The Tulia Herald (Tulia, Tex.), Vol. 56, No. 7, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 17, 1966: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... Aarf Osr hwg* In music appreciation and theory classes, an effort is made to interpret societies long... gone by a study of music of those eras. From their folk songs, religious music, as well as classics, we... be reconstructed by a study of their music. If future generations are permitted to occupy this planet, we wonder..., we must listen to western, country or pops music from the various radio stations heard in Tulia . . ...., and the like. And perhaps they are right. We are not narrow-minded when it comes to music. Certainly we have

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... PHARMACISTS WY 5 - 352*5 Texas And Civil War Is Study Club Topic 'American Music' Music Club Topic Music... prcsdient) The Allegro Music Club met in . _ _ . . „. , home’of Mrs. Ernest Clark Thurs- ^... G**rge Gershwin. “A Tin Soldday night, for a program on "A - *crs b>’ Edward MacDowcU morican Music... Lacey talked on the Sharp, and the hostesses, Mrs. Clark three kinds of American Music, Folk and Mrs.... "The Hank Williams legend is now a living part of the history of country music and Hank Jr. is a living

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... with ' ‘ ladto repairman, netown has been cold too. His be-llttlbig the music you like... _______ . on that ice. of ’The music goes round and round’ now’, pardner. ♦ ★ ★ (why. . I’m.not

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... the* occasion with* Clay class; Barbara Schwede and Noe Wil- Freeman providing the music as well... lereal, schpmore class; Freida Rous- as d*0 background music for tlie program on the organ. Fred Howell

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