Dallas Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 19, No. 16, Ed. 1 Saturday, December 30, 1871 Page: 1 of 4
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.dorm. K.n.r
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nxxr.niiL iom.K. yiw&i. f.
.ih.iiM "" ;; p.nvKtt w.
MIRTH on Or.l ....I FrM.t ni:hlnf
AitMli f. 1.. Wii.iiht Hi-iIIw.
IKTHoil..rP ..ln.l-r I.U-M '.' '
1 Kfllow'l irn J. w '
J". 3FL. DAV3C9
The KonowiiPd rhotop;riM)hcr ol
NorMi Westcrn Texas
fill. jll C..in.l ci In. liHlliry nil
Jefferson Streot one door Worth
of 0. D. K nady's
wriirtiiK hn in.it ! f"i r i.
nlt ilwolalimi l In. iium.ruiii liirmll
All kln.1i iifwmk In III" li" 'l"i' l'h ii'i
ml i1iIau-Ii.
Bppclnl rains Taken In ( op)!ng ni
KcRtnrlns Old anil l aded rklnrn.
Piuki nf.ll klu.li.Hnl "airiii'-'l io "I1"'
nj Pti.tllwl mi lirpiu tin' I'lthnl St. lei.
KAMII.Y lllllll T IKk'll at I'rlvala ltiJ!ci.a
or al tin- Uallmy.
Instrnction Given in tne Art
In all Ii. va. Ii'il il.-mn.. Ai-.
Alway uo hand ami lur .alo al lu'lil.-it-l .ri...
Tlimkriil f.r Ilia in"t rl.nn IIIW-ll t'a'ro'm--wlilrh
liaa liwn liil"."l 'li Ulill. Il iill
a rfiiillliuati.'A l' III. .'ir'.
N. n. ('mil- "III1 illivl nil ulili III i liiiriwwd It-
filltla.. Ii. Kill la iiaMi-i) ni' ii-m...iip.-1 -I .alia
farll.in. " UAVIH
Dalla" Ti-a No..!.'. JsTl ll:i-ni".
Ai'tlnt ill l'Uotoyrr.ipliy
--J'FrSSft!!. BKfiH Terr i.iar--
fully t.i Inr.irm In-
i'l"k&2 aii.lfii.-u.liii lialla-
rt .-'-' r I r v ati.l intiiiiT.
121 Hint lit l lii-'-naiTil
'W a Hilh tin. Ilii.al
iaKw"7jr In o Hl.lr lo nu.k.
yir-ii L- lli.mi((railiiii IMc
-.llati.-i.. iirtl.tln In imaltlon anil lirllliiint In flniali.
I'lfa-a yl.ll hl.Sni.lliMin ir..i..nm St . nppnaila Hit
K.M i.l nf tin. f.-riit.-lin.-lil II..II-U. wlier. lia will br
Pl.tAanu In wail ukiii yuil anil .li'iw J"" I'll
nf rnmm. nylw of ilrlnrr.
llei-liferfiilly aniniunrM tn hi. many Manila an'
natron that no ir..n la ask.il ..r a.- n i-lpai-tnl tu
fakf nr kwp a iii-lnr llinl I. mil i a-ar way high
lvaall.ract.il)' In thrill . ami nolh U-I "II hliiart will
h. Ian nmtnni- thai i. whhin hla alnlily to atialn
that ami In whlrhha halh vaa vou cnnll.l. Jmliinc
frnia your lllnral patl minja. He a waya arcurw a
good iikelif.a of
Babies and Small Children
whii-li an mada a .parlalty.
All kind of l.Hti.l.raii. I'irtnraa made. Tamlly
rou. takru at In. Kludlo or at tliair ro.tltt
Ha wl.haa to aav a frw wnril. In a kind way to Ilia
voiiiik I.adlf. and llnitlrnicn of our .Irinlly
ij.-w tABittnlly Initio in mmnul Itl J.'minfiil frtni
una let it gnu your dwdllngi It will W w ot
liftiir (ti yon In fiiltire tluyw.
Carrul nti-riitUm gvt M lotimkinft copiwof ntlitr
plctwrti. All kliHl of ilntin(c dour from lllvar
Irtim picturm Trlp'raru frlfmli.
Inatrutrifoii ftlTrn in the Art j.ilcct nitltrtf nd
HliHftirtion Kiii.rnnt-fKl.
TIMt nmv b work ilnne for but b k that
tti priyy Wgiwn tltc prrprrnr.
IiKtm Tmiw l 171 i:fctf
Uvl miles West of lauisville Deotoa
coudij; headricht of C. Siiiiri'.
- . . i" II L'o : 1 r...n o
't)Ill v .....
aonu or roricra oiud iieDd-i--
uu county; o.aur.giini ji.uj-; .u. pnarp. i
irapj i. . r .- .
l.--i.-.. . ...
"Jijortkr.'of Ca' Bui'.tsoa
f..urm;. i -ii
coun v".' -wnrigl't of Wisliinglon Koark.
irK ks. nnrmrrnTTu i"i -
'J010'??. '."'"I..' ..." I
--. .. .
.-nntT: oai-ton! r-.'- -s :. -
Z.-;. iflUJI liLBLairoaJ lo 1 " at-
.'800 S 'Cia t!ucb
'"a--. . ..A l.nrl in
I OQf ?C'V'3' u"'Tw m.k
i-at eaj.
oa Gilour's creek
. i " JZ J.:l-iJ ivi-h.11
-ittimglil-an ""I""" . ii
1 1 OOA ACHES ol nniDiproTca ...a .
r . i . . .
tO HfXkttVBr lorUnlajptoT! lana
04Ul-ratk eounly; beadrighl of Ira
t; 1. 1
Tha..r.old.dieetllioa.a-.!andanl.patl.iesran U.gn. Viaaain
VtU ti
K.-mI and arataraJ.
F. M. HA KS.
Dkllaa lf. lllk. 18719: t loa.
T l GflLLOT sreoeiktlug hims-lf ''k
31a eortt workmak " kia
abop at kia old stand aad agaia affrra k.
aerf toea ta kia old eniUM- ad tka paUie
MMrslly bat aU liaa. f Can-iap or
ad arark. Iroa rali.iaa.Tna.
la(. Haraakla.iawillbrrimir-
Maa aal-i " allwaaU!
I. a 4 ...U laa.iif a.11 .
II ftit. a-4 aa. U a aia
ft - -. M KM
... ihn.ir ii a. naa aaa
.ta O aaak
Dm .a.-' aa. " kaa-la
)bl l .1 :
1. I.ll. a. . a-a!.! In l-ta.a
L ar.-f aift vaa .lia I' lll.
-"' .lwia Ui
I ha ImmL ar" ---ail
.'...l" ill M-k
)U. .la". !''" ."
U i Ml M I'll t '
fn i. .r ai !. fr ulliaaj Mk
ba M-mt a I tr a1 - l111
.1. mmJ- i. h -t.
1 a ikl Nil i-.i'-i. ra. a l-
t.n . ..! it- -W ; hut '' axil
iuai.i .J .iati
A I hi Jaal.r h.aia. ihae liia - .fihluw
r- kMa.al u Mk !
I. iwMitikaal B-fraaa 1' ikr 'W
lua. .-.... a 11
tal i llj. Il. I" Ai a .lialu
t-. . -I Ikf n il aa a.
.krlflli la thy a4 aLlraM
yi i.riMMl .ia "I a.la.hi I
II. .. IK. .al I.- lo laka IH atl
lk. Akl l l aaaal fcari I
At.ta.4la t.laika tm ikal Iaaaa4
a ii.. j..d.ni k.ac.al i
li.ri i.ii.l ai.ia fca. ia.il Uimu.li lata
1 lv U-fl ul kuoMinlly I
tara lift "" liy loavraan algh
An J li a. ill .in.. Hm '' "y.
1-ilrlllk.l lliJi. )! alikut
lUiiiliiUrurrt olTea.
1KATII OF I.I(.C JHM T. -Mll.1.8.
We leiu n f.i.m die MnrI.Hll pa-juV-t
timi Jiiiij;e J"l. T. Mill .lied
hi Itin n'siJfiiuo in Unit ilio nt 3
oVIiitk (in ili niorniiif; l tho aHli
niid w hh bill iolt Hi JO A. M. tin- IH..M
tly. For ttinoy hiohiIih the loco-
cd liml lit't'ii in bad heitith. mid Tor
Wui ltH Iiih doath wtm uiilieiiuted
bul hIiII kiicIi an vvenl is ever uu
JudxaMilln belong i.v Viit frVi.
IJji liifiij tuii bnt k ta Ilia organ-
iciilion ol civil guverniiutnt in Tux-
a lie wan ilie aMuCinte and com-
peor of that array of lawyer and
Htnleniuan wlncli tliHlinj;iii.lieTeJt
an InMorv and of wliicli her pcoplo
may juxtly bo pnmd We tender
tn ilio Iniiiily of the dureancd our
wannest JiynipatliiM in Heir Had
bereavemeii I Iiffer-m Times.
The reeord above lolls llio lulf
that in Houner ol- Inlt-r lo be told of
all of un nnd ilu brief reference to
personal liixlory will bi injj up fresh-
ly in the iniiids of many hereabout
I ho pui-Mutlal presem'0 of the second
Judfje of llio ifed Jti vet- I)intricl of
lVxan The Hrst was Judo lianH-
lordf Ilarririon Comity who es-
caped iinpeachinetit by resignation
Jude Mills and the writer of this
artielo came from Austin together.
Ucd liivur was a ft'f'il inenyiiti lo
both of uu but .liuljre Mills hud at
lie instance of Itoberl l'ol tor Sena
tor JVoin I!ed Jiivir and with the
c incurrence of the members of the
lower house of Congress received
the position by election of Cnnjreas;
iiml llio writer of this hail looked at
the eoiilifSunitioii of lied Uiver
County oti the Mup and also at ihe
instance ol all thii mcnitiers of Clou
stress from the district had ivsulv
cd to seek the far off rich land
Ciiiily we rode to it led Ly l'otler
who lnow ull 111-' interinediiile
country and selected Hit) .oppiii
pluees. then not so fi'etiiiont orooiia
.eiiienl us now. The roulo now
I'olloWed w i- a wililerno s. Mon-
tague hud just coniti iliroiii(li- the
tii-st mail and snid Unit Fannin Co.
was nearly north of Austin Xo
body could believe il. All thought
thai the Ucd Hivcr Conniy ' tur
Kant of Xorth The traveled route
iu thosu days and for two or three
years ul'ter was from Austin to La
Grunge through Washington by
Crockett. DougliiRsvillo Nacogdu-
dies lMltrshall (which then had a
tavern a blucksmithshop and the
uno room log residence of the Coun-
ty Clerk.) to Smithlaiid by Col.
Graham's Epperson ferry Ben
Booths Henry Jh.rnalls to Clurks-
ville: rather a cireuilous route 500
miles in length. In the fall of "42
when we moved our family Berry
Durham had a little log hut ami a
ferry at the embryo city of Jeffer-
on and tho roulo ran by lfeeso
Hughs' and the Trammuel traee by
Harnbriglits and the crossing at
Gaily as wo havo eaid Bob Potter
led Ihe way and enlivened it with
wit and sto.y for hi experience
had been extended and sometimes
brilliant: and Tom Smith of fan
..in ..nnr annira null riMWllt.Ml ll IS
. 11
own verses. Tom was a bibulous
P..-I n i.nno.i m .n inH irnnH f..i.
' . nr. .ii i.i ...;..... r
IOW. II u nil HHU Hiu VAIivi iain.cn vi
. . : t.
me 1 isi exii'ivu BusBiun 10 icowaior
rnd all had bad intimate relations
with iU Potior wit a leader oflhe
a lead-'
.-;"..v . ---
I .. ..... i. i .una Lr.il nnfl
cr goiiuiniij ni...... -j---- -.- . . . . -il
" i n .iiiitiruil know lias never amu
Tnm Smith was a membjroflhe
Ho ase of HeprcscntatiTc from Fan-
i ion. Mills bed been Judge of the
San Antonio district but much
. ... ...... i i .l. ..;. . r.1
OOTUl mo VyUPiiui aim .i - -
! li been head of the Stock bu-
l.. Rnnorier to the IIooseofReP-
1 i - . .:
rescntativcs ana cauor 01 a oay
.annriad pnt re T br Con-
nceta; me paper on j puu
n t puo ibuvu .v.
t i:uj fi.
the session vie an nan poiiihhi
. a j: i:i a... u. A.-
IIKCS anu oisi.a ior ... a-v -
IB .a" a a art a m
i;vmi.ni t-. -p. .
lim and trcrsonal nreleranoi-a
had just been elected I'rwooeni ana
ar.. ooil fpl in between
; him and Lanar and generally be
i tween their friends; and Honston
' was already saapected i4 aa incli-
nation to move tbe aeat of Govern-
i rntnt from Aostin though lastin
Bb tb West bad sap port ej hints
Notabl men were aboat Austin in
those dsva either in Congre9 in
j Bdictal poslllon or noming pi-c
m the new or IB mini a; u-oni--
tratioa Tber was JaditeWcbb
j... llurloH. f .ulu.-r.. Minm J V i. ..rr.. .
.nllui.lJ..I.t-.I.I:H.n;lm..r v"'- T'Ju i...k f..ur'rr.
i.. H-r...nul r.l.?rulf. . ( """.yj"; " ' f . .
m- l tho iu.. i..ij..ttri..l.. ' 11 v
uriI..M .r i-our... Imh.iI. Im Z .
J-l...rr.rrn.u......Hljth J'. ' lHil ' .
U.n..r liitl minilii il'l !'' '
tt'iia I'ltlima Ii mm l to u l'len and vi
ulfitt denih and on our nmln until
He left Miii-htill all wax novel and
Th..ro wo lurried a day
orlrtounlil I'ol'er Bifiiiinivd
bv one or two men lie nnn .teae.1
atssw xxzzws
b . U t.".mn-r ..le over to thU
U.U KUOiHIilllllM . ... ...
. . . .
..i ...- -...i il fiiinrn in iwii
'. " i .i ... -..u- i.l I. un
i 1.1 aawill. I. lia I'esiill
n iii nn " .iu
"""I 1 o In. hU m y It I
I '"":'i;r. 1 ' t . fiuyVtLul
r'".'. ...i... i..:..i.. i........ ..r. ;
ftt i
iniiiiii.ii. .
' li.w Iii. nra bi'f.tre. and t l h
iIi.i.U- li.rell of the Compnii'Mlsh
.. J . ......... I ... I ..I .a ...
or olio to wnimi wo v.v
fin iiiiii.Ii kindness and ore whom
il wui impoasibloiiot toliko.lhougli
we were well aware of Main upon
his private history. But there bus
scarcely ever been a mora faeina-
ting man in pronal intercourse
and bo was highly talented. and we
were indebted lo him br much
kindncsa. Much less ioyfolly we
made our way to Smitiiland and
stopping over night beard the ru-
mors relating to the killing of
wli'n i h account were imperfect antl
il tntltiding. Snllleo it e arrived
ut Clarkaville. safely and Judge
Mill assumed bi.s positi.oil.aa Ji-
trict J u'dgo and wa found a great
impr9vemont npDii Jildgu Hansford.
With ft good legal mind imposing
presence and popular manner ho
tilled llio oflico kevtrrill years accept-
ably ; and during tho lime ran for
Governor of the Slate but unsuc-
cessfully. Subsequently Judgo Mills set-
tled at i'aris Lamar County and
entered upon the practice of tho
law and afterward moved lo Har-
rison county where ho died. The
Judge was a native of the Spal'lan-
burgh district of South Carolina;
and Iiih politics were of the Calhoun
Ho was nn impulsive man. of gan-
erous tendencies and a good ileal
of natural talent a good lawyer
but for some years past bad not
evinced much of th vigor of his
euely days. Ho had !tti.il the
Peace ':! rellgloli prior to his death
and pleasantly wo trust ho has
passed to that land where there are
no heartburnings bickerings or
contentions for place and power.
The Judge was twice married lo
estimable Indies and has left one
purl nor and we fcolievo several
children. Wo had scon him but
oiuo in twelve years ttnil found him
much Impaired in mental and bodi-
ly vigor when here some two years
since. Vliirlisville Standard.
i Vlt'W of the Isnlve Policy
Tho following letter was address-
ed to the PI a Us burgh Mo. Kefloelor
of tho 1st inst and i from the pen of
one of the ablest lawyer In the
St Louis Mo Nov. 21 '71.
Jumes A. Millwi ft.q My dear
friend l What do I think of the
Passive policy ? think it a most
unreasonable dangerous and ruin-
ous scheme : and Imre never con-
cealed my notions . i lout it it asks
tho grout Democratic party lo put
itself under the foot cflhe so-called
liberal iiepublicana. Who are the
liberal republicans ? What are their
number"? What i tsis organisa-
tion? What is their purpose 7 I
have been socking unswirs to these
questions but havo nov no satis-
factory information.
In Missouri wehuvoGrn Brown
and Curl Schura and asma.l faction
tiding with them which lucyion has
recently lost more than half its num-
bers by going over to tho regular
Radical wing. Whore else ia there
any liberal Republican org ni na-
tion ? Nowhere. " No Stato ft the
Union outside f Missouri ha loon
such a sight as a liberal RepubaAun
organisation. ' Will there be Wry
liberal Republican orguutsiiiW
I .1 ...... 1 . ..UA
CISOW llt'l u.
iso one can tell- -
gan Sumner. Greeley Coxnijd
nier aro called libarul Republicaio
nier aro called libtrul Republieam
Hnt mil one of them i oi.enlv nlud
. . .1
I ..i ... i.tir.an lirant il ho m nomi-a
... v..
nated. rbur is the only man who
baa taken positive ground ngainsl
Uianl lie says lie win mn nu
. ....;. .i
Tr nil i in'iiiiiini..i
uov urown
this much
(G"o. Brown we think ha made
Ihe declaration F-ditor
1. Schun. platform ia the imo-
.ntia ili Tnt-m Irt all resnertsai
r . . -. n
advocates nothing wl ircl he Dm
craki did not-a.tocat bm bor
v..-.r -
- -. .
I. lei n. pm..u...r
and feiiouiu iDrrvnuii -."vs
- .
- . h more linaginatiot
-r . :
: Aranotiier rartr
- - . . . . - .
.!--- - :v
lie mast baveu'
'"7. VJ'" .' T
aTT. . a. atkia I fctkin rrs Y
'r"" - J "7 ri - t.
craU td oordiallv lor a lHat
licaa which they will never aa in-
der aoch cirt-miBiicc.
4 Mr. Schar wanr al ttrnv.
crata to mgr ta lb paive f"l -
cy-aoa-i V hBtl ki nd i
friends to defeat Grant s norBib -
tioa and nominate TrBmball or
CnarleaF. Adam tOiey. I JearB.
ar bia mm) in hrh cane h will
acp .rt t'. K-.J-3b..'.aa l : -and
ll Iieni'atmts trtt '
iVnL Taal at Aa.tasfaaa nM
.. I. . . .....- ll.fir
"r "
l' lll'IIUKTitl 1 Ittaa.) I.ay
ally wa never tiupiH ie l : ai-'i
lii.to i Iniraeler i kUiiila- ? 'er-
Ittilily li.il iml ev.oi to MVO llnair
(uuiiiry iVoiii liiiu I Tl' tl.eai
Mil').' of lhi vain-jjloi iou. diHoil
i..i iii.-. .i .in
" - . . v.
que.G-.n .. ll.o.i ... H Uce . id
Liana la.i Null bow llllllbl.
lmw colilenil'tabl
ia lb niuiiv f
parlr if limy j
call bo wheedled or Irighlonod into
.ueli u p-diey. The IK-m.Hrni. ;
"H.t n.vdo for the .-n.M.it.. un-
.uU au.Piee. M K.r cent. im..t
fill nor ivnl of all lhal aupinrla it
!UI per cenl ofall lhal aupnria il
"d yet behold Iho arroguneo and
lueHtiinplioii oflhia illilwral Itepub-
lieaii faction which bluslera and
.... .... .
llirruinia a - inu I'ltmu ...m .
the 1-iirhi to name IVeiidonlial van Coii;;iv tho rank l M.ij ir I. oner-
didaten nl "..r hu h I pr.iy. Ihe Stale ill
7. Ilia twiil llio lemocraU ran i t.tlm r.ilily and prmaptly U-
not aueceed without gelling more tow u euiiiini sion fur butt lo a-
vote in 17.! than their lieket ' B0 BUI Itold llio rank. Iron. lhi
have received this year. That i dale Inch bclotia to a geiigral of-
true. The)' cannot be eleeled with- lu Kaiue grade
out vulva. But what naaiiraiu o j Hn high ber:h ln ruiiiiwlbm
have we of totes fi'om iheno Kepuh- (l0 i.ialne litlen wliieh bin I'ttiu-
beans. None al all if liraut i not i ju- (.j.y nl ibi t'nart. In very
iinminated. How many if bo ia
njiniualed and the gre-'l D.'itioeral-
ia parly Uisbandtd'f One two or
three per cent of the voles? No
one can tell How nwiiiy roles wijl
wo lose by iTsOunding ? Ten fif-
teen twenty per cent? Who gives
bund ngainsl lhal? No parly ever
did relax its ocgaiiixalion an hour
without losing vote and no party
can foreg'i Us active Work a year
without destroying its power -Hence
llio passive policy is unwise
ruinous and tho good sense ol the
people will seo it and it never will
have us much favor again as il has
I )dav.
8. What will wo do? Discounte-
nance tho passive policy insist on
thorough Democratic organization.
Stand by our colors all tho time
In this way we shall gain votes.
There aro among the people thou-
anils who 'ill not vote for Grant
tlio-ie thousands in ov.ry Slate itin-t
flock to our sl.tiidi.rd us llio only
rallying point against Grant if we
do not ia 'mil It 'i.c Cuward and
the foul. Tlx il:aati-tid Republi-
can lire "'H'' to vote for us tvlun
Grant c.iuiiis nr.. They can't voto
for him and if bu can bo beaten
this s the way and the only way to
do it. J t.
A Itai knoinls View ol' the i-asc.
We learn I'-om a rpocial Wns'.i
iiiglon telogiilnl to the Demueitll.
that Iho White Housu olllciills had
a deal ol'amuscmi'iit Inst Moiidliy
at tho expense of a Wisconsin back-
wnodsntaii who was exceedingly
anxious to seo the president on ur-
gent private business'. Of course
tho Valet irt waiting was too well
t ruined lo grant acoirinon looking
individual f om the rural districts
admiasioii into his excellency "s pres-
ence; but the vnlol cross questioned
the applicant in most approved
style and easily extracted from
hi'm his little story.
Our Wisconsin friend had it
seems fallen into the clutches of
the law and before ho escaped from
the lawyers and courts was victim-
ized to the lane of three hundred
the entire proccods of a year's la-
bor. Quito naturally be wanted
his money back nnd so camo to
Washington with a shot bug full
of documents which ho hoped would
induce the president to reverse the
decision of the legal iri'jitnals nnd
thus restore to him his vanir-hed
Whereupon there was much tner
rimeiit among the attendants al the
executive mansion and divers and
sundry i.f jokes wuro tracked ut the
expoliso of the poor fellow Who mis-
took a president for n king.
Yet wns there not Mime method
ill tho nniilnc" oflhe Wiseonsinian?
Ho was doubtless a smiiid radical
and had therefore seen with Jileasmo
t'ti Inure tl'Uii pari'iilal authority
vhich Pivsid.nt Grant exercises
from time to time over s vfli'elgn
Slates Ho hud witnessed nnd ap
proved federal interference in local
- . . . ... .
election; the overturning ol State
i. . ; . .
laws by federal baytu els. and the
Complete subordination of civil to
Solitary authority in Chicago as
tell n South Carolina. Was ho
inf. then amply jttstitied in enppo-
iig that a chief inugislrato so om-
niolent in great thi ig wo'.iid bo
eqtally successful in small ones?
Iln he ii"t a right to belie! d that
thepresid-nt whn could refer the
Goviruor ( f Illinois petitioning for
B rcire.' vf giiee: rices to a iiiilita-
ry aa.-;t.. miji'it if ho cliOfe UIi--e'.
the d :ng of an losigniPtanl court
of Vikioin and iriv him bntk
bi tin y I'.'jn Jri'd li.llnn.?
Tl.r l. -l.w.M .sinaii simply 'nr-
.i..iial t rgumcnla and precc-
lents fi Ui- t logunl etui lunio".
and tlnae l So laughed at him wet
.. . i a . ... n
f.M. ..L-Jf. .' J!tp.
I j - -
A like -l. w asked to name
lli re "0 ktonra named in the
liblo. Allrkevera' aeholars bad
(ivi f answera'."" little felhiw Was
' n. Ye'i. I h n wliat
..(.u aa h. hve yoa f..r.d ? j
. aHmntoh aliwered the ley
J- .jloa l'-sy thnt a no ruber :
i f iBdket hief wer called into
ra ti.it kb tn eba down Ih "de-.
a- 'Wa
A I ktrlxit Draidul.
; Hi . i a ii i ttiiil II IHIIH
In ... rl.aul'li lli.l I .!r-HIlrail
inll.n J'iv4i.rv l J'sHi.o I I rM-l
it I tin Im.Iii Hi a aivr.lHill lli l
U. I ii imr iiivi ii t..l Hi
Ui.tn d.i 1.4 ( ' -''"t
Illicit. Il i n.i. rn:i i Ha. I'
an. I ;n I. (.'' I uii lr
Ukiis r.juiiv. aii.irl n Hlr.i.
mi in our eiriy kol ir)'. - ' '
ti t i ir.-.'
I..HI .vir c nBii i l I t.
Thtnli-a ir i inc.. I by ibMr.j.
deU l-'aifUrf l .rvin; in t
Itt Stali-a of url!i A"i-it l
Ilin iolrrt-al K Ii ia t. Ho Ukra in lb
jii.luo ! lln-ir i4u. an I ui.linti
i..r an t.j i.ri.iniy t di!iouiii
Inula. !f in ar and f ranidfrii'iJ
hllllK ll Uai ful U Ilia ValelU 'f
kluliiv : bul ii"l tvimalni-r frm
li.i..ir (list be nur be alo to
nl.uio lliO oniaenl il In Mui.ly lo
. rViiig in the I miijii i-mniru-..
r .r.Kltf ..van !.. ho .hall
!. in .ala of a ie. rl ..I
lu-r. I .li.-.u I liinu-.l b.-llerwerfo
IUxr W laitu-l U.-lleraerfo .
iuiiry and al in atx-ordamo j
withu.y Mit-r lo giant onuuu-
mllBi iiiu in couii irnig on bun. in
t. msiiierablo wealth in I hit King
tisin ln peOO.'iai uiLTlia ma renown
bia diaiiiiervaieduea and above all
liis seal lor tin liberty of our provin-
ce have alouo ijiaUvol. n. V woei-
fso 'rfTni" "ihe 'abore rank of Major
Goiier.il in Ihe r am of the l ul-
led Suite.
In testimony of which 1 have
signed thesu present.
Douo at Paris 7lh leeember 17-
7o. Sii.. Dkank
t'nder ihe ubovo condition 1 of-
fer my services at:d promise to
lake my departure at llio liino and
iu the manner which shall uppnar
most suitable to Mr. Deune to nerve
the 1'nited Stales with till the real
in mv power without nay or spe
cial allowances reserving lo mysulf
only iho lil.orty ol returning to
F.uropo when my family or .my
King shall recall me.
Done at Pans Tilt Decembor 17-
(Signed)!.E M.Mtgns un la Fa-
A reporter ha interviewed the
steward of the Fifth avenue Hotel
Ne-.v York and diseovered what
.i.i- iii 's of l.io scraps :
Wln'ii 1 have done dining whl
do yuil do with the food which I
Ml untouched or barely last od of?"
Well il is all taKen into tho 'sort-
ing ivtim Tho untouched portions
are sent into tho kitchen to ho
wanned ovot for the servant' table
The remnants are collected and sold
to old Tliiillingt oi who lives on
Ihe Bowery" '-What does old
Tliulling.on do with them?" lie
arrange them and sells them to
poor people who come into his chop
to hay 1(1 or 1") Ceiils at a lime."
-Then nothing is wasted ?" "No.
nothing. The very dish-water is
collected in a vat. and the oil on the
top is skimmed off and saved." ''Can
this filthy greaso be inndo pure?"
'Yes purified till it is as white as
leaf lard.
An KasteUN Talk A certain
rabbi had two sons whom lie and
his wife tenderly loved.
Duly compelled tho rabbi lo take
a long journey to a distant country
and during his ahsenco his two boys
sickened and died. The grief strick-
en mother laid thorn out on their
bod drew llio curtain and wailed
anxiously for her husband. lie
eiiine 1 1 wss night
' How ai conr boys ?" was the first
question ! "Let me see them."
'Slay uwhilo" said hiswifu; "I
am in great trouble und 1 want
your advice Some years ago a
it'iend lent mo some jewels. 1 took
great care of them and at lasl begun
io priao them as my own Sinco
your departure my friend has call-
el for them but 1 did not liko to
part with them. Shall 1 give them
Wife I what strange request is
this? Certainly they must be given
up this very night. Snow mo the
j . . . . . i. . i i
She took tno raooi io inair ueo
drew usido the cttrlnin. rtiid said
'Husband these art the jewels."
The rabbe bowej his head and
The InI'IAss The heart of every i
........ . l. ....!..
iir.iiusi.il- 'r. . i
joy a lion ne ci. nes . m - - -
.' . .. . .!... ...I. I
raiJiied favorably so far as can be
judged from llio limited time dur
. .... .
ii. m-n.L lilHT.nl nrmrnnria-
: i.;..i in. r.nin in niternLiun i 1
no rev-tunii i-i
-w " 1 . r.
tionstorarryonttho'-peace policy.
It innv bo inferred by lhoe whoso
lives and proprrty are tn a constant
1 ... ..ram wtiii ill. a-iiiiiiini
s iMvf n.l.rarii win do cniioieo
i nesa the impoverishment and
mination of tho bordermen.
. . ...... ui 1
ll?t;u IS li'ii''""
1 1
a. trminfltn
It bss ri f-u'tcd so far in tarnish-
ing the Indians with the Implements
of their rrtorS tiviliid neighbor
wilh hi h to i-arry on v-.-o wBi1
faro and r. l be-y.
Almost every week tome deU s
of pillflL'e and bralal hinrdt com
mittd b.t ihce peatf policy" ward
of the go vernment II has certain-
ly oi.iieraU-d very lavoraDiy inn
v.:. . r. arotha lad iml raft
h'inrhe tor-Aand tnardtr Yi
i J !. ta lUr In al Tl tfm II Ml Uallae.
M.allio hibiik. i-f Jai a. pi. 11 .j 1 ! Hull la ft llr M lm II r-
IN Lla inb ! loin.f'a ok) Ik Ilk) . ritrj fraMM Seat III Iraki Iki lii.Hli-
tail i. thi.t'Hi'la kUitk) Ui.l I I . in bad oa brJ Ii. iin work fr
'r..ii-4 ( ia ik)i iaa . ' iba ai4 f"i lnd
l-l Wis .uilb. flluJtil.r !awrw Ik Inn. IV la..a imaj
l. I a al l.amrd Jk Jk ( I li( fl.lJ bv lb I Ull.. III!
I..-H r a. -a liiai.ia iU. Iimh ut ('mptav. Bad landol it al ibe
i. kal.ui. I Ur lit rrrtltr ttruk l.arf lrujli ihn i-aiulray
tirl illiiar-l Uifk-)fll ?. Mfk ol Cl !. M ta ink. a. rtary i'l"
uliit i.uar d i lb mI i IVa- Mnniiy au i. m urnly aiijir-
gioaa wi.it Kuii-1 by d-M Ii. ihlaud ihjf Ilia l. p-iieol nfll.e lin-.lp-tr.H
U m M. Wilna J .I. a It. r'.kl we ar raabU-l la lay bif.re
Irr.inaii an 4 .lliria .f bl ir. i Ik fadara ilia f.i!linfin iineyru
M Kro l-ll-a ; Jk of wiial'iag tba bn l : Uu trm-iur
trxal IbiKj; Cia jurrnmiil Iia4 Bben yiie.l. lrt will be ll.risi bun.
l..i.- ! l bad i.iaii'aa-l rNiira Javt fori biig? in lau pkk i f nin
audi laia alabliali-d depV'ta f buiidrasl l aifly and liiindfMa.1
.r ail BAOiiapbab liiai Jjrk'k an rv ferl f.rlv live ferl abue
Iice.bnii Ibaniaf.'er liai'ittiiiMl to
Iha iicr liappauiM to
apy hi old maalrr on ! oilier
ai.loofllivalrvrl II ran orr
ll.iwdy "Id MatlrT li da yon
d.i r!-bn ia old Mialrra and J
Ida ibddren al ltoniirT' The ;
.11 IV.
W are lolerably !
all Jack. t are not ao well nil ;
n wo UM-.I io W ; liul Here jara
Inko Ibis dullar. and bur '"U aome
u. Uranli i
J .. .
( Mj . '..v
wbioky. lie! drunk and make your-
I lia negro woni
Kee a in a
rg kiul aii : -i ai um you an
i bul man Maau-r forT Aro you
rit-i-? Am I you a good a I
am?' The nigger looked at Mek
a a tow would bsik al a lal year '
! i-alf. and replied : liully l o ginul
a yuu ia : but vou and ino bolli ami
. - a. ...
lai-niy or linriy ni'iro iiae u am i
ball a good a old JIaaterT ...lllr i
--a -a-aw a- . I
Col.. R. II. Laxk. It U wlih i dioii Mid cipeKkiveeretlieiiltimute
deep sorrow that We announce lhal ; destination i reached. We con-
C'ul. R. H. Lane ono of the oldest ' grainla'o the ill:tiii ul Dallas on
and mokt rcspiH luble ciiixen of thi imperlunl uddilion to it inter-
llonhnin died this morning at half mil improvements and when the
liasC I u'V.. He wa bom in I snort of lh Iron homo' la hoard
Western New York on the M ! within its i-orpornle Ihnii a' trttal
March 1815 i niore4 lo Miitif i in It wi'.l becoino one pf Ihe liveliest
early lite Hudied law in .St Lou'. I as it is tow one of the prottiest ol
and'brgsn Iho practice of hi pre-1 "r growing interior towns (hit.
i...-;.... i.. M.i.li. iiiiniv. hi 18 Vinli.in :id inst.
10 ho was married lo Rebecca Me
I'lii'lninl ilntiL'liter of John MeF-
laiid. In 1S-I7 heeiilorod Ihejfriny
a Caininand when tho forces wore
orgauixed a. Fort lA)venwJrlh wns
elected Lieutenant Colon 0f Rail's
regiment of Miaaouri 'oluntoers
lie served witj tHr4inction under
Brigadier General Sterling Price
participating iu the battle of Santa
Cms the last of the Mexican War.
After peace was made with Mexico
ho moved wilh hi family lo thi
country and became ono of the
brightest ornaments to tho Texas
Bar. Ho was elected to the Legis-
lature in 1 S3 1 . nnd to tho Constitu-
tional Convention of Hliii. Under
Pivsidert Johnson's administration
he was appointed Collector of In
lernal lleveniie which position he
tilled until removed by President
Grant. 7Y.ru. .Yivr.i.
Among the plant of Guinea ono
of llio Ihost curious is the cannon
hull tree ll grow to tho height of
sixty feet nnd it flowers aro re-
markable for beauty und fragrance
and contradict! ry qualities its blos-
soms aro of a delicious crimson ap-
pearing in largo bunches and ex-
haling a rich perfiimo. The fruit
resembles enormous cannon-balls
heileo the tililiie. However some
say it has been so ca'led because ol
the noiso which tho ball makes iu
bursting From tho shell domestic
utensils aro mado and tho contents
contain several kinds of acids bo-
sides sugar aid gum and furnish
the maleriul for making an excel-
lontdrink in sicknoss. But singu
lar us it may appear this pulp when
in a perfectly ripo state. U very
filthy und tiio odor from it is ex
ceoJingly unpleasant.
Tiik Sackkd.ness of Maruiaoe.
For tho man snd woman who purely
and truly love each oilier and guid-
ed by the law of justico mai'l'lilge Is
n t a stato of bondage. Indeed it
is only when they become by this
outward rckiiowlegomoiit avowed
lovers that freedom is realized by
ihcm in its full significance. Thoro-
after they can be openly devoted to
each other's interests and avowed-
ly choson and intimate friends. To-
gether thoy can plan life's battle
and enter upon tho path of pro-
gress thatends not in life's eventide.
Toguther thoy can seek the chinn-
ed avenno of culture and thou
strengthened by each other can
bravo tho world's frown in tho.rilg-
god but heaven lit path of reform.
Homo wilh all that is dearest in
tho snend namo is their peaceful
and cherished retreat Within whoss
sanctuary bloom llio virtues that
make it iho temple of benifienco. .
A FAnt-B. A man once picked
nil tthovc.-ciun Ivlng In tho road.
Kver aflo ward as he walked along
tho oTound in hope of finding en
. . . cfjurs of . on- life
mount of gold and silver Bu
..ii iiituaa nnt-i nn nnv nut iiiub
the heaven wu bngul auro mm
nd nature was
bcaulilui urounu.
ii4 never on co ai luwru fi" c va v
J1""" m-d d filh in
-II LI. ..aaa I -k
'"v -r . . . . A
' S . ' on ;
I'" S; ea' S of our.0 . .
a-l.w-h li . aotifni lire reisart3j
knvir this lair eano 01 oura
T" CrT
ftlong.- Theodore Porker.
nn moner BS VOB
"I " '
nr. . . lii a '
Tr piety is not moroae. out ft .
cheerful thing J whil.t it maks me
Jorfal it delivers in from frivolity :
Vet it causes m to be plca-ant Bad
A ynoaf man generally gives B'
i.k rf hi hair to his sweetheart
karv.ro ha marrie her. After mar
: . a... ....
rrar ao inm a...
and diience with th Of eei-
VOL 111.
lb aurfte cf llio waler. and
pkfclo of utiiiu.g a irauiv of
ji.hiO fba. wf l.nesl f -ul. TN iron
work ailU br aiirMirlo.) by tuaaaivo
picra ol a'did iiiK-t.ino qtmrrie I
nrar Dal!a an I oo.f in r..i'nni.
'i he ironwork waii;a.l-bvllie- Kiinr
aronglit mm Bridge I nm party
la Kaiia and a;iili-M.iiliMi ralv
lor use foil don. wbii-b Mill IxmiIhi iI
February I lJ7i. a iho main Inn-
Ula and liirt-wui ar luiw availing
lia arrival. Wo liav ofien betird
lhal 'Jordon i a bard rml m
IraTel." but Cant Swink
u lhal Ihe r mte ii-nni I Ii i r.n-
i. ... ii.i
lua l alHinl a liur-l a anyiniii
nuaalava. Ida lo I Ufa" a Iho
imw flips. Ihe distame is amno .wu
mile and lo gel Ihe iron there it
.. . . .. I
win nave io iravei .i.nm iiinr svrn
rent railroad. Iho Morgan lino
slentuer. liml ho hauled si.tiy
mif i luild lllflkiltg il both lO
A Mr. G M Mviiik. tho
secretary!..!'" .hallahHi Bridge
Compniiy. is nTrW "ns city in
go nl the superb '"WIJ1 1" JJi "
irch bridge lo simn tliaiafrTi which u
liol arcli bridge to spun
ririir i.t lhal. imii.t S
Tho bridge with all the npprnnch-
c will be completed by Iho tt
day of February lfj"2. This spmks
well for the entrrpriso of tho I'ili-
xeus of that plat e. Dullii' by t'.Vo
way is a stirring little city and
bids fait' ut no disianl day lo beono
of tho groat inland cities of Texas
Wo learn that liiey aro constructing
a new courlhous UiixlOi) fool iu
sir. of two stories il will bo built
of solid limestone and when Coin
plctcd w'ill ho tho Itiiesl building in
Northern Texas. Its estimated
cost is X.'iii.OilO.
The Southern Pacific and the
Houston and Texas Central Rail-
way lines cross each other within
tho corporate limits of Dallas
which will make it one of the i in -portunl
railroad centres in our
The lat Legislature passed a bill
incorporating the Ihillus and Wich
ita Railway. This Uoad commen-
cing III lnl!us and running through
Tarrant Denton Wise Montague
Clay and Wichita counties will
form a junction with a contempla-
ted line from Si. Louis to Austin
in tho region of tho copper mines ol
the Wichita mountains opening to
tile trado of Dallas one of tin! finest
mineral and agricultural sections ol
tho State It being a narrow gauge
road will compel I'eablpmeiit of
freight ut D.illas. (iat Ad 'orats.
Sjari;il to Ilia N'.iw-
Wasiiinuton Dec. 13 1871
Tho Reports in tho Giddings case
wcro submitted to-day and fixed for
deba'o to-morrow. Tho minority
for Giddings and say to the extent
that tho votes were rejected by the
Governor of Texas on recount of
Objections to individual Vi.t.'t's. for
the reason t ut they did not in his
opinion possess tho necessary qual-
ifications to voto is an act in tho
opinion of tho minority without
even tho color of law. This is a judi-
cial act that can only ba properly
purforined by judges of election
and then only by the presenco of
tho party offering to voto with full
opportunity to bo heard whonovor
Iii qualifications aro called in ques-
tion subject In cusoof contest upon
the merits to bo reviewed only by
this Houso.
The cuso will be re-committed
to the Committee on its merit.
Tho Gonzales Iinlex says wo wcro
pleased last Friday at the return o-
oar friend Col W. B. Savers who
has been to Kansas looking after
somo Texas bovine driven during
tho summer by Miller and Suycrs.
Tho Col. reports the beef market
closed for the winter. Cttlo not
dipoed ol have been pul m.o win-1
n.f nifirtnl tn hn frf ain corn
-1 - :rl'"J n'J"J in "V too V 'llllirv Ull-
From what we gather hs to tho i tcr hc )rr. ndmininraiion
abundance and chcaptiess of corn f That thcie is progress mado iacor-
ve Ihink that those who keep their u;ny troo . j Wl amr(11 lmt Ul-
cattle through tho winter will rea- ' pr();;rc u made not in ijjiisi-qnenco
lite good prices. At tho opening of food government but in unit f
th spring trado theso cattle will he baJ povei miKiit. Thronrliont th
throughly acclimated and fat. Many wmnlcrr-..;al .-lasses of the"nortb as
of the cattle remaining in Texas weil as thea'Ticiiltu.al t la.aea U.
will perish Tor the want of subais-'
fnceV-nd those which do weather
.I.......L :ri m.i ..iffti.i.nil- m a.
" ...." v.. v .
...... ia lu. ilpiron air r in Ihtara. I
I'd u .v rv w...... j .
j so-j. Theo eonsiderslions induce '
OS lo Deltrve ma. came in n i
d b- . .
r.rn " j?" g F '
d Bartrjvritv .
Order for ticket to the Concert '.
migration Akkocishon at Charle-
ton on the Pth ol Jaauarr ar said
to b lowrnz tn. sow i we time io
V IW. ttnlv t m. h . ar ilk m
1. aiTtv-tw. to draw a f:r-
tan in eash amopllre 4o5 g ft
that ftr cerri. '
I ..-.UlOU Wilt Mi.
tlr)lluit u Hunt)- kMBj.
I ur l'..ll.i i'.j kii;. i ia
Main.l.ia jmI l. ..i t a rM- a
I I. I: I . I. Jl.t .1 gataal -
Itll. I U ll V..) .r jj . f 4)
ljl.an n liv. i n.il.lary kt.
r.ai-a. kl.'l pSiln.iliM I; riiibl
I ll a ni'-.l apt ii. Ii. juia i.f
iiiit. tit ll'.l -ry lr... 1 1. ijv f
Vt Mil.int'l ii hi. I J. !t .. ii .
flfl l.l!il.ll J k. n f MS.
ry. may aii. iiily liuii t. iH j.hi
and t-M' iii uu in nfTig .f
li .ierr ir.irai I .it . n.ii.i iit .i
Im ilvp.a'.l.l . l I ci j i.i lirril.ii;. in
ll. a.. rl. I nl . it.. uj S'lfinv
Wraro g'... li.ri.f..io (... t
.p .l l.a. i . I ji ly nnd fesrlr-kly
broil. lit Ilea a il i. i l u !
of ll.e mui.trv. 'Vt o u'.-t d- To to
reliirn nnr llntnki I t llio Ni-I" Vol k
Wm id f.r br.i.i.. tl j ; .(
liolnirablo il.i.na if ('iiiiiih nr
Maury In lli ti-l.-m j.. ' 'i.t;i.
enel nu n mi I .. ;!.. lt. j..t1
1 he .ppi l n :
i llio iT. iiipli.a r.iir I'.iuiiin .l.ir.i
M.iury de'ivivi un n..r. n
ilijiin-ti m ill mi invii.iiiiiii f ff...
iiii'inbera nl Ida .gruii:u:.nl ami
Met huuii al Aa-o. i .lion in whiL-li lia
pn.p.. 1 M.H. j ...
Iiliill n liioUiiriihi.'i.. 1il.rviii.iik
and rcporis i.ir. i-iii. nm. vt4im
.....i...... -i'i ii . '.
)r""i- i inaa..ln. tiiihij.l
v me .ippeni m-ii suhsi..it.(y
p'H mlo pniiii.11 t jr j i:. .
neo ami iIi-iiiouiimI IIV(.r iho coun.
in. i no .. w "mil; World lia
l...tl...i.l . ...
.. "i una -lampiiii-i ii t s f
lii.f forth Iho gii m merit ofllm
puiu ilevi iqn. m . u im . I. ru Man.
r leciinv. .IH xVr'
where ropy lii'io the V..rld nn
tliscu-s with fjiirirst approlmiinn
the ph.n which first saw th light
hero in Memphis which was firs
repcale-Lby it gifted Biithirtv?v if'
Memphi u'litl'u'i.ce i.'.vi'or' Ihe au-
spice of a Mein jiliiTAsitocinGoii and
wns llrat prirled is .Memphis news-
paper. In the coarse ofiwoiiioiiil.a
It ha become a trenl oii..Kinni I
tho land bul Meni bin is not Ol il
J mentioned
in conn..) ju with it
timely resolu.ii.n M as presented in
the Chii.'; !..'. m' Vinnn-rru yes er
lion. i-i) I liouilViOii
IT a. A I
may have 1 1.. .ir.ft nl win
ning back for us ai bast a share if
our stolen thunder.
But thi is a Mii.ni niaiii..-.
live in an ago of thieves. Wliilo
with one voice iho philosoj-f.
Cornmodoro MauiATxn?rvwhoro
approvedrai"iii-tar piaili'-af plan
ar accepted is it fu k.
thuia groat nnd powerful guvi-ru
inent has in opcr.-ai u M sieiu-t of
sbservalions that mxe "origin to
Maury ami on all its ships and in
all its schools his bojks and chart
and Iheorie are inlepii'd ; and yot
because he honestly believed that
States were Iron 'l.c is excluded
front a position uitlic hiad of a bu-
reau born of his brain'.'
There is not. on theglofio nnolller
Humboldt or another Maury mid
yet m:cIi is the tlcgrmtifig baseiies
of foul parlizuiisliip that not only
the press t.l llio country avoids the
recognition of .Maul'ys g nius and
originality; Iiml mere ncolvtcs in
tho school of tl inkers to which ho
gave pati-riiity are upliHcd and lie
in his old age. is even fobbed of hi
conceptions. fir.int irvrrthe. shad-
dmc nf irrtitiu'M I'mnmndtirr Maury
woti'd utter iix idiifasmihy mtj'roin-
rude platnriim nt envtry fnirf but
the learned n;rld uould stutl Mill.
(l)ld listen uinle he e.runi tided the
lairs uf nature it the heihl uf a In-
iau tl feu me -it the I 'tderat Caid-
ta'.. '
A Inn st evel !
week witnesses a
new industry or
oii'orpnso prnjtH-
ted in 1.1 corgi a A bill is now bo-
loro the Legislature incorporating
thO ".Steam Road-Wagon Company
ol'Goorgia." Of iho ultimate sue-
coss of this ventiiro fro have not llio
slightest misgivings as the men of
the Empire i Slate of tho South ar
eminently praelicul. Unlike us
they do no! indulge ill liiill-oud bar.
beetles atld oilier such comical de-
monstrations 01 er the mere projects
of enterprises.
In connection we would note that
recently a steam wagon in Nfotlund
accomplished rt journey without
parallel viz: running from Ipswich
o Edinburgh by rna I a distance nf
4ii0 miles iu 77 hours' traveling
lime. .V. O l'ieiijiuie.
A landlord recently going round
to collect his rent srnl a servant
ahead to prepare hi tenants for the
visit. On reaching Iho first house
and seeing his servant apparently
endeavoring lo gain admittance ho
inquired 'What is the matter
John? Is the door bulled?'' "I don't
know sir." replied John; 'but th
etianl evidently has"
Tho Radical papers of Texas are
in t1( b .iinj. f tB r0a
i . : i i .. .i .
rvarliirM ll. -r.. i. a l.w.n .il
J ------ -' . I ...IIVI VI I .
salisfnction felt t the l.nr.K.a. .....
........ .
M-.eu ny ir.n .isti.tnai autuoriir.
a." . . il If
n .in "fi'.'j jirrtna.
g f fc Vm)mM
C. l.-: Htr. w. i. Ulr7f
lbt tnnm 4jpJW nna
raaek.as rf -.b-ie. aad th tri.m aa
at .e-
r -um i. t e. m.
ia. r rw. i; as ran I
' Baeaaaa 11 tttwanlaal
rraf f aha aa-
-- - -igaa g
aa rkaea aa ef !! ta baa. ssTkwi
- ".
laacbBr. .
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Josselyn, Robert. Dallas Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 19, No. 16, Ed. 1 Saturday, December 30, 1871, newspaper, December 30, 1871; Dallas, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth294646/m1/1/?q=lane: accessed October 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .