The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 7, 1911 Page: 8 of 8

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Watchmaker, Jeweler
and lira mate Opti-
lk an at
Continiied from first page
All W()TK
omptly Done
Dr. J.
Di i
>om* over Parlor
143, Home
, Texas
Drs. Cftas', aid H, C, Watson
upsf,-i y
Office phone 46; 'tesidenccs, 73 and 74
' . "i*.. ' 4 ' "■ ^ 1 . . • . ,
MEX TEXAS •' *".*
I Thence E. with the 8. lino of John
J Sims to S. E. Cor. of name; Thenc
E. on S. line of Geo. Deniars farm ti
j Freestone Co., Line; Thenee N. with
I Freestone Co. line to a .point wher
a,</ (iTMr.L- Limestone, Freestone and Navarre
3 ■ wKC- Counties corner; Thence in a N
Westerly direction with the line be
tween Limestone and Navarro Coun
ties to a point where said line In
tersects the N. line of the J. Q. Mln
or survey, Thence W. with the N
line of the J. O. Minor survey, to
the N. W. Cor. of the J. Q. Minor
survey; Thence with the W. line
of the J. G. Minor survey, to the S
W. Cor. of same; Thence W. with
the N. line of the J. C. Neil survey
to the N. W. Cor. of the said Neil
survey; Thence 3. with the W. line
of the said Neil survey, to the S. E
Cor. of the Eli W. Shrlver survey;
Thence S. to the S. W. Cor. of Joe
Peoples tract of land bought from
H. W. Williams; Thence S. with
Chas. Yelvertons W. line to the N
E. Cor. of the Wm. Moss survey;
Thence W. witn the N. iine of said
Moss survey, to the N. W. Cor. of
same; Thence S. with the W. line
of the Moss and Robert McAdoo
surveys, to the S. E. Cor. of the Mc
Adoo survey; Thence S. with the N
line of the Pedro Varela 11 league
grant; Thence \V. with said N. line
of the Pedro Varela 11 league grant
to a point where it. Intersects the
Navasota River; Thence S. with the
meanders of the said river, to the
placet of beginning.
in New
"J a .9 jlj
2 «111! a
3 sis HI
ft e sg-2a=
Applied Into th« nMtrlli
to quickly
It cleanses, soothes, healg and protects the
diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh
end drives away a Cold iu the Head quioklr.
Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell.
It is easy to use. Contains no injurious
drugs. No mercury, uo eocaine, no mor-
phine. The household remedy.
Price., 60 cents at Druggists or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wtrrtn St.. N«w York
Now on Saturday the 25th day
of Nov. 1911, we met to see
whether our foregjing agree-
ments could be met or not and
after a careful investigation we
have decided to submit , the fol-
lowing Facts and figures:
The Total assessed valuation
of this Road District is $2,900,'
000.00. Now in order to care for
the Bonds we will have to raise
by taxation $7,500.00 to pay in-
terest, and enough more to cre-
ate a sinking fund to retire 1-4
Will Continue Ri&htt Through
The Holiday.
Sheriff or auy Constable of LUne>
stone County, GREETING;
You are huroby commauiltd to
summon Alexander Whitaker, ,wid
the unknown, heirs of Alexander
Whisker, Patsy Whitaker and tliu
unknown heirs ol Patsy Whitaker,
Isabella WhitaBtei' and the unknown
heirs of Isabella. Whitakut-, Thomas J
Whitaker and the unknown heirs '
of Thomas Wikitaker, Martha. Di,
'Baldwin and the unknown haixa
of Martha i). Baldwin, Ana
Wood and th®* unknown lielrs
o£ An Wood; Charles R, Wood
and the unknown heirs of Charles R.
Wood, R. F. Wood anil the unknown
heirs of R. F. Wood, Robert CHJndaa-
Wood and the unknown heirs at
Robert Charles Wood, C. D. Betts
aad the unknown^ heirs of C. D. Uotts
Martha Betts and . the unknown.heir*,
of Martha Bfetts,. W. C. Clartoc andi
t-hit unknown heics. of W. C. Clark,,
E, J. Arnold and^ the uiikuowji*Jielra,
of E. J. . Arnold,.. Daniel T. IHichann•
and the unknown*, heirs of Daniel. T..
Dujrham, Isabella. Goodson and • tliu
unknown heirs afi'< Isabella G< miaou.
J. D. New«on. and. the unknowm
hof- _ /if I p KduraAm T W- RalllR
audi the 'unknown heirs of J. W.
Biiiii«v and the unknown heirn, aai
signs, and logai: representatives aH\,
each, and .all'of .tbiat foregoing nartioa'
anij unknown heirs of such qarties-
and all persons .claiming title 'to. an
The Tyler ConiuuaxiuiL GoJk'ge
of Tyler, Texas1, has axraugtid
this year, as r*ual, to asaiomodate
all of its students who desice to
continue their studies diming the
Christmas holidays. Those who
especially desire to return to
their homes to spend Xman,, will.
be excused on Friday evening,
Dec. 22nd, and will be exacted
tp take up their work again, on
or before January 1st, 1912. Us-
ually about four hundred, stu-
dents remain and- work right
F$ug!i the holidays.
New students may enroll at
any time during the Xxiaii holi-
days. We advise all to enroll as
early as possible. Tilers' is noth-
ing to be gained! by waiting until 'ntoirast in the landlhereinafter MscriHi
ii | ed by making publication of thi&i)
ranuary first. W.e have no itenn
openings, our school is the same
one' day as smother, just like a
3auk, R. R. or business house.
Upon arrrring in aurrci'ty, eome
direet to the • College,, where you
will be given prompts attention'
of these bonds at the end of island choiee office be-wwrdiimg pl&cf*
yrs. so it will require a total of
$11,250.00 to be raised the first
10 yrs. A 39 cent tax will raise
$11,310.00 or about $60.00 mose
than enough. Now in 10 yeaars
.1-4 of these Bonds will be poad
so of course this would reduce
our tax rate 1-4 which meains
| that we pay 29 1-4 oent tax tor
I the next 10 years, and at the- ex-
piration of the second ten: years
we will pay another 1-4 of the
Sheriff or any Constable of Lime-
; stone County—GREETING:
You are hereby commanded to sum . ... . ...
inon Jimmie Harroll by making pub- bonds which will lea\ e. U$ with
lication of this Citatiod once in each i ^_2 q| tlie amount, io he
Week for four successive weeks pre- / .
vious to the return day hereof; in raised and of course ouu- tax
some newspaper published in your | rate just-1-2: what it was
County, if there be a newspaper pub-1 . ' • ,« i o
Sished therein, but if not, then injto start With whlt n is J J 1
.any newspaper published in the 15th'cents and at the ox pi ratiof the
third ten ye«r,,.W« «ill an
citation once in.-each., week for./eight.
succee8ive weekS' prwrious to the ra.- |
turn: day thereof.: la < some newspanktr.
publisdied in.youn Cbunty to (apn«ar.
at the next regular term of iie Dis-
™ „ itrhit Court oA' Limestone CountR. i
The students work is pnnoipally | Teas. to., be hoiiltai at tta- Court!
all individual! instruction and; thereof in. Gtoesbock.. T««aa,
.. , , , . loa the 1st Mtiadajs im Januarr, l!ll2:
cffcli and wfery-stUdem is# piis-IiocL| the* shiqq being. first d&y of.*
eafeh day ta his full aapaeity. ) *
Slow students are not overcrowd-''
ed trying to Keep up wrth fast
ones, and faist* students are not
held! back ami'discouraged on
account of slow ones. It would
really be better to euwll 'and get J
started befow the
Fdr Infants aad Children,
Tin Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the*.
January 193 2, tftqm and theoe to ant-
swM-.a' petitiaoM QJMd in suid):Court
odt.tthe 17th tfay of October^, 19UClii)
a suit numbered;: tn the ioekeb off
saisii Court, N6,, 4T24,. wherath, IS. a.
Wcfford is plain tilt, and Alexander
Whitaker, and? tliie unknowiiittOifts off
AUsxander WUiiJaltar. Patsy Wlii!aki:ir
aad the unknowm heirs ait, Pfttsj}-
Whitaker, Isabolito Whltak «n,ansb th
,_ i unknown h.>irs ol Isabelal Willisiktnr„
fng>. January nomas Whitaken- and ,th^ unkaown'
with private family art a cost of
from $2.50* to $3.50 per week for
Board and3lodging..
Tuition for a complete, unliar-
itcd life seliolarshipi o,f Bookke«f>-
ing, Shortftiand or Telegraphy is
$50; any two courses combined
$95. If you havt* not read our
large, bmutifully llhistrated free
catalogue, write for orw.; itr will
give yom full particulars ai*d de-
tailed information regarding
America's largest and greatest
comir*Toi t.l selwxff. The school
that gives yott a« educatfon fo'
whiwtt tHie business world) prompt
ly iwntV gltKlty pays cash,.
District, then in a newspaper pub-
lished in the nearest District to said
13th Judicial District, to appear at the
uiext regular term of the District
(Court of Limestone County, *td be
holdesn at the Court House- thereof)
in Groesbeck, on the First Monday
in January 1912, the sanke teing the
1st day of .January 1912, then and
there to answer a petition' filed, in
said Court cui the 11th day of No-
vember 1911, in a Suit, 'nrimbered oh
the Docket of said Court No. 4692
wherein Jessie May Harroll is Plain-
itff and Jimmie HarrOU. is Defend-
ant, and said petition alleging Cruel.
Treatment, neglect and abandonment
it; and sai
fj1 [tiat ia
rtt-Tof land
" :tyK Te:
other 1-4 of the bonds and this
will leave only 1-4 o£ the origi-
nal issuu to. care ftor and of
course, it, vvoii)ld: take* only 1-4 of
the original tax wfcich will tw
i), 3-4 cents. ;STow 'we want you
to understand: ttlnit these figtuws
are not .lompiit wl t>n the basis of
getting, 5.76 per cent (Hjmpcwi^d
interest: ou our sinking fuiwi.. We
figure t^lat our sinking fund
loaiwd, at 5 per cent eorapound
ilS CdU8€ for BEID6 , j -
Wherefore she prays that' defend- interest! wo.uM bring us $W^50.0t
upon*! Wifal hearing1 hwein she'tovJ"W ce- money than we would have
jndment for divorce, for cost of sult.j to. have at the end of 10 years,
herein kail not; hut have m thiK SCft would Urease the
h«.<ore said Court, at its aforeeajd j rat very materially,, "but we did
S 'Si thereon^showing ^nt to misgwkle you ami
yea have executed thte same. j have omitted thia from our fig-
WITNESS L. Kv Bubaaka^ Clerk .Kivt stJll we. believe that at
•of the District Court of UBfceatony Dul sun m Ofiwvc xuai ax
County. i the end of the first, ten years
Til* s'.k itijsbsgl«« « « '«
.this the 11 day of Nowmher 1911, .1 ftir short of 39 cents.
Clerk of the We believe tliat our roads tanjworo v„inatural and! kept grow
4tone County. I be built for less than $1,800.00 ing weaker and weaker. When
■ * | per unite. This belief is formed
Catar.'h Cannot Be Cured • after careful investigation.
Msjiy Mexia Readers Have Bfearc
It and Profitedi Thereby."
; . • .. }.■
' "Uwxd news travels fa«tj"
the thouuSand.s oil bawl bjyck.
ferers in Mexia :*re glad, tw learn
that prompt relief, is within their
reaeh. .Many- * laine, weak -and,
aohing hack is bad no more,
thanks to Dtoan's Kialney Pills.
Thousands i^ on thevw^ands of pec
pie are telling the good news of
their experience with the Old
Quaker Rexnediy. Here is an ex-
ample worth reading:
Mrss C. R. l4eighton, 141 si W.
Collin St. Corsieania, Tex., says
"For nearly two years n\jr kid
neys caused me annoyanee and J
was subject to severe attacks of
backache. The kidney secretions
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. M they cunnot reiok
Iho «p t ot the <ll «uic. Oterrtt M 4 Wood or eon tl-
tutMosl iiuwuc. and to onlor to ciu« It ro« au t tek*
ir.f. mal renx.-dk*. 1UU1 C Urrii Cure M •*«
fproally. ui >cu dlm Uy upon the Wood and
•urfuce*. HnU'i C Urrb Cure H not • au ek —
It wm pretertbed by ooe ot the b««t ph](i
R and la a regular pro^t
beat tonics known, «omb
' ly or.
Now the above report, we bc-
Doan's Kidney PilLs were rec-
ommended to me, I got a box
and commented their use. They
lieve, fully covers our findings I relieved all the distressing symp
and we have conscientiously done
S thikeountr^«w! what/We believod to be our duty
WW aurt.c^^T^^rtecrcomw^'J?, th?; towtirds you, and that hte above
It Hi eomnoflpd
«lib the beat t
TuTZZVlW1 agreement* will be followed tin-
F J. CHENEY * CtV.rfOpt. Toledo,O.. 77 , „ . . ... „ ..
^rtd by nmralata. price 7«r. 'til Wt shall UaVC built 7.1 miles
Take Uall Family nil* «OT waltlpatlod, , ,
—— I of road or else received your m-
jstructfons on the 16th. in.*t, tu
discontinue our labors.
For your further guidance we
beg to state that each of your
committee, believes that this is a
fair and economical proposition
and that we will vote for the
bonds on the lfith. inst.
Ny .1. Ti. Cogdell,
I have a ear of Missouri corn
on the tracks now. Better get
it: while it lasts.
C. W. Bounds,
Mexia, Texas.
D. S. Maddox returned to his
hom.?> in Bardwell this morning,
after a few days visit to Iris son,
John F. 1 i 1 ' ■ j I'
Capt. Jack Ye'dell had busines
in Wortham
torns of my trouble."
Plenty more proof like this
from Mexia people. Call at the
Mexia Drug Co., and ask what
customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milbnrn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, Sole Agents
for the United States.
Hemember the name—Doan's—
and take no other.
h«ira of Thomas. Whitak*MV. .Nttu-Uha
J>. RaAdwiiii aad; the unkopwoi heirs
off Martha D.. BSaldwin, Antu Wood
and the uolcsowai heirs of A m Wood,
Charles It. Wand and ti B. unknown
heirs of i Gthnetes E. MAoodi. R- F.
Wood andi the- oiiknown . helm of R.
F; Woodt itobwrt Chariot; Wi«od and
the unknown heirs of %>bevt Char
lee Woodi CL D. Betta audi the un-
known hairs «r C. D. fiMartha
Betts, aad tthe unknown heirs of.:
Martha IlL-ttov W. C. fS&r&c and th(f
unknown he«fcs of W. (* Clark, E. .'.j
Arnold!, and! the unknown heiro of %
J. Aru'ilcl, Daniel T. Durham and th«
unknwn. b«irs of Dajttcl T. Durham,
Isabella Qaodson atv<L th.« unknown,
heira crf. hatbella Ooodgoa, J. T). Nw
son aud the unknowja. htsirs of J. .0;
Neacaon. J. W. Balna and the un-
known lMira of J. W.. Bainsh and tix&
unknown heirs, e#slgma and :«boj1
reseaentativea of each and all oft th«
foregoiiag parties a<id anknown . Ueurs
ofi such parties acdi aU peraons «laiim-
in«; title to or interest in th^. land
hereinafter described; are defeqdaj).ts
and said petitlon,j aUluging that; pl*ln-
the owner, of a certain ttact
land situated, ito. Limestoi\e. Cvun-
Texas, a part ef the Alexander
Whitaker survey,, and described thus:
Itegin at the South West c orr^C ol th«
Alexander Whitaker survey., Thence
North 30 W^st with its West line
322 varas to a stake. Thstn**' North
58 East 2^,4«- varas to. a stake.
Thence "So* nil- Sff East ,4m varas
the South lino of the Whitaker sur-
vey. Thessce South 60 West 27,if®
varas to t.lte beginnings containing
184.2 aim That' _def/>Oid>n!ts, wd
each of - '.licui. are . acta'ertiHg s
claim, r*lhc, title or aaiterest lit or.
to or IJen. upon sajdi land, which
easts a cloud upon tht plaintiff% titl^
to sani*>, aud further alleging, that
defendants, . and each of them, are
barred of any right, title or interest
in or to, or lien upon, said tend by
re«£0& of the Stuotte 'of 'Five Years
Limitation and Ten Years f.iiHitatiwn,
each of which statutes is specially
pleaded, together with a prayer (or
process and a judgment in' plaia-
tlff* favor removing ajl; of said
claim, rights, titles, Merest and
liens, and ewh of the*),, o.ward or
claimed by the defendants, or any
of them, from plaintiff's title as a
cloud upon same, and for costs of
suit, and general relief:
HEREIN FAIL NOT hat have be-
fore said Court, at Its aforesaid next
regular term, this writ with your re-
turn thereon uhowtag how you have
execut«d the sane.
WITNESS L. B. Rubankn. Clork
of the District Court of Llmestaae
County. Texas,
GIVEN under my hand and seal
of said Court at office In Groesbeck,
Texaa, on this the 17th day of Octo-
ber. 1911.
L. E. Eubanks,
Clerk of the District Court in and
tor Limestone County, Texaa.
I hereby certify that the above
and foregoing is a true and correct
copy of the original citation now in
my hands. Witness n y hand this
OfcUrtw 17, 1911. '
A. F. Therrell,
Sheriff ot Limestone County, Texas.
alcohol 3 per <b*nt.
AVbgetable PrepantitafirAS'
ling tie Stomachs
INFAN T V .* C I! 110 K K N
Prnmotes Digestion jCkefi#
m!ss and HeoLCdntaiBtiidita-
Ofiium. Morphine. norMioaaL
Not Narcotic.
JUumla Sad-
UacMIt Sdts
AnistSttd *■
For Over
Apetfect Remedy forftmsnpi-
Worms, jConvulswnsJJrwrisli
FhcSinrik Signature of
Atb months old
Doses -}^cents
(TuafarirtMi umfcrfl*
Exact Copy of Wrapper
The larjarest shipperenof W.haskey direct to the «OBsum<er in
■ the South. Below we list a few of our leading brands:.
Qfer Own Booting?
i Pttll
Oaddook's '87
i Craddock's '92
' R. Monarch
Oaddock's Quarte
Canada Rye
' fcntucky Cyclona*
Westmoreland U^a.
S {jH4kn Sour Ma^h,
' (Jwa Whiskey
V IJe84^Jorn
Bottled iifciBftad:

4. SO
Gibson Rye
Janues E. Pepprav
Great* River
Suany Brook
G uekenheimeivHyA -
Kantucky CluU,
IMl & Hill
ffte>wick Rvja.
Duffy's Malt (4lb«W 400
Alcohohol. 3.50
Cocktails^ 5.00
12 Full
13. OA,
12.#) i
a, oo
Hock and Rye, I ««ch and Hwney, 3.Q0 r^n gali. Peach and .uppla
Quandy, each i'AUOiandi k.00 per j^a'i Apricot Brandy &.50 and 4* ifl,per
gal. California, Witioa^ l.So and 2.j t per gak
(Express oharft«s paid on obk gallon caatihg; or more.;)
Agents, Sablitt bottlb* Beer
Per case 4 ibaen, plats J fr.Oo M'.OO ba«k for casn *4 battles
Per case id^aen ^rts 4,25 UOO-biick for case,and tanles
Per cask 'jflidozott pints 11.00 20c p<jr dozon baciu fpr t ttles
The.'«pros companies *tu,rn omp«j;s free, We do n«.^PKKfAV ex-
press chargesoo beer. seu4 ub mon^ order or exciiang*.. We do not
accept ^e^ponal checks. '
Goihis go. forward by fast express* after order reaches us.
livery member expected to be
present Friday at 2 p. m. for
election of officers.
In the Contest being conduct-
ed by this paper, in which $2,000
in valuable prizes are to be dis
tributed in determining by popu
lar vote who is the most popular
young lady in this section, ladies
are voting just like men do in
other elections. Every one votes
in this election.
Corrected Up to Noon To-
day—The Priaes*
Hughes yar-A 6278
Farmers' Union yard 6500
Cotton, 9.00
Seed, $17.00
. 12,778
Burning Route
Un Time."
Direct line to St. Louis asui
Kansas Cit$
Houston and Dallas Daily
Latest New Train
No hunting will be pormitv
on my place. All trespassers will
be prosecuted as the law pro-
'Ralph Loflg. i
Train Do Lux; Louis
W. J. Bryant was down from
Wortham this afternoon.
Car good Dry Ear Corn in
transit, $1.00 per Hushel on the j
Altus Wilder.
For tickets and further 'i M.-rmation
cah on agents of H. &. T. C. Uailroad
or address
T. Anderson Gmi'I Pa.sti.Agt,
"■flbifstVh. "Texaa.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Cl^' cf
I /

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Houx, N. P. The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 7, 1911, newspaper, December 7, 1911; Mexia, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Gibbs Memorial Library.

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