San Antonio Register (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 2, Ed. 1 Friday, April 17, 1959: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... in h;iinl> 1*< r rool. r«- *rehbinff drink*. UaueliiR in «*uj«iye1ft a. in., week day* and Sunday...*. Saturday cloning hour i* 1 a. m. The Twentieth Century club will open tha patio Sunday afternoon, April IP... of this description, please call LKhigh 4-20T 4. (Paid sdvert isement) Bans! — (Continued from l'a^« L) •Iom'1\ ai.d... the properlj parkeil *edan owned by l*r. M. 1. I Preacli- r. 14W Hays. l>ainagc to Thomas was t« II- rnlo ak

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... .1 Brown, teacher a' I;.. . jiw ;id k liool. Napoleon Miller died in llillabnro, T- . ami was br.... The I.ortl'a Snppei was administered. The |mi*titf. He*. '/. Hroadue. received hi* 1 charter of the Cub* mid... is judged the grand champion of the district show, good for 1% jH inis. A 1>upm* male, exbihite I by Shan...- RRfllSTRK "T fRIItAV, AI'llll. IT. I IW I,ockhart News kh«rt CM Hay 1 ^oughts KWaon. l.ockl s.nsitjt... president of the league. The Ball high school 1*-TA sermon, originally scheduled for Sunday, April 12

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... FRIDAY, Al'ftUL 17. IMk iH n 0 u*> m>m • i FRIDAY, APRIL 24 8 P.E TO 1 A.M. NIU1\ MM Ri'S PIBSTi... I) 1MII LIBRARY AUDITORIUM CITKD FOR 1IKKOISM -Jack Ilaird. famous do;? writer, at riffht, preent... and Herman ""I1, TrJlT"*RtnndtiKT rnlMs Iiv,„ of ti„, twn pettier, $U, hr h-h' ji]Pf««K Wh of wrre ltawinl... was cited as an example of "interracial action 1n n liieli degree.** last week. The Blesseds are Martin de..., in the Interracial ;r r"r"'">- V,'1 V' nuhlisl.x'l b.r tin. Catholic .mnany n, n whnlo. Vl,,v y„rk, rlt„ unites

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... | IWIM1, APKIl IT, IDii. Wan Jailed 14fter Hitting Wife With Shotgun Clifton Randall, Jr., 20, 02... her on the leg with 1t nhntgun. I When officer* reached the houae, Randall wa« in bo«l, anlc^p. I When..., ii ■tauneh egn - tlonbt. listened but promts <1 no specific action. !!<• ever,' Will Maslow «>f.... Lindsay A1 mood. Jr., told die-hard e*regationis!-* that nothing can bo gained by returning t«. "massive... of the 1'errow commission that each com- Inmnity should decide whether or how oinch it wants to integrate

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... •* v • — 4 «r f M 1 rttmitt, nr SUNDAY, APRIL 19: 4 P. M. ii pi f" Presented by Young Matron...* GtBd of St John Independent Allen Methodist Church nnrr f SAN PEDRO PLAYHOUSE m1 Thoughts By Evangelist... Weekly meetings Wednesdays at 8 a'. look in the evening Visitors are welcome ISRAELII K BAPTIST 1 €30..., Pastor '.•.4:. A. M. Sunday School 11:1 r. A. M. Morning Service 5 P. M. Brotherhood • «o 1- Nl. BYPU 7... BATT1ST 1909 Montaaa Street fte«. list Id Smith, Pastor 9 45 A. M. Sunday S hool 11 A. M. Morning Service

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... irattei Way fc. IW1, at the Poet Office at Ban Antonio Texu®. .in.ter Act of Marrh J. I 7 . Advert*! r...* ratea furnished oo re.|"eft Subat rtp'fcxi refee one year. 16. all mouths. $.1. atngls copy 12 centa...'' A NSW F.K—\pril 21. ltti*. Q1 T.ST ION—How mnnv mer w^re % tIke Texas army? ANSWER—Srveti hundred men... chairman, why not write for a catalog of films and an order blank? IfOJUA About Your HEALTH (A the 1... In •ekly public service faaturs from Tmas State Department of Health, irj A. Holla, haalth.) 1L D

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... 15.1 seconds. Pole vault—Matthew Taylor, Solomon Coles, Corpus Christl, 1958—11 feet, 6 inehea. High... 1!l.Vl, when only two point* *e| nr ted the first three tr:.ins. ins point making HtrenRth appeared so... 4,"ii: points. Anderson, n track contender for the first time, was second, with -M 1*4. and Solomon Odes... of Corpus Christi. the then defending titlists, finished third with 4,1.%. The I,ion contingent, that year.... Iiooser was the No. 1 pick, lie wa« chosen by the Cincinnati Royals, desperately in need of scoring

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 Ho Progress Without Struggle " If there is no struggle, there ii no pro^etm. Those who profem... Bupplemrt, Oat ot CUf, 1U "SANAKTONHT TKCUrWHO/ KVTAFSIL il, iM* With HuppleoicM, Oul ol City, lit IT.... School Where 21 Burned to Death By the A.sortaled Negro Freaa L1TTI.E ROCK. Aril. — Four person... Clark. 40. 70(1 Dawson, and Oliver Wendell House, 18, .'118-R Frederick walk, at Hays and North (levers... Hickman, .1(1. «'Mi7 Coleman. told iM lice that while she xra*j waiting for a bus iu the lOtHl bl«K*k

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