El Paso Sunday Times. (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 22, Ed. 1 Sunday, November 9, 1902: Searching Inside

We Found:

19 results that matched your query.

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.... Apply to F. H. Perkins, at the El Paso & Southwestern freight depot, at 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. WANTED—A... in good locality; ground floor. Address P. O. Box 101. WANTED—To rent a four or five room cottage...; modern conveniences. 801 Magoffin. BEDS, 16p, 25c; tof men and boys only. Sunset House, near Pomeroy.... E. Holmes, proprietor. 317 St. Ixiuls St. FOR RENT—To adults, new fourroom house, N. Campbell St... the other late book*. 2!5 .an Antonio St. P. H. CURRAN- "Looe and the Soul Hunters,” by John Oliver Hobbs

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.... Mrs P. B. lots 21 and 82. bloek 30, More head's add, El Paso..,..,....... Hern*!. Delflna. abstract No..., El Paso Goodwin, j. p, lot* i to 4, blmk 7, .Sunset Height* add.; lot* 14 to 18. block 106, Campbell...___ , aa :Tellea. Simon, lot 1, Vsleta..., The Bailey Hotel Company, west 48x120 feet of lota 11 2 22... grantt-c j Ysleta Town Tract, 4 acre*. Brown, p, if, lot 18 and north one-half of lot. 19. block HI........ Ball. Mrs. B. E, lota 25 and 26, block IS, Bast Kl Paso add, Kl Paso.................. Bean, It. P

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Cigars, &c 2 X „„PN Al. Ni.iH?r*a0r,ptlon D°P°rtr"®n‘ Complete. = _______ 204 N. OltEOON STREET. — EL... Sheldon every 12 minutes from 5:86 a. m. to 10 p. m., leaving on Hie even hour and 12. 24, 86 and IK... minutes after the hour; returning leave Jaurez at the name lime. After'10 p, in., every 20 minutes..., leaving on tho even hour and half hour. The last ear leaves al It;30 p. m. on all days. San Antonio... and Myrtle-Week Day* and Sundays." FROM 6:18 A. M. TO 6:00 P. M. Cars leave Hotel Sheldon, going over San Antonio

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... 'tptsare .....> <•»*.- >/ rsotud fur her. She1* p> -A#«re w **y*hi** *» «h» wweW mm he. we an ha i... If her of ***** rur ( uhe^p, vk '■*»» 4/toe.kam ' : * «a«*s* aard *r**» doaBtw a tfcr AmaehoM taamt }... through th* p»iifyhif power of a bean aglow with love f jo***®1*- u* Ke* ?at B now*. There in historic... ybo lml>0*e °P°P lhCTn fallen may rise again If only they learn to discard wnat- j : ever It tore... to 1(1,011 h 1 *p’ *n ,na> now Krow cave hi* administration (torn any embarrassment ia rbown

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

.... atadter. "Et In Splrltum,” tenor solo, Mr. E. Murphy. Sermon. "Our Heavenly Home." KapLIsms at 3 p. m... o'clock. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Junior C. K. at 3 p. m. Intermediate C. E. ut 4 p. m. * Senior... Endeavor at (1:30 p. m. Evening sermon at 7:30. Wednesday evening pravor meeting at 7-30. Subject.... m. Preaching services af 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's service at «:30 p. m. Morning... the Scarlet Line? Good music both morning and evening. ing. Junior Union Monday at 4 p. m. Church prayer

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

...* non. tn the midway ground* «P<* ; cP. tracks, for which ground... b* the El P*W0 Fad.1 Very consjvaay. parade will th*n cover the princip*! whrT, be pteaaed... when the S proposition to boy the strip of land upon which «» remove the S. P. track a j w*» undertaken... this tend, since its p*ro A «teaae woeld mean the removal of the ffk 8 P track* and the cooseqncnt re- VfV i

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Fagan. MeCutcbeon. David Payne, W. Gaines, Miles, L. M. Turner, Falvey, D. White. A. P. Coles, tf, 8..., Wise, Williams and Map*!. The reception given Thursday night by Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ramsey.... Sweeney. P Waker. M, McCarty, H. R. Dunn. Wakbam. C- A. Donley, W. D, Boyle , Pitman. KUnk, Numas.... Ashbv, E. Kreutzlln, P B, Walker. R. V. Pierson, John Edgar. J. Zayaza. D. D. Williams. Friday night... and tte “tout ensemble" a success. Those present were; Messrs. A. P. Coles, Robert Martin. G. M. Crombie

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... THROUGHOUT. For descriptive pamphlet, or other Information, call on or address R. W. CURTIS, 8. W. P. A, El... Paso, Texas. E. P. TURNER, Q. P. A T, A„ Dallas, Texas. 407 North Oregon 8t Eli* aso, Texas. Post... 111-117 West Overland St. Phone 278 ’he ' fey p * - 7*' “" H af--- . - -.-r.—.-Ti’-t-r-—r---T

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... against smugglers. < No. US. W. H. Austin Hampton. No. 101. Sambrano * Ochoa vs. P. U Abb et al. No.... Seamon and D. P. Holland will leave soon for Sonora to Investigate some mining claims. —The Acme for fine.... Kearney, a mining man from Sonora, ta in El Paso on business. Mrs. T. P. Atwood Is In the city on a visit... underwent an operation at Providence hospital, was down town yesterday for the first time. Mrs. M. P Blacker... Paso this season. And all because the H. P. train from the south was on one of Its frequently

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..., P. A. B. Wldener and Cornelius Vanderbilt, are multi millionaires, and In every way fitted... of Jobbing attended to. SHOP AND OFFICE 610-618 East Overland Stroot. Toleplpno 510, P. O, Box M6. BURT0M.... Solomon. B. P. Mlchelson, & J. Freudenthal. President Vice President Secretary, General Manager. The H...’s anil take bo other. fl) fUll AID OMIMEIUL Plastering and Cement Work CAREFUL ITUMIM GIVEN. A. P

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

.... 213-214. original grantee Lucero Tract of P. road.................... Zimpleman. J. I... abstract No. 2845.... & C. R. R. Co., 246 acres.............. Abstract No. 22, original grantee David P. Cummings..., original grantee 8. A, ft M. G. R, R. Co., 91 1-3 acres........ Abstract No. 215, original grantee M. E. P.... ft P. R. R. Co., 640 acres.......... 17 Abstract No. 768. original granteo T. & 8. R. R. Co., 640... Abstract grantee ick, 80 Abstract grantee Ick, 80 2 66 2 66 2 66 grantee Chas. O. Galliger and T. P. Wood

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... are already tussling. Madam decides she TLL TEI.L TOrft PAPA Oft YOC P mother can make Is to sacrifice berself..., President. T. M. WINGO, Cashier. A. P. COLES, J. G. LOWDON, Vice Presidents. W. H. WEBB, Asst. Cashier. I.... Millinery work a specialty. ii41. ttMtM tt. r»RS. P. M. BENSON u rug mo. independent Assay Office

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... of lot 121 block 26, Mtlls add., El . Paso......... 17 7a Dunn, P. C„ Est., abstract No.... Cenabro, lot- 1, Ysleta............;■••• Gramellio, Venseslado, lot 1. Ysleta.........---- Hammett. P. P...’................... • * zario’................... P1no, Jose, lot I. Socorro---- Piske, G. W.. abstract No. 9..., Sam P„ abstract No. 172-216, original grantee 1 Inhab. of Socorro, 217 12 acres.................... 13..., Socorro A belts, Marcelano, tot I. Ysleta......... .......... 4 97 Abagoda, L. and P , 34 feet

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...- 993 96 3 (M 4 44 3 78 6 67 3P (VP 50 00 5 57. 46 66 . /.Brio. 24 aer*#............. I Fink, W. W... Oiterra, Hllarlo. lot 1, Socorro Ouerra, Jeans P.. Bat., south 12 of lot 8, block 137, Campb»ll add., Kl... of lot 17, block 67, Magofiln add., Kl Paso....... Hague, J. P„ Kst., undivided one-half of 25 2-3 feet... grautee M, R. P. ft I’ K R- Co , 3*0 acres;, abstract No. 160, original .grantee M. B. P ft P R, R Co.. 64

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.... It is the coming country. For Other Information, Address W. 8. MEAD, Com’l. Agt., El Paso, W. D. MURDOCK, A. G. P.... A., Mexico, C. R. HUDSON, G. F. & P. A., Mexico THE ‘Golden StateLimitcd” VIA El Paso-Northeastern.... BROWN, G. P. A. H. F. COX, General Agent Office in Sheldon Hotel. Follow tho Flag. Wabash Route YOU.... CONNER, 8. W, P. A., Dallas, Tex. No part of the paper la read more than the Classified Column* It la

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... TO THE SENATE Apostle Reed Smooth Regarded as a Certainty in the Senatorial Race in Utah MAY BE A P... to congress 1» conceded by a majority said to he leas than 500. STRIKERS ENJOINED ORDF” RESTRAINING U. P. EM

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

.... BEIT SCHIITZ t CO. MANUFACTURERS AGENTS and COMMISSION BROKERS Telephone 563 Z-Rtags. P. 0. Box 128. EL... by the cure of one of Its oldest resident*, Mr. P. A, Wright, who had been partly'blind for a long period

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