Collin County Mercury (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 16, Ed. 1 Wednesday, May 30, 1888 Page: 3 of 4

This newspaper is part of the collection entitled: McKinney Democrat-Gazette and was provided to The Portal to Texas History by the Collin County Genealogical Society.

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i.w a^skssoh.
M ri/« «1 to announce A.
:i candioate for Tax As-
%'ovembcr elect ion. subject
tan of tiieiltMiiomitic party.
TAX t <>M.K«T«>K.
PTr<* authorized to announce W. R.
KLL as ti candidate for Tnx <'ol
C'iiftie Shipment.
The following cattle shipments were
made from this «-ity lasr Friday:
J. W. Fields. six cars.
; .1. G. A G. F. Barnes. five cars.
J. M. <"oleman. two cars.
A Scar« v. one car.
Mays A: Work, two ears.
•T. L. Franklin, two ears.
*On t>i* same day there were eight
car-loads of bois d'arc posts shipped.
K. M. Board has no sign boards on
During This Year
I McKinney will have a cotton cosn-,
M«-Kinney will have a grain elevator.!
McKinney will have an Alliance
McKinney will have a magnificent |
new brick school building,
McKinney will have at least twenty ;
new brick business houses.
McKinney will have at least one hun-
dred and tiftv new residence buildings,!
Mrs. X. J. M.nrley visited friends in
Bonham this week.
Miss Addie Erwin, of Knnis, is visit-
ing relatives in this.
T. A. Ball, of Cedar Hill, was in the
eitv this week.
R. T. Barlow, representing Radam's
Microbe Killer, called on ns vesterdav.
C. E. Obensliain's Corner.
He began: "Ifabenand a half lay
an egg an a half in a day and a half how
'•O. rats; don't give us that old
Mrs. E. J. Doss having moved to Pia-
no for the purpose of keeping boarders,
cordially invites her McKinney and
Collin county friends to call on her
when in Piano. First class accommo-
dations and charges reasonable. First
[r. subject to the action of the dem- : rou<is an<1 bridges. He keep
Tie party. 1
cor NT* l'lpBK.
1 hit boards in the house. Come in and

lire engine
We are authorize
I.OONEY as a c
Clerk. subject to tF
oeaatie partv.
We are authorize
KFKN as a candidal
announce 1. A.
site for < 'ountv
ion of the dem-
McKinney will have
. . . . MeKinnev will have good streets ami'
trnde there and price his go« ds and von . , „ . . , , '
. . ' sidewalks in everv portion of the citv.
will be pleased. ,, ,
' McKinney will have a better trade I
—Fishing excursions have been in than any other town in North Texas. j
' -I'M W ' on't*r so,MP li'1"1 This being leap year. McKinney will ship twenty-tivej
rVount v < lerk.' y°,ing men are patiently waiting thousand bales of cotton.
store and gets one chance in the S325
drawing, and B by trading live dollars
Igcts six shares, and C who trades ten
A. J. stitt. of Lebanon. called on us %iAii.1PC ~ofc . , ,
. , , , . uoiiars gets thirteen shares, how manv
>atur<!ay and renewed lussubscription, j 4.i1.m..oc nilo.ll4. T. , „ , , . *
i I << es ought 1) to have who trades
Mi«s Annie Baker spent several days fifteen dollars.
chestnut. I lie question now is. If A door south of Fouche iV Floyd's grocery
trades one dollar ::t the Drug and Book
subject to the action of the democratic - to hear some gentle feminine whisper-1 McKinney will ship one thousand
We are authorized to announce 1J. O.
.JOHNSON, as a candidate for County
rii-rk, subject to the action of the dem-
ocratic party.
We are authorized to announce SAM
K.RUDOLPH as a candidate for Dis-
trict Clerk, subject to the action of the
democratic party in primary election or
convention, should either be called.
[ Ol \TY TREASI"rek.
Wjjjtre nuth.<rized to announce JOHN
KI'mioN. < N ; a candidate for County
^Treasurer. ?nbie;t to the ^action of the
dec oeratic party.
We arc authorized to announce LEK
M. TALKTNGTON as a candidate for
County Treasurer, subject to the action
of 1 lie democratic party.
We are authorized to announce W.IL
TAYLOR as a candidate for Countv
lYeasurer, subject to the action of the
democratic party.
We are authorized to announce .T. M.
BALL as a candidate for County Treas-
urer at the November election.
We are authorized to announce M. G.
ABERNATIIY as a candidate for ("oun-
tv Judge at the November election, sub-
ject to the action of Democratic party.
We are authorized to announce MOOD
BALLEW as a candidate for Sheriff,
rubject to the action of the democratic
We are authorized to announce
SCOTT PHILLIPS as a candidate for
Sheriff at the November election, sub-
ject to the action of Democratic party.
We are authorized to announce F. E.
WILCOX as a candidate fur County
Attorney, subject- to the action of the
democratic party.
We are authorized to announce GEO.
R. SMITH as a candidate for County
Attorney, subject to the action of the
democratic party.
We are authorized to announce .1. W.
R as a candidate for Countv Attor-
ney. subject to the action of the demo-
cratic party.
We are authorized to announce LEE
WILSON as a candidate for Constable
of Precinct No. 1, subject to action ot
democratic party.
We are authorized to announce .TAS.
W. JONES as a candidate for Constable
Precinct No. 1. subject to action of the
democratic party.
We are authorized to announce 1*. P.
OLARDY as a candidate for Constable
Precinct No. 1, subject to the action of
the democratic party.
We aft'authorized to ynnounlr" •••«!-
FAULK NEK as a candidate fom'on-
rhlc Precinct No. !. subjoof to .tin-
action of the democratic party.
We are authortzed to announce .T. R.
OOl'GII. as a candidate for Justice of
the Peace, subject to the action of the
democratic party.
We are authorized to announce S. II.
FOX as a candidate for County Com-
missioner of District No 1. subject to
the action of the d mocratic party.
i n «rs.
I car-loads of grain.
Boyd & Hill have camped. Expect j McKinney will ship more bois d'arc
j to stay with you a while. Bovd is still
1 a little disfigured but not so bad as you
heard of. "Still in town."
—The dry goods merchants of Mc-
Kinney have agreed to e!ose their busi-
ness houses at 7:^ 0 o'clock p. m.. ex-
c pt Saturday, from June 1 to Sept. 1.
Now or never is the time to get your
summer goods. If you want them
cheap go to G. W. Johnson.
—Sam Massie captured a centipede
eight inches long last Monday and
brought it into town a present to his
friend. Henry Collins. What a handy
thing to have about while candidates
are around shaking hands.
Bovd it Hill claim to have the best
livery outlit in North Texas. '-Still in
—Judge J. A. Ti. Wolfe will speak at
Long Neck school house next Tuesday
concerning the finances of the county.
Time will be equally divided with M.
W. Johnson.
For anything in the photographic line
classic statuary. Arc. call on Freeman &.
Moore. Morrow Block.
—Remember that the North Texas
Medical convention convenes in this
city on the 12th of June, when all visi-
tors will be cordially welcomed and
royally entertained.
J-The public schools of this citv will
close this week.
Try Milk Shake at the "Bee Hive."
—The sweet girl graduates are re-
turning home.
Those wishing Durham calves cheap
call on • L. II. Graves.
—The machinery for the compress
will arrive about the first of July.
Buggy and Pony for sale cheap. Call
on J. C. Coleman.
—Several town cows have occupied
the city pound the past week.
Work done in the very latest styles of
the art at Freeman & Moore.
—Our agriculture dealers have sold a
great many Implements this spring.
A S40 Music Box to be given away
with Soda and Milk Shake at the "Bee
—The children of the C. P. Sunday
Pchool held their picnic last Saturday
west of the city.
^ Boyd & Hill want to buy a bus team
^^d some good single drives.
McKinney is fortunate that she has
tXt been visited by a severe storm this
Now is the time to get your summer
goods. Tliev are going at cos*.
G. W.Johnson.
—If thirty-two is the freezing point,
what is the squeezing point? Two in
the shade.
Boyd «& Hill have formed a copartner-
ship to commence June 1st, 1888. Boyd
is "still in town."
—The political pot Is actually "slop-
ping over," and the professional "bum"
is liappy.
No more credit work done by Free-
man & Moore. The cash must be paid
when negative is taken.
—The grand banquet and ball in this
city next month is anxiously looked
for by our people.
Boyd & Hill are expecting a neat
bus about the first of June and we so-
licit a share of your patronage.
—Mrs. Julia Wilmore. of the New
Hope neighborhood, was badly bitten
by a copperhead snake last Saturday.
posts than anv other town in North :
McKinney will ship as ninny line, fat
cattle as any other town in North
McKinney's population will reach
fully eight thousand.
McKinney will continue to have the
name she so richly deserves, that of
being the richest, solidest and most
substantial city of its size in the whole
state of Texas,
McKinney and Collin county will be
under a Democratic administration,
and the much talked-of goose will oc-
cupy an elevated position.
Boyd & Hill have the largest wagon
yard and the largest stalls and the larg-
est well of water in the city. "Still in
—About twelve or fifteen couples of
voung folks assembled at Heard's opera
house on Friday evening last and en-
joyed several hours in tripping the
light fantastic toe.
We have some eood single and double
buggies will sell cheap or trade for
horses. Fit/hi gh it Beck
—Mr. Gid Dowlen is having the ma-
terial placed on the ground for the
erection of a fine brief; business house
on East Yirginia street.
I called on G. W. Johnson. He sells
goods cheaper than I ever dreamed of.
Go to him for bargains.
Yaweob Strauss, Jr.
?<Inkc it a (iraml Success.
The North Texas Medical Associa-
tion will meet in this city on the 12tli
and 13th of next month. Extensive
preparation is being made for this en-
tertainment by the medical fraternity
of this city. A grand banquet will be
given on the night of the Blth in honor
of the association. The Merccrv has
received an order for four hundred ar-
tistic invitations, which will be sent
out by the committee having the mat-
ter in charge. We hone our citizens
will co-operate heartily with our pro-
fessional brethren in making the occa-
sion one worthy of being looked back
upon as the most pleasant and enjoya-
ble ever held bv the association.
The School Building.
The minimum limit of subscription to
the McKinney Collegiate Institute has
been passed and the talent of McKin-
ney is now wrestling with the problem
of location. The public spirited stock
holder desiring to "view the landscape
o'er" has only to signify that wish and
lo! a spanking team is at his bidding
without money and without price. The
Mercury shekels don't quite figure up
one share and we walk.but nevertheless
we think after careful inspection all of
the proposed sites are admirably lo-
cated, all of them sulliciently near and
none too remote and we take occasion
to add like the old maid : "Any of them
will do, good Lord."
The following are the committees for
— A curfew law would be a great the grand ball given in honor of the
thing for McKinney. for sonu of the physicians of the medical convention,
youth 'ire ^i>in^ So destcr jtiou ua fsvet iiiu c ei:oi£ i>l .J ;
as time can take them. Arrangement—T. F. Mangum. Lon
visiting friends in Bonham this week.
Henry Jordan, of Allen, gave us a
pleasant call Saturday and subscribed.
Miss .Tonnie Bagley has been visiting
relatives and friends in Bonham this
Dr. Webster and family returned this
week from an extended visit to Missis-
Mrs. W. P. Wilcox, of Columbia. Mo.,
is visiting the family of J. M. Wilcox,
of this city.
Maj. Bush and his brother. A. G.
Bush, left Wednesday fqr Missouri and
Hiss Emma Porter of Corsicana is
visiting the family of Mr. II. O. John-
son of this city.
Misses Hallie Board axitl Josie White
returned this week from school at IIol-
1 ius. Va.
Mrs. T, W. Erwin, of Ennis. is visit-
ing her sons, Dr. John and Robt. Er-
win of this city.
Mrs. Amanda Bowers, of Denison. is
visiting the family of her brother, Mr.
J. A. Necl of this city.
Mrs. >1. E. McElree, of Alvarado.
Texas, is visiting the family of Mr.
John Smith, of this city.
1J. O. Clark, one of Piano's good citi-
zens called on us Monday ami paid for
the Mercury one year.
Mrs. J. P. Pinkerton-> returned this
week from an extended visit to rela-
tives and friends in Athens. Tex.
Miss Sallie Andrews returned this
week from Throps Springs where she
has been attending school.
Miss Lou Collins, of Sherman," who
has been visiting relatives and friends
in this city, returned to her home ves-
My residence ir Short's addition, two
story's high, seven rooms, good well,
lot S0x200. Will sell, or trade it for
lots, or land in tl*° country.
Apply to II. E. G. Furr.
W e have Ju*t received a fresh new
stock of wall paper, and we are going)
to sell it cheaper than ever.
Every lady purchasing a box of Hen-
ry Ietloe's Swan Down will secure as
a gift a bottle of exquisite perfume.
Smoke the "Balloon," the best " e ci-
gar in town.
Spa Hiding's Bace Ball goods. Croquet
Sets, Hammocks, fishing-tackle, in end-
less variety.
We would like for every lady in town
to have an interest in the Drug & Book-
store. in the shape of the Cash Buyer's
Coupon Card.
No other house is making its custom-
ers the beneficiaries of such magnifi-
cent oilers, as the Cash Buyer's $.'123
Always go to the Drug & Book Store
for wall paper.
If you want a paint that will look
| well. If you want a paint that has
body and covering quality. If you
want a paint that will last and not
chalk off. In fact, if you want the
best paint buy the Hainmar Paint. Sold
by the Drug & Book Store.
We have for sale or will trade for
mules, several well bred young jacks,
j Call on E. N. it lino.
Slippers! Slippers!
The largest and best assortment of
Slippers ever offered and at the very
lowest price at John Clementson it Co.
The largest stock of Hats in
Texas, at prices to suit the times, at
John Clementson it Co's., the Peoples'
Shoers and Hatters.
—We call attention of our readers to
the announcement of Lee Wilson, of
Allen, as a candidate for constable of
precinct No. 1. subject to the action of
the Democratic party. Mr. Wilson
was raised in Collin county, is a young
man of excellent business qualifica-
tions, sober, honest and in every way
qualified to make a good officer, and if
elected will give satisfaction.
At a regular meeting of the Henry C.
Ilerndon Hook and Ladder company on
last Saturday night, the following of-
ficers were elected : Foreman, T. F.
Mangum ; assistant-foreman. Wood Mc-
Misses Florence Murray and Madge (
attending ! ')on!U(': president. Geo. Wilcox ; vice
Boyd Hill will sell or buy horses
and mules at any and all tim^s. Come
and see us.
—Trains travel so fast and so often
now on the Central road that it is dan-
gerous to walk on the track.
If you want to buy a good buggy
cheap or a first-class livery turnout
call at the old Fitzhugh stand just south
of the square. Fit/hi ;ii it Beck.
—A Democratic club of twentv-nine
members was organized at Willow
Springs on last Saturday with Gabe II.
Lucas as president.
From this date all work done by Free-
man it Moore will be cash when nega-
tive is made.
—A fine boy arrived this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nicolds. Also
one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Wanted. — First-class seamstresses
None but experienced hands need ap-
ply. Call between hours of and 10 a.
m. at dress-making department.
G. C. Mocxtcasti.k & Co.
—L"ss politics and more enterprise
would benefit both McKinney and Col-
lin county.
Our nice new fresh stock at cash un-
til further notice. G. W. Johnson.
Taylor, Glen Stiff, W. B. Gumui.
Invitation—Dr. II. P. Markham, Dr.
C. K. Gregg, C. S. Battle. Jack Stovall,
John Ingram, C. W. Smith.
Floor Managers—McDowell, Taylor,
Mangum, Still, Markliam. Cain.
Reception—Jesse Sliain and lady, Ed.
Still" and lady, Lawrence Foote and
lady, K. II. Craig and lady, W. 11. Sims
and lady, li. E. Bristol and lady.
Pinkerton. who have been ......
school at Columbia, Mo., returned home
on Sunday.
E. L. Nicholson, one of Rock walls
prominent druggists, who has been
visiting relatives in this city, returned
home this week.
Mrs. Bettie Gallia, who lias been vis-
iting relatives in this city for some
time, returned to her home in Gaines-
ville on Friday morning last.
The Mercfry received a pleasant call
yesterday from Mr. J. T. Barron, of
Georgia, a cousin to W. M. Barron of
this city. Mr. Barron is here on a
prospecting tour ami is very much
pleased with our city and county.
l>r. G. M. Clementson^ jt brother of
• he ljito .1. 51. < 1 eno^JJbn. died at
Chattanooga, Term.. Tuesday of
last week, while en route home from
the State Democratic Convention held
at Nashville to which he was a dele-
The Mercury was honored yesterday
by a call from three of Weston's good
ladies, Mrs. Marv Helms, Mrs. L. J.
president. Glenn Still"; secretary. Picli-
ard Shultz; treasurer, Wes Goodin.
They will have a regular practice on
next Friday evening at S p. m., sharp.
—Col. John Edmonson announces
this week as a candidate for the ollice
of county treasurer, subject to the ac-
tion of the Democratic party. Col.
Edmondson is well qualified for the
position and if elected will handle the
fundi of Collin county strictly accord-
ing to law.
—Monday afternoon Press Darland
was by the county court adjudged a
lunatic and ordered to be conveyed to
the asylum at Terrell. Mr. Darland is
u poor man. hard-working father of ten
"Love thy neighbor as thyself—
you can never do this if you are suffer-
ing with Itch, Ringworm. Tetter or
other skin diseases. Hunt's Cure guar-
anteed to cure above diseases bv E. N.
McAulav. ' n:50.
Cheatham's (. hill Tonic, "best in the
world." No poisons. Cure guaran-
teed. For sale by all druggists.
Medicines, Paints and Oils.
Northwest Corner Public Square,
When*, O Where, Is He]
Was last seen coming from the Drug
it Hook Store, with three chances in
the Cash Buvers' Distribution.
lb SON.
$17.50 per M
16.50 „
. 20.00 „
Rough Lumber at Dallas, Piano, au«l other towns,
Rough Lumber at Wilcox Lumber Yard
3-8 Drersed Ceiling at Dallas, Piano and o'-her towns,
3-8 Dressed Ceiling at Wilcox Lumber Yard 17.50
Dressed Cornice Lumber at Dallas, Piano and other towns, 25.00
7 ' ci
Dressed Cornice Lumber at Wilcox Lumber Yard 22.50
Cypress Shingles "O lv" at Dallas, Plauo and other towns, 4.25
Cypress Shingles "O K" at Wilcox Lumber Yard * 3.50
WE WANT in exchange for Lumber 50,(00 bushels of Corn at the liigU-
est market value. Those in need of Building Material will find it to their
interest to call on
North Side East Louisiana Street.
- - TEXAS,
- - - -
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals,
children, ail of whom ure still living- A
I iie has been cont.ned tor lttnacv before Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Brushes, P<>r-
—Frank Wilcox announces this week
as a candidate for county attorney, sub-
ject to the action of the Democratic
party. Mr. Wilcox was born and has
been raised in Collin county, and has
many friends who would be glad to see
him elected to the position. If elected
fumery, Stationery, Supporters,
\Joods selected with great care and warranted as represented.
Phvsirians Prescriptions accurately compounded.
The Cotton Compress.
The directors of the compress met
Friday and elected the following olli-
ce rs • W. B. Newsome, president: I).
F. Gerrish, vice-president; James L.
White, treasurer. The machinery is
ready for shipment and the compress j
will be ready for the fall crop.
The election of officers will inspire
confidence in the energetic business
management, and we are glad to note
Until July 1st!
Ake and Mrs. E. E.Young, and those j he proposes to give his undivided at-
tention to the ollice.
—It is said that a bee can hear the
budding and opening of flowers. If it
be true a bee with a good car hears an
awful tumult in living over the prai-
ries at this season. It is. probably, if
the conditions hold, equal to a county
—Lets have the alleys cleaned. The
yellow fever already prevails in the
South, the only and original Asiatic
charming young ladies. Misses Noya
Orenduft" and tieorgie Saxon, of Wes-
ton, and Misses Tonic Burger, Fannie
Smith and Blanche Obenshain. of this
city. Come again, are always
welcome visitors to our office.
DEATH'S 1)01 MiS.
Death is always terrible. The idea
of the cold, silent grave is even horri-
ble, and no matter whether it comes in
consumption's ghastly form, in the
waste of slow fever, or the breath < f j cholera is expected to make a summer
pestilence, or the battle field, or midst: tour through the states, and even now
Owing to contemplated changes in
our business, and in order to efleet the
same as soon as possible, we oiler from
this date UNTIL JULY" 1ST, our en-
tire stock of Dry Goods.Clothing, Hats,
Boots and Shoes at
A bsolute Cost!
We mean to reduce the Stock and will
—There was another match game of i sell you a real bargain in any article,
base ball at the old fair ground Sunday j Do not miss this opportunity. We
afternoon. have never put an advertisement be-J
For strictly first-class work go to! the public in which we <1 id not,
the storms of ocean, in palace or hovel,
mortals have ever looked upon death
with fear, for at last it lays us all low
and hunts us all down. The grave,
cold, narrow and silent, is at last the
home of all. and did we not see written
we have the deadly cucumber and green
—Harmony is quite as essential
[among the people of a town as it is
among the states of a nation. Dissen-
Freeman it Moore.
— (t won't be but a short time now un-
til the cycle of the harvester will be
heard in theec parts.
We can beat auction prices on every
thing. G. W. Johnson.
make our word good. We will doit in
this case cheerfully. Respectfully,
West Side Public Square.
of cotton
on the market vesterdav
—The picnic season is fully here and
we can see the dude as he flits among I
the trees with the grass stain on his !
-There were twenty or thirty bales | canary.colored trousers, and we can
hear the fiddle and the shulliing dance.
The anxiety of the inatrofis displayed
l sundry peeps into the baskets to see
if the pepper sauce has been spilled on
the cake, ar.d the agonized visage of
the young man who is trying to dis-
lodge a pernicious black ant from the j
back of his neck and talk to a pretty 1
i tions at home have ruined manv towns
in letters of glittering light from every , ug well ft9 many an em])ire.' Where
star, hear it whispered from every | and hannonv prevui!s progress
breeze, caught in music from every i rejgns 6upreme. -
babbling, rippling brook the idea of im-1
mortality, life itself would be robbed of j -A work on etiquette says: "A gen-
everv charm, being of every pleasure, carver always sits when he
This grand idea of a life beyond the carves.'' Perhaps he does, but it is
grave is so strongly impressed by na-' pretty certain that there are times
ture's teachings, independent of reve- j when he yearnfullv yearns to put one
lation, that even the Mohawk, in imag- f°°t on table and the other on the
ination was carried forward to the | f°wl while struggling with the bird,
land of his happy hunting grounds in i _\Vjth all nature robed in her
the great beyond. It danced like a sweetest smiles and the whole world
meteor across the seered eye of the jn tun^. with the pearly rain-drops
stoic, and I lato caught it in his tele- hanging from the petals of the flower
visions of the \utare. On this
Perfumer; a id Fancy Toilet Articles,
Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Syringes,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall l'ajier.
I^Plivsicians prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours.
F. Emkhson. Pres't.
T. T. Emkkson, VrcK-Pres't
T. H. Emkiison. Cash.
of Tex a
We have re-furnislied the old Fitz-
hugh livery stable and wagon yard and
we offer the best accommodations. We
invite all our old friends and customers
to call and see us. Frrzuccu & Beck.
—Mrs. G. N. Wade has the thanks of
the Mkrci rv for a lot of fine ripe peach- girl at the same time, all pass before
es brought to this office on Monday. j onr ,nintrs cve with astonishing vivid-
W'e expect to sell more goods than all n^ss.
other stores combined, because we of-
fer our entire new fresh stock at cost
Come quick and get your choice.
G. W. Johnson.
—The Stockholders in the Private
School enterprise will meet at the
Court House Thursday at s p. m. on
the :?lst inst. to vote on loe ition of site.
All the Stockholders are earnestly re-
quested to be present in person or by
fok sale or traoe.
Take nay advice and get your goods
at Johnson's while he is selling at cost.
Yawcob Strauss. Jr.
The books of the McKinney Building
association are open for subscription !
for stock. All person? desiring stock :
will call at once on
Ei>. F Nichols, See'y.
Over Collin County Bank.
For Sale.
Three houses and lots and ten va-
cant lots. Apply at this ollice.
scop 11
question to the mind the Christian
there is no shadow of doubt, for God
has said through his inspired word the
soul is immortal. On Saturday last at
the residence of his son-in-law, Dr.
Jno, E. Gibson, in this flitv. Col J. M.
Clementson solved the great problem,
and the news of his death though not
unexpected, cast a gloom over our little
city and caused deep regret in the
hearts of his many friends. Col. Clem-
entson was in his fifty-fifth year. For
u number of years he was an honored
and respected citizen of this city.
or the blade of grass sparkling like dia-
monds and the sweet songs of the birds
as they chant their thanks for the beau-
tiful showers, we think any one*who
would so forget himself as to complain
is mean enough to speak evil of his
mother-in-law and yet we heard a man
groaning and saying he supposed "this
darned rain would continue until the
weeds would take the corn." Some
folks are never satisfied.
Buys and sell exchange on all theciteisin Europe. First-class paper d'scoHnted.
Francis Emerson, T. T. Emerson.
Jno. 1>. Lovejov, C
fie-j^'Business Hours—r> a. m. to 1 p. m.
II. Welch,
T. II. Emerson,
—By reference to our announcement
column it will be seen that Mr. S. II.
A good substantial phaeton in good
condition and been in use only one | Fox is a candidate for commissioner of
year. Will trade for road-cart or bug- District No. 1, subject to the action of
gy. Enquire of Dr. W. S. Metz. the Democratic party. Mr. Fox Is one
—There will be a Union Labor mass of our best citizens and needs no com-!
—The Merccisv is here to work for meeting at the court house on Saturday mendation at our hands. He is well ■
McKinney and Collin county, and it • night at s o'clock. There will be a qualified for the position he seeks and
has no time to fool away in uncalled elub organized, ami also public speak- if elected w ill fill the office to the satis
for controversy. I jng. Evervbodv invited. ' faction of the people.
When you put up your land as secu-
rity for a loan of money, be sure you
know what you are doing. Von always
know this when vou are dealing with
About three years since he removed to* Rrinkerhofi it F'aris, the "Old Belia-
Colorado City which place he has since ble" Loan Brokers.
made his home. A lawver of marked Inos. 1. Moxk.omer\,
...... _ , . Manager I exas Business.
ability, an eloquent and fluent speaker,
lie occupied an enviable position in his
chosen profession. A devout and con-
sistent member of the Methodist church,
he had so lived that "when his sum-
mons came to join the innumerable car-
avan that moves to that mysterious
realm where each shall take his cham-
ber in the silent halls of death, he went
To the
•Bee Hive" and get a Milk
Thoroughly overhauled and refitted. First-class aeeommod itions—tables
supplied with the verv best the markets afford : clean, comfortable beds and
well ventilated rooms. Vou always get what you pay for at the Exchange.
Give the Exc hange a Trial.
Cheatham's Chill Tonic enriches the '
blood, assists digestion and is an excel-
lent Tonic for fersons in enfeebled 1
health. For sale by all druggists.
sustained and soothed by an unfalter-
ing trust like one who draws the man-
tle of his couch around him and lies
down to pleasant dreams." He leaves
a wife and several children grown up to
manhood and womanhood and a host of
friends to mourn his loss. May the sod
rest lightly upon his bosom.
First Class Restaurant and Lunch House.
I have purchased the Howard Res-
taurant and Bakery opposite the Post-
Ollice. where I will furnish first-class
meals and lodging, fresh fish, bread
and cakes always on hand. Also ice
cold beer on tap.
The public are respectfullv invited to
call. L. GOEMaN.
ers In Staple asitl Fancy Groceries.
At RooK Bottom Prices.
Moline Wagons & Buggies.

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Rudolph Bros. Collin County Mercury (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 16, Ed. 1 Wednesday, May 30, 1888, newspaper, May 30, 1888; McKinney, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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