The Crosbyton Review. (Crosbyton, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 51, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 19, 1912: Searching Inside

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3 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... and every place of honor and emoluments a good old-fashioned tobacco-chawing Democrat sitin a royal Sanctum... of not less than twenty-five years, the railroad of the Texas Central Bailroad Company, extending from..., or any of them, with the branches and extensions of said railroads constructed or to be constructed... charters of the said Texas Central Railroad Com-! jeast hesitation pany, The Wichitil Falls & Northwestern... or any of them, as a part of its line, and to complete and extend the said railroads, or any of them

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

..., centering aborrtrthe exact central point of the county, made the contest an unusual one,' and presented... and Matagorda counties carried by large majorities. Railroad Construction. The Houston & Texas Central Railway

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