The Baytown Sun (Baytown, Tex.), Vol. 60, No. 187, Ed. 1 Sunday, June 6, 1982: Searching Inside

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60 results that matched your query. Showing page 2 of 3.

Sequence: 61 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 ft' enmid aeotome game de cea end 2 ttodBynnni raga Ptocni untiwef' pcerad Rekajerra? . ■ 7. AAwn... luhiapooncon STRAWBERRIES ANP WINE *tora ranwe raw 1. to» a shadow dash combes* arswber rtes. red wine vtnegra... comtiw crepe n^wdtanto \Mari 1 men* Scrape down ades wah rubber totes* and adarl .IS seconds more ■... Brttpnb 1 "boar/ . ■ t Orap |#aty buMr.rl 7 erh oepe pan pose 2 or 3 nMrapooni bate. roateng pan giacUy lo... eoa beraam evenly Gw*' uMl brown. about 1 master J With span* dp crepe over Cook un nl hght brown

Sequence: 26 (standard view) | zoom view

... 427X4 LOW MOVE-IN -1AU WTTH OfTW ro enr .*.*.1 {£7*- •etwattaaea Bed? Claytaa, Reaton ! 427-wo H«>. rm... OOMHKBCUL IS PROPERTY SELLING1" ' "'HEP! IIV* MAUD* [MMMtmlMUII lam m wm fnflmct dan m* Ml ___ ! «Obt> m RED... bmfcftMni rs—j omwi REDCARPET LOW EQUITY _ kmmji awntauMi COl'irnT OUS (MU TVw an ,1ym m U* • % au... makes m Dir ERA/Dot Vidnoe • DtANCWGtKM ' PIXAM DON'T SQCEK1I Til UMAttniMI a-aa.’wa anU*UPt Unwanaii... runt >mmbb4aoui aktokt axea .mm* ! mb ik* vaa rnn. 12 VANS 1979-1980 Ford Club Wagons 1 MisaaMr Baal

Sequence: 50 (standard view) | zoom view

... IE FOB M®* S Alt f®? a, jP #. f s^r550” 16.99 ^210 N 1 % "X S£f* k L kna 11.99 17 OC Mofiaoie ,s... a c°r ■el*'.;1 ' ■ cowi.OasviesS.M A>>- DO Me'"s _ s^vt2^Sw^SHIR1S coa 1199 . 25lQ&'- _^Ta wide se...* ,aJ."s-C c -’e' " 5ie©v®° 5 ; :' ■•**'■ «OQo'® ■ °a*s v “ *1' ■ • 5>A <’ - ’ «■-

Sequence: 39 (standard view) | zoom view

... What a fabulous selection ready-made draperies with linn that help save energy Popular si? I i $1b 99.... on nylon pile; carpets (&, Collection carf "h, ire ’* »1. , / 4 . X ■ fi...) 1 Ml X HEAVY-DUTY Kenmore pair V t ■ Automatic washer; "ill *4 -1 299 Our T< W SAVE s10 520 on con... White only ily setting »GS! : : ' 1 ' • ■i C/m cuw*^ tirnfr turn 24 SAV/E s100 30-inch Kenmore electric... 1.49-95 Sale ends tunc 26 Regulir S S79 9S 39995 43995 SAVE >70 Kenmore 30 in gas range jasy to tie#ih

Sequence: 60 (standard view) | zoom view

... HCBlffS ChS%*! AVE 20% 0 IERRE CARDI ACCESSORIES XCLUSIVELY 199 to 1 ♦g 12 50 to 23 50 ery eiegar- ac: es... tahne that notion O to leel the "glory" m Old Cion ever dm, at the year 1. In saucepan wbtsk eggs unti... rrwiutes cool 1. Pour into prepared pasty tods dhod ng equady chil Arrange hatoad berries own flBng. brush...> \tficm move » aw * STRAWBOWD 5 RAMBf 1 Moke Creme kngfoat In a saucepan over meebum heal had mdk craw... and vanfc bean to toe peart us tretoee dm 1 to methum rue bowl ban together egg yoio md rugn isdf nary

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... to condense in side my gas mask, and it was dif ficult to talk 1 finally took off my glasses by now clouded... the air as they sizzled beneath spreading lava.- . . f--’1 Ram hitting the lilva hissed" eertly .... aaay for you could bo difficult tor thorn B# potion! and understanding SAQITTAMUS (Nor 23-Ooc >1) Tf... $1 tor •och to AstJc Graph, 8o> «S$ «adto City f tahon Nl 10019 Bo Kir# to spoerfy twin dote CANCER... it not necessarily true, bocaute you re tucktoct acting None AMS (March 21-AprU 1S) Beware ol tendencies today

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

.... dvondad f.R> X showtime intro DOCtNG JANET DAYTIME CHILDRENS SHOWS. S* 1 SHOWTIME 1NTR0- OUCINO. JANET... "."mV. DAYTIME SPORTS 530 J GOLF HIGHLIGHTS 1*74 US Open MO H SPORTS CENTER MO 3 GYMNASTICS uSGf Single...) Alan , Ladd Rosssna PoOasia MO T SHOWTIME OfUm* Up- 1 IBM) . © A Flea m Her Ear (1968) R#« Harriaon... The Sturt Man (i960) - 12* .X Q*k Cdy U950F Chamon Heston ujraOeth 1* 2 SHOWTIME Winds Of Change 11978... JEFFERSON5 Georgs fwras a street-wise kid © LA VERNE 8 SHIRLEY 1 COMPANY Ikverrve bredi k her teg MS 3

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE BAYTOWN SUN Sunday, Jnna a, I1 SUV ‘EDITORIAL Editorials Other Views Sun Files Features... mix-up 1. - Argentina supports the clandestine U S eflort to undermine the Sandinista government... in the frenzied search for communists 1 — Yet Nicaragua has come, and sympathizers out on the side of Argentina... toneros set up in Cotta Rica in 1*79. for example It beamed antijunta messages throughout Central America... local and State decisions 1 fully support a federal ■?’ “**. ‘l^y^c.1c,Liupepori !rom

Sequence: 59 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 ■ -. . ... ■■••■■ m. t By Norman Lobsanz i urviving Infidelity mothers bebet that children under... strategies for deafcng with it University of Maryland psychoiogrsr Gregory White gave 150 couples a 1st of 16... comprehension of language and ,/aant- - Jf ml « I# AVE 20% C IERRE CARE iCCESSORlE XCLUStVELV >.99 to 1 •g 12...» •<> * i Ifa man*ln»* .. -oxliBf. ante* stow ir!B*Dr Ana* 1 *a> 1aarVT. TVC.nd.Ha t>< IV Vu» l.

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... rutrt* Honm* i Malta 3 -»h Kcm* LmC AMERICA* LtAGt'K » X $1# c LL Standings Si MOffTH LEAGUE ftil^ar ' .... PlNl ; ,V*-1 CENTRAL Ma>or Brsvws8,Lkoos2 Victor Guzman (truck out three, walked two and gave up... five hits ■ Minor 1 Steen 10. Wildcats 11 Brandon Fayle worked 24.. innings Friday night to pick up... it ZVr ':Z2,«“,MT' h*re Sl!7P,f 1 *»-t know tbe name of the tarp, or where HUtali can bu> tiwm... X*311* but 1 would suggest court tournamenUn^HUtMi Head yWJ ch^k large tordwm stores atom Great Outdoors

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... House are needed for a three hour shift one day a week The house at 1S50 La Concha Lane is a temporary... to Sally Bird, assoeia non vice president than 1.880 boys involved in Little League but there are not any.... Overall it will certainty help Ms Bird recalled one incident [hen) 1(1 sPort-s ir> school... 1 could do it My with your old,w ay s changing your ways your efforts to im- friends... Porterfield friends c 1 aims counselor says to avoid me f never reports that most in, Roslyn

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... in Austin next weekend Barbers HU1, however, did not go out before showing the Bulldogs what took them... cnoctum * 1 M WaiOr# • silt ■ 4 -a 2 « Hmtsrnmp G UMili ’’ * Ckmpm i--:, :: 1 0. 0 a: ftoKoe u % p 1 0 0 0.... 'Cltfilc: 1 , . IF 1 formance against Marble Falls He was right Peterson gave up 10 bits and struck out... of the season 1 don t really understand it Sharpstown dhdn t exactly power their way through the game they only... on greens He provedthat point Friday 1 Tve had 40-40 vision in my right eye for i eight-nine yens," he

Sequence: 55 (standard view) | zoom view

... (1 stopped fitting in that Me tot basket when I was 4 months old > Mom pushed the shopping cart (it... bored so I would cramfistfuk otc&ndm msto my basket W anyone suggested fee wasn t proper be havtor. 1... seat wife al fee gooery bags to 1 could take hens hugging each bag And I prorrese you. some of them... before 1 l iven understood what the words meant I A guess the first real indication that I had a prob... tern was when I began suckmg on peanut M&M s As a child. 1 sorted out each bag of M&MYby color and ate

Sequence: 53 (standard view) | zoom view

... •/1 B«e Chnstopher | more than 1 would, day, Chrettw And pwopto remember me However if 1 have... a daughter 1 wi $ve her»'fatninim name.,' such as Jerwtoar e FOR SAUL mnffCX, «ter af Sap far One I la... on a bus — arinabar wlochtt where 1 met my dream j g*i Meetng (he perfect match boto down to bereg n rhe... nght place * the ngN nme * FOR JACQUELINE BRISK1N. *toar af The Onyx (Piter nrtrl Far yore wary, ye...* irererrfwd the dwre af ter reteo 1b ■tear do pw Mature the U.S wtktwn« crerre* wore? —GJ., Lor ate. Ohio •

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... TRACK ANO FIELD '■ 'The Pralontaine Ossete from Eugene Oregon 5:» • £ GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ' 1.9M U S Open... In trout** with the underworld (Pari 1) • LA VERNE 4 SHIRLEY 6 COMPANY Frank gels isafous after seeing Mrs... Batxeh with her e*-hu»- band MS 1) GREEN ACRES My Husband The Rooster MO © ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT... on employer-employee ranffl LAVERNE 4 SHIRLEY 4 COMPANY MS 1 ANOY GRIFFITH The town S 'new doctor 5 shunned by ek... receives a bomb threat from s terronp organization (Part 1|(R) a BASEBALL Regional JUNE 7 1002 ooveraga

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... and until 1 p m on Saturday. “A Month of Monday's for kindergarten through fourth graders will begin Monday... CAFETERIA SPECIAL AvoMOOM Only In floret Won Cafeteria BAKED QUARTER CHICKEN <1 QQ Served wm> WNmpad... ve^etaMee * Re* * • W J 'JSC put" ^ toomm jIISSmamm Ry VKX>C<«hWm | , 1.58 I . nat*mmtmm Our Ng 1... Jpective lifeguard I candidates, are need ed to take part in the test from lam to 1 p m-, June 14-18 at Red... Cross Headquarters. 2700 Southwest Freeway Rose land Oaks. Stewart Heights and Hill Terrace l-y \ 1

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... Ba vtown Girls ¥ Going To Bat - - See Page 1-B Confessions Of A Former Fatty - • See Family Weekly... simultaneous high unemployment and high interest YlW“1t*aganTarid an austerity budget agreement will prompt... theaters Congratulations, Floyd, for being a member of the 1,190 Oub • -WO for FH A BOUND TOWN HEIN IE... Classified 1SD Comics 5A Crossword Puzzle SA Dimension I-2B Editorial 4A History Highlights 3B Movie theaters... 4C Obituaries 3A Police Beat 2A Sports ., 1-2C Television Log 5SC Youth Booth . 6D Weather . 3A

Sequence: 54 (standard view) | zoom view

... i™ can stop food ■P***1controlling your life. fy Richard Simmons I SgKssS p®04^* <* cot... “' FnliiSSTSI.* *2 " wt? * *» * aSffi-S5»& ^SSiKaSiSSlSi: trunk Shes^-^£?D^90**>h«c» «** - ££v 1... aift»aSSr-t *. '** *"»5 <--rJS St *51 1 £ ^S£rjC"J *t~ pufafc* «a*m » iZ—”?*** *■??•100 Caro- /

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