The Ferris Wheel, Volume 4, Number 12, Saturday, November 28, 1896 Page: 1 of 8

This newspaper is part of the collection entitled: Ferris Wheel and was provided to The Portal to Texas History by the Ferris Public Library.

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tlle c1Ly of o' \-Ol'ii, +X1til tVro
tenal)les antt t0E'($),l eilt IDY1 AI1I1XIShas jllSt 13eetl (eovelel(l ill tlle
1l20ulltains In llle lle ()f (2tlerlle1'0
l);K' NTsTllllltlll Sell flle +vell
lineTssIl Illlllerologts Af Ne tT T()la
ite has j ttst ret t11 lle fl'('TIll a te AIIlt PaSlle, of I)enton, sas elovn
Tlle ro.l(l laan(13 (1le lzlEtlllo All sollle
l'O 't(lTNllell lleeCle(l W'Olli Oll OU1' pUt)IIC
AII. IIootl la(1 an a sup)l} Of
Perfectloll ti asher3 1RI;(,)v lll lloe the
71'0'tll In r 1l It. )Nxvxves s1l11te vlllle tlle llusl).lnrls
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sllel<, assaull .tntl leatlelWy, iSlleel aspans r ll9UltS curc torplel livel.
$,); tl. AN . (,o)el.ln(l :lll(l B . 1l.
rTelfol (1 assault i In(l icattely.llea,(l
lq'.lllis, al)uslve lblnoa.aoe, fincal t;5t,,lllty .1n(l firletl $.) eaclll; Stll
>>t nunll)el of clvil cases svere
4 also (ll1tosse(1 of.
[ Wanted An Idea tl ,D8p t nPle
Protect your Ideas, they may tlring you wealtbF
Wrlte JOHN XVEDDERBURN agit ^ee\; {e
ai)polntetlassistant CCtl'.ltJrtittOll1(5N 0]t33' 02\td k5 tfOStnttd
for til!si$ p-llt oi the llt! | 1]' 1 ., 02-daP] } S ProssX
.1 Oootl seZecLlola .l>1(T C Zz.lllle ra 111 l <>S s<
4 tlle lzllclllllery alss.vS ill or
t %8nt@ d--1tn 21d11Ba rinSgmtoePate2plt?
XVrits 30elln +5sdleaDqDFlBURnay l)ringgtzls *vealtb
)l e.ll.Cl'S.-14,n lr i zreteof neys, \taqhxngtotl, D (>, ror their si.5xa1 pilzrs oBex
aud llsU ot tvvo 1lundwet1 lUYClitlOl.b XVt"4


~~~~~l-j . ; ~ 'a l
,, 3-.
I~~~~ F#'~~~~~~ P~Si~KIS, ELL;S COUNTY, tXA.', SATU',il'i, NebI,':i. 8 186. $ JER A:-' q
. -^ -
" ' :
V ~ -; 7
. 'a
q ' --. -, I v1 I -, ,
_, , , , ^
^-^ Ef ll K~^
-^*--C'"l'.'^*~3 '-7 '*?**r'~ -ra-*v-
"::=. ' "
_ 5 e 'tbro *T rt~~~~~~~~~s' Ace r->-ask/ L r-FD~~~~~~~~~~~swS GF-v-v 2 3,, '.

he O-en Fire.
The Ch'ica .o ,Trul,,n le pays the
following! beautifut and fce lng,
editorial. trvbuco t)he old open
iire place I
"'4 Vith the :ntr.,d! .c~,,.~, ..od
eln conr, iep-'. . !',-( '1 ''1 , ii r
house buidLi,_,,. th. re h:,I' ;;ll :
least one distincL snd seriou,3 loS's;
the fireplace fas been banished.
The hearth, around whkch cluster
so many memoliie,, hIs given
place to coils of heated iron or a
furnace in subterranean depths,
which gives out warmth at the
expense of comfort It is true,
that in many houses now-a-dasw
umake-believe fireplnac-s are Ibuil[,
wherein imitation logs of pottery
with painted barkl and fire-proof
moss, lighted iih gas, alnke a
sorry substitute for tlie ro:rmng
fireplaces of the primitive days.
The cricket that sang on John
Peeibyngle's hearth would never
chirp before a (as log. The Brownes
Ltand all fle sbenl'icoenf fairy
folk thai were wont ilo) disport
before the 'tlo;i,''-" entleos ill a
J Lg_ fi,'el ;t :'c
ii il.,-, tu"e. oi sitD!)l!
\vort h and hon ....ll,; h11(t flee
in dislay t t 1., A Iht of an im 1 tation
backlog made of clay.
\Ahatsense of sa:llfactieon can one
get from thte sJiblant wliisper of
s.owfilakeus ullo t1 e wlldow pane
or thle hom,lin oA th .e s, .;i x .,.out
wvillle si1'"1 ice'0f oe e of
these mode n iiep] aceT'' here
can he no real comfort un[et
such1 fl I sisbut a
sitel). (,11'Ui;ll~lte~all e:41 . 1'. ])tit
is.)erable makes)Ift at best.
The irep, ee i1 a.s old as [ihe
home and t t he hlkari is the a!L'
vierleou for aeges lhas burned 'thie
,aedcTl !ire in hotor of tle houlsehol01d
is thle 'hoi , .ili, has
an ol0-fa'ls 1ion..'J ' Ilro[-',t c,' I-I tLhese
cte~,:~e .... (..W,-., TO XZ \T l
lie it may be l , I, Ia elt than
7. , ,,,, tn~,:
if coiled wih cee1ir and pai,lted
v Ith vem1ilo-n To sit },retoe
/ 1 '1 . h9Jllt 1 :', Sir~j0
ach a, hearI, il piled wdlh Il ean
cPIt hicko-'t .o. a Nilnter', , nicht.
wlell tole si_."iv it, cuniin' doton tle
tli.. 01 to l ^pe ts. roar 11111 tln
theueirk tmouit:tin, saf . Lousm d
a.r~(Lthe p'rlltlLutots i;,vacy of
StO:''} " is joy idled tiaa stoveS '
a _d '_. cLt-ot I n | I e. Then ,s
the hole folk, ciose gotheret al
the in,,, lIten 'LT the war of the
element without, and a.;nid ilk
fitful pates while aa ay ihe hours
v. eit f lty tall
oc innocent
mirth, xilte the vllgue and
shadowy w.-ld outside drifts a, ay
intot'lhe st(m) and darl:ness unheeded
A special f'-mi ihe Cdity of Atexico
satys A 11111 n no, n 1, lUiIdlte
city, coveiung klpa, ] arger than
thle cty of N< York, with two
temples and twcOreat pyramidss,
has just been (coveled in the
mountains in the ,Le of GUiTerrero
by Wfilulnam Renl' the well
known minerolog1sf N'r York.
ie has just relu Ire a ten
i'1te, b'0s ilblsl retire^ It''(1 t Il

; eekstp tilo th'at )untry and
broughtt back mnr' than 300
photographs of the h'r,.

Xearly every honest, unpreju
diced Texp 1n w,,ll endorse the fol
t-o '-,a'phA<^^w,,-.;.>ww :;*.-( -4;~'/.~:~,~,
111'iw1-( from t~ac HIou'sl Post * !>^WAVAPV'^VAA<ta^\a%^W ^v svV ft t"4V ,AA% V ' ,\ ,Vv <A
*Pexas ihas steady grown and' ,; At srki lmitk prices, is a agood term for t'esc $20 1 $. gsft '9 "sitbe o i
prs e )_t nder
dkimocratice stiov l
,hes w5e e ,imver so8d ai s uch Low p tnc a3 we a e nov: en; 7 13, Tle's .M o3 idca P o
..ox :,.u:= , an1 e I * e 11 l n ,~ . )oni e S,,at 1 e s -,' witiW t 'F" ' , [ h 7 H 2 T s i J i L t W t 1 j 3 T t :_ ........~-ni ... ns
i F rty $
,and. no one state's v, wih Ls: Wiatwin il reqv.irc to siSll c ,r ,n next Forty
adm1t1 instrat t ion igStA {I'as a ed, af-i|| . ays. e ncc;I a miu I fe fi( T e o an,'li iv re tsc; -l Sits are vo III, ut ;
fairs wvith moie ability, economy v, wha l i Mi thV1 ey o7 They a e rapidly g o in r,< for 29? L s I IS i ] ,
o ratos. _Th ese sa:ifts of abuse I aj !! P lT P 1
, ,, , ., i ic r< lu~~~~~~~~~(I ll uid W i t l Ulidelnv [Ii , .i IL'n t
and the apparent spite and self
, ] ,
s n,, i
seeking which were back of and For men, froies fe rom the )est makers of -
1 i o
prompting the op)postion hav
the United Stltes, but we've too mav u tL lt Po, ! ,re voi dl ^
Of the JUnite 0+1
~, ])ut' we v o ai I 'to ,,, :'.nd ,];V' ,o.),, heevi C1
been ewefless tfo insletld.1 the so ' tteLt qiies ) d LS
Sd( -,^i'. BIles and b1l"'-blacs
of underwear now :$3.7:5 For `'"50 vou,
to `.Lc:c , 10 "oat !n town
ber jlcldgment of tile people of can have the $4.50 stis $3.2) t gets a
l h t can) CO....da.l, -D e
Texas, and in the most uninistak
what's always been $4 a sUli. hve makve , Thev 1 ,c
l' o .w looL 't 0oi1 coats
able mlanner possible the latter ,, is the latest, the fav)ric is right, but wve -' have II.v o ..,a r o' ille I ,ult'
, must hafve the ca!!h for it
have testifiedto their appreciation st h e the cal . for it...
of good scate government and Pet w3., t M0.; *> M ._
the seal of their condemnation
upon title d1sreputl methods XJ 5 I*;RN I w I i^ i'' ~ k O '> o
arrayed .lagunt the democratic, ==~ l'li :'kkz'Z))
-rateticlket c
<ta~te tickt1( I___T I TeCiltnh=Trulih Cloihiers, = = 7ix r'< ^Xs-boro and Temple.
President for One DayIt
is not generally known that] Red Oak.' Co0fc. eneaAppointmfiL; . \ S..,,./^C /,../.,;.,5^^
there has leen a president of the ._ __
OMr L own has been very qulet since
Unitdcl States whose resiadencence The Methhst conference at W ax
i ^ P t
was west of the [issisdippi river, 'the election. Some of the politicians 1he , t f 1 Waxtcis
,\CSL01 LIC ^ulsssoipi nvI ahiaclne cloed Monda.L . The fol
2 _ T
dl fnto i e ) t it,) be wo -i g se iolc)" tlie N s atotink "the war stillT| lii l ,. _ and
furtherm ore th'a lwn as a seeS m
IonI .bFus l t a , ;} tL l;t;iXl 1 l ,{** *zs for h toleqissouria-n.
But it i s i for
iname d(oas 11 A appear am ,onge til e,
1 C B. ^1. Blolton, P E -W^. ' 0 T
IBu 1lO+E S gCX~lLY 1l et, X, cl itS goo~l eltlte~lSShve is a fact. I'h s ol". y g
list of p recsi""deonl~is 1)"I'u, l0u t ih e otkr Ivoi J. Vi . A dkmuso i, I e' -F
l~nlne ({ooa ii ~t a)),~aa areone . B.H Boplton Pa --Vx, ,.-b
chief executive of thge ntion _0rg ^ I f ot
one day. H~ .,isna e v us D~avud E~. I|s
"id l not Lo i oht the fact, U'la -g. in, W ' c ..-V
pt'esistand })ti he wa" hem i ffon" of S-vomment the ia
Lon,',-,0 ., ^^Tio~i^ i_<e *'o~l~v 1 sdvei le. aiic s fgoode sttlze n. W e , , , , . , ,
X111m d Fcr"is ci'u~
Atc~~~ii-mu,~~~ and 't~..3an re pepl,[)i ,e y';'e G,-~'. Y
ocnepe ,ion!('. aIllsl h'w l Woman's naodesty and igno]roesidenL
1 , oll s lomt xine'. , :m good ciTaylt. .iz, Iia"i"s: , th satceion , o.f
I-~~~~~' ' I ll J] -J~(edr ffas e

"l\ araco cllcut, .1 A. .I ci er L1"_ ''.
station, 0. L. Bto~,ltno: O'-cco, a
circuit, 1). (C. 1i S tils liS Ult,'olo .t,'tt,
E,:K. . lransfoi.:d; Mfild cITcuI'.,
Wit J. Sito\\; : t.uv. st..tio,., (} JI.
_ ' lo r ei,; Si m s atnd ( 1onv, ood, J r.
O)ohnn; AvIhlni ('rict, (G J, J vnll
Chiristian Akiocate :~Su (T. ' G .
O cnis, Cia:,d \; ';; ciet ut, K ?
Van Zitn n,
5.ifeuid, Tcx , Nov 2 -i' 'l,
bUItI (of Jactl)b l;uld, n f i, t i vlg
tvlo 'rlt one-hili ni les e \-[ f
}cet, l,, but',,Ld tL is J'Uii0, ...
I.I n 1l]C1('lt l V iToal l)ss of ba.,t
a'ln, leedstoiis, amlolunt~,~ to ' ;b.)u
;00, uil 1 . .i( e. 2o 0 cln ' 'w .


J P. N oliman has retullinedl fro)L.
Los Allngeles and he thinks hIIs
cancer cntltely killed, and all thlcie
nowv is is ~or it to he'l
Ira McXa\ an.d \\ Ill i3alln neie Lup
Monday and nlitlte 1us .1 pile.salnt
caIl Mi. ' Ic':, I.l working int
te InttcI e, of, thIe \V \O ., ;til.e
we lean thlatL [i. ia.tln vas proscctillng,
Antld hiope he vas favorably
.nlpre'setl -nld N\ill cast his lot
~.ith us
J.,Ines Lit deton left us on tie 1Gilt
foi l'eri, \VWe alc sor'1 to0 let 'llxl
,',o, but hope it 1~ to li IliLtetest to
(Io so.
Cal. P.ayne has ben!) on the sick
lIt )but is It) again
Ed Da, is, ot Pamin,', v as up last
Nt1 Uk piosi)pecting DIdl not learn
\ tilterr lhe ill ilo,,e to _cd( Oak or
not, but hope he i ll, as 'all su'h
ielln sie 1il d(leinali,
Mis DA . S4tockei and sister, of
llockett, lelt last wczk tor Wulnon%,
Miss The doctor has sold out and
will attend lectures this wiLiter.
Dr Embl)ry,of Galland,hasc, bougilt
]Dr Sto(ckei out and moved In, so
our neighlbo'ing t(ginm is not Nlthout
a't doctor.
Milt Paryne, of Denton, was )Sdown
this week on business
The road hands' are putting in some
much needed( woik on our public
Mr. Hloowl has hiud in a supply of
Perfection ^vasher3 They malk)e the
wve$ I nietI whIle the litbban-Iis
gl'roa' in nf lnt. 2x1
Ripans ' dbu]~s curo torpid hvcr,

to enduie pains and suffer toiture
rather tLian consult a
physician about impoitant
Pains in the head, neck,
back, hips, nllnbs and lower
bowels at mrionhl.y intervals, indicate
alarming deiangements.
is a harmless Bitter Wine without
intoxicating qualities.
Taken at the proper time it
relieves pain, corrects derangements,
quiets nervousness and

In 18-[), o1le of tho rare ~ears
when ),[arch 4 falis-on Sunday.
IIe became a private citizen of
the lrepul)lic at noon ofn that dlay,
and, as )prcsidenlt-elect. Ta'-,or refused
from rel].iouls s('ruples to
i'?le t.he o...Lt' of o/ilce on the -holy
da:,5, 1Ltcll s(;1 a, a, . A A )eide.t pio
LoiMporo of thile sen',, e, als (constr
Lictiel'y tle nattio('s ,eflll executive
11until 'I1", lne.l noon, when
tillat Colc'leintlOus -,I-eneIlI wvas
Swon S1In, Mac1h'(' 4 14 et comes
'n Snlda1.'/ 1!i i921,anld lhcn (here
v.1il1 -',]n ])(c a l>re-ILenllt for' ,I
day-X _ _ _ _
Justice Court.
Wvednesd(lay wa-t the dav for the
reo(yttlar No;. ell,,er' lerlu of< justice
colurlt, ltt thle court lis beenl
giniding neoar1v ev-r) day this
weclk, A lt Jlstce . I). Pitts
1rclddin.g The following= casess
have been dlsisposed of:
Ccimllinal docket-Ifenry Car''r,
unlawfully riding train, fined $5;
unlawfully carrying pistol, boundl
over' to c ounty ('ourt and sent to
jail in default of $100 bond; Samn
Slick, ,assaul[ and battery, fined
$5; J. W. Copeland and W. R.
Telford, assaul[ and battery.plea'd
guilty and fined $5 each; Sam
Fallis, abusive langaaoge, fined $5.
A number of civil cases were
also dhpossed of.
Wanted:AfWn I ......
of sonic simple
Wanted-An Idea thing to patent?
Protect your ideas, they may bring you wealth,
Write JOHN WEDDERBURN ind took |
-~~~~~~~~o t-l ri g ,,iA;i. K* lao" bt Med"Meta ~i~
'i5 15 lioul tlo '.cket of hi-, t u ,s
s, ;nhicl t ei e hl,-. I i u ( r 1jpon I tlle I5
bed wvlele lie slept. A\il o-ntn c 7 7 r ra ic -1v
as elfected by thillstlln the land I "
Through a torn p)lae in tle sei;2eul T I i i
d]oor and lifting the latch. Neithlel { , 4'~ J3 1
thle doctoil nor ins , ife was a,-at-
ened, 1n01 l11d they kilnow ( the " ,e ((t door 10 1ostofli(cce
burglely till this n1O1ini at the V w a Y v c tay?
fi6u S0omelhing
usual hour of lisin, There is no!
clue to the perpetrators ruce Lcat Ea,-r uS with a
ctl,. You always receive the
C. L. Allen, likq. has been duly
appointed assistant county attorney lnos1: $ .` sS r roatment.
for th,,4 par[ of the county. Thin l~ Joisan BF S PFops

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Ezzell, Frank. The Ferris Wheel, Volume 4, Number 12, Saturday, November 28, 1896, newspaper, November 28, 1896; Ferris, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Ferris Public Library.

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