The Baytown Sun (Baytown, Tex.), Vol. 60, No. 187, Ed. 1 Sunday, June 6, 1982: Searching Inside

We Found:

60 results that matched your query. Showing page 1 of 3.

Sequence: 44 (standard view) | zoom view

... 94 12 49 1 67 C7S »» S4 99 4] 49 1 *9 D2* 14 62 99 45 24 2 01 E7* 14 64 99 42 24 2 O* ■F7B 14 61 99... 47 99 2 26 0 24-14 6* 94 SO 24 2 42 G7* IS 22 99 S J 24 2 45 Mil 1$ 21 99 SI 99 2 66 12* IS 2S 94 SS... 94 14 99 1 40 PISS ROW 1 1 R9 99 44 99 i 44 PtbSftORI ) AR71 11 99 47 49 1 67 Plii#80»»'I m/a t» 99... 99 49 99 1 64 P IMS ROW 1 1 c»y a 1* 104 99 SI 89 •. t .!*;■ PI *5/7SRI 4 C»7i 11 114.99 S7 49 * PI... 9§f 7 48*4 o.fa/i is 119 99 14 99 . 2 06- P201/7SR14 raya 14 1 24 99 62 49 2 ii I*ltl/7fftt4. ■04176

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

... "" 1 II. • • . —- - BAYTOWN SIN Smrfay, iumt t. 19C h1 _/ m 90*< READIED FOR the race - From left... *»d BluH 4*7 7»»« GAIVISTON 7 JOO *»ooa~o, 7*4 3401 IA MAROUt 1 Main StrOat *3) 142* 8SAIOSI* 1 Mila...* South F M III, 799-2144 HWWMfUW A S, A 1 a< M,th«ay J, 332 2731 BRAZOSRORT 1000 North Highway 2M, 3* J... SINGLE-HUNG WINDOWS • With half-screen-1 2 0 *2 4 2 0 *3 0 , 2'8 x3'0 2 8' x4 4 • 2 8 *50 3 0 *3 0... GUTTER 2.29 READY-MIX CONCRETE, 80 POUNDS • Just add water 1.95 Annone T-BAR WOOD SCREEN DOOR 28 *68

Sequence: 24 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE BAYTOWN SUN 46 Lots For fta# «. Lots For Sale ■ ■■Mw ■** W WM VSE®**?*"*”1" S^iT* 41 Lots... For Sale |1L i rater opuxa ^ M^inuwmcnMM w. wn— __ -■ ——1—"»■- ai aaar Itomf to«WC^Cm|Bm>klWBB^ PM... —toto»Wtto mnum maa-maa,- ;• -I uaKXN DWMB - MM ! rj***'' JSI\T11TT! LtMX *»w>ft 45... TVOKItoOaa m* -wnarmr 1.1 AM)) KMOOM . Aji Mr MO B» >»• m* I1« am an k1 AHtotoratotoa WHS Ml Mm Min ■ i atom ad 1 MBMXM - taatoto

Sequence: 42 (standard view) | zoom view

... on Typhoon Wire Basket ■for mos Amerkan-m»de cars w an* Jm 26. ■ . Srz UM J-rru - ■■ jiTinur u. «r . A7* 1 J... S t 99 if 44 1 67 C78-I3 59 99 43 44 1 84 078 14 . 62 99 45 74 2 CM E78 14 64 99 47 74 2 08 778 14...* etS9/*o*i2 *4 44 H« 1 40 F»SV6CM»U •4 44 44 44 T 44 FT 65/00# M A*7# 1 * ■94 99 ♦7 44 1 67 Ft 7 5 »OFI 1 ■are... i » .44 44 ♦4 44 1 64 FliVMEI) C»7# 11 104 44 §2 44 l« Ft8f/73914 'd'878 l'j 114 44 57 44 I-.41 FI... 6144 2 47 eTovtwti* r-mrm 14 t 54 44 61 44 2M F2 15? 5# IS G#7# t 4 1 24 44 64 44 *94 877*17*81* M#76

Sequence: 27 (standard view) | zoom view

... CTOJ&aM in am —■.I *rt umut-uiomm! (W. oawa 54 Automobiles 1» IH HIM - .B Barb? —. ■MV **-~*-‘ •—- - -... ** m miM *• m -1* MMM r— pM —* *1 mi a I a* 9 I— MB BJM » ■ a*B ta*M — aMM 54 Automobiles MTM «• —... hi* n, ,aar -—-—A----- j — rai-M*??|a—1lUSa mmOMt — I# - — atfa BOND* IB ■ Datnr Hat ft** pa «a* *... At This1 ■ t AMAiiA P» SPDCtAi fpl laMftlPC Sort (ft® {ft* Mg,' 51 Cars Wanted SkETTH t ALTO ULA AMD SAL V... *m mm. mm* mm. HtM. Dicxxm noro* co ‘wgiALmr McowOTn1 W Itoamta ._IB_' ccruun an u « am mam v< pam

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... to near l( Bend valleys North Texas tow cloudmes: through Sunda; through Sundai to 91 southwest 1 Highs... the banner Oscar and (Sun staff photo by Deebo Wheeler) 1' of.Ba 15 Indicted For Tax Fraud SUBSCRIBE... Individually, I these returns requested refund I amounts ranging! from $262 12 to *1.084 22. . According... named as the taxpayer in the eormmmmg ■■mmmmg I FABRICS tC I SEW • Itteriof Deti^n’ J P J ■4*1* Carts... would al v- endorse the M4R1 K41 (tfSWFTH » •MHSS4I8UUSS rd«i . GifU to Sterling Municipal Library

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... W* BAlTOWN SUN PoliciTReat Highlands Man Killed In Hit-Run Accident Hoi*1"1 • He Mid to Baytown... with a smile But -we didn't eat it From Page 1 $144 unleaded. $147 averaging $1 015for the three ma LP School... will be provided free jn February 1980 the average for all participants For more in pr1cf ranged' from $1 07 9... for formation or to register call 427 regular and $1 23 for premium 4308 of 427-5151 unleaded Prices ranged... from Si 28 9 for Water Off regular to $1 45 4 for premium WATER SERVICE will be turned unleaded

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... inMVMvanwei Ai u— — no ■ fwxwm piwymi W* e^MCMWy MaaiJteften HB ictens mm M1 ter atedfTllMte 1 1 Monetae... roauriAiJi AAA OAMAOrm «MU« ■ ng r.Ai abb iai.1 wok ten * S* Tut*m ItiNrt ■ttniit nrtt mow* * teMi iMptM wm... mod rut at tbe Bmtmm h Cmuamu Cod* Nrfey five uke undsr »oid *et (10 wR on June it 1H3 af m« Moaory... teMt mrl of m paraaaaiy m arr 3* mm rf i^r mr RpprwnaflM lar 1n carte. terMTrteaia ■MteM Froae... Of Thanks S. Personals IT IWfnietegBLrte mem •te aar Q 1 HWtefteMC Mr nur Fw twn art at tMm wiijU bem met «4

Sequence: 45 (standard view) | zoom view

... lewd speed of 1J00 ft per crarajir lit I n vindincj surf are I8S W* Haavy duty IMP rout at with c ase... Mnkjecl speed of /*>OCX)ipm f aty to trao dept'1 gauge Slot 98" ' - in Or tut at taw with case has... *99 99 •Regular leper ate prices total !• iape p.1 514 77* II.' Hp' 1 _ H»~p< KMft CMt tet '*7*1 if.ff... I Mt»> Mil ft I - MS--at cat'WU WMttl .. j 1 c hoice oi designs . | massage legs whtteyou I I... walk Adiusiable strap II 1 Plain or ruled tablets. ? sires o< envelopes j v* * 60 yds rotta Qriwif 1 i

Sequence: 25 (standard view) | zoom view

... n hit n * •’■MM*, «* rnui s* ,, w. ;wlMM MM, •am r< Mi Tki non mu* 1 Man I... Display Classified Display WALKER REALTY J**'"1'*** • K ft*. Err ATT on m mi ntrn Cm*' *aj •*» ■ LOIS... .........427-305 9SSwTfi LORRAINE ... 427-41# "mae <* , aon m u>m«h - CHARLOTTE 434-1B6 STEM'S 424-5583 Better... Gassified Display Gassified DispUy B Dm it Ail BAYTOWN Nil rtanam '»-> rmm Stair Nan tea- mm m 1... a»jnanM»n « Ton an»« sr. K a Hi iaagcagM > am Danaa 1 Cad w ort Kiogsvay Towobome aODOOBTirv'X iAaaJT' Cnaa

Sequence: 35 (standard view) | zoom view

... r,5a:^^gf^ * ?bi£. 1 Li, * SP.lQl Ui **■«/, •n>( iSfE*' SS-X 1 ""-Tf,^®H e -t®° V4*R?*?V /IP 799... <*u« S?*o*.' £■ '9‘ *ay« / •°u*,c c°KC 1 «o* ^ pw, / e°*«o,T:'_y' //‘'OAy I Q*o«« „"■*• w **«. ,„ ?... Pi«„,w C0(JPO^'' 1 Ch,p, i'fWf j s.-a-iL . / £?«. ** “•v #*- I *-*n« Is Q*-*., V *““« v_ L-"o, 1 r2¥£u... 11 * isstL 1 r°n"Z'*, v. •cn,; c°upON / ; __ 149 / / cr,Ck / / U°*Tt£*T ^ ; Z*c*o,*39... On "coup0r: C 1 a I P'*L ass y I "O^ c!®^«rv K-* W I ~co'"°«:\j \*OTo!ij i ^ y ^ /S5^ . 8qI ,0W30'T: c > ’ /

Sequence: 37 (standard view) | zoom view

... TELEVISION 99 W1TMJ Rag. 99.99 69 sharp,** reception GRAN PRIX AM/FM PORTABLE STEREO CASSETTE... without water ssss&« 34- LESS MFR 8 (-OO MAIL-IN RS9AT1* ____*9 :^co,T 2Q" REBATE M—W PROCTOR...** 4. - - 1 BUNN 10-CUP BUN-O-MATIC COFFEfMAKER FOR Rag 4F F* Sav. 10 OO m )>ligr>Bd iih« »ti« i iigni... d«H» OR DE RCWMATIC CO 100 EPEE FILTERS OF* Sag *•* Nor«*oo cf*»c or Mr Coff— ffutm.1 GRAN PRIX... - “T“¥! plaiad «nd Bai il tending PEDESTAL 1 HIBACHI IT « 10- Rag IT H 12" Bava 8,99. 11**ds nave

Sequence: 64 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 be mURDE mmm ' <3mc3u*c ■.sSktik MVDrKS SK mJFJmM J^OL fc±3±t±J . vM ■" HIM Hd* SncM S*3... SUt SIM l»1 t1l» B mkx P13Q.. B *-A S’UUNjU*. MW SUM MW t’OM MS7 Swe M SOW SUM SS7S S1«K SMS SUM SMI... S11M 1CC1 SUM 0034 SUM tCM In » SW2 SUM SMS SIM WH SDSC SWUBN _ NO Escape 1 i iiivml MCI SUM ' $377... ply; tt.Y 11530 . req 33 00 es to comfortable' friend1 They're mo 3 hove soft, cushipr Hny 5 for 29... «>egiCaMOMiCa>pn«ssdynng your «1UI yew dt'^mbeuNB Alter CM Sme ypu may W«gr your men«wWwwcarCKueid-eroy Club tMneMs

Sequence: 33 (standard view) | zoom view

... FOR MEN • FRAGRANCES >HIRTS rdfObe. t: *%■**}<* f : .:- d- ftW'-..,- 1 . f ■ y :;*r : noose, es... . e a -go ,:©• ■; Ard ’.iveOSOe .$ a ■1'c./'e 3 ,©' Q~-T' A"©' Shove I L ,vE>4!Sf .,fs i’GQ G3... JVHNCHV EVri£MAN /tng foB^ (»l\ i:\CHY fiKM'LKMW •after shave lotion ? I - 3H 02 \ -tH I ■ IM D*U1 N*CM... with any 12 OO Azzoro fragrance purchase. includes 3Cfan? Sprav ' 14 z 3 I 1 v' J) f| ■ I I ■ . ■ ■ Guco... OU$TON DOWNTOWN AlMFOA. GREENSPOtNt VfMOttAl NOO’hWEST PASApENA S 7 ■ I "A', 1 ** 9 s~' I : 1 Li 1 ■ •

Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... Prop THF BAVTQ1N vluu» AJULA Larft • t apN %mm a T«m fU rw 1UAL TO TW uvo law iw fwniatetup t m Tnaty... » f«n» TV 1 m tamnmfmtm *1 mUK Dtmmlm Imp PnM mtmm tat nitift ohm at a-mt rcmr piajboi OCjWCKAKW mnt... CM*; f10™1 °* W>«»*icr» M4PP4P4BI CStllP Pt-P® • | ■MPPIMnMt wMB? :raMa AMI Ml T,£> -— .. latt; mm... ohm oa a*.! h« mm Dm—m. man tr m1 ........ »*»*• Wtm »*UMU .'*» «* ........'f''; . —— >■•*»«»*«... «3 ; MWTMLtai rutHNik'WM ■ :wm,M 1 . . . -----" i irw • a * OOUBBC3 *~~t n* <1 Men

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... not the LOnl thy God. Deuterangmv 8:11 V »• t. ——><1 1 Ir _ t. —_ ,»*'**■ tym ided for children r two years old... jef assembly for --"‘T-’-— 1 "r-'!- "- _ %utj ^^3E?0B DANIEL AND TWE IDOL BEL > at 7 p m f Women s... THE BEST OF^mEM ! SO GOTO T-READ it AND SEE iF VOU DON'T AGREE ' MIX? WffK .’BiBlE SAMjGL nG —TODAY?1 THfS... HKnfK ail Auactafi: -RWH CFITU »CUC? »C Path latet Twpa latsKid art associates SM liCiTfl KTWKS1... trees INESTNIM MemrEllC NORA? CNEMICA1 t*f AIKRSN SRK R SAVE REPAIR Rtsteri Bear t Accessaries IC S MAA

Sequence: 21 (standard view) | zoom view

... GOLF HtQHUQHTS '973 US Opan MO 5 SPORTS CENTER MO i| SPORTSWOMAN MO 1 THIS WEEK « THE NSA MO 1 SPORTS... CENTE R t«M j COLLEGE BASEBALL Cottage world Sanaa Gama 8) trom Omaha Nabraaka 1 MO i TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS... Granger Robert Taylor © Mad* For Each , Other r 19711 Ranaa T*yior. Jpaaph Bottgna m 1 *9 Should Happan... To VM”(1M4)JudyHoMay . . Jack Lamawn " It* £7 SHOWTIUE PrtvaW Santanun (I960) Goto* Haam... Eaaan Brennan 1296 , 3... TEXAS asa GUN HEROES 0 HOUR MAGAZINE 0 LOVE BOAT(R) ffl RCMARO SIMMONS KHH 1 movc ejo .- . 0 TOP

Sequence: 38 (standard view) | zoom view

...* to .ifwwf'f hMd LUBRICANT •-OUNCE , 1 M . ....... WM Stop* »quaak ruatad & sticky nwchin Stop* iquMti too... a TICK COLLARS 2/129 Dog* or cat typo* Buy 1 at'our agutril pricn got MCond ti**l FASHION EARRING... Ctiotca of *ttea white T-SHIRTS Y/47* T/379 —'1^ M A GN AVI SION READING GLASSES ByALEITE — 99 .'Rag: 12... 00 ;. § For reading flna print Choice of frame* A.a\ & PEDS LADIES’ SPORT SOCKS PLAT TOP QQ( Rag 1... CORNER «eq 1».M COLORIFIC’S METAL SHELVING 4 SHELF Re*. tLN . Add I near dimension to dan, playroom

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... i lust VIEW m Y4RC YF» II tfJIraa >t« • « wncamtm.1;: m .mmm ir Rat MOANING m n V;.^. ■ X NEWS... Championships” 'Tio^ (hnshurit North IvesBIMP ■ VILLA ALEGRE (Rk f SHOWTIME MQNf Winds Of ChS-iI# (1... VEGETABLE SOUP ® fT « WRITTEN • DIRECTIONS • KENNETH COPELAND m ®CARTOONS Ml 1 TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS •... aapnnaga ttt . ■ a EYES OF TEXAS Fa* 1 iurad japan*## naval eedett visit Fradar . . <*sburg WaRa to Oman... apjm muraar Wwa rtcN wffc a a salvage tar> Part 1) ' uorhiHo ME^HOtAS • JT. SHOWTIUE WACKY WORLi

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