cash balance
nn easv navments. Also 20 lots on
Olive street at from $250 to $000. Fine
location for building. For particulars
UUltrCSS "IT .rtu i.unu i.uofc oucci
care this olllce.
A cook for small family. Apply at
residence of J. A. Fraser on Town hill.
The hot season Is fast approaching
Avoid ainkness bv havlncr vour wells.
vaults cessnools and Privies In cood
condition. Orders promptly attende to
by San Antonio Sanitary and Fertilizing
company. leicjiuuiiu wuiuo u
George Bchroeder's 311 East Com
uerce street u-o-om
ThaMoj-jl In a Unlenl Mood--rio Dollars' Worth
or Proranlls--Kuiiermatner minni
There li Somlhlng In a lumo.
HATt'lttlAV'rt IIIOCKKlUNna.
The Ilecorder had a big batch of
heavy-eyed delinquents tu deal with
this morning but as lie is a goou Amer-
ican citizen ho dealt leniently with
those who drank loo deep of l.lbertj's
cup and were so unfortunate as to lose
their liberty for the night.
First case called :
Joso I.or common drunk; dis
Witt lllckev Siime classification;
samu decree.
II. F. Zuuiherge was aocused of run-
ning nn express wagon without license;
1'rlnce Warner charged with dis-
charging lire arms In the thickly popu-
lated districts of of the city did not
answer and nn alias warrant was Issued
which brought him In with a huge bun-
dle tu bis hands. Ho was requested to
plead to the charge and slowly unfold-
ing his niiiidle disclosed one of those
old time horse pistols that remind the
youth of to-day of revolutionary times.
He explained that that ns the weapon
he discharged and started to" extract a
cartridge In order to prove that they
were blank wbllo the lteoorder leaned
back out of range and asked "Is It
loadsdr" Warner stated that he had
discharged tho terror Inspiring weapon
In honor of the Grand Army of the lle-
publlo yesterday as tho procession
passeil his house. He claimed that he was
on his onn premises and not amenable
to law. 'Ibe Ilecorder was not Im-
pressed with this vlewofhls patriotism
nnd lined him JS. Warner wanted to
know If that was in the constitution
and was told he could test It anil see.
He refused to pay his tine nnd was
locked up.
Willis Wiley using language unbe-
coming the Fourth of July; dismissed.
Sapola I.lnan n female of pure Cas-
tllinn hlr.nil iipriianii. but rather dtnirv
on the exterior was accused of being
drunk and disorderly. The Ilecorder
recognized her privilege oi ceieuraiing
.luenys nay aim uisuuaecu iuu m.
K. W. Dietz recklessly running his
horse $.".
Anion uaienuurguruniv aim uisuruur-
ly violating all-sense of decency called
on to nute up $15.
II. icouriguez gavo a ooy n j-j hck
with n stone.
(1. Muenster was celebrating the
Fourth by putting out lire crackers or.
1 lores sircet- to ine annoyance oi jieueo-
trlans and vehloles $5.
John Sharv went on a Fourth of July
spree; dismissed.
Jim oievens u uig ihici urn cr tuuificu
with beating and striking continued to
Frank Martin nnd Joseph Chavez en-
gaged In mlmlo warfare and were tlls-
John McLaughlin leavlngteani alone
Lizzie Williams ono or the fair nnd
frail sisterhood who seems to change
her name as readily as her dress was up
on a charge of vagrancy but as the lte-
coruerwasin u mmiu no rau
Imposed a $2 50 tine which penalty ho
also Imposed on Miss Molly Itossy on a
llkn r.linriro.
August i.itnnurg reoaicss uriviug
passed until Monday
llffnirlo Garula and Tlhurclo Garcia.
Imitating the example of the revolu
tionary heroes to ine extent oi iigming
William Uohel beating and sinking
l.lzzle Williams who turned out to ue
Mnllr Ttossr. nnssed to Motnlflv.
'ine nexi name caueu wim j.izxie
Wllllnms. but It was found that the lady
wanted was Molly llossy In connection
with the liobel charge and this case was
nlun continued.
Marcello Krklns au ebony uuilo wuu
Ktmkrlit trull throuirh the wool on his
cranium was tinea sj iof using uiiuc-
coming epithets to Fannie Davis.
.Mrs. nancy vagrancy coniinueui
Mrs. Haley vagrant alias warrant.
Jim Stevens bcntlng'Goston Craw
ford with a rock $10.
August Llmhurg careleBS driving
Allen Cook an ebony gentleman ack
nowledged that he had gotten too much
Fourth of July and used some unbeoom
Inir cnlthets. lined S5.
Lou Lauiont did not appear' at llret
but an alias warrant brought her In and
she pleaded guilty to permitting tho In
mates of her bagnio to disturb Mr. K
Mengcr and was lined $10.
F.llza Lew Is colored Laura .McDowell
and Mr. Jones all neighbors.
became engaged In n general row
during wblch pet names were freely ex
changed and got themselves arrested.
All were dismissed with n reprimand.
.Mrs. ltlgney drunk and disorderly
pleaded Independence Day In extenua-
tion and was set free.
Carl Slcber recently from the father-
land tied his hone to a lamp post and
made the acquaintance of the Ilecorder
who told him to go and do so no more.
Sophie Kvans heating "her man."
Gus Luke $3.
Vlck lllchnrds and Frances Moody In-
sulting and ahtiBlve language dismissed.
Stewart ordinary drunk $5.
William Chrysler owned that he was
drunk as a result of the Fourth of July-
thai was all nnd thanked the Recorder
for the $5 penalty Imposed.
Willie Maine drunk on tho street; $5.
Manuel Aletore disorderly; $10.
Jesus Garola William Illokey John
Supple John Gallon James Ly noli and
Charles Johnson common drunks; each
G A. Kurtaumacher charged with
disorderly conduct objected to the way
his name appeared on the docket and
presented his card emblazoned with
the legend on n flowery back-
ground "My heart la thine" to correct
the Marshal In the name lie runs i
n restaurant anil advertise " meal 2.1 i
' tents" bttt charged one customer "jO
cents and bccaitso be wouldn't anto
innk Ida lint. A tine of J.'i will probably
teach him to adopt ntllircrent nielboil of
onlloollnir ilehta.
Mrs. A. Charles was charged In con-
nection with the Kustntiniacher case
with cursing and abusing the customer
whose hat was taken. Ono of her wit-
nesses was n Frenchman who required
an Interpreter to communicate with the
court but was willing to swear the de-
defendant was right In what she said.
Mrs. Charles was called on for a V.
l'hll ltatnero C. Hernandez and Anto-
nio Gcrandlno drunk and disorderly $5
arah Jefferson disorderly $3.
Charles Green used $.'i worth of pro-
fane language.
Charles Hllhert and one Dennis
drunk and disorderly $3 each.
George Hates continued. .
William liobel for striking Molly
lln.v with wlinm he was rldlnir the
llery untamed hobliy horses at the
springs had to pay $5 for getting Into
bad company.
G mbllng Cases Set.
The following criminal cases are set
for trial In Justice Adam's court. July
1" Georgo Wltte three cases; Sam ller-
liner ono case E. M. Fowler two cases;
Sam I'.ldcr one case; William Summers
one case jrmay .ittiy i oiiiinui
Slninis three cases; Sam llerllner. live
cases. Saturday July II). Sam llerllner
four-cases. Alex lleddlck ct til. lour
cases. Monday July 21 Alex Itedillck
et a!. four cases; August Sehwnrlz one
Thieving Porter.
For several years past F.lleha Jones
has been porter In the furniture estab-
lishment or Mr. lleckcr nnd had the
full conlltlcnco of that gentleman. Ho
has been detected however In his dis-
honesty and now languishes In duranco
vile lie stole a folding chair from the
house nnd pawned It with F.mcrson
where It was found. Jones hail a bear-
ing before Justice Anton Adam this
morning confessed his guilt and In de-
fault of $:IGQ bond was sent to Jail.
Married Agalnil Her Wilt.
An old colored lady visited the Liairr
olllce this morning nnd said: "Mr news
paper man I's got something for you to
print I am the grandmother of Louisa
Harris aged 18 years who came from
Shreveport Louisiana last April. Two
bad women Maria nml Jennie came to
uiy house and took the gal away and
controlled her mind nnd Induced her to
marry lllll Teaguc unknown to her and
against her will." The old lady seems
to taKe ll.nani nnu -looKsau uruKu up.
Happily Married.
On Thursday July 3 Mr. W. It. Mc
Millan of this city was married In Gal
veston to Miss Fannie Howard one of
the most beautiful of the Island City's
belles. The happy groom and his bride
reached hero last night and are quar-
tered at the Menger. Mr. McMillan Is
a gentleman of sterling worth and one
of San Antonio's most valued citizens.
Ills bride is n vounir ladv of attractive
beauty and Uno accomplishments a lit
ornament to grace society anywhere.
The Linn r tenders congratulations and
welcomes the bride to her new home.
0T for Deep Water.
The committee of six appointed to
visit the coast In the interest of the Gulf
road project left yesterday morning.
The following gentlemen composed the
committee that went: Ed Stoves Sr.
Sam Maverick lien Mnuerman Dr.
Theo. liozlcne A. I. Lockwood and
Cantaln Merrltt. Knclncer C. 1". Mat-
lack was also one of the committee.
They reached Galveston last night and
left there at 2 o'clock to-day in com-
pany with Colonel Mansfield for Aran-
sas and other points on the gulf coast.
This morning Mr. Fred. Corrovon of
the 11 rm of Sheets Correvon & Castles
was married to the handsome and
charming young lady Miss S. Hoy by
Dean lllchardson at St. Murk's cathe-
dral. The bride and groom were tho
recipients of n number of handsome
presents from their friends. The couple
left on the noon train to-day via the In-
ternational and Great Northern rnllway
on a trip to New York and Canada
where Mr. Correvon will buy a large
stock for his new store to bo opened on
Commerce street about August 1.
Diana Gun Club.
The following are the scores made by
the members of Diana Gun olttb yester-
day: Ten clay plglons 18 yards rise Ed
Steves Jr. 0; C. Hummel 7; Ed Drelss 0;
Ernest Steves 0.
Twenty glass balls 21 yards rise C.
Hummel 12; Ernest Steves 12; Ed Drelss
18: Ed Steves Jr. 17; lien Engelko 7;
Ed Elmendorf (1.
It'must be remembered that this gun
club has only been organized nfew weeks
since nnd the scores are very fine for
beginners who will with a little moro
practice turn out a good team. They
propose to arrango a match shooting
with the Alamo club.
Sanitary Notice
The Sanitary Inspectors have been
notified to mako a thorough Inspection
of all premises In their respective wards.
Owners agents or oocupants of any
premises are hereby notified to keen
them In strict sanitary condition. All
privies shall he disinfected at leastevery
15 days with lime. Those not comply-
ing with the above will be prosecuted
before the llecordor. All complaints
shall be made in wrltlnc with name and
address of complainant and forwarded
to my olllce atKalteyer's drugstore.
UllAUSXAaiX ill. JJ.
City Physician
Sheriffs Report.
An Inspection or Captain T. P. Mo-
Call's report as Sheriff for tho month ot
June Bhows the following Items: His
account for feeding 1G out county pris
oners 270 days at 75 cents per day is
$207. Seven United States prisoners 1C2
days at 55 cents per day $89 10; 07 couny
iy prisoners uu uays at so cents per
day. $413 10. Durinir tbo month 31 pris
oners were taken out of the Jail as fol
lows: .cieven sent to tue penitentiary
Seven sent to the conviotcamn. six tried
nnU acquitted four released on bond
three released on habeas corpus one
paid up and one sent to the poor house.
Account of Incidental expenses $11 83;
unco uuueuicu .woj jury jees ju.
. i
Celebration or the Fourth and a Splendid Time
tnioted t all. I
We had a ery enjoyable celebration
of the urth under .he auspice of the
ladles of the l.plscopal church. All our
best citizens with their families at-
tended the proceedings which were I
held on the elevated arounds on San f
Jttan plaza lately purchased by Illshop
Elliott for church purposes. On arriv
ing on the ground an animated view
presented Itself. All our principal citi-
zens with their families our pretty girls
In latest styles of summer alllre and
the llttlo folks In gala dresses the gay
decorations ot the plara and the spirited
nml correct muslo of the Eagle I'ass
Juvenile brnst band all combined to
make a delightful scene-one which
could not hut forcibly Impress upon tho
minds of many of our older residents
tho vast strides Eagle l'ass has made
during recent years In all that makes n
community worth living In It may be
safely asserted that live or oven four
years ago such a gathering ns that
which attended last night would have
been Impossible. The Declaration of
Independence was read by Captain C.
W. N. Cunningham and an eloquent
oration Was delivered by Captain J. F.
Lewis and was warmly applauded by
'an appreciative audience. The band
played Yankee Doodle anil several pop-
ular aire. Pretty little girls disposed of
delicious lee cream fur the benefit of the
church fund and the evening was one of
unalloyeu pleasure. -More man passing
mention should be made of our Juvenile
brass band of which our citizens are
usiiy prouu. composed oi a ttoen
irlcht little fellows Irom seven to thir
teen years of age not ono of whom
knew a note or had ever handled a brass
Instrument until within tho past six
months they now read music with facil-
ity and lilay alarge number of airs with
remarkable precision. Professor Pas-
qual De llona who has gratuitously In-
structed tho boys Is entitled to unstinted
praise for his phenomenal success.
J. lhiiNi:.
Good Scores Made at the Springs Yesterday by tho
Gun Club.
The members of tho Alamo Gun club
met again yesterday afternoon to shoot
for the Olsmtth gold and sliver medals.
The contest was 23 glass balls 18 yards
rise with nine entries. The scores are
as follows: Prescott 1G; Crltzcr 21;
Stevens 10; Sullivan 23; Flood 15;
Wagenfuhr 21; Fredericks 18; Velth 18;
Sullivan wears the gold medal for the
ensuing week while Crltzer Olsmith
and Wagenfuhr had to shoot oil' a tlo for
the silver medal. Crltzer dropped out
on the first shot but Wagenfuhr and
uismitu snot at eight Dans eacu ueiore
the tlo was settled Olsmith missing tho
eighth ball and thus giving the medal
to Wagenfuhr. Olstnlth's score Includ-
ing the tie shoot was the best of the day
he having broken 25 straight balls which
Is as good as lias ever been done on these
grounds. Two sweepstako matches
three pair glass halls each 15 yards rise
both barrels were shot oil' with the fol-
lowing result: First match Crltzer D;
Olsmith 1; Stevens 2; Sullivan 3. Sec-
ond match Olsmith U; Sullivan G; Crltzer-!;
Stevens 3. Olsmith beat Sulli
van on ine tie ior t no purse mis is tue
best doublu ball shooting that has yet
been done by tho club.
Miss Elizabeth Ney
Tho world-renowned artlste.has arrived
In this city oh an
Hadra to mako under the direction of
the committee the bust of tho late dis-
tinguished Congressman and statesman
Hon. Gustav Schleicher. Miss Ney Is
one of tbe most eminent and distin-
guished artists of ICurope. Although
there were many eminent sculptors at
Ilerlln sho was sent for to come from
Munich to Ilerlln to mako a bust of Prince
lllsmarck. and sho has also made cele
brated colossal statues of the Kings of
nanovcr ana Havana aim otner distin
guished persons. Her statue of Prome-
tueus is a ciassio-woru ot art oi world-
wide fame which has earned her a repu-
tation to bo envied by any sculptor and
she has executed a number of other line
creations such ns the bust of Schwan-
tuaier the great philosopher; Toachlm
the greatest llvlnt; violinist etc.. etc.
Miss Key has readied tho city and will
commence nt once tbe task assigned her
by the committee which will undoubt
edly dc a granu Buccess.
A Southern Couple Married with a Forged Cer
A letter to the Richmond Dispatch
from Staunton Va. says there has been
considerable excitement there for sev.
eral days oyer a marriage which was
made In Joke but turns out to be a se
rlous matter.. Miss E. Drew Glbhs of
Mississippi who graduated two weeks
ago at tbe Wesleyan Female Seminary
told her friends last Sunday afternoon
that she was going to drive In the coun
try with a friend II. F. Wilder or Geor-
gia. Two young ladles and three or
four young gentlemen accompanied
them. They returned some hours af-
terward Miss Glbbs going to tho bouse
or some friends and Mr. Wilder to the
hotel and leaving here the next day.
It leaked out tbe next day that there
had been a marriage under the follow-
ing circumstances:
lly some means which so far remain a
mystery a blank form of marriage li-
cense such as is used In the County
Clerk's olllce here was obtained and
filled In with the names of the parties
as above the bride's ace belnc nut at
22. and the groom at 23. bis business a
railroad conductor ami all the usual
questions answered to which was
signed the name of J. II. Itoberts Dep-
uty Clerk.
The parties furnished with this paper
E resented themselves to Iter. George A.
ong at Mount Sidney some eight miles
from Staunton on tbe Winchester pike
and by him the marriage ceremony was
duly and solemnly performed as Is cer-
tified to over his signature the certificate
bearing date Juno IS 18S4. The license
was returned to the City Clerk's olllce
and Newton Argenbrlght the Clerk
promptly wrote tho following endorse
ment upon it:
"The within license was returned to
this office this 17th June 1881 Said
license was not Issued from this olllce
and no application fo the Issue thereof
10 " within named parties was ever
made to mo at the date given or at any
other time. No person by the name of
J. II. Thomas was ever detiutv In this
olllce and Is totally unknown to me. In
J't. d ""'"
Newtox AiinmniiiaiiT Clerk."
jt SRU tho parties to the marriage
had been emraired. thouch thcr had
never tnct till within a week or two be-
fore the marriage and that the bride
and groom and their friends accompany-
ing them all regarded the matter In the
light ofa Joke at first but thoso better
Informed as to tho law assert that the
marriage la a legal one and nothing hut
a divorce can annul It. The matter has
therefore assumed a very serious shape.
The groom has disappeared tho bride
remains In Staunton nnd her friends
havo been Informed or the unpleasant
affair. It Is also stated that the Attorney
General or Mississippi who Is. perhaps.
n relative ol the bride has telegraphed
that be will be In Staunton In a few days
to Investigate the matter.
Must Have Indiana.
Hut we need Indiana and we need It
badly. We must there mako assurances
doubly sure. It is of no avail to carry
New York If we lose Indiana. We must
strengthen nil our points of attack; the
lino must not bo broken In the center.
Louisville Courier Journal.
A llogaslrophc
Attown the sloping country lane The
wheelman wheeled him on bis wheel
With speed of a wild hurricane As spun
tho pedals like a reel. Crouched In a
corner or the fence The ambushed roe
lay low In wait Heady to suddenly
boo! oo-hoo!" The old hogjuiuned Into
the way; Full ninety feet the wheelman
Hew And wheeled his wheel no more
that day. Wheelman's Gazette
Not Crazy.
" Ho's as crazy as a bed bug."
" Yoiisayhovasgrazyllkeapst bug?"
" Yes."
" Vat make yon dink dot a pet bug vas
" Oh. It's a saying."
" Yah it vas like a hellervalot
of dem sayings; It wouldn't work.
Mcln frlendt If you dinks a pet bug vas
grazy you yoost go otcr by San llafael
and stoli von night mid tier hotel. If
dot pet bng vas grazy. vas he goln' to go
up mlt der. celling and vatch ven you go
to shleep and kick dcr govers oil so be
drop down and caught you ven It Is
in osd gonvcnlent mid himself? Come
aroundt meln upholsdcry shtore and I
show you some pet hug tricks dot make
you dink lie knows mora ns Chris Hug-
ley. "Han Francisco Post.
The Magnetic Man of Maine.
S York Itturto Han Ilranclsco Argonaut
The influence which Mr. Maine exer
cises over people with whom lie comes
In contact Is extraordinary. I met a re
porter of a morning pnper who Inter-
viewed lllalno when that eminent
leader passed through New York on his
way to Maine a few days ago. "I had
often heard of tbo magnetism of
Maine" said tho reporter "but I was
more or less skeptical about It. Peoplo
talk so much about his magnetism that
tho average newspaper reader expects
when ne meets i a no to see mat ureal
man make two or three passes before
his eyes inesmerlzo him and then get In
bis deudlv work. 1 went over to Inter
view Maine with a good deal or tho
same xensatlon that a man feels when
he goes upon the stage to bo toyed with
uy a presiiaigiiateur neioro a large ami
satirical audience. I climbed Into tbo
palace car where ho sat. and saw him
stretched at ease on one of tho forward
scats. I said for the sake of conven
tionaiity in the paper next morning
that a number or llotvcrs were on a seat
beside Mr. lllalno. In realltv. however.
Mr. lllalno was sitting on the flowers;
the seat was strewn three Inches thlok
with them and Mr. Maine had thrown
himself carelessly upon the flowers and
stretched out Ids legs upon the forward
scat. When I went In and Introduced
myself be Jumped to his feet gave me a
grip as hearty as a prize-fighter's and
pulled roe down Into tbe seat besldo
liltn. As be talked he would bring his
left hand down with a whack on my
leg and when he laughed the car fairly
rung with the muslo of his voice. When
I got up I thought I was leaving one of
tue uesi letiowi
my mind that 1
Foreign Policy.
What Is this foreign policy of the Ite-
publlcan party? It Is the ancient policy
announced by the fathers of tho Itepuh-
lloand practiced by every self-respecting
administration since the foundation
of the government and practiced to ad-
vance the American nation to tho high-
est place among the nations or tbe earth.
A policy to protect American citizens
whether naturalized or native abroad
as well as at home; a policy which would
live at peace and amity with all nations
or the world which declines to Interfere
in the domestlo quarrels or sister nations
and In return exacts non-lntcrferenco
and Intermeddling with our own affairs;
ulileli would settle all International dis
putes by peacerul arbitration rather than
by the arbitrament of arms; a policy as
wiue anu uronu ns tuu comment bskch-
erous nnd liberal as the freedom we love
courageous enough to protect and
iiarenti ine iiutnmeBtoi onr citizens upon
land and sea and firm enough to make
our nag every wuere respeqieu;
poller which would extend our
commerce to every land and And our
sans witening every sea wuicu woum
protect our labor from encroachments
and competition of servile labor of any
form or wherever found.
This Is the llenubllcan policy this
was tho Grant policy the Garfield polloy
tbe Maine polloy the Arthur policy
the American polloy recognized by
every Atnerloan citizens wuo loves ins
land and believes In her development
and destiny.
Hut they say England does not like
this polloy. We believe It. She would
drive us from tbeseas. She would close
up our great factories and send our pop-
ulation to the rarms; she would degrade
'our labor; she wants to manufacture for
the world and the United States dares
to compete with her. and is doing It
with a fair measure of success. We do
not legislate for any other nation but
our own. Wo' do not nominate or elect
A'resiuenis to suit any otner iicujua ui
our own. Major MoKlnley's Speech In
Ladles approvo of your smoking
"Little Joker."
The Medlns Park ticurslon-Setlilng the Coot
Shadis ortho Gardens Dancing and
Mulic Galore.
The heat yesterday was Intense and
scarcely a suspicion ot breeze tempered
Its power during the entire day. Tbe
thermometer showed yesterday to be
the hottest of the season. The elder aim
rf every one was to keep cool and
escapo the situ. One delightful oppor-
tunity was presented In the excursion
that Mr. P. II. Freer Inaugurated to tho
Medina park. Two excursion trains
were runout to the park lrom tho city
ono leaving nt 0 o'clock In tho morning
and the other leaving at 2 in the after-
noon. Tho early train carried a goodly
crowd but tho 2 o'clock train caught
tho majority and when Its load had
been emptied nt tho park the scene wns
greatly enlivened. This was the first
excursion of the season and the trip was
taken advantage or by a host or over
healed denizens who had becoino sur
feited with the attractions offered In tho
city and longed for r change and a cool
sequestered spot In wblch to pass tho
day. Everything passed ofl pleasantly
In the main and only an occasional In-
cident occtired to disturb tho peace and
lulclmle. A slight difference about
sonio beef precipitated a collision be-
tween two men present but they wero
quickly quieted and order once more
restored. A few quaffed too deeply tho
refreshing lager and In consequence be
came slightly mixed but nothing serious
occurred. 'Ihcso excursions aro a great
treat and jtro eagerly taken advantage
of to escape for a day from tbo hot city
and Its clouds or penetrating dust. At
night the returning trains poured their
crowds Into the illy refreshed and
pleased by tho trip.
Last night the reporter on his rambles
in search of Hems and a place to keep
cool found himself beneath tho shadows
or the sturdy oaks at Jonas' garden
with tho silvery moonbeams glistening
on their verdant leaves. Professor King
tho athlete was entertaining an im-
mense crowd which was so great that
room could not bo found on the largo
platform for its accommodation. The
scene presented wns an Interesting one
and showed that tbo happy throng bad
thrown care to tho winds nnd was
bent on tho full enjoyment of tho
charming evening. Tho Fourth of July
exhibition nt this garden was Immense
and Jonas did himself credit by 'the pat-
riots display ho inado. After the per-
formance last night the floor was cleared
ot tbebenehes anil chairs and the dancers
took possession and kept It until the
hours grew small.
Strolling henco the reporter next
brought tip nt Sotnmers' popular garden
where also he round an Immense crowd
seeking pleasure and refreshment. Tho
polished floor or the large platform sup-
ported the feet or many merry dancers
who found It Impossible to resist the en-
trancing strains that camo In rbytbmlo
flow from tho band. When the danco
was done the tired terpslcbercans
sought the refreshing shades or the ar
bors ami witn tue smiting moonuoams
stealing through the clustering leaves
refreshed themselves with the Icy liquids
at hand and exchanged soft sentimental
ities wnue tney awaited uio nrst notes
of the next dance to call them
again to tho floor. Many visitors
find their way to this cool
retreat and there laugh defiance to Old
Sol anil his burning rays. The air Is
ever cool and pleasant here nnd one
Antra all tho attractions and moro that
are drawn from a day's trip to the coun
The melodious strains of tho splendid
new orchestra drew many witliln tbe
bounds or Mahncke's tavorlto Mission
garden and tho convenient street cars
carried many n pleasure-seeking passen-
ger to bis gates. Tbe music the sort
cool shade the exhilarating beverages
and bountiful lunch were not tbe least
or the many attractions here presented.
'Tis hero the weary citizen with his
wife and little ones resorts to enjoy for
a brief hour tbe refreshing breezes and
delightful muslo. With eaoh succeed-
ing week new attractions are added.
and the throng.of patrons grows larger
anu more appreciative jinuncto iuokb
to the entertainment of his guests und
always sees to It none go away dis
pleased lie contemplates enlarging
ids grounds to accommodate his host ot
visitors. He had a big Fourth or July
celebration that tested his resources
but he nroved cnual to the occasion.
So the torrid tiunday was passed by a
largo number or San Antonio's citizens
who round their way from point to point
over ino convenient lines oi street ran
wflr. that most noDiilar mode of convev-
anee In this cltv. San Antonio Is thus
doubly blessed with a bountiful supply
Ot COOl retreats aau amine uuuvciticiivce
ror reaching tuera.
Thoucht the Minister was Jokinc.
"Jly boy what are you doing with
that clear In your mouth? Throw the
nithy thing away" said a clerloal-look
lng man to a bootblack who stood near
the Globe hotel puffing a cigar. The
urchin looked up at the man with an
Injured air then shaking his head said
Vw ver dnn'r. I'm onto that trick
That's what the kids tell ine when I'm
nosh nml BinoVln' a two-fer. so they can
pick lt'up. Hut when a lad can't take a
smoke without an old chap like you
wantln' him to trow It away then there's
a case for pity.". . .... .
lteaoblng into his pocket tbe benevo
lent boy Drougnt tortu J cenie saying.
as he neiu mem out to tue auaaueu gen-
lleinnn: "Here take them conners and buy
one for yourself but don't ask me
again." '
Tli a Wtm nr mora men and bova Who
lind -nlls.-lecl around the Tjalr SUOUted
derisively as the minister turned and
waiiceu awoy.LDyrBueo ueiaiu..
j. c. nowAnn. r. nowAttu
601 San Pedro Avenue. Telephone 116.
lVinlattotuantl ltiQmul Qittfratton fUjjitAl on
short fuiftre JtiuVs nliroy on aaad. XOj-
rrat tulvancti mule on ronrfffnmtnfr.
Antonio .Vatlnnsl llankt H. l Simpson & Co.
Commerce St.
Druggists' Sundries Chemicals
Fancy and Toilet Articles Perfumery
Soaps Brushes etc nt uniformly low
prices. Prescriptions carefully com-
pounded. 4-20-ly
Kuivn Member (lalvr-eton Cottnn Ri-
alloxans tx-
for br rorrabiitoti
nHQ Antonio Text.
Triangle WootUnflBlock Eactory.
Manufacturer or MKSQUtTn MACK VAV-
INtl. rilove anil Conl Wood always on band.
Best Walks for Least Money.
it Factory on Austin Lire Oak and
0 2Mn
Wholoaale lletall Dealer In
Furniture Carpets anil Mattings
Oil Clothi Window Shdcf Etc.
37 tnl 3.) Coramcrwi itrcct. Baa Antonio. Tox
Agricultural Implements.
Gook Sloves Tinware
(Succesiors to James Iluros)
filauufacturere Importers and
Healers In'
Lime Cement
Plaster Paris Plaster Hair
Bricks Drain and Chimney Tilts
an J Muiidtrs' Jlfatrial Generally.
California Itedwood wuh doom bllndt and
mouiaintfs. uor. uawion ann. wneiuiu. u.
Ban Antonio. Teleobone iH. l-ld-cm
The Mexican String aud Brass Hand Is now
thorouKtily organized and prepared to furulab
Prof. Juan Salasf
Leader add Manager.
rtavlnff made special arnuiR-ement with Uub
manufacturers ot the above material tM
undersltrned respectfully solicits order.
will execute work In tbe Dost style and oa tie
Ragland & Co..8
7-a.lm 303 Welt HoueWii Street.

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The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 162, Ed. 1, Monday, July 7, 1884, newspaper, July 7, 1884; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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