The Belton Journal (Belton, Tex.), Vol. 48, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 7, 1914: Searching Inside

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16 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... will indicate, in general what I can fit yon np with. If yen don't see what yon want 9 acres of land 1 mile east... to ' . ■■■« ill'S* Mi Z - - "rt:. .Sis.f5**'< - 1 >- aaaa The Belton Sanitarium 1004 NORTH NAM STREET.... Milling, after teaching and developing Mr A. Hefner in the science of heaiinsr 1 and carrying him... Concern: "Tmt it w -certify that 1 had been in iaaa- jwaiti. for three yean- with asthrut am raenmalisx...;. Had wen treat- HMirby toe me: 11. 1Mb. that we have in lAtlak.1- auti V

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

...' UNION SUITS— 50c and $1.00. MISSES' UNION SUITS—25c and 50c. LADIES' MUSLIN SKIRTS~50c to $2.00. LADIES...' GOWNS—50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. LADIES* PANTS—25c to $1.50. New Crepes, New Rice Cloth, New Silks! • r. K .... and Bags! STEAMER TRUNKS—$5.00 to $10.00. SUIT CASES AND BAGS—50 cents to $1.00. Just Received Another lot... on Fifth Avenue, New York, but prices are 1-2 city prices. You want style and price—we can suit you. Men...'s and Boys' Shirts! EAGLE and LION DRESS SHIRTS—$1.00 and $1.50. BOYS' SHIRTS—25c, 50c, and up to $1.00. 1

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Curtis, over J Belton Drug Co's. store. 1 BELTON, TEXA8 __ DR. TOM BATTE Diseases of WOMEN ANO CHILDREN... Want How Tea Waat It When Tea Want It |£gS£S Ml v1 STEAD.... J. Beck, whose names and residences are unknown, by making pabiiea- Alice C. 1 netKc^oe.. H ,r_ O. I... First „ >L , ■ a it l— . day of Jane. 1*14, toers acii there to House thereof, m Belton, on the First 1... & Co.,! et of said Court No. 9«)10. wherein S.! ["** *aa*- at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. ' | A

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

...: The BellCcuntx Iditttrat 1911"! The ProertMWtParBcr I«1 J BELTON, TEXAS, THI RSDAY! MAY 7, 1$IL [Vol. XLVIII; No..., supervisor of students .health. ^l* THE NEXT GOVERNOR OF TEXAS. 0 -- • ilii# 'mm Oouuty j CtMHm ut 'A "VMS 1...±>+- imnr-tffv? mifcti*. Fifty ii>ou^ 1 AUo the plank rfemaad^a* a cmwo- ^ tm*mOr W-s I t< u m on unbent to 1 w«rw> and foresight of tbe aat CoMsaiaaioners Court, vho wo j r.lad... wtacf) asd no young nan. waar tevn njmtC in tfce toun la 1 W he activety favsred fi* *y ^ txf'e

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... w .'*jT^ ifljBM1 fey ■ mm,..mmi ■ ! ,'Sfej •Mm ^easyiua^wvw * c fjtT 4S Ctsr o: zh* «Qd K X... :-«J> -"■-' "« ttf :• i an.* .-&£.,v - •' •-1* - •*&*> .'•ft.'.t rim A:' :ii* iw W-.J vtaiwai *«j...- "a# V $/ms>x. "ft |9K). O R OB1NSON Q>strict 2^th District sJLet?&. iuaie T^jf $5L * e? OJ TEMNS... don't think. 1 will have to take any more— it completely cured me." K. L. RAN DELL, Laredo, Texas, wrote... ::« lusilUftss aa tit* ""M"peo^er-1 3*« ctwiaxy. bern# bora at Sated* Fefc- .-.una- so wait | *-

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... wSsssaBss^w * li a mmm mm zsszSk pi i t ?] i WiM || p^* rrm ■ f W'% m h'- '-'t fl 1 ■$> m&w' '..., and his friends are all who enjoy his acquaintance. BAYLOR COLLEGE. illlilll m ■A m 1SS§8 Hf v/ \ 'A ! t...; ' 1 i y :\'V^ "I m ;" v H We can not go to press with this ismamot The Journal without a few per... ,-emfcl words about Baylor College, the ■gpQfttM't of all Bolton's matitntioas This college which 1... Scwptafaasy -a* God.. Irfiadfr—Jsfca Ba*f>el. Scrgcac* ljtKS&t Pf SS:$-15. 1. ITtai we mean when we God

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... aaagiyr ■sssssam -■ww-yar- ■ BffBB I 1 Jg| Mimm aaSi#£E&^ ^V, • tft.-. 4,,. The Greatest... , ' 3^ '" W v ■psr r -« fc V'. ■£^■1 Iff fr i ... .... . .... J5F" i'ikl Our $10,000.00 stock... REOA'RDLESS of PROFIT! LOT CONTAINING 100 MEN'S SUITS AT 1-2 PRICE 2; - V it im i Palm Beach" Suits... Promptly at 6 o'clock, except on Saturdays & 1st Mondays <5/ G 6 ■ \ The Central of Texas Railroad—the... "Middle Buster." v" 1 :W- Ml Mt tm Aasco Camera with you « j tfce price pkld f«r tigr:r 4-v|. i •« 'mm ■

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... a Umtmnat po*ifm #nr OtfytiHt «du«MtMMc*1 ey#- . 4b*gmv**« m W,. it tout ** I *K*t itewsrt! «>w* toaw...; iar; town or city. A spirit of Horn#-- j life is fostered, and the student bo<1}r j witfe the faculty... into the country- Home of Baylor's Graduates. Mrs. Winnie Ohfraney Mullin* aBMES Stff l|£psi! Hp mtM •g^'V 'ar B?1... y 1*. *'. A. . *flws ertjpnl " 1*31- Eev E. <(55, Htmmmi a«3«e at f>et6*e* until Jmm £08$, .ietiBg.... Tj* ooHipWv Dwraiu rj and Aima Eeeres CkapeL tiar. home whose membere learn the. | 1 besom of mutual

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

.... McCelvey, C. L. Power, Stewart Shaw, C. W. Peyton, P. L. Downs, Jr.. B Davis, P. 1>. Downs, Geo. P... Porceusto Cbitu 111 1-1 NATIONAL PAINLESS DEMISTS )a 1Mb It, lem ML A. r READ THISi The T-exas "ifv'oiiQei... in children. If not sold by your drugnet, will be sent by mail oil receipt of fl.M1 Cue Email bottle is two... away and |the suffering cease. That's why Hont'e ^ lightning Oil if bo popular and praiB- 1 ' ec bo... &O Man "The Men Who Make the Trusts Sell Right.1 n. v. M

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Boynton. Pastor First Christian Church. TO THE VOTERS OF COUNTY. BELL 1 N announcing myself... all of my life with the exception of two years, during which time 1 filled an appointment as manager... of precinct ... ... . . , No. 4, when 1 was twenty-four years was bishop over this parish and earn- ol(J... the welfare of each'ty three years and four months.^ Durman, woman and child in the par-in* montl1 ish... in the offering of rewards for the capture of criminals, as 1 believe it is the duty of the Sheriff to hunt down

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

..., the present pastor. Mr. Mc- Garity's relations with .the church began March 1, 1908, and for more than a half... Tulloch, 1st vice president; Edgar Sparks, 2nd vice president; Miss Ruth Scott, recording secretary; Miss... for the support of th aged and the orphans among the DfccipIesJ 1 The general causes of home aiicf foreign... in the then Northwestern Texas conference. The pas- (ContiiMMd on P«fl« Eight.). 1 tor at that time was Rev. W. I*. Nelms... and forty-two if /"■* mmmmtw.'mmwv.i 1 my1 .111,. im 1-

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... wrap • rS^STWSHSST-— Hi iM|jiiiWj|ii 1 i /iff. i. ■ •* m Some of Belton's Business Interests...*. This establishment is a leading enterprise of it* da** in thi* city, and is high in vhe 11*1 of solid, successful...* firm has a large arid growing patronage In a very shor1 time. Thin firrr. commenced business in Be!ton... at Hemsteau. Sir, Wallace Tyler was born in Belton, Texas itl 1?84 Graduated from Belton High School... rarely must wait ionsr before Ma ger cities. His method of handling 1 wants are attended to. a study

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Eaat Street. m Mr. E. 0. Hale 1b the proprietor of this popular place. Mr. Hale was born and raised... twostory stone and brick building now occupied by the popular firm. Until January 1, 1899, they did

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