The Daily Express. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 45, No. 152, Ed. 1 Wednesday, June 1, 1910: Searching Inside

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16 results that matched your query.

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.... AUSTIN, Tex., May 81.—Dr. J. S. JUdbott, State Pure Food and Dairy CoS- mlssloner, today filed.... It shall be my earnest fi . J" aCmlt helpless and dlstltute < onfederate without unnecessary delay until... Engine Stirs Not General Howe "Flying Shrapnel Would Get It, If Flying Ix>w and If at Great Altitude... district less j than 8-Inch adding 3 cents. Other key rates received follow: I Stile* $ I Sahlnitl... Texas, Bexar County; no capital stock. Incorporators: J. 8. Johnston, Carlos Bee, C. Lindsay Patton

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... 15,028 olph Holz, Bruno E. Voelcker and .T11 ins Holz to J W. Spencer. i„ p. itnuill, H. r. Mathews and J... Caatroville Road Ifl,4fl9 Necker and wife to J. W. Spencer, . B. Randall. H. P. Mathews and .1. . Clopton... 18,588 W. and C. M. Hooker to J. \V. Spen r, L. B. Randall. II. P. Mathews and . A, Clopton, March lfl... cottage? W. B. Whitaker, Danvar Boulavurd. J FOR SALE—Cheap by owner, 6-room cot lape; pome Incubators... Durham cows, 3 to 7 years old; 100 white fared heifer yearlings. This Is nn extra good lot of stock. W. J

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.... 431 j t. ► It SALE > Express paying dairy. Address W \ NTED ir our Good delivery Southern boy... reasonable. M. J. Hewitt, 110 W. Commerce St. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICI \NS— DR. A. J. BROWN, Osteopath. KlrksvllU... W. Park Ave.. 8-room modern, two-*tory resldeuce, furnished, for the summer, $45. E. B. Chandler... cottage, ifi Fifth Bt., Ave. A, $30. Wm. F. fjchutz, Riverside Bldg. ;40 W. MA RSHALL ST., 5-r. cot tag.... J.ARGE front room, five large windows, opening on private gallery; bath across tin 11; private family

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..., Houston; E. B. Toung, Galveston; W. F. Pendleton, Farmersvllle. Those arriving last night were: J. H.... Mettenheimer Austin; W. !>. Williams, Blossom; A. B. Scarbrough Bon ham; <'. H. Bencini, Brown wood; J. H.... Blain, Fort Worth; R. I* Rather, Gonzales; J. D. Dawson, Houston; B. B. RIee, Houston; W. A. Rherman.... Daniels, Sherman; J. N. Ponder, Sulphur Springs; W. A. Balrd, Waxahatehle; W. I. Yopp, Dallas; Carl... of Ban Antonio, requesting J. H. Clark, former District Judge, to make the race for Coanty Judge, has

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... ANTONIO, TEXAS an(j (;onvenienl Hotel. W. C. BRUCE, Mgr. Dinner served every eveninfl in the open air... (Unincorporated) Thos. L. Conroy, President E. J. McCormick, Cashier J. F. Gallagher, Assistant Cashier THE FAMOUS.... 21<j East Houston Street. JIM STEVENS. Iilverside Bar. East Houston Street. C. R. BASSE, Bismarck... Saloon, Alamo M. L. -MASSEY, 310 West Commerce Street. ARTHUR J. GAUL, 122 West Commerce. merce. F.... BIANC'HI, 128 South Pecos Street. ANTON M. JUDMA1ER. 217 Nacogdoches Street. HENRY W ALTER SCn I ELD, 1831

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... was done to the school buildings of J. W. Coltrano, Lakeside Classical Institute, on the night of May 16.... C. A, Zilqer, Dr. and Mrs. F. R. liadra and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Terry. Edward Holland and Miss Amanda... Traveling Suits at $12.50 $30.00 Traveling Suits at $15.00 $35.00 Traveling Suits at $17.50 $W.OO Traveling... for the best values ever offered in any May-End Reduction Sale. 3j*ecia liats in Women's Ready-to^We&r. SIT E.... For H e a d a c h a (whether sick or nervous), Toothache, , , Neuralgia, Rheu,.ui- ■ J tlsm, Lumbago

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... Friday. Hpectal Telegram to The Express. CUERO, Tex., May 31.—Rev, J. W. Igrael, padtor "f the Hnptl«t.... Hogsdnle ->f San Antonio; "The Klght Mission Spirit." J. W. Woodson of San Antonio; "Importance of Having... a collection of $so as a thank offering; A K Ragsdnle arid J. W. Woodson talked leagues and Sunday schools... and the Coast.... No. 8—Coast towns No. 48—Kerrvllle, except Sunday. No. 41—Kerrvllle, Sunday only.... J... Chesapeake ft Ohio Open. Illgh. Low. Close. 70% 68% 86 W 9% 604 63% 41 24 4«4 704 86 9% 694 62% 36 23% 46 75

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... buses and Sontlnnea to third on Mclvers wide . to Stlnson. One wns out. and W acu set nl'.iut lo... Johnson tool< oc- , mirSTON. Tex., May 31.—With Hunter Ed°da?hrfSr third'"kipp w^on"ahead hill out... Thebo playing In for his leaguer, and tho ^aine was orer. Score: j SAN ANTONIO AB.H.OiA._ Ifohtihratjb 4... pretty good. Pity that shower in- the second did not last longer. W«co now should be, tn tnne to wallop... and productive of regame made by Galveston and came in the fifth Inning, when Dundon singled to center

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... FUND BANK. Officers: W. P. McCALER, President. JOS. F. GREEN. Vice President. J. H. SAVAGE, Vice... 10 THE SAN ANTONIO DAILY faXPRESS: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1910. | j The Lockwood National Bank... COMMISSIONER IS IN CITY TO TESTIFY. He Sajs the Laws Must Be Enforced and Offenders W ill Have to Answer... cetve their papers are requested to notify j {the office at once. A special messenger j (will deliver... phono 4020. —Among the arrivals at the Bexar Hotel yesterday were B. J. Moore, a business man of Uvalde

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...; w ax. per box, 2«V. CAHEAGi: Per 100 pounds, S'J.OOrtTVJ.50, CANTALOUPES—Per bushel crate, $2... steers 25 steers A. H. Douglass, Bellevue— 27 steers T. H. Jackson, Groesbeck— 25 steers J W... WANTED—Immediately, dressmaking In ! private families; highest references and recommendations from San Antonio J... MEXICAN FRUITS A SPECIALTY BENI> I'M YOUH ORDERS. "YOU'LL OE2T THE GOODS" J)ETECHYK AGENCY— McCANE... and Travis. J. FT,OOP AVATiKKR, New Frost Bid? WALLER SKYMOI R, AltOHT., 316-18 New Frost Bldg. City

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... removed him. Bailey men have felt 'Satisfied with the trluuipn w lil< h that j Election assured, but have.... Tavlor; County Attorney, J. n. H. Dennis; i'omnilssloner Precinct No, 1, F. W. Ahldag; East Bernard, R. T... Bailey's j charge, coupled with a dispassionate } pledge to repel all. aggressive demonstra- I ] tlons..., lias augmented with his progress I I North toward the home of more Intense g j pro-Bailey sentiment... into the vibrant slo- I j gaii of his campaign. Passive, he purposes to remain no longer. "Henceforth |;I ask

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... in the records of the local weather bureau. HE WILL TOUR TEXAS J. W. Munn Will Come Here in Behalf of Galveston... flaces. J. W. Munn, a widely-known automoblllst of Galveston and president of tho Galveston Automobile...: First rare, six furlongs: Seymour Beutlor w< n, Stafford second, King of Yolo third. Time 1:13. Second...: Geo. W. I^ebolt OS, Rialfo 108, Elizabeth Harwood 00. Ohepantuc 00*. Spindle 90, Twilight Queen 101...'s Boxinp Defi. BEN LOMOND, Cel., May 31.—James J. Corbett stepped into tho limelight at the Jeffries

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... elected at the last regular meeting: W. J. Mlley, W M ; Jh k Jenkins, S. W.; W R. Ransome, .1 W.. W. A.... P. Ross, J.l W.; Walton Green, secretary; W. E. Withers, treasurer, and Allen The Humphreys, tiler... Johnston <'amp, United Confederate Veterans, but the commissioner is conferring with \V. \V. Sloan, W. C... Company; F. L. Hlllyer, lumber merchant; J. C. Mangham, general freight agent of the San Antonio & Aransas... Pass Railroad; Sid IL Weis, manager of tho Grand Opera House; Hal L. How; rd, ranchman; John J. Stevens

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... A Supply Co. «.. IANTERNS, HANGING LAMPS AND STREET LAMPS YOUR ORDKRS SOLICITED. F. W. HEITMANN CO. HOCSTON... he equipped with lights. J. H. Clark receives petition signed by many lawyers of the San Antonio bar... requesting him to he candidate for County Judge, and takes petition under advisement. ment. T>r. J. S. Abbott..., announce* that an agreement w»« reached yeaterny morning between the miner* and the owners of the Texm A... W. Wlckersham. Attorney General; William S. Kenyon, assistant to the Attorney General, and Charles A

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... turned over on Its ba< k wn'.le making a sharp turn, and it was with difficulty that the mule w is placed... IS ABATED l.'se of Salt Is Found to Have Splendid Effect. Hy using salt on the tan bnrk. Ma.1. J. I... nuisance, and preventing j the tan bark from freezing In cold weather. During the winter months... been abated. Major Gnlbraith has had a circular Issued giving the results of the tests made j at Fort... Snelllng for the benefit of the I service nt large. J GENERAL MYER WILL ATTEND He Will Supervise Camp

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... 521 1 120 | r AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS: V'K«W York Office—Room 628, 150 r^asaan jtreet; John P... Waverley Br1p:g». I Monter'-y, Mexico -Omar Bnshncll. 1-4 < °',p J atarooros. agent and correspondent. r J.... A Pipes In charge. I Traveling Agents J. C. Oslln, E. <». Atlee, Jr. *4. McConnell. y>——■ "■ ■ —... for filth except a lack of appreciation of cleanliness. J. H. Webster, candidate for lieutenant Governor... at a banquet to be given by Robert J. Collier, whose publication is decidedly antagonistic to President Taft

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