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Building Rubble after Explosion

Description: Copy negative of an aerial view of an explosion near railroad tracks. At the left of the image is the damaged building. It has a collapsed roof and piles of debris. Next to the building is a set of railroad tracks with train cars on it. Piles of material lie between the two tracks and groups of people have gathered to view the rubble. There are buildings in the background and an unknown factory.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Austin to Houston Passenger Rail Study

Description: The purpose of the Austin to Houston Passenger Rail Study is to analyze the feasibility of implementing 110 mph intercity passenger rail service between Austin and Houston including possible service to Bryan/ College Station. This feasibility analysis consisted of identifying the characteristics of existing rail infrastructure and operations in the study corridors, analyzing potential alternative alignments for the passenger rail operations, and determining required infrastructure and impacts f… more
Date: December 2011
Creator: Texas. Department of Transportation.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Northern Mexico (2)]

Description: Map of the U.S. Postal Service mail stations and routes in parts of Texas and Mexico, showing the beginning and end of routes, the frequency of the mail delivery (e.g. two times a week), special supply routes, and discontinued offices. The map also includes railroads, major towns, and county and country lines.
Date: 1880?
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Post Route Map of the State of Texas with Adjacent Parts of Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian Territory and of the Republic of Mexico (3).]

Description: Map of U.S. Postal Service mail stations and routes in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mexico, and various Indian Territories, showing the beginnings and endings of routes, the frequency of the mail delivery (e.g. six times a week), special supply routes, and discontinued offices. The map also includes railroads, major towns, bodies of water, and county lines.
Date: 1884
Creator: Nicholson, W. L. & Gresham, Walter Q.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Northern Mexico (1)]

Description: Map of the U.S. Postal Service mail stations and routes in parts of Texas and Mexico, showing the beginnings and endings of routes, the frequency of the mail delivery (e.g. two times a week), special supply routes, and discontinued offices. The map also includes railroads, major towns, and county and country lines.
Date: 1880?
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Brazos-Red River Historical Society's Map of Wichita County, Texas

Description: Map of Wichita County, Texas, showing blocks of land, towns, creeks, rivers, railroads, roads, oil wells, post offices, schools, churches, airports, cemeteries, historic trails and routes, and landmarks. Map includes notes on the six countries (Spain, France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the Confederate States of America, and the United States of America) that have had sovereignty over Texas and the route of Monsieur Brevel. The map is surrounded in a border of old cattle brands from the 1880… more
Date: 1957~
Creator: Kay, John A.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Milam County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Milam County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage between points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, oil or gas wells, oil fields, utility lines, petroleum pipelines, mines or quarries, urban compacts, and airfields. Map includes a key to counties diagram and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made features. Scale [ca. 1:126,720] (2 miles … more
Date: 1961
Creator: Texas. Highway Department. Planning Survey Division.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Collin County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Collin County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools and churches), roads, highways (giving mileage between points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, oil or gas wells, and state roadside parks. Map includes twelve inset maps - Weston, Melissa, Valdasta, Allen, Altoga, Climax, Culeoka, Copeville, Lavon, Inset No. 1, Renner, and Josephine - and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made features. Scale [ca… more
Date: 1939
Creator: Texas. Highway Department.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Hunt County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Hunt County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage betweem points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, state roadside parks, airline routes, and airfields. Map includes ten inset maps - Merit, Peniel, Inset No. 1, Inset No. 2, Fairlie, Cash, Floyd, Kingston, Jardin, and Inset No. 3 - and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made features in the… more
Date: 1940
Creator: Texas State Highway Department
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Johnson's Texas

Description: Blue line print of atlas map of Texas, showing counties, towns, forts, post offices, railroads, roads, and water bodies. Map includes large inset maps of the northern parts of Texas and Galveston Bay in the lower-left corner. Relief shown in hachures. Scale [ca. 1:2,534,400] (approximately 40 miles to the inch).
Date: 1866
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Post Route Map of the State of Texas with Adjacent Parts of Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian Territory and of the Republic of Mexico (2).]

Description: Map of U.S. Mail stations and routes in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mexico, and various Indian Territories, showing the beginnings and endings of routes, the frequency of the mail delivery (e.g. six times a week), special supply routes, and discontinued offices. The map also includes railroads, major towns, bodies of water, and county lines.
Date: 1884
Creator: Nicholson, W. L. & Gresham, Walter Q.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Colton's New Map of the State of Texas

Description: Full color atlas map by county of the state of Texas, showing county towns, post offices, forts, railroads, roads, and water bodies. Map includes a note describing the significance of selecting this map for reproduction to depict American expansionism and three inset maps, located in the lower-left corner ("Plan of the Northern Part of Texas," "Plan of Galveston Bay," and "Plan of Sabine Lake"). Relief shown in hachures. Scale [ca. 1:4,118,400] (appropriately 65 miles to the inch).
Date: 1861
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Lee County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Lee County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage betweem points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, oil fields, utility lines, petroleum pipelines, mines or quarries, state parks, and airfields. Map includes three inset maps - Tanglewood, Lincoln, Dime Box - a key to counties diagram, and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made features. Sc… more
Date: 1972
Creator: Texas State Highway Department Planning Survey Division
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map, Houston County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Houston County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage between points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, oil fields, utility lines, petroleum pipelines, state prison farms, national forests, and state parks. Map includes four inset maps - Ratcliff, Weches, Augusta, and Kennard - and a key to sheets diagram. A hand-drawn line has been made on the published map … more
Date: 1966
Creator: Texas. Highway Department.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Madison County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Madison County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage between points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, oil fields, utility lines, petroleum pipelines, and state prison farms. Map includes two inset maps - North Zulch and Midway - a key to counties diagram, and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made features. Handwritten notes and calculat… more
Date: 1961
Creator: Texas. Highway Department.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library


Description: Atlas map of the state of Texas, showing proposed railroad routes and known topographical features of western Texas, and counties, towns, roads, railroads, post offices, mountains, and water bodies of eastern Texas. Map includes a note on El Llano Estacado (or the Staked Plain); a legend indicating railroads, common roads, state capitols, cities, county towns, and post offices; and two inset maps. The inset maps are located in the lower-left corner and are titled "Plan of Galveston Bay from the… more
Date: [1800..]
Location: None
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Comal County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Comal County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, mountain peaks, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage between points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, utility lines, petroleum pipelines, and mines or quarries. Map includes six inset maps - Spring Branch, Dittlinger, Hunter, Gruene, Bracken, and Solms - a key to counties diagram, and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made… more
Date: 1961
Creator: Texas. Highway Department. Planning Survey Division.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Post Route Map of the State of Texas with Adjacent Parts of Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian Territory and of the Republic of Mexico 1881 (1).

Description: Map of U.S. Postal Service mail stations and routes in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mexico, and various Indian Territories, showing the beginning and end of routes, the frequency of the mail delivery (e.g. six times a week), special supply routes, and discontinued offices. The map also includes railroads, major towns, bodies of water, and state and county lines.
Date: 1881
Creator: Nicholson, W. L. & Key, D. M.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Post Route Map of the State of Texas with Adjacent Parts of Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian Territory and of the Republic of Mexico (4).]

Description: Map of U.S. Postal Service mail stations and routes in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mexico, and various Indian Territories, showing the beginnings and endings of routes, the frequency of the mail delivery (e.g. six times a week), special supply routes, and discontinued offices. The map also includes railroads, major towns, bodies of water, and county lines.
Date: 1884
Creator: Nicholson, W. L. & Gresham, Walter Q.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Hays County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Hays County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, mountain peaks, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage between points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, utility lines, petroleum pipelines, mines or quarries, and airfields. Map includes three inset maps - Uhland, Wimberley, and Dripping Springs - a key to counties diagram, and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made features. … more
Date: 1961
Creator: Texas. Highway Department.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Burleson County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Burleson County, Texas, showing rivers, creeks, streams, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage between points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, and oil fields. Map includes eight inset maps - Cooks Point, Inset No. 1, Inset No. 2, Lyons, Clay, Inset No. 3, Deanville, and Chriesman - a key to counties diagram, and an extensive legend in the lower-left corner, indicating geographical and human-made feature… more
Date: 1961
Creator: Texas State Highway Department
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map Travis County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Travis County, Texas, showing rivers, creeks, lakes, dwellings, cities, towns, communities, churches, cemeteries, oil wells and fields, state and federal highways, railroads, bridges, and schools. Map includes a key to counties diagram a key to city map sheets diagram, and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made features. Scale [ca. 1:126,720] (2 miles to the inch).
Date: 1963
Creator: Texas State Highway Department Planning Survey Division
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

General Highway Map, Houston County, Texas

Description: Highway map of Houston County, Texas, showing rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, cities, towns, outlying buildings (including schools, churches, and post offices), roads, highways (giving mileage between points), bridges, railroads, cemeteries, oil fields, utility lines, petroleum pipelines, national forests, and state parks. Map includes three inset maps - Austonio, Latexo, and Weldon - key to counties and key to sheets diagrams, and an extensive legend indicating geographical and human-made feat… more
Date: 1966
Creator: Texas. Highway Department.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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