The Clifton Record (Clifton, Tex.), Vol. 35, No. 12, Ed. 1 Friday, May 24, 1929: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... Frazier in Precinct No. 2 and J. G. Simms in Precinct No. 4. PfliL ;• J. W. Morris, age 43* years and 5 ys... Gardner Fay Henderson ............................................................. Daughter of.J. T... I K. ■ WmmmwM* • ■. , . v Ml * * »' : J "% >4., v ::: ton Chopping Hoes, 8-in.. , .70c to $... UNTIL WE HAVE SATISFIED YOU” I ! TEXAS CLIFTON Ml ■ / ■ ■ - ■ ' T -1 ?f if. W&m i 'mmfflptymmM :... of J. C. Montgomery Road Supervisor of Road Bond Districts Nos. 9 and 10 was approved. The quarterly

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... at the home of Mrs Ringer’s mother, Mrs. J. W. Wortham, and other relatives here. Miss Juno Scrutchfleld who..., skating and horseback riding in Glen Rose. They report a splendid time. ' Postmaster J. A. Noland, W. H... for another ^APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE SB \ :r- Clifton W.V.KUGLE The Tailor Texas A paper I read regularly... by the mint. «randpMent. in Waco las SSs^sssS j.pxurs- SSS3SS2 gsre [of all the church members T in evenr...* eMtbx her briber, Iu» prelent popnUtion, yet tjto member- s“wLt of MlUno, ie J»h” low death rate

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... for a visit relatives in Oklahoma. Mrs. W. L. Payne of San Saba ia a guest in the home of her daughter Mrs... Sunday visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. W. W. Cox who is in All Saint’s Episcopal Hospital, recovering... from an operation. , —-o----- , Fred W. Nelson, our popular postmaster, handed the Record three big... for $4.69 3 for $5.69 Ladies Hats Ft ou 'ALITY For The Lowest Price. n*J, Apricot Apples AM %: K LARGE... EXTRA FANCY W1NESAP APPLES, PER DOZ. mm --- -u Coffee THE BEST GRADE PEABERRY COFFEE, 3 LBS. FOR Peanut

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... he Avralways «eHa at the lowest jwstible Sour Pickles 2 w 2$c Brooms t§M iiy ™ I he was asks... 1166th annual Banquet of . York Chamber of Commerce. He ae-j | copied the invitation and extensive |... Cane or » Baty Cane MILK ■, ^ ± fas© J_ Bulk H - Bordens Milk 1 . Rice I “Y SC ™ IOC I 4*5c 1... SunnySield 1 JELLO I 12.-43© I 3 | 24 - 79© 1 Medium Size Prunes J ** Ifc_ iii' Potted MEAT ss. Sc9c A&P... Iona Peaches KT19C Ketchup — 10c C DEL MONTE SPINACH v -- *Zm n rAr^rlPc 1 Crit „■ „ _ J (DEL

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

.... The South Ladies’ Society meets Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. T. Tergerson entertains at the home. J. A. Umes... When You Want Ice Cream in any Quantity Silver Moon Cafe J. W. Griffin, fc AM Wharton county... so of »ound judgment and a wardrobe is bsin the last decade it Seas learned at the j Ip 4t Wm..., Pastor. spindles fit rWwnita LI. -W? dent at T. C. extensively fit i vice president < Hir And sang..., Texas. ......... -...........„ MODERN EYE I SERVICE T DR. W. A. JOHNSON, Opt. D. (Optometrist) Better

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Secretary, Florir.e Stanhiser; Treasurer, Ruby Schow. The J. W. R. Literary Society met last Wednesday... MW* '•« NIW mm SIN FORMER LEGISLATOR CLAIMED BY DEATH Waco, Texas, May 17.—W. C O’Bryan, 74, native... it is that a man with a fine line of talk is usually fishing for something. w Forenoons—9 to 12 Monday, Wednesday... with as many of the Alumni as possible to take part in the Alumni j Committee. % ■'1 , 'WvP ball game...’s worth insuring is worth the premium. For Safe And Sure Insurance See H W BERING First Guaranty State

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... guest in the home of her uncle, D. W. Wiekman. J. M. JENSON /■v Make it -safe to be hungry! BfMfhlMt... in gray sinks nto the background, but note the ef- J feet of bright red on a very aggressive girl. "Of all... be with you in spirit as you march down the aisle.—J. A. Dowdle.” • It was reported to Mayor Ed Handley... STRANGERS? J. M. JENSON SERVICE MANFOR John S. Bekkelund, one of Clifton’s opular contractors and builders... in and let us show you j ust HOW EASY the G. E. Refrigerator can be bought. We can giv e you almost any kind

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Mr and Mrs. 0. J. Reierson. He is also accompanied by his wife and baby. Mr. A. W. Jenson of Cooledge.... Mr. W. A. York superintendent of the Meridian High School, will deliver the ing public. pjj... relatives in this section. * Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Crawford of Saneer. Texas, spent the week-end Clifton’s Stow... for Men and Boys a solid trainloail of 52 tank J. M- Adams of Carlton, Game Warden for District 21.... Prayer meeting 8 p. m. Wednesday- The Rev. J. M. Purcell, the father of the pastor, will preach next Sun

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