The Bastrop Advertiser (Bastrop, Tex.), Vol. 24, No. 20, Ed. 1 Saturday, April 30, 1881 Page: 1 of 4

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€ht ^astroi 2u) t) crt iscr.
Vol. 24.
... T r r hi • —
HDHNOHimoN -f'i 50 |>«<r ant.urn.
Bastrop, Texas, Saturday, April 30,1881.
No. 20.
Ii wr.ul I l>i quite easy lo pay ll*o mi-
i„ lim al debt l<y imposing •"* on •"■•'U.j
tultHinix; $8 00 if payment be deferred
30 dsys-
Oue square, oue yusr.
tlliea |Uaro, *1* months
Out square. three month*
Two squares, oue year
Two squares, *11 mouths
Two squares, three moniii*
Three squares, one yesi
Three Mjiiirw, tit mouths
Tlirw throa months..
One-fourth column, oneyesr.
•• •• mi mouths.
*' three months
Ou9 half solum u. one year
• • " " ail mouths
• • " •' three mnntht
Oua oolnmo. our year.
•• " ait months
• • " three mouths
Transient advertisements, one dollar jliiut*.
Mr iqnare, (one web* first iusntlinn,
anil eevotily«flve oorts for each iubse-
qaaot maertion.
Lo«al notices, Uftoeu cent" per >' "
each subsequent Insertion, tvti cents.
Be wo word* make a Hue.
"otiora, rxoeeding tot. liues,
J> cents a lire
jstltljellts, paid II
There is uot u wotaau iu tint country
who Mould not dsn.and to be mwrni'l.
Iu Ifllfl ioo was lull nil iuch thick iu
M«y, Irost ud ice were common in Juue ^0,1 when in 1 lvornty's ooasn,
A VriflU.
Oh, give ma the bri.rt that forever,
Is fret' from the wild * selfish rust,
Ai d tin* mi 111 whom- high r.ubic endeavor
U to rmso fallen min froui the dust:
of indescribable anguish, I have since
1 ndenvori d to make repamlion (or this
misery I onnsid; hut I also suff.'rod.
Moral atonement* urn tha most crut I,
SC. (Ill
l> ih>
.. r> 0<l
35 0(1
Ifi (HI
10 (10
40 0(1 birr hip In u Km|.tlit! church at I ...n-nc",
'20 1MI N. J., w re imm*t i I iii the D-liwnre,
• ■ 16'JO iha ice belli; cm for Hint | '«r|iut o
"" lUilo r a col.l reception.
July and Align*!. It was ca It-I the ytai
of "eighteen hundred aud stum to
di alb."
Kt-oontlv u I nil t 30 candidate* '< * tin in-
A v etini i< likely to drown,
All hull to Ihu friend win se devotion,
\\ ill lift up it rr hi when he * d irn.
30 00
11 .'1" Al J Woman who III
76 (Ml lu 1 ol action mid pull.* unco it
50 h|n Til.I lot III 1111h 1 c to ii*1* Dr,
Itli 0*1 ff iile'a K *1 nil I cm ilc it t• r■>.
12fi "0 rot 1 iitt you t . In n|i I u 1II I hi I I
7r, (Hi
OP no
. bd cnat'le you In go
da I) dutlrn It c II
I' 11
ml vti'ti
v ir ni l
It w li
you up
y. 11 r
• .m-
is t> do
I one
. tl inpti' I
I hi' h. lit *.iy t I 1.p.j /
noli a kiu li.t'H* In tin tT ii I
lie u ill Ii rgel I 1 it }.. 1 1 vr r
to 11 Jure ''m
I'uhliu i.piuiou i« a wi lyrai.t, 0■ > 1 ..
parnl with otir own pilvate «pu.ion. a man lliiukn if Luu.-clf, Hi it il H
wlii.'Ii .!.-termini« ur 1 P 1!. I i- lit<
I wis put twi uiy flvo when I flr^t
niet Alice Tlx rnr, llin dii'ightcr and
poolly and i« lii'ire s of Ucorgo Tborne, the gro*' r.
I fell deeperilelv in love with the
charming girl, k' owing well thai fncl. w.m ult r
11. r f.itlier w is n ported to he 11 vary
prm,auihiti'iit" mu. who woul I lo 'k
huh f«ir h I I. Il thai he
would iiol to unicli us give n Iii arn.g to
mv mil; .til u to wiiiiiiiig her wittout
' is ««i-r-*-• !*, wl"it would tha! hriiig't I ut uii.-iryV 1 l"i I nothing with
t u'h to repay i r compciis-ite !;• for
rtco ■ f 11 tuamige with my pov
| preaeulud 11.11 with a receipt for the 320,-
lOOOtbut ho hu 1 paid to the Mci.arH.
Overton for my lot.#,
Ho time «nit ou. The banking-house
kcow u iih t(in llrtu of riiriruo .V \V ullaco
wis then iu a thriving oonditlon,
I bud it heuuliful wife and two I vcly
; clnl lrnn, and yet, with ud tlie.e ton roes j Could I forgive? I look,id at tho pal-
of bappiremi, 1 wns uot ouile couteni- ' lid faoe, anguished eyes. \\ hat were my
ted; Ibere wan u crease An tho roue jsufferingt of tbcae two teirllile weeks
(l>( I iii.mpared to tbo secret pain nnd 'jhutuc
I'ut lome tiruo past I had been Miinly ■ 'his uiati hud borne for yoafa? lhis
endeavi ring to account for tlio eil'aor- 1 man, the v otim of ooe solitity devla-
diuary interest which my fatbrr-iu-law lion from the putli of rectitude, so up-
had taken in me, lu-oauho 1 disct vered, I right in a I rise, and wli< a" life (.Ince
A lew day« ago w« read an articU it
Tba circular ti the statu pre*", einiua-
t" csnao'tbe"y"ire eternal. I have known 1 ',0«fr,)m theUoustonGottouExnhange. |he Ualveet()I1 j,)urn |, whiob we iuUn4-
* - ,lic u,jU«l0U Pr' •• O'"1' "n'1 lb" oili en* ied to republish, but tbe paper hat baM
mi>l'tid. The impriaaiou it mad* npoa
our aiud was suoh tbat a seuse al, .dMy
| and yet feel the bitlen.o.s of expiation | (>f „ t ^ ^ Hent ou, |h h ^
j Hay. my son, o n you for^iv0 my crime? tosdtr T|je mp#D8 „ tb(J
bauds of this committee, of seouriog tbe
uarnu of every newspaper puhliih'-r iu
Teias, are necessarily in.dtquale, for
tliu roarou that nsw papers uru being
compels us to plsoe that im} reaaioc Im*
fore youug nu.n and ash them toaeoapt il
with a sincere regard for their walfara.
i'he Fiiluru of Young Men" waa tbo
had Imcn nne I mg altoiii-meul, I g'as'
ped Ins hand; my eyes II led with tears,
••rather," I oriel. "Alice'« father
lis 1 grew older and ssw more of this
se flsli, eg tiatieal world, that very fow
such geueroii" so'intjs were perfi.rmid
wuhoiit motive, aud III" solution of ibis,
to in , difficult p/obl. ui fr(i}uawtly oc-
ouplcil my tlioiigliiN.
Al t«*h' I h id attributed it all to Alice'
indue,.iv, I I.iv W Uow tbat it bad | ttEOltOE D. I'ltENWCE O.N INTEM
started and others suspending; buuee , o( l||# Jooroil|., M|i()U> lt
after aufflcieut time ha. elapsed for theso : mjui!(( u< of # yQUQg ->B (|
circulars to reach tbrir dctinatioe. tho k|(>w> ooonpj,u6 „ or
arrangemeiitc.imujittee would esteem t | inf^r<1(r pimlliou
a fav it that
which ba ac-
that 11 me !osl pooketbook?'
en eliarged,
1, Jtlar pci
ry' y.
pth.n* riK'' tor an) news-
vi*n' I «' • «1 u tb
nt ll t !*•il' 'Tl ?••, I y
« >1 \Ht 1 I ZtftORUn * LM
|)i>p ity IV M
^eor (J Hfipili c .r,frrrot • \
{ 'mi 1 f* r |U I« "| • '
LlHii bH l il 8
[it V -h Hit i ^
Hill* • « H in ,.n I| tin
• 11(1 Tltf* Ml* I il .t J 1 t'|))
jfflv r*
! n «%r<• ! tin • *nuw. ti*
1 W 1M It kl tr' ( ilt
witillti A nil I wl at
t iii• ai. M ' s J
(••iii ur 1 nIi
>ir«« tli u •* 14'.f i
w!tnt fl^ L*t
v- Fi
t*u t,
uor I
1 I 1 u<l*
1 1 you k j t> i", i
in iln t c ' w h
..A |
• •* | U
In r
r li^u I
1 II. a*i% 11 V
rr lihl i'
m in.
I > f •
r K
Lf * Or*' I*' I ttisr l Mot
L t pi n u ti ruoi l .
f C'. It ' *AU .vooh. • V r
I ' " *
I'd H« t r Uy « «l l >•) li
I ).\ < il.F A I V-
I ur . 1 4fitii ^
ntiil pri v
li ' ! ! <i I | 111 i , •
• * 1 * • r ii •• i v ,
• * t •• nf 1 I .(
m tii 1 r nn .ly, it
hl'll I> 1 H*i I 11 V
tirte . K Vnl H || \ '
Irv it'/ f 11 t
I I l.K • is .
"i Uit-Jy, 1 «{
I !h ifiH. m
Ut 1 (Unt o r<
, III II « j i r tii t
tl (li All H
li r pn I I
I boil ill It
red i | it. \\
r column.
1 r
1 very
|. it- r '
is ire
'. IVI
J kl. Nli ll«!
Sn ,
O 11.1. w
Sir 1 an
A I'ncs clergyman, iii
II in O l M arried,"
lit ti wnnls u wife in I 1
wmis .1 hush 1 " |tut th
•eiil'j .Mi ( I i k Vin in, I •,
1 he in in wan la won
Until I'n' w m* w
< woman. <>1
Ni . rislowi H i I
a li 'i re or
- ni 'K ei t
v • , v a 1 rn., 11
.■ treat d ill
tl.c w mm
t liav ■ hi in. a 1 I tti
1 I I. IV.' w 11 t • I "II
1 ILe on t al w It
UA>'I HO I' ( It Al11 Ell. N
Meets br t SaMinlsy 1 igtit
J F1 (lOOI'M \N. M
Jas. Nk hoi son. Hreit'l«if
i.l earl
" 1 lie wlil«-|
Il t ic. • . Ill
hu 1, st call ol
1 I
e I .
I lie ml f.ll
r I f«r I li •• r
" But th
ir« with lili
and Ii t<
I, s 'iter t H
orm iai
DIllEi 1 OI.1
I oirict O. \V
A. W
Coognasman Pifth
I.tins, ol Itiislrnp.
Mlali. Henator 'J'l.h P strict
Mi^rr, of Uaatrop
lUpliseiitaliTi K A I' rr
llistru't Judge K.lti tnlh I ! ■ Irtrt
I,, W. Mi-ore
District Clerk (' It. Mni >rd.
County Judge |>y«r re
Cajuoiy A'lorney. .1 I' f wlir (Mt-r U Win. II (lnmes
(leorge flat usy, deputy.
SherifT—Wui E JenklLs; llllainl
Jenkins, deputy
Tr asurei John fleam.
Tai Collecior N. A. Motrl«; tleo.
llannay, deputy.
Til Awii Miir W U« LwwIk |.; Jolin
kuhler, deputy.
I'auoly Hurveyor -W O, Mllhr.
Prrciijet No I. Jol.n I'leiiss.
I'rennot No. 2. —II K llmlgllis
Precinel No 8 F W U. I'linrue.
I'reolnct No. 4 J I' He. It.
jrsTt' FH or TUK I'RACR.
Freclr.ct I.—T. Jobua.
" 2. -H Young.
" il. - J l' Willisms,
•• 4 —H. M Wh p|de.
•' 6.—I". F. Jones
■ • n _W. II. ilonlaon, Hr.
•• 7.-II. 8. Ward,
•i h —E. W. Farmer.
Frroinel I.— W. J. Hell.
" X - Geo. (Jitlloway.
<• 3, —John Viirehirson
• • 4.—The. Miles.
•• 5. — Hales Oliver
•• fl.-K. H. Barbae,
it 7.—11. H |y e.
" H. —U. J. Howell
ntira or lioi.niini ooitRT.
District Court- Hiith|Mi.n,lavs.ifl.r the
. Arat Mof'ay in ^7 h an.l Heidemher. I
epiiig op
2 ./ ■, ick A M
a h'.' per .is .|(
111 tin tl ir n* ►
beauty . Ills elr.ef llio'i.*
hr -n 1 I III" to 1 1 li ieg
it pair of Hi; n>
\ , tn V •-
I ll H II till
- man wiii
le'i.t* 1 IT hi
Ina 1 s
Intnl. a i t a
ore. lo 'l^ tvil V"#
I knew hIic rl'i 1
1 .t Kent and le.iM were
• ovist' d f rn me. I k 1-s-
"B I it 1 she | I ice I in
I away and hude fare*
11 j her liopK together.
.rcely had I git I trk t 1 |owi>, and
■iriving earnestly t . dr wn vain ns
• 1.0 I'll.tie hi, I tr ti . • ut < f 1 >.4
1 i rrd'lc tui-' irur f. I up 1.
I lv. rl ii I. 1 I 1' vrri oi' a el i'l'k
"I, d sn 1, r.ic in g 1 In I hi
gat I' IV. Il- .1 Hiving el" e;i-
mta . nui and 1 • lured, uu 'gi •
cr ■!." venng tUat tho | ck
o.l It co ilaii.lng tin1 money nm gor.e
Wl.stlo r s n'.eii l y villains or I' . by
ro\ own care essne««, what m.tterod it*
11 tt .1" (; 1 ne, hliI i utterly ruined .
What I i-tiff-r. I the tii-xI fi w b'.urs
tl 1 1 1 ly kii.iw-, m l when alter li> ing
.list.1 N.e ', 1 relurutd lo uiv owu r i>ni
I * is ti'-. 1 r'v 'lisp- r ite; not cnly ha 1 1
I st a p ti 'f, hit my future
,j | . 1 '. In ti ;ir 111 -v il y Id ii! I, fur
t1 re ure mi-h iv • i.« wbl II ire iih liliil
t . in, rn"1 all*' i i « u 1 lie p'uy<donlly
n -d., I o I ., f 1 ll
Hut 1 u is yom ■ and of n h | eft I D.t
tti- -<:is
r. ... .Mr
f. r f 'JO.l
• 1. - 1 '
ted 1 he c
uiv Inrii
lict'11 s gn-it .1 unprine I 1 her 11s to mjv
.ell Ahoul liii' 11111 ' Ur. I'.mard, oue of
Mr. Thtirne' m- >-t intiin i'i* fiisuds, «t«
r.V' 1 in N v V ik and ouo rooming
wiiilu siiti g lit br ukfust 1 xpraato.l
grc it t-nt'prisu t tlm ruue adver-
tisements III Hit | i| eih rXa'.lug t'.. m n-
ey h st and f ir.t; 1.
"W ll," still ll ', '1 llHVO not die ieilhl
'''v f 'l w!i iff la > ■> )'.
They are g 'V ' r l:y mnl-.a. atipi I peo-
ple, u I Ut to .n,|li ?riisle.l; iiIUioiikIi I re-
member having ii \ u l "f a yi-'ung ri
'*3 (y '" Inst a pock", n iok s.imi' years
ni/. , '.iiitiiiiiino twt'nly (lull'irH,
and I dccltre r.lieu I ret I his piteous
aj p als whlcS Wi le 1.1 all tho paper*,
my h'art fairly 1 ■ I• • 1 (jr lnm. "lint,"
o.iutlnue.l ha, sildn -nig my fu(her iu«
I iiv, itli > h 11 1 i:i" % ■ ■ 1 y pi,' you
. i lit to ri in--m'•< r the c ie njmt'itice".
f : it o:'ou.r. I j 1 -• .1 t e tlm ' of tna
K,r it failure iu l' .il* !"!p..i i by ahio.i
y 1 ni w r'' a beavv I < r
any proprietor or xluur, , e„|(|ad unw,||lugir. Uli .
I failing to receive one of there circulars. ^ ^ Hm0||ut efory n«tard.y
and mine, all is forgiven, fi ig.iitun. Dj the oommittoeat ouo,. Uy p«'>- iog. tU„ p.y being be freqa.olly
I not rtwe all the, of mv hfe to 1 "-b'OK "•« wque.t tho state prese w.l! H,iabted hi. work, .a be thought il on*
1 not only nonfer a favor upon the ueot.s.ry to give It much attention. He
rungemeiit commit tec, bat facilitate mat | aaid wbeu lie got lulu a poaiUou tbat
It ra to a firm* extent, iu securing " 'M j paj.j better wagea be woul I alio^r what
yt ariho most rcpres.iulatlve f;i-.iherii.g |)0 0 -ul l do. Tbia waa tte, fitU! .bli a
of T. xaa iiownpaptr men ever witneued. ,,,.r ()f bji |j(o Ue forgHU no yOBn)|
W. V. R. Wataon. min i ever placed in charge ol .largo
Chairmiii committeo of arraug 'mutils. uuti, ll0 b#g flrgt lh,
— IlollftOll P iSt. '
A 111 DK ON A WILD bt'UL.
Slaii t.uiug r-ni"uiitblc m-i-l g I drunk.
Tt.e beat ut life is hut ml xicit on.
— Lord Ili/i'OH.
'• l1'elt.'are tiuliM whfiri t i pula i lies
low 111 tin bosom, nnd beets low in tlic
v ins; when tho spirit sleeps tbe sleep
which apparently ku ws uo waking in
its h"U.*i' of clu.v, An I the window s ut
lera are c! . 'd, und the door is hu
with tho int. '' ■ crapo < f melancholy
„ when we wish ti. golden sunshine pit hy I ~ ^ |)u(J „urroun<lm1 a |nrgn herd,
l.irkucri, ynd are very willing to fancy j ^ B , wl|jc,( WM , ap4nllh ,,u 1, a di-.
•lotl ls a l 1 ' '
Mile things, that ho muat never expect
to be piomoted to higher reapooaibili*
tits und larger wagea bo long u the
minor matUrs of tbe poriliun be already
pretends to till are only ball attended la
The rule tbe world ovar, ia every bui*
e no clouds be. There is 0
4 uu
L1 .,3^" '
10 |\do
! A yi ar or so nitioo there was it "rodeo
I onion L it River, tu Lauu oouniy.
lUncbmeu had gathered tor a circuit of, . ..
t; ... , , , , , , I uess kuowu to mnn, ia Brat, t>e faithful
siventy live iiilos to claim and brand •
... , ovi r little things, oontcnt y.iartell on
their young cattle, and wheu a oordon I B ' J
small wages, and, ao auro as tirae and
' la Inst, you will bo promoted 19 tbe
charge of gteater thiugs. Contract tbo
•1" .ir,
•It) III!
' ^ « I rei'1'ollvct tha
\l r 1 uorno, wn • pp jat
"I n ver hnar I,' couiinu • I 11, - lo
"what booiiru i of t 10 p > r ih vj,
\ ■ t I s! 1 • .111 I li k e 1.1 k mi w."
' Mi ' 14 you ? Slid 1, laugh 1? g,
in", thir, gratify your r'iii Pity.
•11IT •-
n'l tl nk il I.
'i.''il is ll iw 11
lila 00Is f
Alisr a - v r • ,1 .. t ttv.- 1 e
rnal.t l«i lux !'i \ -on • ni. I t '.".'ii '■
f ii in I «, il lei ■ I ..'I, !i« 1 I I
thai I' gl'.ah 1 en: lie Unlet I a cur il
alnl tl let d III I I' Mc|i: > f in ales, t ll 111
all fill- r t in Ilea c imbi 1 I All
in • • 1111.11 . le fee 11. 1 C H-i . r We iltl.i a II.
..lT clintr mirr i'l or m ule Indies ar
protu°,'t y r- Ii. %• 1 by Ha use.
Jeff. 1, s l>.iti«, 111 lie do He'linn lo
h'S new in rk, "The llise ai d Fall
the C"lifi ill rate < 1 'Vernmei f," kui A
duly to my count rynieii; t.> thoa" who
die I 111 ib f.'i "" of n can 11 eon ile.I l>y
inh. ritanoe, na a 11 Niiatitirte 1 I v
eoi. viet ion; slid lo those who, perhupa
11 an fortunate, *!«',e I t|i, nn.l lost «i|
sate life and h nor, in i'a behalf, h e
1 iu I ill'd m 1 lo atteiup* the Viiidieatiou
of their ciu«" and eonduet."
Nothing is so"" o.l a* it si ma before
We wish f. r no re in life, rallirr than
more of it.
The mote bone*iy n inan has. ihe less
lie il 1 1. I be a 1 r of a saint
\N or 1 is the weapon rf honor, nnd be
who lacks ihe wi npuu w ill never Iris
titn| li,
Opinion ii Ihe mnin thing which doc*
good or liiitin 111 the world. It ta out
Ula < opinion of things which rum u ,
(Ve .ci 1. w niuelt n man nnd
thoiefnre envy hint, did we see how
littlo he enjoy*, we sh uild tailor pilj
m. I I 1 •
• ., 1 Ict.i ■1/';
I. • ill that
It-aV11 ,- Ih 1 b
I'llllv -f the
ftoui the lire,
c.iiuc to the
i.opi ni n
rre \ 1 III
-.ii • r - I /
de 1 t « ll'
li 1 I h ipl'U
I I.l
I a'
1 ha 1
r ei.l-
r ui\
• !•:. 1 .1 tliv nlti-i 11.11 'Ksi
\ . kei k lii-iug tskei
■ • i- ki . of my c ut,
■ , I . n that ' ioi"-t h \
.111 1 ! In reiipon 1 r. i'!v. d b
All .1 Hl'pt I-I1I lull
il* ' .,'V^ojUnal ftusiniss 1 Never fear to bring Ihe ...bllmtat ni
,| foh -ifcini'li I'iviI live I" Ihe smnllest duly, and the most
•nil PmtanW lloeinoM. — Tlirl.l Mondays inrtuile couifou to the smallest tr mid
in J'Onary, Marob, May, Ji ly, Heptcnia, — -
ber and November. j "Don't yon know ita very wrong to
Aitliur H*.ill tee, siu that p >or
1 u'li r , ravi I from ruin n -I de
uy lie .efaolor here All then res
iK'tlall the e entw it the last fifteen
1 he do.ilor sprang to Ins feet nu 1
gl i' | e 1 bia old fill d's h '11.1
"Well nnd generously d ui- ' ' aii I he,
but Mi I'horne lulerruplcd him.
"I atr lut well," hr i-sitl fuutly. ' 1
sutler greatly let me -o to u.y room
The n-xt day he scut f r me to his
ptivate i llK' , I found hiiu lookii g pale
aid higganl.
"Hi! dual', c.iy deir Arthur," etitl ho
iu a I a voice, "aud 1 steo to m- Fot
1 I 1 |? I line had n cnfesai in to
nuke to ymi. one that weighs on m • *0
hen .y that 1 mil it ete 1. y 001 sicce of
il-. I" 1. I tun be 11 - r b" ir to d 1 it 110 w
that I have in a measure made some
nine la f r Ihe troll! la I oiie-j eau«o I
y >u."
"Th-. I rni'.'il-- y hi oait-e 1 tu-1" cried 1
\ tu h-ivc been Hie lu t i^ener. i-i 1 f
m-n t > me M ia thr > ig!i your kindnr'a
I oce-ipx my ptv r.t p i-lti.'-i; it is tti
you I .-w a my bapp i.e n, uu I moro than
ail my ii- uor."
Mr, T i roe opeii-'d hii-leak au I to'k
fr 1 m il a pooketbook,
"Do you remember Ibis?' said he, us
h" plnci 1 it In my hand
"Yes,' rep'io I I, "il is the one I lost,
bul l.ow —
1 coul 1 not l!i"s!i my ipieslion. Tho
liuth stared no J the f ice. 1 sprang
to my feet in dismay.
" heuveuil" I oriel, "you torn I
the money.
" .Iyt ! and kept it, he gronne-1, wilb
angmali iu Ins voice. "Hut, oh I do uot
tioijdeuin without bearing mo, V sb r-
,luv y.-ti hent 1 Dr. Foaatd nlludu to the
great 1 a.ea I lia^ sti-il 11 ?i'- I lu Phils.,
ilelphio. ! di' uot dire to make tuy
eiubarriiSMUOtila known, na tnat would
have haati net! my rum - uiy rnm! Ood
known it it-ia not fnt niys-'lf I cared, but
I >r Alice mv darling child. It w n oil
Ihe Hlli of D combi-r that ynti I •-( Hu
money. 1 ahull ne.. r fort;- t the date
II was on thai day that 1 ine lilati d mi!
t ide. I wn short #'2'i.(Ktii to m«i-t my
babilities, maturing on th • loih. 1 was
ovorwheliue-l with despnit; the nir of the
1 rushed
ion, who persisted iu piifHng a cigarette, for th!* help, j into the street. I hud hardly gone ten
much lo the ol4 bid)'* disoomfoit. "OI-, 1 Fifteen yojrs Im I lluwn since 1 had | v-irda when uiy foot s'ruck against some-
1 smoke for my health," answered ll • lust the pooketbook. I Kid now booome | thing. ll w n your pockelbook. 1
stiite of sicki
ihro.,n lc ill 1 ("V'logi, for we will bavo
tiOue f t. What nliuft r.cmi ... 'he sbu p
nig Liz rus? What shull tlieluur.
b- it ususie itgitin and li e puhu I'ance to
il ih 1 - uglj .1I1 m) rt".-' throi'Re-l hallu
iu 1 -1) 1 I. U-'- of 'd hat shall m-tku
the siiii i.i-., the t a li tu hill -i^-iin for i n
with ul! il" oi l awakening '^Irliies'-, and
the ingUt oviilltjw with moonlight,
luiufie and ll iwi-ri? Love itself it the
great fllnin aut, the inoul inloxioatiug of
all and ptrformaall theeo m richs, bul
|i is a miri. I • of ilht-lf and it ih not at
1 hu drug store, whatever they eay. The
counterfeit is in the ni irlu-t, but the'd ni' ssenger is not n money-chang-
er, we asaiiro you. Stun have tried
pair by many things but still they mk for Miui-
nlan'8—' he stiuiul mts wo use but require
(lie n« 1 of m- re. Meu try to dtow 1 ":o
tl ia't"r lo 11 of their owu sjtili in the
wiue cup, b it Ihe oorpae will ns*. We
see it- fie-in Hi-babbles. I'ho in'ix.
ication d dnak ' a tha w ll whirl.::g
'gain, a I th p -is pi ay rig mtisi", und
'' 1L't 1.0 ► ht- g illopil,., ,lnr. t-n faill'lock
mil* ju n the 100mr, and Ihe unii itura'
p ill! lirtlSL'
about a "mallet head " ot
when physic may ^ cal, lb,lt hllll ,
1 ii-. i- . ' y- tt are but half pafN. or rather II you
iug. I lie diacuesiou grew w rui, none ' , . v . . . «
. .. , . . ii,t. 1 are only awarded tbe t')mlorta ol food
ol the slock owner* beiug able to set up I ... .....
... , ,i 1 , ... , , : rilmeut nuil h ibitatiou, it the bueinei*
V* a.valid clv.ra or establish uu uuuouhted |
litis. <tH'*' l,K'> 111 B spirit of
ranch' r pr poseu 1. - --- ---- b „,,, itnm,,ublo Uyrf
ri.lo tlio bul without Mctffi .*r hwterl.r - *
ht)(>ultl l o d«olar«ul owu *r nf lbtt,,'Pl,.^7'V#
a a Bpiru 01 i ruv.i'ii\ u . , . . j
. t . , , promotion bo a^Hurod ilmC iu
...that whoever Woul i . . -
*• hti Al... ...... I.. I -
11 tu ihtti .1
I .ilc iv.-d diir!:i,; iln- p. tet few vent-
t c . 1 I ral-l" potli in i f my s d tri. and
doll rui • 'It v I I' t : III • p lip '•
I h id i'> v I I'lvt-il!•• d d lily it, ul
• tin pr mii-o j utti'ih, l ot 'T .: 1 Uo
ens', nutty lew 11 I, but il.-nei b I 1 y 111
fnttu ate | ■■ 11ii'ii, my hoi.or h a - 1
my forlune Im i .11 1.
Kor two w - It I kept my lo ■ tu In
the p'lt'lh'. and ha-1 sliu >t bejiiu I -
deep 1 r ' I my fnvoi a I 1 mil . \i h : ,
in. 11 tin g, u s'r anger c.inie lo mi 11
I 1 1, Ink. at ni 1 1 k 11 g mm, who 1 •- b -1 in.' w ith a pan of kunllv In «
■ yes Unit hal e-nictliiiig familiar about
lln ni.
I I lo- elriingcr lei line 1 the : 1 at I 1 ft r-
I h in, an I began al ot-oo ipcikin,;
•'rmijoily nnd to the point. "I have
hiard . f your los ,' In eanl. "1 bnv.
r utl j our -i ti n-lit' ill 111 tiio papers,
and I fei I tb'epl v inter .t-'.l in and fot
you. I luvej i 'l left y uir lab' employ-
er , and after the * il isfaob ry tu inner in
which all my'pie.^tiouN were nii*werad,
I beeauio your mrely for the 'Jd.l' :(h"
I "WhalT"
1 I upriiig toward-' him iu the wiliest
"Oil, sir,' 1 began, but ho sntui sb>,ia
ped luo.
"L''t me finish,'' *ai,l he. 'I'vodone
Ibis b. ciuse I 11111 Ooiivince I that you 'iic
1111 iiprigld, boni t man, nnd ihe gri all st
proof ol my ctiliHdi nee I nun gun you
t* 1 mil about to nfl'.-r you the posi.-
lion ol caahier in my banking house.
J Sly unme, *ir, is Oct rge Tborne "
j Goi'ige Tlinrnc, the father of Alice,
Ihe girl I love.11 All, lie mystery wii<
nly leave* tl • house it liile
with I'm wiliest reV'iby -more aid,
m to f-iU'iit, ni 'M desert, d, more dead,
l'hi r > i* ouly ouo *limnl that u-\ r
fill and yet 11 "per iritn*ioatos- Duty.
' There was a yt 11 of upproval, but not a
fjenersl tlampodo of volunteer*, for
Taurus was in an ilUhumnr, und bis
foaming month and b ood-*hot ey>i guv-
token that whoever rode him would
have a ri le wild as MczeppVe, aud one
that might Hot end «o well. Al *uHt. a
, "vuquin," uained Frick, acccptod the
chi-llt'iige. and Ihe will bull was iiniue-
idiately lauord and held by u Utial
round bis Inru and hoof, DinaiouD'.-
j iug from hi* horse, tho viii|ticio faelo^s
ed his long row-tied spur* securely, tied
' a handkerchief round hi* head, uppronh-
■ d the infuriated anri'msl, and
the tud iu hi* hands sprang lightly on
it, nettii e tho spun deeply in il* tliukii
is he utile.I securely in I is seal. The
lariats were slcekoned; Iho bull ga?f 11
roar of rage anil terror an I ll im? hi-
head to tbe ground; but tho rider ha l
his back to tho horns and a firm grip 01.
the Inil iii. 1 kept his seal, Another
r ur that ehook the ground, 11 wild
plunge, an I the now mnd It-neJ bull slioi
j out Heroes the sage plain with lightning
specii, his plucky riltr Iwialiug the
t ul that was lo lnm 11 sheet-anchor until
up in hi* In art rra' b —into which the
sk> I ta of happiness alway goes sing.
__ ' "to bellowing! lost iu the distance.
Jkwisi, ( uii.dhkn.*-li I* a fact known ! Vor 0T,r * w'11' "u 1 ,m" 11,0 rj,!" «""•
,, ' tinned, nrnid tho excited cheer* of the
I .t''
[tj vnquero's coturn lea. Ooenioniilly lln-
bull gave a despeiati-plu' go through 11
heavy clump nf sag - in a v tin attempt to
ri 1 111111"".f 1 f hi* t irmenbir, but (he
long rowel* (inly clung m -ro firmly to
I ic fUuka. H iu>t t.iu .* Ihu iioluial and
Ins ii 1 r were hid by uudulalion* in Ih'
l!'round, ami bet* were t-vcu made that
l'rh'k would lie thrown nnd gored; but
*t last Ihe ti;.ll, ixhau ted from sheer
fright, fell, and tho plucky vaquaro,
in nf hucIi n character promiee ym
dne tiw .
time w ill come; for r.: ucsvoidahir
and irrepr aaibly w./tks" its way up, and
like water aeeks its lovul, and will nlti*
mutely roach it in spite of impediments
kugo as mountains aud clammy as Bad.
Persistency in tho percolating fluids wil'
lino to its level; exiotly so with tbe
young man who has patienee wilb par*
Miten-y like Nspolecc Bounparto, whose
line of promotion pi iced upon bim tbe
duties of corp. ral, then sergeant, and aa
lie proved his worthiness he was pros*'M
'od uuiil •he world was filled wilb bis
unme. Wo say Ij all ycuug min: bo ye
faithful over little things, never weary,
patiently atnl iuduttriously do your
win I ■ duty, and destiny w 11 mark yon
a* a child of fortune.— Br. ubutn Heuti-
Up km 't py Doorons.—1't«is passible
that Sir Oodfrey laup and al work, ana
cured by *0 simple a rt-mt-di ?"
"I uniuro you it i* tro.H that be ia'ena
tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop
Hitter*; ai d 01 ly ten days ego hie doo-
lor* gave bim up 'ind *a>d Un must die!"
" Well.aa luy 1 That I* remarkablt! I
will go this day nnd hot soma for my
poor (leorge I know hops sro good
Miis 1 i,.\inb a t-iiAHi- Tohoi'I,—Mrs.
Blniuti In l been s ui" years in Wishing1-
Im, says the Denver iuter Ocean, belore
Mr*. . the wife nf n prominent sena-
orcsl ed ou her. At li*t Mrs —— «nt
.1111 ouneeil one day, As Sirs, Blaine ens
t red bet draw'ngsroom she noticed tbe
col irnl cook *1 p hurried ly from the re*
i'i'plio'1 to ui 'vb' *e Mr* —— was wait-
ing N xt day, hoire7er, her cook left
lit-r, to find a place in Mrs. 'a klich-
en, At a slate dinner soon stttrwsrd,
given at the executive mansion, these
ladie* chauoeit t i he | laced with ouly a separating th-m at tlio table, Tha
stepping lightly off, returned to claim gentlemen Hitting butwi:eu them nolle*
his pre , which wis unanimously award- nig that Mr*. ISUiuudid uot addrosa a
•■tl I11 iu l'hi i occurrence I* related by a word to In* other 1 e ( h'ur, eiolaimod
prominent slock mau iu Lino county, 1 "Why, Mrs. I Lire, you kuow Mrs.
who vrutiir s the opinion that uo *cene Henator do y ui not?" "So." waa
in 11 bpsnish "bu l-ring" wasevei half so the answer, loud enoigli for nil to bear.
wild or exciting -Ju ksouvll'-, (Or..) * Mrs. 0tiled tho other day at my
Ilimro of Commiimiorrr * C'ot'iir. smoke, my son-'" said nn 1 ldsrly Indy in aolvodl It wa* of her his nyea lot I rc
Macond Monday's In February, May, « railway waiting-room lo ^ umg Amor- miailed me; it waa lo tier 1 was Indebted I office seemed lo slide mo aud
Aagnal and Movembsr < -
01T1 orricKss.
Mayor—Joseph (IInter.
11 ev ij msiruotor of youth thi!
• u of J; ws learn more rupi lly
unpiiro ku wlo.lgo Willi greater easd
thai the olnl lreu of nuy olh -r race. In
tlm M-liool cvamilinliotis 111 Guarl"-low.i
a few ,lsys ago. tho Jewish boy* und
girl 1 cut lie! i ll ii. aily nil the flr-t pr 1. *
and iv.- uotieo I Ihat one half of tIi•• 1 nn
hnndi' tl b-js picked froin Ihe New
V >rk gr-iuimar schoi Is to whom ni. .lals
woto given lit the rn sii.g of Hie obelisk
wuo of Oermnn extraction nnd one
llnr 1 of J. wi-h birth. One-third of Ihe
pr.z ■ tiki ri iu tho New York tionnnl
ch' ol a 10 h'i<0 Jew niul 7ct neilli- r iti
I Lu u rmtl tohoi l or the , ir
'Choolsare th Jewish ohil Irt 11 ovci
one-filth of the whole, Tliu m to ilit
Jewish people slid tin ir history i*
studied and kn wn, tlio more convinc-
ing ia the iid Hint they lire 11 Uoble slid
pi on I i.i r people.
— —
A l'ln Si 1 ksm. ' Mv wife hid buen
ailing il'Oig 111110 with ilyspi pi-ta and
nervoiiaiie'.s and was in bed two years
tiilh 11 coinpUestlon ol disorders In r
pliysloi ins colli I net cute, wh 11 I wnt
lei I 1 r-'ii ling a ououliir lo ! at niv door
t.i try I'trker's (linger l'onic. Hiving
bfi 11 n 1 of! 1 i\ed by 1 nll l i.« mix
(•ir. a, nothing but my wife'.i dangerous
■ coiidilion could have led n* t - malic auy
uorn expi rinienl* Hut it w >s a big|,iiei„n r having In tu orgsnici'd oerly in ! a grand ball nt Le-ulville to eelrbrala
■sUt-ct-sa. Three boltl * cuivd her, nt a-
cost of a dollar an I fifty ceulH und she,
1* now a* strong a* any woman, and reg
ularlv do slier household dullis ll, D
ItnfYalo. Son other column,
Aha! S11 IT ring with dy*peps| • r.vau I
Oan'l digeai your food, coo t gal rid 1 f
Muir hen lu,':i! Now let mo tilk n 1 • f• ,
tin *"n••!' i. t . your lie-id, Hi.-nd f-0 cents
I.i iln- .Hug --tore aud procure n I it'lo o' !
Ilailcy'" Saline A crien', and tak-' half
iliblesp i 1 ful for three mornings. I''
will col your stomach, relievt ynt 1
headaclie, unh ck yoar liver, and unlock ,
your bowel*. I
Th" town of WinJhniu M < , boast* ol
an ngo.l miuister nnd ancient church,
bnuic, on my cook, nnd her card wat
handed lo 1110 by miit ike. My eook ro-
lurnoil the call."—Progress.
E irIisIi l''i iiihIo Hitters imparts tad
bl ul t ' n sickly woman's cheeks and
Crt-iigth lo Uer niuseles, by giving an
.PI" h'e, ai .ug digestion and bolldlng
up th «system. All sickly women who
in—•) 11 iii v. r.failing female regulator,
aill tie dellghte I with )•-. prompt aolion.
It i-< adapti 1 to rito^.a or married ladies
llort is a L "adville local They bad
Aldsrmsn-J G. Bnebanan O. L
Morgan, Tb. Ussier, A. J. Itatls, A
Wiseman, Otiss. Wertmrr, Gbestrr lit
hard, Tbos. Hodge.
Assessor and Golleotof—G. F. I'elly
Treasurer --Otto Klsner.
i boy, emitting a voluniu of smoke from a prosperous man, sun nuded by ull lln ^ op •uctl it nud the <! ght luriied me gi.ldy
bis aioulb that almost slrsuglod (he old {luxuries which wenllh iiffirds 1 knd | and faiut. 1'beii comnionced within my
j lady. "Hut you never beard ot a euro
frmu smoking," a uitinued the old I nly
I when she hud regnine I eousoionstie**,
, "Oh, yes, I did," parslsled the boy, ss
W." N Il'D ho (mined his uiouth Into a young Ve*
fifteen B^od Msrss, stitable ,n'tn" w,,rk'"R ,nl1 Um"- ",0
n|#r ,1 1 way hey cute pig .'' 'nmokeon, llieu."
<>r the r'.v- j iplokly rep' I the old Is
** A d tloo'r iou.t hope 1 -■ vmi vi
^Vlb •? . If
found in Mr. Thoruo in-irc tbiiu a pals ( breast 0110 ol tb so moral struggles
r'n; I found a fiiend. Duder a brunpie which, even to cm .pier, 1* foirful, but
manner ho had n hesit of g dd. From i in which, nine! 1 wm miserably vaua
the first day of our scipiuintniice ho had quishi d. Tlio ui x! day 1 -tl •ill
evince 1 toward uie the livelient lulursol claims upou mo. To Ihe worl 1 1 was
and slV'clion,
(leorgu Tborne, an housst, upripht
A spi Ii r's web nil rds su exctlleul
barometer, /lu old sportsman claims
that one preserved in his house ha«
' jirov al almost invariably oomot. When
r nu and win 1 urn ripcotcd (he spider
shortens tho thread* which snspcud tbe
web. Whou reefn nre let out, flue
i weather ir oertilu; but if Ihe spidi 1 ri "
I mains inert, ruin will probably t-.-iuo
1 wilbiu a sh • rt time.
tho last century. The pastor, the llev. j Washington* birthday. Over 400 wrra
bulbar Wi-well, in nu octogoiiaiisn, bill prcuonl'. si* bsrrr'.t of liquor wsra con
-till remains in uetivo service. Ou a re- surned and s-vnu men killed in a froa
cent Hiiudity ho celebrated tho eightieth light, which ws* excel ently managed,
anniversary of Ins birth day by a sermon Tlio whole sfftir wm very raohateh%
from Ihe appropriate lex', "1 sn thi* | and will lie remembered as ona ol Iht
day four soote years old." most ileligblfiil sooisl affairs tbst waa
1 ev r ei, j lyed by the best society ol Land*
I urs* soon made partner, and 'vheu. 'man, to myaulf I was nothing bolter thau |
• -'-lln III" ->r I iliiy, 1 lie.'ami the * niilefaetor Y-ei know tbo rent. i«> puollo debt ol Mule 1 is (1 11! bv
' of ih nu,| in* ton*unlaw, heiJ^msu u.- \-11 if >u 1 • i t^o > t-k a t-pre.*. 1 <iumism. 1. ss l / no,
gtsiite.. —
The Gsltui Cliruuiole thinks Iha
"when Iwo witneieee «wesr directly op |
posite, both i-antiot bo tru''. and Ibis i-
fr< iji|. Tilly done, nn.l if ,1 few i f Ibtiu '
w< re put lu the penitentiary for mlcli
t tookod Hwennng. it might help tho
oitUMi of truth -
It # 1
h. r i
A C on ed r ii- M-'jor-Oausrsl
nUe th" rmied Hi sis*
11 a
A itwyi-r bought the right thousand dol
lar bible sold in Ni w York reisaolly, nnd
tha people arti prone to tnke this aa nn
indication that in" ci tas ol tUnb Ita ia a
mi'iulxr areou tun reform, but, n ornai
exchange remaiks. "very likely h«
hoogiii iha I"ib1* oalv lor spveoiaUaii

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Cain, Thomas C. The Bastrop Advertiser (Bastrop, Tex.), Vol. 24, No. 20, Ed. 1 Saturday, April 30, 1881, newspaper, April 30, 1881; Bastrop, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Bastrop Public Library.

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