The Abilene Daily Reporter (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 21, No. 288, Ed. 1 Sunday, February 17, 1918: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

...- Miss Phillips. Tuesday Nlsht 7530 O'CIock. Concert by Music Class. Wednesday OTnrnlnir 11) O'clock. 1... with us Special music by tho choir. Lft every choir membor ho on hand promptly. Now rhurch bulletin... men nnd women especially nro urgod to bo there. Morning worship nnd communion. 11 a. m. Special music... School at 9:45 a m. Christian Endeavor. 6 p. m Special music. Public is cordially Invited to all.... la Muslo Studio aver HalU uw . T f JZr ti to a Hfl sall number for wj great Music Company on Pine

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Compere A Comptre. . - FOR Sr.RVICE CAR H. W. Norwood. Phone 658fc Mecca Cafe. l-13-30t WAXTKU Few music... and FOUND LOST Conklln Fountain pen without pap. Crescent filler. Call 510-M 17-31 I.OST Music roll... with music. Phone 78. Reward. 17-3t MISCELLANEOUS Take your Kodak flulshlugs to tbe Rex Studio. All films

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