The Daily Express. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 44, No. 234, Ed. 1 Sunday, August 22, 1909: Searching Inside

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52 results that matched your query. Showing page 1 of 3.

Sequence: 55 (standard view) | zoom view

... Alexander, c Walker, rf .. Bastian, lb . Firestine, 3b Klpp, 2b Mitchell, P Totals AB. it II O. A. E. . f..., lb-p Johnson, p 8tTibbie, rf Totals SCORE BY Pan Antonio Hits Galveston Hits Summary... Quiesser, e Sfribble, rf ('rabble, p Hellman, lb Totals SCORE BY San Antonio 103 Hits oil... . 102 3S7 P„ .LV! .. 11 r, 401 f>r> 1(M) '.h\f .. 90 .320 37 75 .231 .. 10 28 r, 8 .214 .. 4* 118 11... pa 1 Id in ssan meiits were made 1 the visiting fans I L p.irauis and band Natures of the gann I'm

Sequence: 49 (standard view) | zoom view

... the boiling p.jnt beat for five minutes, continue cooking t<» the soft ball stage, remove from the fire, add..., and by ff!2~n2. c?nf^ruc^'°P» U w'lll drained, neither of these countries had thousands of Government employes do... litter up the street. which Dr. Holmes ih™ ^Wa^V^rVlt^^'e^enVly men^ifound Tn fo'.%Mi^dTrm... am? p^enmir^of . m Jn ,1 . . 1 1 fl .. r. ,t >111 1 I ill.' 4/1 ll(l l./\ 4 W*r% ml* it.. Tk a MAm..., granted, but that picked "P.'n tho streets, and yet It Is from Indo-Chlna to Europe and America, audi

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... warnings i2 p. 1V1.)—poprrsilon over eastern (iulf of Mexlro will cause strong shining winds off Florida... on f!M\2P.\4'.; ire capacity 0.". pounds, with genu white porcelain lining; no paint enamel to chip talatlc... it iterators; highly pp. - ill i tratlon; Genuine jKircelaln lining, perfect in peel and Just v... > \... for prot in ng '1 p.irtitioi a fine round . , i nei-ed box with brass 44 62 .1; d t« Spcc'i Bargain Lease

Sequence: 46 (standard view) | zoom view

.... —Simon Veith has returned from his vacation to Corpus Christ! and Tarpon. —The person who borrowed Dr..... president S. A. Portland Co- i until Co.; .1 I1 Gulnn. Jno. K. Onion, K. i ii Henry, attorneys; J. P. Oldham.... Kei- j ley, president, and c. P. Woods, vice | president First Stale Bnnk, Sablnal; A W Pouneey.... KERRVILLE August 25, 26, and 27 Low Rates and Special Trains DAILY Leave "SAP" depot 8:20 a. m., 4: JO p. m... of 1P0S," said Mr. Smith "1 became an active worker in behalf of Governor Campbell, endeavoring to exert

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Francisco; W. E. Pope and wilt, '.'onus Christi; Dr. P. S. Turner, Bel ton Tex.; M. A Holmes, Fort Worth; ,1...; Dr. P. Olsson Seffer, City of Mexico; VV. K. Morris, E. E. Purdue, Now Orleans; F. D. Gildersleeve.... Asher. Houston; P. Ii Dorsett, VV. Van Gleet, Washington. D. C.; B. F. Damon and wife, Houston; liert... Vel.ihijo, Roberto Vrela, Hidalgo County; Harry Altman, Fort Smith, Ark ; Dr. G. II. Beity. Laguna; Santos P....; Mrs < \ I>. Newberry, Alice; J. p. Fitzgerald. C. P. Diaz: F. Weinert, Nixon; John F. Fenske, Alice

Sequence: 58 (standard view) | zoom view

... Is to wait until the circuits higher i P begin to shed surplus material and taking that. Both arc adopted... "1 »t! 48 aid 63 h. p. $5000 $6000 $4000 f ,y / this fall, will leave Kngland September 1 26... of the three brothers. Persimmon and Diamond Jubilee being the other two, sired by St. Simon, and out

Sequence: 45 (standard view) | zoom view

... RESULT-BRiNGERS EXPRESS RESULT-BRIN6ERS EXPRESS RESULT-BRINGERS TYPEWRITERS-- grtOVV CASES AND FIXTURES j *p... and ill good I shape; a jloo machine, will sell fur t-'io. Address P o. Hox l:Hgl'< l.lik". Tex, j Oliver....;, Moore Rulldlng. Phones. j,i{ p HERDMAN. All diseases successfully treated. 808 S. l*ressa St. ; Old..., in the town of Aaluvton, Diinm.t County, Texas, between 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. on the 7th day..., poor, young, old, Protestants, Catholics, mailed sealed free. E. P. Gun nels, Toledo, Ohio. I i.AD SHOT

Sequence: 33 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Geo. P. Halaell of Waco lulling and Mrs. Henry Contha of Baatrop Is visiting Mrs. W. M. VVoodall. ONE... In Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Donalson and sou liavo returned to their home In Pallas. las. Mr. and Mrs. Joe... Amos J. Adolphus at a Quiet Home. Home Wedding. Mr*. Alfred Hodges and Mrs. W. P. Casey Enterta'n Large... Service, row stationed at P.ig- Springs, and en route to Blanco to visit his mother, was the guest of his... has here this week lier ion. It, P., from Dayton. Ohio, who will spend some time with her. irtISS

Sequence: 34 (standard view) | zoom view

... parents. ■Mr.'and Mrs P. F. Dunn, Monday and Tuesday nights. Miss Marie Jortt complimented Miss Marguerite... are guests of Mrs. Fnotes parents, Mr and Mrs. P. G. Huston. Miss Kate Rugely Is visiting relatives at' Bay.... Miaa Margaret Presley of San Marcos spent the week here, the guest of the family of F. P. Johnson. Mrs... of Washer Bros. Co. #-<\T ■ 'p, . >, 4 mm I tjx it :'i - «R ACK to the Middle Ages Fashion turns... of a San Antonio Girl. Kyle—Miss Brewye P.unton's excursion party, Riven last Tuesday evening complimentary

Sequence: 42 (standard view) | zoom view

... d'Arc St. iwnar BE SOL.P—ClOBe-in 6-room cottage. located at 105 Duffield Ave., practicaliy new...; close in; a bargain; easy terms. New phone 2317. D. P. KisemT, room 42.S Mackay Bldg. CASH, l'talanen... alfalfa, P> acres in cotton, 100 orango treces fine place for a trucker, price $ to. won, encumhraiii'e... mosquito land; level as a floor- on S P Railway, wesl of San Antonio. ' Price SJ1 per acre; $30u cash. 33-1...- R. n. All fine land; price See me for good farming lands of rancncs. P. R RODGERS, Conroy Building

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... shcH-p w< r«• on the a 'i'k«t ami the values were nominally steady to unchanged. changed. Everything... the bulk of the woof el«p of the United States is raised, will necessitate doubling of existing storage... a few good ones, St. Louis and Kan-as City have ground Thursday and FrM iy. tand closed about 25....| Wut|Huin|I>ir.| Vol.! Woatner ii. in.| p. 111.I ill i'1 I 7(! , nk | u |et cray NK | fc Clear Maximum.... m ; sun sets Sunday at 7:07 p. m. General Weat SAN ANTONIO, T perature ami rainfall j cated below

Sequence: 32 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Flalnvlow are here on a visit to their father, J. R Wilkin. Mrs. Mary P Hoss. Mrs. It. A. He.huerenberg... their daughter, Mrs. 12. P. Garrett, at Hugo, Okla. "iss Irene Bluman is visiting relatives Sealy. Hearne... an extended trip through the North and West. The Misses P^-arl Winch Attle McClendon and Alice Mowry... are visiting friends in Aufrtin. Bartlett Society Notes. P.artlett—Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hopkins came In Monday... Lillian Brown of San Marooa Is the guest of Mrs. Alts. Walker. Mrs. P T. Rather and children left

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

..., president Vaughn 141 in her Company, director Alamo National Rank, San Antonio, Texas; IT. P. Drought, H. P.... San Diego, Texas; C. D. Jauer, president CAmpbell-Jauer Company. Karnes City, Texas; N. P. Peterson... 'connection with J.,J Vj '• (",and »nd P«co3 west " :,ml A|Pine 'he Holland Fone, Who Saved Battleship... being being blown u,p by extinguishing a fire near the magazine, thereby losing both ears and portions... of the cabin passengers, was married to J. P. Wilson, chief clerk of the Mexican Cable Company at Havana

Sequence: 60 (standard view) | zoom view

... At the time the ra< « ended there were (still five ears on the* track. lp National... and it was Hecided to call the race no contest. l*p to a l«ie hour tonight no one had j been able to identify... field maintained a sensational pace of more than p mile n minutes, negotiating the twenty-five miles... Van Ifiman. The gas valve was . opemd t<> lower ihe I p uid then Well j, man steered a course to,ward... A. M. TO 5 P. M. TERRILL MEDICAL INSTITUTE (Incorporated) SUITE 208 CONROY BUILDING. I DR. J. H

Sequence: 54 (standard view) | zoom view

..., catcli glimpses of the customs and the coshrtcg/P ^oA/se/Z^ Bridal finery of tho 1872 period furnishes... observe this gentle resy'trj-; sy'trj-; | O'iyj; & j; r B-'-cr W--. ' P n. i*. i Mu .* d m'.-f ■

Sequence: 44 (standard view) | zoom view

...; wo are receiving moro call" tlu.n ever from cur graduates and ura p'-icing them dally with tl» hest... for liquor house; special family trade; wages and commission. Address P. O. Box 733. EXPRESS RESULT-BR1NGERS..., P O, box 1121, San Antoido, Tex. H elp w anted— Persons Answering Advertisements for Help Wanted... lost June 2s at S. I'. depot to Riverside Restaurant; get *25; no questions. C. P. Smith. LOST—Deed..., $13 to 120 per set. "Our prices get the business." Standard Cycle Co., 238 S. Aiamo. p>K SALb OK

Sequence: 39 (standard view) | zoom view

... 11 lor Want Ads Until 7 P. M. SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P, M. When you cannot bring or send your Want Ad... it will be necessary to bring copy to office not later than 7 o'clock. Office closed at 8 p. m., excepting Saturdays.... After 3 p. m. business can be transictcd on second and third floors. Ads are taken any day of the week.... Inquire 1731 E. Commerce. COR SALG- 1 real e3tate, piAK SALli— ' real estate rr<)R SALE— r REAL P.... Price S12.IJ0O. P 1! Rodgers, ,116 Conroy Bldg. SAN PEDRO AVENUE! Absolutely one of the choicest homes

Sequence: 29 (standard view) | zoom view

... appropriations for road construction until the department had been organized and could p°e that the money... NOT A FA P. "It may make some feel unhappy to look at pictures of those who have : gone, but at tho same.... J. P. MORGAN. lection is kept, a person wishing to see it has only to obtain a permit, nnd the doors... Is Built Right and Our Line Runs Through the Ozarks At An Elevation of 1700 Feet H. W. PiNNICK, T. P. A... daily s p. m. Through sleeper New Orlear.s- Ashevlll« every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Liberal

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