Fort Worth Daily Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 13, No. 177, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 27, 1888 Page: 6 of 8
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The Plan Adopted by Kansas for Im
proving1 Its Highways
Form ol Eoad Improvement Certificate Tho
Koad Improvement Law Internal
Improvement of Cities
At this time anything relating to im-
provement of public highways will be
read with interest by a people who are
giving thought and time to a long felt
want With this view The Gazktte
KNOW ALL 2IEX BY THESE PJ2ESEXTS That the undersigned lawfully
appointed and qualified Road Commissioners for the County
Road in Wyandotte County Kansas hereby certify that the County of Wyandotte
in the Stato of Kansas is indebted to and promises to pay
or bearer the sum of FIVE 1IUXDRED DOLLARS on the
first day of I at the office of the Treasurer of said county
with interest at the rate of seven percent pur annum payable annually on pre-
sentation and surrender of coupons attached as they severally become due at said
Treasurers office This certificate is issued by virtue of authority conferred by an
act of the Legislature of the State of Kansas entitled An act providing for the
improvement of county roads approved March 5 1SS7 and in payment for
gives its readers today a private letter
from a resident of Kansas City with Kan-
sas stato law and form of county road
improvement certificate in uso in that
state addressed to a citizen of Fort
Worth r
Kansas City Mo Dec 201SSS
Mr T B Burbridge Fort Worth Tex
MvDeak Sib I notice by The Gazette of your
city that a meeting has been called to take steps
to improve county roads I enclose copy of
Kansas law and form of certificate used in Wyan-
dotte connty adjoining this city also copyof
road improvement law for cities under which
great improvements have been made in Topeka
Atchison and Leavenworth completely chang-
ing the muddy impassable streets to perfect
pavements Thinking a little definite informa-
tion would give vou a footing in the meeting I
enclose Your friend C B Bostwick
on the road in said
county and state
In Tkstimoxv Wheukof We have hereunto subscribed our names this
day of 18
Road Commissioners of
Wyandotte Co Kas
State of Kansas County of AVyandotth ss
I County Clerk of Wyandotte County Kansas do
hereby certify that the above named were appointed by
tho Board of County Commissioners of AVyandotte County Kansas Road Commis-
sioners for the aforesaid Road in said
county and have legally qualified as such Commissioners
In Testimony Wheueof I havo hereunto set my hand and official
day of 18
County Clerk
Road improvement Certificate Coupon
We hereby certify that ou the first day of
IS Wjandotte County
Kas promise to pay bearer
on Certificate No at the oflice
of the Treasurer of said County
1 Road Comniis
J sioners for
J Road
County Clerk
koad imvkovkmknt law
Chapter ccxiv
Improvement of county roads An act
providing tor the improvement of county
roads Bo it enacted by the legislature
of the state of Kansas
Section 1 That whenever a majority
of tho resident landholders within one
half mile on either sido along the line of
any regularly laid out road within tho
terminal points mentioned in tho petition
shall petition tho board of county com-
missioners of any county in this stato for
the improvement of any road as located
or any part thereof it is hereby made tho
duty of such county commissioners to
causo the same to be improved as here-
inafter provided
Seo 2 Such petition shall state First
tho name of tho road any part of which
is sought to bo improved second the
points between which said improvements
are to be made third the kind of im-
provements prayed for and fourth tho
time for which assessments in payment
thereof are to bo made not to exceed
five years
Sec 3 Upon receipt of said petition
the said county board shall immediately
causo nn accurate survey of such roads to
bo made by tho county surveyor with a
careful estimate of the cost of such im-
provements with specifications for tho
improvement of the same together with
a map showing tho several tracts of laud
within onehalf milo on either sido of said
proposed improvement and causo tho
same to bo filed in the office of tho county
clerk of the county
Sec 4 Immediately upon the com-
pletion and filing of such profile and
map the said county board shall appoint
three persons resident laudowners of
the county to be known as road commis-
sioners whoso duty it shall bo to tako
charge of and conduct the improvement of
such road in conformity with tho profile
and specifications so filed as aforesaid
Sec 5 The persons so appointed as
road commissioners before enteriug upon
their duty shall take and subseribo to an
oath before somo person authorized to
tako depositions to faithfully perform
their duties as such road commissioners
and upon failure of said commissioners
or either of them to duly and faithfully
perform their duty under this aot tho
board of county commissioners of tho
county shall remove tho commissioner or
commissioners so failing in duty and
appoint others in their stead
Sec C Tho said road commissioners
aro hereby authorized and empowered to
make contracts for doing tho work re-
quired in making sucli improvements
and shall tako from such contractor or
contractors bonds in double the amount
of the contract price running to tho
county in which such work is done for
the faithful performance of such con-
tracts and in payment of any work so
done said commissioners shall issue cer-
tificates payable iu tho time mentioned in
tho petition filed for tho improvement of
such road or for any material furnished
for tho same bearing interest at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum
such contracts to bo let in all cases
to the lowest bidder after duo notice
given provided that no such
commissioner shall bo such contractor
or iu anywise interested in any such con-
tract or any work done thereunder
Sec 7 Said commissioners shall select
one of their number as chairman and one
secretary and they shall keep and file
with such county clerk a complete record
of their proceedings hereunder and may
appoint ono lof their number or any
other suitable person as superintendent
to oversee and direct all work done here-
under who shall receivo from the county
board pay not to exceed 30 per day
tor the time actually employed iu over-
seeing said work such accounts to be
verified under oath as other claims
against tho county and such commis-
sioners shall receive the suni of 230 per
day for the time actually necessary for
the performance of the duties hereunder
which claim shall be submitted and paid
as other claims against said county
Sec 8 Upon the completion of any
improvement hereunder said commis-
sioners shall meet at tho oflice of the
county clerk and apportion twothirds of
tho cost thereof among the several tracts
of land designated in the map filed as
aforesaid according to the benefits to the
real and personal property within the
limits shown by said map derived from
such improvement and shall in making
such apportionment take into considera-
tion tho benefits accruing to each tract of
land aud give credit for damages occa-
sioned to tho same and such assessment
shall be in lieu of all roadtax assess-
ments upon the land described in the pe-
tition and map for the time such special
assessments are levied onethird of the
costs thereof to be paid out of the general
fund of the county provided that any
person feeling himself aggrieved by the
Stati of Kansas County of Wyan-
dotte ss
I heheiiy certify That I have regis-
tered the within certificate as Road Im-
provement Certlicate No of
Wyandotte County Kas
County Clerk
apportionment so made may within five
days thereafter appeal to the board of
county commissioners of such county
and their decision shall be final
Sec 9 And upon tho completion of
such apportionment of the costs of im-
provement aforesaid the county clerk
shall enter the same upon the duplicate
tax rolls of the county and such costs
shall be collected as other taxes
Sec 10 The certificates for work done
on any such road issued by the said
board of commissioners shall be received
by tho county treasurer in payment of
any tax levied under this act
Sec 11 All necessary bridges along
the line of any such road shall be built as
now provided by law and the expenses
of surveying locating and mapping such
road shall be paid by the respective
counties and the fco therefor shall bo
tho same as fixed by law for other county
Sec 12 This act shall tako effect and
be iu force from and after its first publi-
cation in the official stato paper
Approved March 5 1887
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a
true and correct copy of the original en-
rolled bill now on Ulo in my office and
that the same was published in the official
stato paper March 11 1887
E B Allen Secretary of State
Section 1 Ch Laws 1877 That
whenever tho mayor and council of any
city of tho first class shall under authority
vested in them by any law of this stato
cause any street avenue or alley in such
city to bo graded curbed guttered
paved repaved or macadamized
or any sewor to bo constructed the
expense of which is chargeable to the
abutting property or any bridge over a
water course to bo erected or tho areas
formed by tho intersection of streets and
alleys to be paved repaved or macadam-
ized thej may iu their discretion pro-
vide for the payment of tho cost thereof
by installments instead of levying the
entire tax or special assessment for such
cost at ono time and for such install-
ments they may issue improvement bonds
of the city payable in installments of
equal amounts each year none of which
bondsnor any of the installments thereof
shall run longer than ten years nor bear
interest exceeding 7 per centum per an-
num The credit of the city issuing such
bonds shall be pledged for the payment
thereof Such bonds may be issue W
the contractor constructing the yigsrovfe
ment iu payment thereof or the mayjk
and council sell tho same at ngC si
than their par value and pay tttfelpo
ceeds thereof to the coiitnu > roS fcftSueli
bonds shall not be issued hi ftliit ihr
excess of the contract price o Plhe work
or improvement except that the install-
ment coupons shall include the interest
ou such installments to the maturity
thereof The bonds shall be of sach de-
nominations as the mayor and council
shall deem proper Where improvement
bonds are issued under this act for im-
provements the cost of which is by law
charged by special assessment against
specific property the mayor and
council shall levy special assessments
each year sufficient to redeem the install-
ment of such bouds next thereafter ma
turing but in computing the amount of
special assessment to be levied against
each piece of property liable therefor
interest thereon shall be added at the
rate of 8 per centum per annum from the
date of tho issuance of said bonds until
the maturity of tho installment of bonds
next thereafter maturing Such assess-
ments shall be made upon the property
chargeable for the costs of such improvc
meuts respectively and shall be levied
and collected in the same manner as may
be provided by law for the levy and col-
lection of special assessinents for such
improvements where no bonds are issued
except as otherwise provided by this act
but the assessed valuation liabfo for such
cost which is established for the first
years assessment shall be retained for
the assessments for the succeeding in
installments of said bouds The owner
of any piece of property liable to any
such special assessment may redeem his
property from such liability by paying
the entire amount chargeablo against his
property upou the city clerk mailing
him a written or printed notice thirty
days before the issuance of the bonds
or after the issuance of the bonds by
paying all the installments of the assess-
ments which nave been levied and also
tho amount of unlevied installments
with interest on the latter at the rate of S
per centum per annum from the date of
the issuance of the bonds to the time of
maturity of tho last installment In all
cases where installments of assessments
not yet levied aud paid is above provided
whether before or after the issuance of
the bonds the same shall bo paidto the
city treasurer who shall receipt therefor
and all gums so paid shall be applied
solely to the payment of such improve-
ments or the redemption of the bonds
issued therefor AVhere any piece of
property has been redeemed from liabil-
ity for the cost of any improvement as
herein provided such property shall not
thereafter be liable for further special
assessment for the cost of such improve-
ment No suit to set aside the said
special assessment or to enjoin the
making of the same shall bo brought
nor any defense to the validity thereof be
allowed after the expiration of thirty
days from the time the amount due on
each lot or piece of ground liable for such
assessment is ascertained The funds
raised by such assessments shall bo ap-
plied towards the redemption of said
bonds and toward reimbursing the city
when said bonds or any part thereof
are redeemed from general taxes For
the cost of such improvements as are
made payable out of the general im-
provement fund of the city the mayor
and council niny also issue bonds of the
same tenor and effect aud under the
same restrictions as those hereinbefore
mentioned aud such bonds and the in-
terest thereon shall be paid by the levy
of a general tax on all the property in
the city
Approved February 22 1SS7
Certificates Issued to the Duly Chosen
and Appointed Electors
Total Vote of tho State for Presidential Cajvt
dictates as Eetnrned to the State
Governor Ross has issued the foi
certificate to the presidential eleeto rs
I L S Ross governor of Texas Mi
certify that on the Cth day of Novein r
1888 an election was therein held ac-
cordance with the law to determino the
appointment of electors for president and
vicepresident of tho United States and
that it appears by tho canvass of
votes cast at said election made iapursu
anee to law that A W Terrell 1W
Bailey A T MeKinnev E C
son R C DeGraffenreid II
ton J 17 Cobb T S WoodsjSVA
Levi W S Fly W II Richardson J
II McLeary and W II Cowan were duly
chosen aud appointed such electors
I do further certify that at said election
the following named persons received tho
votes herein indicated as such electors in
tho state of Texas viz
A W Terrell 231S22
JWBailey fliS
A T McKinnej < >
E C Dickenson
IS C DeGraffenreid + teSh
II Templeton Jhr
II Cobb 2 iSl
S Woods 5mS1
G A Levi
WS Fly rt2Jl5rl
W II Itichardson XlXl
J H JIcLeary 22710
W HCouan 221970
JH Cobble 1C0W
T B Hanna Sj2s0
JH Stewart 811JG
W II McCarver 81240
W II Andrews 83Cfi
D M OConnor fiJW
J W McDonald 63200
A H Caldwell ii
Thomes Richards 4172
AJ Evans S7S44
C C Flannigan tfilM
V E Singleton SS422
PAltbayar 87101
A L Mavnard 83S2G
II Steele 41J20
A Seele C27ii
G A Knight Tlfitt
C T Brewster 2441
II S P Ashby 1623G
S P Foster 20ail
G W Jones 2t43J
R II V evman 27891
EJSmith 29005
AJ Carothers 23077
W W Durham 1SC20
WGEthridge 2111m
John OByrne 27814
James Denson V1a
John McKcnna 27207
H TJones 240iS
A Edwards 24Cf2
J D Rankin 1254
n M Humphreys 11R03
W W Knowles 4741
J B Link 27IW
S IJ Burroughs 4473
D C Jones 4iI7
A It England 4197
WDWard 4 J
F M Robinson 427
J II Hendricks 4272
D S Snodgrass 4402
P IJ Callahan 4411
S GMullins 4424
W A Morris 4432
AClark 4359
In testimony whereof I hereto sign
my name and have caused the seal of tho
state to be affixed at the city of Austin
rsfowjfys Acid JSospliate
Ftfjjubuse oflatamol
4 r eJ5fcv < Sthe dcpnjjfelon therefrom
A Michigan Physician Ch wd With Debauch-
ing no Less Than FortGbU lrij
escanaha Mich Dec 2G The
Mirror gives the details of a horrible
affair just mado public Dr W W
Mulliken has been practicing medicine
here for many years It transpires that
during nearly all that time he has
been debauching children many of
them as young as ten years
Several times tho fact of his infamy was
mado known to the parents of his victims
but they often threatened the wretch
and would let the matter drop to prevent
a scandal Last February two little
school children quarrelled and one ac-
cused thoother of frequenting Dr Mul
liken s oflice for immoral purposes An
attempt was made to uso this against
Mulliken but taugible evidence could
not bo procured In June last a similar
experience was had but sinco Thanks-
giving Day the fences in he vicinity of Dr
Mullikens office contained a number of
serious charges against the physician and
the people awakened to the fact that
something must be done An investiga
tionwas set on foot and the evidence
against Mulliken was of so pronounced a
character that the accused was arrested
and put under 1000 bonds for a hearing
He has disappeared and his boudsmen
will be called upou to settle It is charged
that no less than forty children haye suf-
fered from Mullikens brutality
Eajrsngeniaster Attacked
Special to the Gazette
Palestine Tex Deo 26 On ac-
count of rain yesterday Christmas was
dull iii Palestine Christmas trees and
special services were had in all the
Yesterday evening late four negroes
made an attack on International and
Great Northern Baggagemaste r Taylor
Mr Taylor secured his pistol and Bring
gtliout nn Equal far
83 to that disease very speed
flic cough accompanies it
cau certainly cure it with
disease3 leading up to and including
the iJSjfainini
TlrSCIflIUHC S New Hook on IJI enien
ortUeIun 0ivcr nnd Stomach should be
In ry borne sent free
iB J H SCUOCK S0Sjfehla4elphia Pa
ir > intcne ttcfatne
ilMtln lnKmo tut
ill Ch t worneby
15 ftTnlchlnc If nl
Q Hpfl to ontn u e
inbr form and
tiidc which often
1 nn < l ule rste
ore S > V > Ks Ul > T
eltchlnrf V fcJinff heal
jC i nv iddreii oa rwmt of price 50 en a VJ5MTGl 2i
r a DIL L b03ff ItulaMfOSiVa
i of Body and Hind cta
> r Excuses in Old oriscg
R UM IIow lo LVnr mltl
VFLoWitiinn > s i RtSo BOiir
1U TUflTJIITI > nf3 < la da
T > 2 JHm tml IrnVfeKrnnntrirB
Hgo4 Tiift < pUiiatinp aUi prc > r4 siiltd
3 ftlCSt0lCAl3roSlJfFAlO H Y
on his assailants indicted flight wounds
on them Oneof them was shot in the
foot and is now in jail jf pistol being
found on him The bagjjgemaster bjjif
lieves the parties intended y oFjsfeT
him aud rob tho baggsvie ot liei
her Casiorisgp
CSfSr Sanation Q
IVSJsii sbetSame MissfShe cluns to storia
iJWnen siSfiSMCtiWf fip e gavajl nvCastoria
The Koad Agents 15elle ed to Have SecoredSe
cral Thousand Dollars
Tkuckee Cal Dee 2o An express
car on the eastbound overland train was
robbed last night two miles east of Clip-
per Gap Bob Johnson the express mes-
senger says he was sitting at his desk
and his helper was sorting outpackages
to be left at Colfax when suddenly the
glass transom over the doors on each side
of the car were broken simullaneously
and two revolvers were thrust through
covering both messengers John-
son Was compelled to open
the door and let ono of the robbers
in being ordered to keep ono hand held
up The othefrobber reached the inside
and unlatched tho door letting himself
in lie then covered the messengers
whilo the lirst robber took from tho safe
all tho coin packages which he placed in
a game pouch slung across his shoulder
The robbers then jumped from the train
When tho train stopped at New England
mills the messengers gave a description
of the robbers who were partially
disguised and wero both young men
They were apparently well acquainted
with the route aud with both messengers
Tho description was telegraphed in differ-
ent directions and two tramps were held
as witnesses The amount of the loss is
not known lniA fSs believed it will reach
into the tho
this 17th of December A D 1883
and tho independence of
States of America the one hundred alid
thirteenth and of Texas the fiftythird
By tho goyi nior LSRoss
tho UnittSr u
Ivfive center bottlpf
SA iinch J niarMSdag he has
ailure lit 3Iarslia
Special to the Gazette J3
and it
Mahsiiaix Tix Deo 2tj3jJ Mur
zinskidealer in fruits and coniSStftMrer pl
was closed by attachment yesterday The
attaching creditors are citizens of this
city and represent about SS00 Today
Seharff Bernheimer Co and D W
Van Ilouten of St Louis sued out at-
tachments also for about S OO The
stock is claimed to be worth about 2000
It is not known what the liabilities are
Colonel Henry Jones Djinc
Special to the Gazette
Coksicana Tex Dec 20 Colonel
Henry Jones a prominent citizen aud
oue of the earliest settlers of Navarro
county is reported dying here this even-
ing Colonel Jones is the father of late
AdjutantGeneral John B Joues and
tho fatherinlaw of Hon It Q Mills
Murine Intelligence
Special to the Gazette
Galveston Trx Dec 20 Arrived
Steamship Rio Grande from Xew York
Good Itond
Wo the undersigned citizens and tax-
payers of Tarrant county do hereby re-
quest all taxpayers to meet at the court-
house in Fort Worth on Saturday De-
cember 29 18S3 at 11 oclock to con-
sider the question of public roads and to
formulate a petition to the legislature to
enact a law by which counties can issue
bonds for the purpose of improving our
county roads
John J Putman
James C Scott
W A Williams
W M Harrison
John K Hoxie
S D Rainey
John C Harrison
W B Harrison
L H Stephens
Thomas Bratton
B H Shipp
W A McLean
J J Scott
J W Higgins
M It Collins
J J Roche
Ml B Loyd
W S Pendleton
Randall Chambers
Logan EvansSmith
Robert McCart
II M Furman
K M VanZandt
J E Murrey
John D Templeton
Frank L Twombly
Thomas Roche
W J Boaz
R II King
TJ Powell
Seth W Stewert
James D Fanner
iO Rivers and many others
ld Holiday
OO OI > s
Fc Decoratiye Goods
GolpectaclNiPeiis Opera Glasses Clocks
And otnefc trticlelJtoo mftjprous to mention all make beautiful
Weatin J
Bents and can be bought at a
ordtfrs rec
B Mail receive prompt attention
press qft mail siibjei t to approval
Goods sent to any address per ox
A Romance of Frontier Army Life hy
Author of 3Inrions Faith The Colonels Daughter The De-
serter From the lSanks A Wartime Wooing Dunraven
liauch published in Lipnincotts Magazine for November
and Uetiveen the Lines recently begun as a serial
in Harpers Weekly to be published iu
Beginning January 6th
Are stones of incident and dramatic situations
tinnous interest from the first page to the last
of stirring narrative and a most
they have con
He is a master
3rj T TJJ E rS S 1889
Isstillise Engine
In Good Hepair
Reason for selling It Is not large enough for
our new machinery Apply at
Fort Worth Texas
IliriMPY and all Urinary fTroflWDs easily
IMUIICI quicklyaiKHii efiredbyDOCUTA
Capsules SeverestteaKScured in seven days
Sold 1511 BerlMXf n druggists or by mail from
DocuWdeKafacturing Company 112 White St
JTrPnU directions
ingenious weaver of eompli
cated and exciting plots Captain King is today one of the
The Deserter and From theKanks published last year-
n Lippincotts Magazine were very successful and another
complete novelette by him Dunraven Ranch appears in the
current number of the same monthly A WarTime AVooing
issued by Harpers has been most heartily praised by the
critics This story was so popular as a serial in Harpers
Weekly last summer that the same paper has secured from
him another novel Between the Lines which has just be-
gun serial publication And the Youths Companion the
most popular and widely circulated weekly in America an-
nounces as one of its most striking features for next year a
boys story from his pen entitled Well Won
Is the unique title of his new novel It deals with life ata frontier
army post it is in Captain Kings best vein it is a love story
of strange complications the unraveling of which furnishes an
exciting narrative and will appear in the
RajituTf cured in from three weeks to threi
fintjJKJHtvithout the knife Terms No cube no
pay and so pay until cored Piles Ulceration
Etc cured without cutting ligation or slough-
ing 1000 UEFEHENCES For further information
call on or address with stamp
DR A D SCOBEY Business Manager
804 ElmStreotDaHnj
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Fort Worth Daily Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 13, No. 177, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 27, 1888, newspaper, December 27, 1888; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed January 24, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .