The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. XVIIITH YEAR, No. 273, Ed. 1, Friday, January 2, 1903 Page: 7 of 12
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Seguln Ouadalupe County Tcxaw
Farming Operations in Texas Dur-
ing Month of December
isro Is Some Cotton Yet to Do Picked
I Wheat and Other Coreals Are Mak
I ng an Excellent Growth
flowing Is the report of the Texas
tloMof the clltnato nnd crop service of
weather bureau for this mouth of De
vxcciitonally unfavorable weather condl
ns Mr farming operations prevailed dur
tl month and such work Is now
atljiln nrrcors lu practically all part
the brute Holno wore frequent anil In
noMheru portions of the State snow
I onl several days Ilttle prepatatory
rk f r neit Masons crops has beeu
omp shed owing to the unusual wet
f > i ot the soil but toward thu close of
tuo th this work commenced In seat
ed lo filths The rattifnll of September
Itobi iJ Novombi iaml December has bepu
bcii lest for a number of jours and
gieoml Id now thoroughly stocked with
nstuiy tills ondltlon Is fao ubly cum
nteion by a large number of coiro
utidiiits as augurlug well tot a coming
ifoiiNf exceptional productiveness
hiuM some eotton yet to be picked
sratcied parts of the northern portion
th f Stale owiug to the ubnence of
atli r favorable for this work during
mo it lb of December Wheat and other
ulv have continued to make nil excel
t Kronth and with the exception ot
1 l scattered sections whoio minor lu
v Las been entitled by runt green fcugs
jjl citMHhe meclpltatlon aro making a
Iforoiib growth lu a bettei oondlton at
lis Umi than for several yearn No dam
ft has been done to small guiln by the
idderate freezes during the mouth Stock
iwlnt ring very well and so far thoro
Is bun no complaint made ofScarcity of
ed Trm k In the coast districts nuttercd
jjteilous Injury from frost and the pios
VCts are blight for all crops that come
uder this bead Strawberry beds aro In
tlelleut condition and fiom fnvorod see >
ons small shipments of berries arc belug
Jde The cutting of sugar cane has been
nlslied and grinding In well advanced
lb output Is highly batlsfactory
Tho follow lug data covering a period of
ijrtytno years has been compiled from
i e weather bureau records at Oalveston
Temperntuie Mean or normal tempera
ije oJ degrees The warmest month was
lpt of ISo with an average of 03 degrees
ho coldest mouth was that of lbS4 with
it average of 17 degrees The highest tern
elnturo was 75 degrees on 2Mb 1870
ith 1S0 l7tli 1SS2 The lowest tempera
tre was 11 degrees on January 8 1880
Verage date on which first killing frost
purred lu autumu December 5 Aver
< i ditto on which Inst killing frost oci
nred In spring February 5
rreelpltatlon rain and melted snow
erage for the mouth 307 inches Aver
jo number of days with 01 of nn Inch or
ipre 11 The greatest monthly preelpl
ttlon wns 1030 lucbes In 1801 The leuU
itmthlj preclpltallnn kas 51 Inches lu
Jij The greatest amount ot preelpltu
n recorded lu any twentyfour cousecu
we v uxf > was 301 Inches ou January 1
v > 7 The gi fittest amount of snowfall
corded In any twentyfour consecutive
lura record extending to winter of 1SS485
ily was 0 Inches on January 12 188a
Clouds and Weather Average number
f clear days 10 partly cloudy days 9
loudy days 12
JVlml The pi evading winds have been
rem the southeast The highest velocity
5 the wind was 02 miles from the noitli
January 8 1877
Frorn Post Correspondents
Wlnnni Smith County Texas December
Itaywond liberty County Texas JanuJirt
It beeiVraintnlf steadll
ry 1 The rain which began falHtS did
steidav continued throughout thirfei
t night and nil ot I VX
today Tho
Ibere has grown several degrees coldtfiVL
t wet norther is anticipated rVwierJ
north wind which will suspend ell bust
dens ss the roads nre almost ltnpissablo
Hallotsvlllp tjnraca County Texas Jan
nary 1 It hns rained hero almost con-
tinuously for twentyfour hours and In still
mining The Lavaca river Is Terr nigh
Itoads are just about lmpnssable
Hempstead Waller County Texas Jan-
uary 1 it began mining hero yesterday
afternoon continuing through the night
aud most of today The ground Is soaked
with water
Slllllcnn Brazos County Texas January
1 It commenced raining yesterday morn
lag about 0 oclock and we havo hnd n
steady downpour for eighteen hours
Oafcrllle Live Oak County Texas Jan
Mary l slow rain began falling hero hut
night and has been falling oil day Slit
flclont for a good Benson
Calvert llobertsou County Texas Jan-
uary 1 A hard rain fell here today It
has been raining here almost continuously
since yostefday morning
Trxarkana Howie County Texas Jan
nary I Severe weather has pr vall d here
torougboui the day beiny rnliu falling
tluce earl morning
Wharton Wharton County Tcsa Jan
nary 1 Itnln begun falling here vaster
day morning and continued until early this
Denbjon tiraysou County Texas Jan-
uary 1 A norther prevails lu this sec-
tion with indications that it may turn into
Cucro DsWltt County Texas December
31 The old year is going out nlth o slow
Arlrotlng rain and Cold with It
Illee Navarro County Texas January
1A light rain fell here during Inst night
They Urge That the Full State Tax Be
Collected and Want Local
Ta < es Raised
Austin Texan Jauuary 1 At 2 oclock
p in yesterday evening as a finale to 1
mest successful sosston ot the State Teach-
ers nsvoclatlon the following declaration of
principles nnd purposes wore offered by tho
special committee and adopted otter a
short discussion
We the members of the Texas Teich
eru association Invito tho careful atteu
tltm of tho Intelligent citizenship ot this
State to the following declaration of prin-
ciples adopted at the twentyfourth annual
meeting held in Austin lu December lb02
1 A general diffusion ot knowledgo be-
ing ecrentlal to tho preservation of tho lib-
erties aud rights of tho people It shal
bo the duty of the legislature of tho Stnt
to establish nnd make suitable provision
for the support and maintenance of an ef-
ficient hstin of public free schools Con
btlttitlon nit 7 section 1
2 In older that nu efrlclent system of
public education be maintained It Is ovi
dint that ndiquito funds mut be provided
We theiefore urge that tne State school
tax be mlpcd to the constitutional Urn t
20 cents on the 100 of pioperty valuation
and because of the fact that the Stittf
school tuuds now are nnd will ever be
liiKiililclcut we further urge thit lucal
taxation for public school purposes bo
adopted as the llxed policy of every school
district lu Texas
3 In the common school in which the
entlio rural population must hccure Its
bcholiifctlc training the State Is to 3id
surer defense than In legislative enact
jueiits decrees of courts or armed but
tullons A complcto aud sufficient system
of education however Is Impossible how-
ever unless thetc be adequate provision for
the support also of secondary schools and
higher luhttutlans of learning
1 We stand for the doctrine that the
efficiency of n bj stent of schools Is de-
pendent upon tho professional qualifica-
tions of Its teachers and we rejoice tuar
the State In her university and her normil
schools Is Incieaslug aud strengthening the
means for tho picparatlon of professional
5 llellevlng that agriculture and manual
training in their i duontlve cspects should
be Incorporated Into the fchoi1 course of
atudv It Is our opinion that the State
HNevor before ws there as much cettett tuouM Hrst make propaiutlon therefor by
tho Hods as there Is now to be pick d furnishing rational instruction In these sub
He Post correspondent knows of not n Jccl to thp men and women that arc to
flgle fium Hi the country about here but leach 111 hor schools
lit n g fame cotton to pick and farnieis J J uellevo that the Lngllsh Bible
V tint It Is nn almost impossibility In fould be ion and studied ns n Ilterarv
4 pickers because of so much rain anil work of I lie highest and purest typo side
k fntier during tne past fall and a > i Ile wltl tu Poetry and prose which t
hreltv i f laborers and the enrelewmos ot l1 lnspln d and in large pait formed
6ants In not keeping up with their work tti t this gioat book may become the teaeh
ii account of rnlns and storms duiing the > 1 UlV Kiprjlntlon of history
ill ettoi whs diminged and el isies low I j Hteratiire law and life
ail the staple is short and light No co n 1 liell e that our State superintend
< k mule here this ycni2nd already t pnl should receive he loyal and zenlous
ai iiris have been s v H out hero and sppnit ot nil leachets of loxis in Ills
iirn the merchants begin r furnish thlr nmjotis work of casing into effect such
uStmers the corn will then begin to nr measures as will ndvaneo the educatl nal
ivp In earnest n nearly every fanner
HI hae lo have more or less to make
crop his next jear The fruit and
lick Industry U now receiving tnro attei
ion thnn ever here some 20000 or 30000
each trees will be planted tljls spiing ami
it < < il will plant tomatoes for the market
Austin Travis Conntr Texas January 1
Clhenvy rain has descended In Austin nil
sy this entire section covered br a stiff
Ofllier the whole face of the earth soaked
rill all nature thoroughly chilled streets
vs end roads a sen of slush from Kde
f side nearly everybody completely shut
little or no business attempted lo be
Mnsaeted and tbo first day of the year
l5 Just ns miserable disagreeable and
< ns It Is poselblo to Imagine
t nzales Gonzales County Texas Tnn
iry 1 A eold rnln fell all day yesterday
tfl through the night It Is still drizzling
fJth little sign of clearing np The ground-
s the best f ason In It that we have bad
yenr Stork are doing well though
tfp rold rain will hurt them some Home
Jewing nas heen done but It will be too
ft for a week yet for plowing except lu
ndv land
Intorits of our Imperii Commonwealth
lie is oir leader nnd we should hold up
Jle hands
Following the ndontlon of tbls declnra
1lon Sir IjoiiIs J Worthnm wss invited to
rddiess tbo association on the Importance
of having n good Texas exhibit at the IjOU
Mnna Purchase ejposltlon In Rt Ijouls
Mr Worthnm xesponded in a strong ad-
The association passed a resolution favor-
ing the Texas exhibit ns a genetal proposi-
tion and promising to assist In rasing
funds for the purpose A plan for doing so
will be formulntcd later the tetchcrs of
Tcxns advised of the method and urged to
cooperate Ip Its execution
From the Grayson County District Court
to the Federal Court
Sherman Texas January 1 The follow-
ing eases bavo boon removed from the dls
has heM7 eo i lrlct comt l0 tn > UnltPl1 States court
n Irg about 4 oclock yesterdiy ifte Charles W Johnson vs tho Missouri Ivan
leges personal Injuries and prays for dunv
> n t stand any more rin
IWInrhcstPr Tayetto County Tjexas Jan
rv 1 It rained the old year out and tho
fw vear lu In this section and from ap
jsrnnees it seems to be general If It
Bonld not rain any more Just now It will
> rome two or three weeks before farmers
n do anything toward plowing PspoiUsllv
6 blsek land which will make ever VnS
i hnikward
r rnet Rurnet Tonntr Texas JanuMV
K In began fulling hero yesterday in
Sg is oclock and eintmued with vht
4termlssIon ill last night and this filln
jii we are hnUng u heavy ilnwilffVr
Jnall groin will be greatly bfuefltedbiAt
lere is i better reason In the groiife > r
ip cf iinsr crop than has been for y
Ltillng faldwell County Tpxrs Jf T
A cold drizzling rnlu has been tJ
re for the past fifteen hours renf1
o ground wet sloppy and dlsagr ta1
wing to bad weather nnd bad roadif
s Is dull but everyone admits tblH0r ro
> w the best season for the eomlniflutlom
we have had for se
Yoakum DeWItt Count
r 11 it commenced
I oclock this mornlnsr
ur has fallen Mnce
> eavy will prove of tnu
p exposed ijasturcm Cattle aB a rt
j BfS5 f Uon for olnfjJhrou1i < J t
nges and general relief V P Harvey vs
the Missouri Kansas nnd Texas Hallway
Company In ths case there Is an allega-
tion by plaintiff of personal Injuries nnd
a Judgment to cover damages nnd general
relief asked J A Buchanan vs St
Louis and Ban Francisco Hallway Com-
pany personal Injuries alleged damagen
nnd general relief asked George McGabev
vs the Missouri Kansas and Texas Hall-
way plaintiff alleges personal Injuries nsks
for damages nnd general relief Frank
Hughes vs Texas nud Pnrlflc Hallway
Company an allegation of personal Injuries
mid prnys for damages nnd general relict
The Federal court wltl couveno In Slier
mau Monday January 0
Victoria Locale
Victoria Texas January 1 Owing to tho
unfavorable weather the Y SI C A recep-
tion which was to have been held on Nvw
Years Kve was postponed until Friday
ijnyed deMplte moot inslement weather
f i i J
< p Co a j i V >
l Kaufman Countys Record
1taiifman Texas December 31 1002
flrlle Temple the negro who was shot
I vWrPt MouJay nlebt by Tomp Crouch
Wl ttBt XlRnt from the wound This
SS octn T S four mnn wh0 have len klefl I
ry 1A slow and stoadr rain baiuc uk Wctroan county the past throe weeks
nlllng ttc Wit
tbirtytdr hours tliculor
nehes fius fallen Whilo stoSJ cast
SSl0 T itstonccs it U aK cStf
hencflt to tae fanners w >
firy LltTiss een Mining Vre sVbo pr
Uxiir BornlAj accompanied bjrH
> om
nml V > Sf Ttl Ha lwi Bocriit
Fireman and Brakfman Were Badly
Hurt at Lufkin
Dan Cain May Die an tho Result of the
Premature Explosion of a Dyna-
mite Cartridjje at Terrell
Tyler Texas January l Last night at
LutMn fireman Arnold fell from ills en
glue to the ground unci sustained Injuries
about the beud and body lie was also se
vurely injured Internally
Joe Dublin a brakeman fell from n box
par nnd hnd his right leg broken nbove tbo
knee He was brought to tho hospital on a
special from Lufkin for treatment
Gonzales Texas Jnnaary 1 Pother
Vonto who hns charge of St Josephs
church Catholic ot Gonzales was seri-
ously Injured uenr Belmont while travel-
ing The horses ran away throwing him
out of tho buggy injuring him about the
hecid und buck One of his eyes was so
badly Injured that ho may lose the sight
ot It lie went to San Antonio today to
the hospital
Terrell Texas January 1 Dan Cain con-
tractor for putting in tho foundation for
the water works boilers was Bring a dyna-
mite cartridge about noon today when it
was prematurely exploded He was so
badly hurt that be will lose both eyes nnd
may loao his life
Wichita Falls Texas January 1 Tho
local butcher Rlchanl Stephens who was
so badly trampled by a horse yesterday
died late last night The remains will bo
Shipped to Wcatnerford tonight for lutor
H B Mistrot Retires
Waco Texas January 1 11 B Mistrot
one of the best known merchants ot the
Stato nnd head ot tho big Mistrot stoie
In tbls city today voluntarily retired from
the mercantile busluess Tho Waco firm
will la the future be inanagci by James
L Mistrot who has been the mausger
ot the Houston house for some lime and
W J J Mistrot ot this city both tons ot
tho retiring merchant They took charge
of the store II B Mistrot who retires
from business began bubluess In Bremond
t bittyAve yenrs ago and has been In the
mercantile business contluuuily since that
time He Is it member ot the well known
11 mi of Mistrot Bros and is well known
throughout the State
Collin County National Banks Profits
McKlnncy Texas January 1 A nicotlng
of the board of directors ot the Collin
County National bank was held yesterday
and the surplus tuud was Increased from
> W0UU to W0O0 A semiannual dividend
ot 5 per cent of the batiks capital stock
of 2utO0O was alto declared
New Grocery Firm at Yoakum
Yoakum Texas January 1 The grocery
firm of A W Weber will hereafter bo
run under the Arm name of A W Weber
Co Mr J II Cunningham for several
years with D B Cain is Co having be-
come n member of the tlrm
Business Sold at Halletsville
Hallctsvllle Texas January 1 G Ban-
ner Co proprietors of tho Court House
Square saloon this morning turned over
tbetr business to A limine
L J Dints has sold his cotton platform
to D Bouorden for 800
Hon W S Conoly
Marlln Teias Jauuary 1 Hon W S
Conoly nged 00 died suddenly ou bis farm
in thu llrazos bottom near Mutilu at Jl
oclock today lie wus nn old rebldcnt of
Falls county was once sheriff of the coun-
ty nnd repieseuled tho comity In tbo legis-
lature for four years He lcaes a family lu
SCOTT Galveston Texas January 1
Mrs F M Scott wife of Superintendent
Scott of thu Oilou station died at 12 oclock
last night nt her home 2512 avenue II
Mrs Scott has beeu n great sufferer for
several weeks Her suffering was so acute
that the opiates were only partially abio
to relievo here She wns entirely conscious
until a few minutes before her death and
she Informed her husband yesterday that
she knew that she was dying Shortly
befoie her death she told the nurse who
was by her bedside that she need fan no
more indicating that she knew ot her
approaching demise Sirs Scott was born
lu Dover Ky January 4 1853 nnd was
SIlss Mary A Tabb before her marriage
with Mr Scott which occurred May 2t
1802 at Seymour Ind She removed to
Galveston with ner husband about six
years ago
SOHWARZBACH Galveston Texas
January 1 Sirs Theodore Schwnrzbach
an old resident of Galveston la dead at
the residence of her son Theo fichwarz
bach Deceased was an exemplary Chris-
tian and many friends survive her The
obsequies will occur tomorrow afternoon
at 3 oclock from the Schwarzbach rest
dence and later from St Josephs church
Interment will be in the old Catholic cem-
WARS SIcKinney Texas January 1
Sirs M J Ware one of tho ploueor resi
dents of Collin county died at her home
five miles touth of town of typhoid fovcr
She was 71 years of ago and for over half
a ccMitury hud lived ou her tarm south of
TAUVPlt Rosebud Texas December 81
SIih 1 A Ttrwr Ubd last night after sciv
erol cl s Ulnbb und was burled at
Woodland cemetery this evening Shu
bans emi > in ott husband J A Tarvcr
president of Tarvcrlleuslee company
HUYOIC Smlthvlile Texas Deccmbcs
31 Died at the borne of her sister Mrs
W T Flint Mrs Slary Huyck yesterday
morning interment will take plnce at
city cemetery at 3 oclock this afternoon
nALIiETSVILLE The ball to have been
given in tho opera house Wednesday night
by the Hallotsvlllcs flro department has
been postponed Indefinitely on account ot
the Inclement weather
OORSIOANA It 13 Kash a well
known farmer of tho Crycr Creek commu
nlty in this county fell dead Just ns ho
started to get In his buggy He had been
iu bad health tor some time
WINONA The Olobe Telephone com-
pany of Tyler has its poles erected from
Tyler to Big Sandy and la now stringing
wires and will open an ofllco nt II J
Carters drug store n WJnona for loug
distance accommodation
LULING nov SI U Hudson pastor
of the Baptist church has tendered his
resignation and will go to Ban Slnreos
February 1 to servo the Baptist church
there Itov Hudson has boon in Lullng
only a FtUe over u year
The Cane Crop Is Turnlno Out as Well
as Anticipated
Angtcton Texas January I The Spins-
ters convention was presented at the court
bouse lost night to a fair audience but
owing to a cold rtn not as many attended
is would otherwise hae done The
plajr jla Icr Vtt tw t ot M Ut dUt
The lUftr firmer ajrt iUU bw rlad
Grand Jury to Put a Stop to
Dallas Texas January 1 The Dai
las county grand Jury this afternoon
returned 125 Indictments for gam-
During the last thirty days gam-
bling ba been almost wide open
in many places Tho room keepers
have been bolder thnu for nearly ten
years The law and order league is
starting a crusade
ing cane The crop is generally tery fine
nud turning out n large per cent ot sugar
Grinding will last until iibout Fcbrqary 1
With tho new year tbo rice farmeis bo
glu another ciop much cheered by the ie
suits of tho nop of 1002
It will be the special endeavor of the
rlco glowers to plant early so as to get
tho ciop harvested betoro the wet weather
begins lu the fnl rml to avoid the bvw
from rain and tbo black or rleo birds that
come about November
The rice of this locality has turned out
exceptionally well and tho farmers Rro
very much encouraged although owing to
late planting It Is not all threshed yet
Tko acreage will bo ltlcrcascd materially
this year
Now Grocery House Is to Do a Big Job-
bing Business
Palestine Texas January 1 The third
annual ball of the Brotherhood of Hallway
Tralumeu which occurred Inst night lu thu
beautifully decorated city hull was the
most successful social event that has yet
occurred lu this city Over 100 couples
were In attendance aud tho members of the
order won everlasting fame as hosts with
the nsslstnuce of their wires and sweet
hcatte who did mi much toward making thu
mcut it bucccss Thu hall wus bcuutlfully
decorated and it was far Into the morning of
January 1 1003 before the dancers dis-
Colonel Tom M Campbell has returned
homo from n well earned holiday rest lit
his old homo In Longvlew Mrs Campbell
has gone to Naslnllle Tenu to visit her
daughter Miss Fuuule who Is lu school
New Years Day was generally observed
hero today all the banks being closed all
day aud the business houses from uoou Tho
geuerul offices nnd shops of the Interna-
tional and Great Northern railroad were
closed oil duy and the employes given it
full holiday Several New Year receptions
were held in the city by some of the society
ladles and several watch parties wcro
formed labt night to see the old year out
nnd the uew year In
General Slauager Leroy Trice of tho Inter-
national nnd Great Northern accompanied
by Sirs Trice nnd children left last ulght
for San Antonio to remain n few days and
from there will go for a thorough trip over
the entire road
F G Kdmlston one of tho members ot
the new wholesale gorcery firm recently
organized lu this city has arrived here
from Crockett with his fumlly nnd will
hereafter be a cltlzeu of Palestine The
wholesale grocery firm will be known as
the StarrUnrtiicttUdmlston company nnd
will bo one of the largest Jobbing houses In i
the State The work ot enlarging tho store I
building will be commenced nt once and
branch houses will be opened up nt several
different points in this section Sir Hart1
uett will arrive from We itherford lu n few
days und tho tlrm will begin business at
J n 0icrt McMeans n prominent phy
sician of Snn
Antonio Is hero spending sev
eral days with bis brother Hon S A SIc
Menns and they are spending a part of tho
hmtn Lib 1i fnmou Crystal Lake club
house near this city
Considerable Sum Stslen from the Store
of Sanders Bros Co
Bryan Texan January 1 Two white men
giving their names as Dunlnp and Young
were arrested nt College Station this morn-
ing nd lodged lu Jail here charged with
robbing the store of Sanders Bros Co-
ot Iola Grimes couuty last night The
officers here were telephoned of the rob-
bery this morning nml glren a description
of the men suspected of doing It Two men
answering the description hnd Just left here-
on n freight train going boutu nnd the sher-
iff telephoned Mr W C Boyett nt College
and wheu tho train reached tHero
be placed them under arrest and brought
them to Bryan on the J020 passenger On
searching them both wcro found to b
armed with lnrgo Colts pistole and the sum
I of JC01O1 was taken from them Both
deny any knowledge of tho crime and
ciulm Houston their
as placo of residence
Aoed Veteran Given Greetings by Hun
dreds of Friends
Dallas Texas January 1 Lieutenant
General W L Cabell commander of the
Tranbmlsslsslppl department United Con-
federate Veterans celebrated his 7Cth
birthday at his home In Dallas today
Nearly 1000 friends called Jloro than
300 greetings by wlrn were received com
ing from all ports of tho country
Congressman Sheppard at Paris
Paris Texas January 1 Congressman
Morris Sheppard Is In ti city and today
held a conference with tho business men
and capltallMs of the city in regard to the
appropriation for the navigation of Red
river Nothing definite was agreed upon
nnd there wns nothing to give out The
congressman will remain here for two or
tnrcp days
Robbsry Nesr Terrell
Terrell Texas January lrrhp Texas
Slldland station at Alsdorf was burglarized
and 160 stolon Officers nnd dogs
to the scene and an arrest is expected
t mi
Why It Disagrees With Soma People
When ouo needs a reviving stimulant
after exhaustion nothing can rival the ef-
fects of hot milk sipped slowly
I Some people say they can not digest
milk and these arc the peoplo who drink it
down qnlckiy so that the digestive acids
In playing around it form largo curds
whleih glvo trouble before they can be ab-
The right way Is to sip the milk In small
amounts so that each mouthful as It de-
scends Into the stomach is surrounded by
the enslric fluid and when the whole glass
ful Is down the effect is that of a spongy
mas of eurdt In and out of which the
keen gastric Julees course speedily doing
their work of turning the curd Into pep
tones Hint tbo tissues can tako up
To make sure of complete digestion take
one or two of Stuarts Di n i > sla Tablets
afterward as the pepsin and diastase thoy
contain Increase the quantity aud efficiency
of the gastric Juices and supply the natural
digestive ferments which ull weak stomachs
SIlss Anna Folger a professional nurse
speaking of the value of Btunrts Tablets In
convalescence saysi In adult patients le
coverlng from severe illness ani cspilulL
In children where milk disagrees one or
two tablet overcome any difficulty and
seem to strengthen the stomach in a re-
markably short time I myself hove used
them dally for years When my own diges-
tion has suffered from the Irregularities
and loss ot sleep consequent upon my oc
Not only children and Invalids but pro-
fessional people and others whbse meals
are necessarily hurried or Irregular will
nnd Stuarts Dyspeptla Tablets of the
greatest value in keeping up the tone nnd
digestive vigor of the stomach
They contain the active digestive fer-
ments the lack of whkft is really the only
cause of Indigestion and stomach troubles
and the regular dally use of them after
meats will probably cure any cato of
stomach troublo except such as arises from
cancer or ulceration
taut file r
Msar rtrniritlsis hsvsfllj
msreninisirs yi niU TsbJtU fb4u all
other ttomicii remtdlci comblatc
t fWy T pT
The Total Is 75000 Cars Amounting
to 13008450 Barrels
Groat Amount of Oil Was Wasted In
Bringing In Wells and In Giv-
ing Exhibitions
Beaumont Texas January 1 Th last
mqntVs reports uro all In today and tbo
oil peoplo know what they have done and
how well
The following is the final report for the
J ear
Cars by rail 103 barrels 3281L
Cars by water 78 barrels 13100
Previous tlsy earn 215 barrels 34520
Totol for the month cars 03IS barrels
+ + +
With the above report the total shipments
for the month and for the yenr 1002 nio
closed nud the showing is remarkable Be-
low thu grand total Is ghou by months from
tho time the shipments began aud they In-
clude practically all tho oil used since
Spludlo Top began producing for commercial
use These amounts do not Include In tho
statement of oil up to November 1 1001
the estimated tlow ot the Lucas well from
January 10 to 20 1001 nor tho ull wasted lu
The report Is as follows
To November 1 1001
November 1001
December 1001
Jnuuary 1P02
February 1002
March 1002
April 1002
Way 1002
Juuc 1002
July 1C02
AUgubt 1002
September 1002
October 1002
November 1P02
54Ut > 31
tlS7 l
0W > 5 1217770
4003 828S15
HR22 1U40M
5823 037701
December 1C02 0075 LU7U21
Grand total 77504 13008450
In n t cent Irttrvlev In tho Oil City De >
rick Mr J S CiiUinai tbo well known
ell man who was for ruck n long time
with the Standard Oil Company watt re-
ported us having snld that there were In
dlorago on December I 1C02 in Jeffcisoii
county rjOOOOOOO bnrrols of oil Thu
most of the oil peoplo here think this must
havo been a misprint though Mr Cullln in
himself has not been teta recently This
nmount appears consldcril ly too large nud
the most of the oil people think thnt 15
000000 barrels will cover It easily though
under present conditions nrd the report of
shluments as tnlen nbove fiom the Kuter
prlse would lead one to relievo that th >
nmount could cosily vary me way o the
other by millions Sir Ciilllnnn undoubted
lv knows Just how much oil there Is hcie
lull it Is a question whotber he wns quoted
correctly In addition to the reports > f-
oil In btorage there Is also to be considered
tbo amount wasted by the Lucas gusher
nml also by tho gnslier exhibitions that
were onro so frequent Tbo figure Is
placed at 1500000 barrels This would
giro n total production for Spindle Top
since Its discovery January 10 1001 of
28000noo barrels though 30000000 Is
probably the figuro in round numbers The
tictunl production of oil In 1002 will vnsM >
exceed the production ot 1001 notwith-
standing thnt It wns In the latter voir
that the gushers practically disappeared
and are not now the rule hut the excep-
+ + +
In the city today were assembled Messrs
n J Marshall W T Campbell Bod OIIk
Judgo Mastcrson and others well known In
conncnetion with the HoggSwiiyne syndi-
cate They have held one or two meeting
today though what was done is of course
+ + +
There Is nothing new In the price situa-
tion Oil is today selling In large lots that
Is 100000 barrels or over nt Ml cents the
price by tbo wny thnt wns guessed ot or
prophesied on December 1 or thereabouts
One broker made tho claim that he eonld
buy oil at 43 cents In tanks but tho fellow
who Is selling nt that rate Is In his own
light nccordlng to the Ideas of the other
oil people The Illgglns Oil nnd Fuel com-
pany Is nutborlty for the statement that
thev ntn tilling contracts nt 45 cents while
they are getting 55 cents for oil f p b the
cars Certain it Is Unit the Benumnnt field
Is the strangest ot any anywhere There
Is no certain wny to get nt prices like there
Is lu other oil tlelds But then this merely
goes to show that the Standard while pos
slhlr holding large Interests Is not neces-
sarily lu full control
+ +
The heavy rains of Inst night and their
continuation today Is expected to placo n
handicap on tho movements of tho contrao
tors as to new wells but they will blinply
be ready to dart In with tho moment ho
sun gets In Its work
+ + +
Sir C H Jones who has up to last night
been with the McoroSklnner company In
the capacity of bookkeeper went with the
GermanAmerican this morning in a similar
capacity It bos not been given out yet who
will succeed him with tho SlooreSkinncr
The Hcywood Oil company is drilling two
new wells on Spindle Top nnd expects one
of them to bo brought lu within the next
four or fle days This company hat also
let a contract to Contractor Johnnie S
Wynn for the drilling of a well em its Sour
Lake holdings
+ 44
Sir J M Park of Vinton La brother of
Sir Sam Park of this city spent yesterday
and today in Beaumont He is the munuger
of tbo Industrial Lumber companys plant
at Vinton Sir Park repprts that there
bavo been two rigs drilling wells at Vinton
up to right recently but that one of them
is temporarily shut down on account of a
break in tbo machinery He thinks the
chances for the discovery of oil nt Vinton
are decidedly good
Oil Lend Has Been Purchased by Its
Welsh La Jrnuary J Since tho list
cotrmunlcotlon this oil Held has been slowly
but surely edvanclng Representatives
from different States and oil companies
have agreed on a uniform report Tin
Best 1n thp State and so wired their com-
panies Tho test of the oil bus been so
satisfactory that the Chllds syndicate will
in tho very near future erect a modem
nnd uptodnto refinery Sir Scott and Sir
Chllds of Beaumont representing this syn-
dicate ro hero for this purpose and have
made all necessary arrangements and will
push the enterprise to a speedy comple-
tion From the Welsh Oil and Development
company they have purchased one acre
paying 12600 from IJ S Wood two acres
paying tbcrrfor 2300O This with their
other holdings in proven territory makes
them sure of their product without further
extension ot the field
The C 13 Smith gusher Is now due end
expected to be brouiht ltLsny dsr Be
irttfes tb tltt M tbefi PapftlK ttallw
eompanrs well U fifing H4i > eryt
tidal if running emoothlj Two other
j > W
Bigppj pj
wells have been contracted tot and boring
to begin about January IS Oil lands and
city property are leaping skyward In other
words Welsh is on a genutno and substan
tial boom
Advance at Corslcana
Corslcana Texas January 1 Oil took a
gcod advance heie yesterday at which tlino
the Corslcana Refining company posted n
bulletin advancing the prico of light crude
oil from 101 to 100
Statues of Houston and Austin HaVo Ar-
rived Teachers Havo Returned
to Their Homes
Austin Texas January 1 Quito n sen-
sation was created In the Justlco court here
yesterday oveuiug A man whh arrestee
and carried to the Justice rOurt to bs tried
for some minor ottuuse While the prelim-
inaries were belug arranged tho prisoner
asked to be excused for ft moment nnd re-
tired to a back room As soon ns he was
out of sight of tho officers ho deliberately
plunRecl a pocket knife to tho hilt In his
throat Inflicting n frightful wound Tho
officers were by his sldo in a moment and
prevented tho unfortunate man In a second
desperate eltort to do hlmsalt bodily harm
The wound Inflicted Is deep and cry bo
Snake Stories
Austin Texas January 1 A conductor
on tho Houston and Texas Ccutral lallroad
stated yesterday ou his arrival In Austin
that a mall pouch was thrown Into tho car-
at Hill spur while ou tho run to Austin
mid wheu the clerk emptied the pouch to
distribute the contents a large black snake
wus dibtrcfeHlngly lu evidence creating quite
a guild deal of excitement um < ng must lu
the our licroio killed
It is soiuetulug of a coincidence that
while the newspaper men were writing this
story Mr Charles Shaw another mull car
tier nu rural touto No 1 arrived In towu
and related nnotlicr sunko stoiy A fnimer
living on tho Wobbervllle road be says
Mllctl seven rattlers thnt day two of which
measuied five aud n half feet the other tlvu
meabuitug four and n half or five feet
Tinso soieu were all fouud iu one place
In addition to tho above Sir Hugh
Hornsby was exhibiting the hide of a rnt
tier he had Just killed slv aud a halt tout
An Incident
Austlu Texas January 1 Last night nt
0 oclock while bovornl bundled school
teachers nnd other guests Including a mini j
ber ot Indies wore congregated In tho lobby
of the Drlsklll hotel quietly discussing tho
evciilH connected with the session of the
State Teachers association affairs took
quite an unexpected nud sensational turn
A well dressed stranger In the middle had
been occupying n chair very quietly ami
while wido awake option red to be nhlmcms
lo surroundings a ml listless to all that
was transpiring Without uttering one
word he nroso slowly to bis feet stretched
himself to his full statue gaAe one of tho
loudest nnd most unearthly yclli mer beard
and fell fnco foremost prone and helpless
to the floor All thought he was dead but
when examined showed signs of life An
officer wns summoned and the man wns con-
veyed to bis loom medical aid rendered
lie Is still nllvc toduy
Delegates Havo Returned Home
Austin Texas January 1 The labt of the
delegate to the concnton of superintend-
ents principals and trustees and State
Teachers association that havo been In ses-
sion lu this city for the paat three days
returned to their homes last night and to-
day All expressed gicat satisfaction with
the work o tho session many declaring
that the meeting both lu respect to num-
ber lu nltcndniice nnd the wotk accomplish-
ed was better than any session ot the as
boclutlun held for many years
Statues Have Arrived
Austin Texas January 1 Tho marblo
btntuca of General Snm Houston aud Steph-
en K Austin executed by SIlss Ney arrived
from Lumpc yesterday evening and were
carried to the cnpltol Jifss Ney is spend
ing n few days on her tanch nnd ou her
return tho emplacement of the statues lu
the cnpltol will bo mule
Grantud a Permit
Austin Texas January 1 The Diana
Brick and Tile company of New Orleans
wns grant Ad n permit by the secretary of
state today to dn busluoss lu Texas The
Texas headquarters nt the company will
be iu Beaumont
News Notes
Austin Texas January 1 livery depart-
ment In the Htnte capllol was closed loday
and no Mud of business transacted oxcept
In the governors office Governor Saycrs
was In bis shirt bleevcs and hard nt woik
us usual though requiring no kind of serv
ice from tho other members of his official
Judge James T Rohlnson legal examiner
In thegeneral land office under the present
administration and chief elerk in the new
mlralnlfitratiou returned from n ten clays
visit to his homo In Daingerflcld Inst night
Stnte Purchasing Agent C P Dodge re-
ceived nnd opened four bids for furnishing
State institutions with coffins yeslerdBy All
were rejected because unsatisfactory
Losses at Valley View
Valley View Texas December 31 Lost
night fire destroyed the stock of groceries
and queenswnra for J B Batllff Loss
1000 Insurance S50 loss of storehouse
JS50 with insurance of J10O Thu Presbi
tcrlnn church lokt their church house and
SIsBonlc hall nbovo Total loss of these
1500 no Insurance It la not known how
tho lire originated
Residence at Clarksvillo
ClarkBVdle Texas December 81 The
frame rosldeuco of L O Ulnson two
blocks from the public square was burned
at an early hour this morning having
caught from a defective flue Loss on
house and furniture 1600 insured lu the
Texas Cooperative Fire Insurance company
of Bonbam Texas for 10u6
Reaidcnco at Buffalo
Buffalo Texas December 31 Last night
about 12S0 oclock thp house owned and
occupied by T A Elgin was burned Cause
of fire dcfcctlvo flue Inburanca 000 ou
building Most of the household govts
were saved
Residence at Strawn
Strawn Texas December 31 The reil
deneo of W B Close was burned with tho
contents belonging to He v Williams Loss
on bouse 1200 no Insurance
Corslcana Texas January I SI B-
Read and SIlss Slngnolla Childs were mar-
ried near hero last night
Yoakum Texas January 1 Sir Leonard
A Orth of the Yonkum Ico factory and Sllsn
Alma Hlcvlol of Yorktown wero united iu
marriage at tho latter placo today
Yoakum Texas January 1 Sir E A
Iloyco and SIlss Lenora Stevens were united
In marriage last night Kev D P Alrhnrt
of tho Baptist church performing tho cere-
mony They will wake Yoakum their fu
ture home
Irregular Vowel movements lead to
chronic constipation PRICKLY ASH BIT
TBItB la jl rellsblr srstam tttUtMi enrUl
t r Mitjttl A WH sJM111
trtietut Drug Stole 319 U iu i apsuii
Ask your jcwelerfor
srracER Eolish
It cleans as well us polishes
All Grocers and Dngsrlsia
Captain Dickinson Had Somo Experiences
While In the South
Galveston Texas Jnnury lCoptain Wil-
liam Dickinson ot tho British steamsh
Ynentou has had somo Interesting and ex-
citing experiences during the past month
Ilia wns the first ship to bo stopprl by tho
blockade at Ln Guayra Ilo wns not
stopped until ho had really gotten lnstdo
of tho bnrbor and anchored Not knowing
nnythlugr about tho conditions he was at
a loss to understand why a big search light
should piny on his vessel from the time ho
came within range of tho harbor until bo
anchored It was quickly explained to
him afterward though os bis ship was
boarded by men from a British manofwar
who advtsrd lilui to get out as soon as he
could telling him that they would not be
responsible for the ship Its cargo or crow
It he remained Na further persuasion was
iiecentanry as he could see thnt La Guayra
wns full of black men as the native Vene-
zuelans were called Ho soys thero seemed
to bo fully fiOOO ot them and that they
were armed with long knives or machete
some of them also carrying rifles Captsvi
Dickinson left lis soou as powlble nud went
to imii no wiili b is a Dutch possession n
little oer 100 miles distant HU cargo
whm unloaded there but his experiences
were not
At Trinidad he witnessed tho capture of
the Venezuelan gunboat Bolivar His ship
wus within a stones tbiow of the boat and
he wltucMsed the whole proceedings which
however wero without any bloodshed The
ltrlllnh ship simply sent word to tbo com-
mander of the Bolivar to have his men on
deck ns bo Intended to take charge of the
boat The commander consented and tho
men wero accordingly n 8embled on deck
uulll sent ashore The Bolivar wns then
towed out to sen and Captain Dickinson
saw it no more
During the day eight warships arrived in
port three British three Germnu one
Italian nnd ouo American As each would
arrive sa luttw were fired nud the natives
heating the flrlug of bo many cannon wero
wondering whnt wns going to happen next
And wero greatly excited
Captain Dlcklivnn says that while hli
experiences caused him some delay they
were nevertheless ory Interesting anil
be Is glad thnt It fell to bis lot to visit
the Venezuelan ports at this time
Charter Is to Be Secured by the Board
of Directors
Gonzales Tevns January 1 The K n
club of Gonzales hns changed Its organiza-
tion somewhat by electing n board of di-
rectors and nkug out a charter The
board of directors Is as follows D L
Boach F St Fly M V Pendleton
W L Gnrdlon W H Clark W a
Saycrs and J Si Slurphy Tho following
officers were elected for the year lOofl
President t > L Beach vice president F
SI Fly secretory W L Gardieu trcas
mer V B Sayers Tho membership fee
fixed at 10 Dues for
wai > single men
18 a year for married men 12 a year
The club occupies the most of the third
story of the Rniidlo Rather building and
the different rooms are well furnUhed and
lifted up for the convenience and enjoy-
ment of the members and their guests
Harno Items
Hearne Texas January 1 Sir S P
Ayres Is renovating his brick building on
Fourth street nud will in a short time
order his stock for bis racket store
Vice President P A Gorman of the
Ilparne and Brazos Valley is In Austin
S Llpthttz has returned from a business
visit to Houston
Sir A linger of New York formerly of
this place is looking after his Interests
The announcement of the pawing out of
the old and advent of the new year was
made promptly on time last night by the
ringing of bells blowing of whistles and
Bring of gun
Notwithstanding the Inclement weather
the masquerade ball announced to take
place at the pavilion last night was well
attended nnd much enjoyed The affair
was given by the married ladies of Hearne
Fight Between Negro Women
Dallas Texas January 1 Lona Mitchell
nnd Dthcl Flsber negio women fought
with knives about a negro man at 407
Jackson street tonight and stabbed esch
other bo badly that burgeons soy fbey may
die Both arc In the dispensary section
of the city prison
Rev Carlisle P B Martin U U D
Wa rly Texas writes Of a morning
when first rising I often find a troublesome
collection of phlegm which produces a
tough and Is cry hard to dUKdge but a
small quantity of Ba lards Ilorehound
Svrup will at once dislodge It an I the trou-
ble Is over I know of no medicine that Is
equal to It and It is so pleasant to talcs I
can most cordially recommend It to all per-
sons needing a medicine for throat or lung
troubles Pilco 23c 00c 100 bottle at
A B Kicelings
Simple Colds
Cease to be simple if at ell prolonged
Tho safest way is to put thcin aside at
the very beginning Uliards Ilo eheumd
Syrup stors n cold and removes the cause
of odds 25c 00c aud 100 bottle at A
E Klcslligo
Best Liniment on Earth
Ilenry D Baldwin tfupt City Water
Work3 Schujls urg Wis wrltfs Ihava
tried msnv kinds ot llphnent but have
never received much benefit until I used
llallnrdH Snow Liniment for rheumatism
and pains I thluk it the best liniment tin
earth 25c 60o and L00 bottlo at A B
If Unwell
Try a Mc bottle of HEBBlNB notice th
imnrovement spoecHly ettocted In your Ap-
petite Energy Btrongth and Vigor W tc
how it brightens the uplrite give frcedoM
lr ut IndlEf ton and Drfdlltil J
Isaac Story Avo Mo writer f pt 1 B
J pro I was In bad health I had stowae
m i
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The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. XVIIITH YEAR, No. 273, Ed. 1, Friday, January 2, 1903, newspaper, January 2, 1903; Houston, Texas. ( accessed October 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .