The Tri-Weekly Telegraph (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 133, Ed. 1 Monday, January 25, 1864: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

..., war did come and desolation, and their Republican form ot gove-nment was changed to a despotism... and subjugate the South? Never. On the contrary, when a war between the North and South became Inevitable... In their bro tber-' blooJ, and to pray that peace rnlgit prevail. God only i nows wnen this horrible war... eonseriptlon. Onr Navy is finally pretty well able to " hem In the edges of the rebellion." And^rlth... Government mean What do they want? Do they really want war It may be the most disastrous thing in tbe world

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

..., will A ■iWBIBI.K NCBIMB, A boat tka lme of the beginning of t^a war, H of tba marebaaia ot Houston latereatad i..., and that tba expected abart duration of tba war would toon put a period to Hit* profi'a Il^d tbe machinery..., and half a million erlppiod In tbla war, brongbt about a-> It waa by tba abelltionlat*. Por every wtlle man..., but this time had passed; and there wa* noihtag for u* new to do but to light out the war upon <>ur own... resources. Referring to tbe views of Carlya on the American war, Dr. Hoge told us that the great modern

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