The Alto Herald (Alto, Tex.), No. 44, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 19, 1951 Page: 1 of 12

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, j ^IMAR
Suhstriptttm Prtce $2.00 Per Year in Cherokee County. $3.50 Per Year Outside of County.
THK At.To !t[.[!AtJ). ALTc.
NO. 44.
* atttrin*
/ho wer<
a medical
und for
entat in
In Alto, our
^ptiss Bur-
,te handful. Mwas one of
ones on th* !oM;**ttinK sand
vet on th* #gpd before the
- was evaf ;#)#d
ee had this ser-
t several
[East '
that t
)t It
) spell
i to ]
leinc ^
.. ^
!ient i
n nu
M <
*by I
! to
Mrs. Eva Cook. 88, died at the
home of her daughter. Mrs. E. E.
Moore at Brazoria. Texas, Wednes-
day morning of last week.
The remains were brought to Alto'
and funeral services were held at
Old Palestine Church Friday after-
noon at 2:00 o'clock, the Rev. J. B.
Had the Ousley, officiating. Interment was in
Old Palestine cemetery, arrange-
ments being in charge of O. T. Allen
& Son of this city.
Mrs. Cook is survived by two sons.
Chester and Marvin Co6k of Con- !
roe; three daughters, Mrs. G. M.
Harry, Alto; Mrs. Birdie Moore,
Brazoria and Mrs. Vada Maiiett,;
Jasper; one sister, Mrs. Kate Foster, i
Houston. Twenty-six grandchildren j
and eight great-grandchitdren also '
Mrs. Cook was a native of Missis- {
sippi, but came to Alto with her}
parents when a small child and
lived here until four years ago when
the she went to Brazoria to live with her
daughter. I
ForniaS Opening Of A)to Medica!
Ciinic To Be Heiid Sunday Afternoon
dly need-
tad to give
a little
s shown
past that
issioner in
^ready and
ftny public
a constant
;es. He has
the court
the county,
council has
s for
Atto Schoots
To Ctose
May 31
The Alto Public School will close
on Thursday, May 31, giving 172
days of instruction and 176 schoo!
days. Dr. J. W. Edgar, state
Commissioner of Education, has ap-
proved the 172 days of instruction,
instead of 175 required by the state
law. Had this not been approved, we
Would have had June school this
tad districts
thanks to
ck owners of
^t amount is
Hh build and
^ance of the
state for
)kce County
best farm
))d this is due
lien as corn-
rgood condi-
Season May
Be Lengthy
imx.-h about
w days. Let
ive left Cher-
pe back to
!f particular
this editor,
make the
any more
has got us a
Hour fishing.
These cold frosty mornings may
be the cause of a long drawn out
tomato season that wilt start in this
section around the first of June.
The irregular weather has caused
quite a few plants to be kitted after
they had been placed in the fields,
and replanting had to be done in
these instances. Many cautious grow-
ers held their plants in the cold
frames waiting for the weather to
straighten out. The drawn out plant-
ing conditions will cause some grow-,
ers to be earlier than others, and
those who have yet to go to the field
with their plants w!tl likely be
among the last to come to market
with their tomatoes.
The forecast continues to be that a
large crop is in prospect for Cherokee
County, and the estimate has been
The completion of the Alto Mctti-
cal Clinic in Alto has brought much
Reports are stilt coming in titat its citizenship. Too
the Valley section will not have over praise cannot be accordcd the
a 20 per cent crop, and J. 1''. Rosbo- [-Q^hful committee who worked con-
rough, Horticultural Marketing Spec- ^^pntly to make the budding a
- ....
The formal opening of
Medical Clinic will be held Sunday
afternoon between the hours of 3:00
and 5:00 p. m. o'clock, however, the
building will be open to the public
from 1:00 to 6:00 o'clock.
Pupils will take examinations
Monday and Tuesday, May 28 and 29.
Report cards will be mailed te
parents and students will not have
to return to school after May 29, the
last day for examinations. Pupils
will check in their books as they take
their examinations.
Beginning Monday, April 23, school
will take up at 8:00 a. m. and dis-
miss at 2:45 p. m. This will enable
the Alto the students to get home one hour
earlier, giving them time to work in
the fields and other work.
Pupils in grades one, two and
three will follow the old schedule:
begin at 8:50 and dismiss from 2:30
Speaker of the day will be Dr. R. to 2:45 o'clock. Parents, please note
C. Terry, District Superintendent of this arrangement of time. Bus pupils
the Methodist Church, who lives at of these grades will be under teacher
Isupervision at all times.
Musical numbers will be presented The following is the calendar for
by local groups from the Alto Meth- i the remainder of the year:
odist and Baptist churches. ! Junior Senior Reception, Thursday,
While the program was not com- ! . , . „ < .
plete as the Herald goes to press, it Senior Day, Friday and Saturday,
is understood that other numbers ^ ^ ^ .
Grammar School Music Night, Fri-
day night, May 11.
Baccalaureate Sermon,
night, 8:00 p. m., May 20.
Commencement Exercises,
night, 8:00 p. m., May 25.
9000 Auto
Tags Sold
!n County
E. S. Douglass
tievcr way you ^ .^out 25 per cent increase
i Duren Lake ^r 1950.
and that was Reports are still coming in that
)ou reckon has
ay" He's got
and he picks
'' Thats bad. at A. & M. Coliege, states that but to one man goes most of
^a recent hail in the Yoakum district ^ credit {or his untiring efforts, E.
has cut the crop there at least 45 per j g Douglass.
Clinic Superintendent
t from
dismissal of
ame general-
ay morning,
press rep-
}tement. Tom
this dis-
opinion: "As
g events, the
elieving Gen-
grccment over
^ an uncertain
! A sin. The rc-
hrthur is only
ptotn and not
The cure is
' and prose-
ite policy or
lepartmcnt and
iH t;,kc such
Mr. Douglass attended every mcct-
ing of this committee. He visualized
^°^*!the building in his mind and drew a,
j complete set of plans for the struc-
ture It was he who estimated the
cost to be about $7,000.00, and in!
unstable condition of
gest that a starter solution made by j„ niateriats. he missed the
Regarding the early plants
have gone to the fields, Mr.
borough offers the following
"In order to get the plants
growth at the earliest date, we sug- ^f the
dissolving five pounds of 8-8-8 com-
mercial fertitizer in 50 gattons ot^
water to be used as the plants are setj
out. Backward plants which ha\c not
grown off properly in the field may
have a teacup of starter solution
ptaced around each plant, or side
dressed with 50 to 75 pounds of)
ammonium sulphate per acre during "'unc
the next ten days of time.'
he has
cost a very few dollars.
From the very beginning,
worked diligently, employing all the
tabor, buying att of the materia
supervising the construction
day to day.
Material that couid not be s!"ppc:t
he took his pick-up
[truck and went for it, and S' '
(quite a sum in freight by usm.^
witt be added between now and Sun-
day, and presented in such a manner
that will acquaint the public with
the clinic and its future place in the
life of the community.
Quite a few guests are expected
here from nearby cities, some of
whom will participate in the activities
of the afternoon.
It is earnestly requested that
everyone in south Cherokee County
make it a point to be present at this
time and show their interest in a
project that was made possible by ]
the wholehearted cooperation of at- g QQQ of 1951 license
nwst every citizen in this immediate ^ Cherokee County
through March 31, according to latest
figures compiled by Tax Collector,
C. R. Jenkins.
Total registration figures were
9,807 sets of the orange-and-black
tags, which accounted for $154,212.24
in fees.
Passenger cars and farm trucks
accounted for 8,296 of the total.
Receipts in these two categories
were $95,350.09.
The first $50,000 and half of all
above that amount is retained to the
county for construction and main-
A!to Man
Heads Bar
Dudley Lawson, local attorney,
was elected president of the Chero-
kee County Bar Association, at their
regular meeting held Monday night
at the Liberty hotel in Jacksonvitle. j tenance of county roads, said Jenkins.
Other officers etected inctude Atex' The remainder is sent to the State
Highway Department.
A break-down according to type
vehicle, number registered and mon-
by the tax
and $75,-
^ e been ox-
instanccs during,
this week and
fsubject of fur- I
^<il MacArthur)
joint meet- [
Pcnatc in Wa^h-
April 19. Fol-
^cctcd to appear
tied Services
^bty other con-
to, express his
K't Lowery of
announce the
t three-quarter
P-'" h 26. He has
Leonard. His
5 are Mr. and
of Atto.
Senior C!ass
P!ay Next
I own conveyance for this puip'j '
'traveted scvcrat hundred m-h'
li„imcdia" points in
"ft atls'trgot Dr. Kttcr came to Att
whotcsatcis an , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Wichita. Kansas, w
budding. ! been Medicat Director o
Or. Koscoe Etter
Dr. Roscoe Etter has been chosen ^ Rt A't° on a
by the Board of Managers of the Atto
Medicat Ctinic as Superintendent of
that institution, and has already
moved his offices to the ctinic build-
Betl of Jacksonville, vice-president,
and G. W. Gibson, Jacksonville, Sec-
Arthur Squires, a certified public ] ey cottected was listed
accountant of Tyter, was the ptin- coUoctor as follows:
cipal speaker, and addressed the! Passenger cars—6,226
group on tax matters pertaining to 603.56.
estate taxes. Truck (commercial)—936 and $32,-*
) lu addition to the annual meeting, 293.17. )
the association holds quartcrty meet- Truck (farm)—2,070 and $19,-*
ings, the next of which witt be held 719.53.
date to be announced. Truck tractor—275 and $11,855.30.
Trailer—207 and $13,797.68.
construction of the budding
} He was constantly on the gr
Atto High during the
being on the job. He "''S
w*** H'*- < * , - '
ptay on Thursday evening. Aprit 26, [y in trumc . ^ through
in the Atto High Schoot Auditorium the ,.„,t of ti "
The Senior Class of the - . .
Schoot witt present the annuat ctass)^ day bong on . i .)
f'""an $100.00
. 25.00
at 7:45 p. m. Admission is 50 cents
for adults and 25 cents for children.
The three-act farce, "A Perfect
Idiot" by Eunice and Grant Atkin-
son, is produced by speciat arrange-
ment with The Dramatic Publishing
Company of Chicago, Ittinois
The cast is composed of t
towing: Patty Sue Parker, Rawts
Maddux, Chartes D. Fetder, Edna
Mynard, Chartes Cooper. Jimmy Mo-
ses, Doris Evans, Grace Mitter, Bob-
by Hotcomb, Patsy Landrum. Thomas
Rogers. J. C. Selman, Jerry Rice.
Harold Heath, and Jewet Ray Jones.
The prompter is Earl Clark. Miss
Josie Atma Watters is the director,
and T. E. Cummings is the stage
If you wish to retax and enjoy an
such a
his perseverance
buiiding was hctd
" Whdc the cost of the buitdi.,'
set at $7,000.00, Mr. Douglas .
Riven a targe share of the cr^'
Atto having a buiiding t '
possibly be buitt now for
Ail Alto congratulatt
tass on hts outstanding
mcnt and thank him for h<
efforts in giving
[ uger ones, but none
,„ere are any that is morc
ind modern.
Atto tast year
here he had
of the large
Veterans Hospitat in that city. Prior
to that time he was in private prac-
tice in Waco.
Dr. and Mrs. Ettcr's entry into
Atto was by pure accident. They had
gotten tired of the pressing duties in
the targe hospitat at Wichita, Kansas,
and had decided to locate in some
smatter city or town where the
doctor coutd take it a tittte easier.
Driving down through East Texas,
they stopped at Atto for a eotd drink,
and naturatty, stopped at a drug
Mrs. Etter went into a huddle and
naturatty the doctor asked Mrs. Etter
what she thought about Alto as a
piace to settte down, "i' like it," she
confessed, "but you are the one to
say." "I tike it, too," said the doctor.
"Let's stop."
They lost no time in buying a home
and moving their office and home
furnishing here, but there was one
fly in the ointment. Dr. Etter liked
Atto because he wanted a place to
take it easy, practice a tittte and fish
and hunt a whote tot. That was his
House trailer—5 and $54.
Motorcycle—12 and $60.
Deater—75 and $685.
Overwidth—1 and $117.
District Cotnt
Opened At
Rusk Mor
The April term of District Court
dream, but it hasn't turned out that opened at Rusk Monday morning
way. He has been so busy since he empaneled
by District Judge H. T. Brown to be-*
gin their investigations.
Three men from Atto are
Mr. Dou
the city a m-'dt
buitding second to none m '
Texas. There are
came to Atto, he hasn't been fishing
or hunting yet, and now he is comb- , ...
ing the country for another doctor! Three men from At o are serving
and trained nurse. He stitt has that Grand Jury, they are H. M.
dream of settting down, but there is ^''^n and
tittle chance of that until he can find , Hendnck.
Other jurors mcludc W. S. Gober,
store, which in this instance,
pened to be Atten's. The doctor made JJher'"doctJr.
hinisdf acquainted in the drug store, Chas. Witltams, Hubert Earte and L.
mmediatc-v Mayor Chester a he meantime Mrs Etter has Hugghins, Jacksonville; Lewis
totd tmn'thcy needed a doc social life of the com-! Banks. Alex Black, W. I. Shattuctt
worst way. The ^ """h ^ a doctor's wife Campbett. Rusk; J. L. Bol-
away from the her mam worry now, is Maydette; Dick Tipton. New
, was not yet quite hetpmg the doctor to find somebody Summerfield; H. L. Echots. Gallatin;
tor in Alto in the
doctor tried to shy away
proposition as he
but the Mayor
to lift the toad that he is carrying.
ready to settte down,
sis'ted t!i <t they take a drive with They are fine folks, and Alto is in
him" ar„tmd the country. He carried, deed happy to have them here, and
)' - , ...p ^m-tor and Mrs. Etter over the ; we alt join in the hope that Dr. Etter
Mr and Mrs. Herbert Nicho!.' ^ ^ound Atto. all the jean find someone to relieve him and
x anu j- ^ ^ ^ Arthur, Mi nutting up a sates tatk about , tet him lay down the pit! bag and
evening of laughter and entertain- chj ^ ^ and son of Da!i " J roads, splendid pick up a fishing rod. H anybody
ch 5.00 ment, see this fun-fi)lcd presentation. Mrs
- Labor. Next week's Herald wit! carry a com
ever deserved a break, it's him, and
——Labor plete program
.....Labor' Idiot."
of "The
..H) H n ), the fine foiks. good
Mrs. Forest Reagan oi ncricutturat section and so forth.
Perfect were week-end visitors in the hom. ^ ^ Alto, Dr. and;all Alto hopes that he can get it soon.
of Mr. and Mrs. R- M. Fisher. )
'i! i
? ,
! <t
Atten Bailey, Wetls, and H. H. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. I'. B. Russetl and Mr.
and Mrs. V. H. Thornton of Daltas,
spent the past week-end \"ii.n Mes-
dames Russett and Thornton's mother
and sister, Mesdames M. T. Sheet*
and J. W. Richardson.
' '
<* i

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F. L. Weimar & Son. The Alto Herald (Alto, Tex.), No. 44, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 19, 1951, newspaper, April 19, 1951; Alto, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Stella Hill Memorial Library.

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