The Baytown Sun (Baytown, Tex.), Vol. 37, No. 154, Ed. 1 Friday, March 29, 1957 Page: 7 of 32
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Friday, March 29
Yarborough Is My Only Foe, Says Dies
- - — --1 it am to the OdP. Amtm to win. Bud m
By UNITED PRICtiB onto between two J#tn.
Candidate* tor the U.S. Smate (^rewman-at-Urf*
with one clatralna the rare wa*
iS -K» •> »w-. -J
' ■ - ---------- “I have now c*mj*i«iwl in moat
clow M yew pfcene.
We’re 0(e< _ ____
Ouk* rallabl* eervlee. Call Ml
Ra**e an* TV *irvle»
l»*7 t. Pruett., an. *-*•«* er 74
Harry 4. MartJa—Bot Anteany
when he headed tne me* commit- im
had narrowed down to him and me the race la between Y arbor
Ralph Yarborough, Austin attor
,%venty-one cindtdataa, includ-
ing two Republicana, an in the
akea-ail race that may
_____whether Democrat* will
retain control of the Senate or
Ammucan Oenuuu. Lin
M & roam Phow W>
3 H%
m Vi Dels*
Dial SIM
Ohaaael S
Channrd 11
Ctuuinal U
Friday Evening
» flO Her Ro**f*
m |S
lUojt Rider
Ranee Rider
iparta; Weather
Douj Edwards Newi
Mickey Mousa Cluft
Mickey Mouee Club
Mickey Moose dob
Mickey Mouse Club
(JO Political
I:«a NBO Mem
My Little Margie
My Little Marat#
Beat The pock
Beat The Clock
Newe: Weather
John Daly Newt
Rte Tin Tin
Rln Tie Tin
tiS SsE
Public ProMcuior
Zano Orty Thaatra
.Zane Orgy Tbeatra
Jim Bowie
Jim Bowl#
1:00 Ob TtUI
i n Ob Ttuj
I N Blf Otory
1:4ft Blf Story
Mr. Adame A Era
Mr. Adame A Era
Treuure Bunt
Trunin Bunt
Aratrlun Le*end
Amertc.n Legend
t:00 David Ortef
• IS D.rld Ortef
l» Drasaet
• :4» Dresnet
The Line-Up
The line-Up
Pereon To Pereoo
Pereou To Ptreon
10:00 Dr. Chrtetlaa
City Detectlra
City Detectlr#
Weekend Theatra
Weekend Theatre
Mo vis time
ii m
Weekend Theetre
Weekend Theetre
Weekend Theetre
Weekend Theatre
Late News
News, Sign Off
m -nr
Weekend Theatra
Weekend Theatra
Weekend Theatra
Sign Off
Saturday Morning
. - -
Teat Pattern; Sign Oo
7:45 ---
Bound track
1:00 Cartoon Carnival
S:U Cartoon Carnival
S;1S Saturday Serial
1:45 Saturday Serial
Rural Reveille
Rural Revalue
Captain Kangaroo
Captain Kanfaroo
Oaptaln Kanfaroo
CapUln Kangaroo
Mighty Mouaa
Mighty Mooaa
I gwE&
Jungle Jim
Jangle Hin
Space Cadet
Space Cadet
U:00 True Story
11:11 True Story
us ess
Big Top
Big Top
Sagebrush Theater
Sagebrush Theater
Sagebrush Theater
Sagebrush Theater
Saturday Afternoon
Lone Ranger
Lone Ranger
Utah carl
Utah Carl
Farm Journal /
Farm Journal
Into Focus
Into Focus
1:00 Horn# Bulldar*
1:1ft Homo Bulldors
1 30 Basketball
1:4ft Baaketball
Into The Night
Into The Night
Saturday Matlnaa
Saturday Matlnaa
Saturday Matlnaa
Saturday Matlnaa
3:00 BRSketball
2:1ft Basketball
2:30 Basketball
2:4ft Basketball
Saturday Matlnaa
Saturday Matlnaa
Saturday Matlnaa
Saturday Matlnaa
3.00 Baaketball
3:1ft Basketball
3:JO Star and Btory
3:4ft Star and Story
Jill Corey
Jill Corey
Saturday Matinee
Saturday Matinee
Saturday Matinee
Saturday Matinee
* 00 Ttan Tlmt
4:1ft Toon Tima
4 ;J0 Annie Oakley
4:4ft Annie Oakley
Children’s Bhow
Children’s Bhow
Educa. Workshop
Educa. Workshop
My.tery Omnlbue
MyaUry Omnlbue
Myatery Omnlbue
MyaUry Omnibus
« s»
oueh ai
and me.
and BraoeweU. reahati* this, are
switching their support tome, be-
cause they sure don*t want Yar-
borough just a* they have shown
by thetr votes In ths pMt."
He was referring to Thad
Hutcheson, Houston attorney ane
OOP candMato, and state Sen.
Searcy BraoeweU, a Democratic
Meanwhile, Yarborough an-
nounced Thursday that he had
gained the editorial support of
two dally newspapers, the Temple
Telegram and the Sherman Dem-
The Temple newspaper said It
was backing Yarborough first
tse he is
deserves to win. and second, be-
cause a vote tor him U toe wmri
way to assure continued control
of toe Senate
Agriculture Commissioner John
1 White said Texans "know my
record ha* been one of proven
service and deeds — not one et
<g Hilt(hem political hypocrisy and empty
White told supporters they know
he does not make campaign prom-
ise* he cannot deliver. Ha said
some of Ms opponents run a*
Democrats at election time hut
"have a well-known hahlt of op-
posing party platforms and party
promises after the ballots are
because he is an honest nun and
hSC E. Prather, Dies riatel
campaign cordlnator, said Thurs-
day the congressman holds a slxi
percentage point lead in the race.
Prather attributed -the figures to
a survey made by "one of Texas
very top Democratic leader*' and
guaranteed "absolutely Its au-
thenticity." ______
Television. Movies Are
Making Patty Good Girl
HOLLYWOOD (UP)-Televtsian flopped But her eecond Brrwdwv
h. mult!nr a drama wa* The Bad Seed
who collected an 'Ofcar nomina-
tk® for being a fiend In ®e Bad
But the change to angelic role*
doesn't thrill her
Sometimes whea pe«f*®
they call me ‘rat’ awl ‘I
lee me
but Td Bke to do more •< IS***
bad girl parts," toe U yeareti
actrea* whispered shyly.
'But maybe 1 should do thU, '
•he Rriaaed, and made awttoa
of demohahlg toe two tyk« ••
■he did her victim* la TV Bad
1 Patty was sitting in the Brown
Derby restaurant, nearly lost in,
the big booth and quietly observ-
ing the celebrities tablehopping
by. As she carefully ate * Mm-
and-cheese-on-white she explained
her "bad seed" stardom has snow-
balled her Into more jobs.
She plays a nice moppet who
which established her as a suc-
cess among small-fry theepUnsB
Patty was called to Hollywood!
for the movie version, and fori
■"rtu Day They Gave Babies
Away." She’s now in such demand
that her parents (her father 1* •
steemfltter) moved to the cinema
proval ant
M Before adjourning until Monday
the House also appnM
begins a seven-yem “
Universal-Intematiooal Studio, M-
ginning anto playing «‘ Mttte am
gel in "Christmas In Paradise.
As Patty 1*^ ™jY
tails, for the U-I pictures
I like good girt part*
she added.
____ approved tentative-
ly a legislative "code of ethics''
and the Senate Finance commit-
tee approved the record J2 billion
spending program.
The measure barring NAACP
members from public employment
sponsored by Rep. Reagan Huff
of Marshall,
In real Ufa Patty 1* a far cry
from toe, "Bed Seed" brat. »*
***** to be a
with atoe maimer* who Ito t Im-
pressed by Mardoims esvelUr
among the little daritags •f toe
The child became an actrea at
6 by accident when she want1to a
speech theater in New York to
overcome a lisp. The tsatoersent
her to a tryout of a play, which
_____|_____ received 75-40
*?TrequirH all Texas public em-
ploye* to make a sworn statement
on whether they belong to the
NAACP. Members would be
barred from the public payroll
and employes refusing to make a
statement would be fired.
The ethics MU by Rep. Ben
Glutting of Kingsville would re-
move from office any legislator,
state official or employe engaging
in outside activity "In subtrtantUl
conflict with the proper discharge
of his duties in the public inter
Special Election Set
To Fill Home Vacancy
AUSTIN (UP)— A special elec-
tion will be held May 4 in Nac-
ogdoches, Sabine and San Augus-
tine counties tt fill the vacancy
created by the death of Hep.
Charlie Heitman Jr.
Gov. Price Daniel called the
election Thursday to fill the sixth
district vacancy created when
Heitman died of a heart attack
in the House March 23.
Daniel said candidates must
have applications into the Secre-
tary of State’s office by midnight
April 3. Filing fee is $5.
Stop Waste in City Government!
...........,......... ..........'•----------------------
Wins Final
House Okay
Speaker Outlines Needs
Of Mentally Retarded
She plays a race By 0. B. LM)YD JB.
mothers two little boys on NBC’s u*k4 Tnm »Ufl C*mwpc*t“<
"Matinee Theater" April 2. ----—*----
By RAYMOND LABI felt hi*
I'nlted Pro** Staff Carraspaadant tected
•P0*1™1 WASHINGTON (UP)-Spectac-
AUSTIN (UP) — A measure utar Senate investigations seem to ^
barring member* of the National come along every two or three
....... ’-----1 years.
midget in
Association tor the Advancement
of Colored People from public
employment won final House
and went to the Senate tiona-makers.
Teapot Dome. ..the
J. P. Morgan's lap. .. the muni
nakers... call up memories
of the 1920s and 1930s. More re-
cent spectaculars have Involved
"flve-per centers" In the Truman
administration, the firing of Gen.
Dougla* MacArthur, the Army-
McCarthy brawl and the big time
hoodlums who paraded before the
televised Kefauver Crime Com-
mittee hearings.
The 1957 edition of the big Sen-
ate investigation is being conduct-
ed by a sflfrially-created group
bearing the imposing title, "se
lect committee on Improper activ-
ities in the labor and manage-
ment fields.” The committee is
particularly interested in rack-
eteering by labor unions and, at
this time, in evidence of improper
activity by the huge Teamriers’
Union and it* hefty president,
Dave Beck.
These investigations regularly
■ " tthellm-
A measure by Rep. J. C. (Zeke)
Zbranek of HuO-Datoatta requiring
registration of any psrson who is
paid to “promote or oppose the
passage of any legislation by the
Legislature or the approval or
veto thereof by the governor,"
was given preliminary approval
in the House.
The measure would also require
lobbyists to list expenditures
above $25 and the person receiv-
ing the expenditures.
appropriations bill, which
outlines spending for the next two
fiscal years, is expected to see
floor action In the Senate next
The House has approved a
UWl ***-
week. T
A Natural
with the Great Heart Award for
service to the community
Probe Spectaculars
Every 2 Or 3 Years
Taft-Hartley Law pn
produce arguments about
Its of congressional invastigation*
and whether committee* abuse
^BecHnvoked the Fifth Amend-
ment and other constitutional pro-
visions Tuesday in refusing to —
iwer questions. He said, in eft
that he would prefer to take his some of the top leaders of or
chances in the courts where he ganlzed labor.
righto were better pro-
fin dealing with caaes involving
of congressional coro-i
mlttees, tha courts historically!
have taken a broad view of the
investigating powers of Gxwras
These powers are only Implied in
the Constitution, although tbey|
have been in u»e * nee
The courts generally have pre-
1* a legislative pur
sumed. there » »
pofe in any congressional invest)-
gation — that Is, an Intent to col-
lect Information necessary to law-
making. The racketeering inquiry
is directly concerned with
there is need for tightening
quiring unions to file financial re-
ports with the Labor Department
It also has been suggested that
legislation might be In order lo
Insure democratic procedures
tabor union*. The committee is
further interested in determining
whether there have Usn viola- .
lions Of income tax and other a* ‘nd «*£
toting taws, and whether racket- In
The current inquiry add* up to
probably ths roughest
what to
congrealonal Investigators. And
unlike previous labor sparring
with Congress, this one ha* been
blessed - at lea*t in part - by
Sad Day For Circus Folks
Fanfare Of Former Years Missing
maSTVS d™ «t, VUsst
one of many
1 is only ____ - .
the 1957 version of the
Show on Earth ”
ges in
SARASOTA. Fla. (UP)- The and the Florida sun
circu* train, a mere skeleton of
its former size, was ready to
leave winter quarters of the
"Greatest Show on Earth” today------ -----------
without the frills and fanfare that 7^ t,jK top is gone, lost in the since 1955,
once marked its annual departure of ]Mt season when owner The General Telephone Co. _r
on the spring and summer tour. John Ringling North pulled the prates in a five-state area—Texas
A few special railroad cars for ■ * ' J - " ” " ” “ " ***
will serve as a toastmaster tor . and
the first time in hi* life on April cars wh.
14 in Boston when the variety cir^_ offida^^already^ had
cto£ !TZtSuS PV= I-New York by train, ptane, car
owner Tom Yaykey of the Sox and bus.
Left behind in the 200*cre win-
ter quarters of the RingUng Broth-
ers, Barnum A Bailey Circus were
name in 1865.
ers, Barnum A Bailey Circus were
Florida has a longer coastline *bout 100 silvery and red railroad
than any other state in the cars, which were beginning ,n
heavy rain*
circus off the road and said it
would never again play under
canvas. Large indoor arena* and
a few baseball parks will form the
stage* for this year’s show.
few* B**t*4y “
"Children with unusual prob-
lem* should not be treated a*
problems of »oclety, "Charles
Eskridge, state special educa-
tion director aid Thursday night
at a Baytown Opportunity achool
dinner In Rsbet Inn.
In hi* di*cu*»lon on need* of
the mentally retarded Eakrldge
outlined the current program
for special education claaee* in
Texaa public schools.
He emphasised that person*
phystoaily or mentally handicap-
ped are a normal part of popu-
Slhc* the bill for *p*clal edu-
cation In Texa* school* wa*
pawed in l»4A the number of
children in thee* ctasee* ha*
grown to U.P65. including Ml
oducabl* mentally retarded.
Eskridge explained that the
educabl,. retarded are those with
an Intelligence quotient from SO
to 70. Public school* as yet do
not provide special education
for the trainable retarded whore
IQ* range from M-4». However,
the speaker added, a bill 1* In
the legislature now advocating
provision! for the latter.
Physically handicapped child-
ren, Eskridge continued, are
Integrated Into the regular pro-
gram* while the mentally re-
tarded are taught in aeperate
But thta doesn’t mean the
mentally retarded ahould be iso-
lated from regular facilities of
the achool or be taught In sep-
arate bulldtngi," he said.
The special education director
■tressed the Importance of men-
tally retarded children being In
a normal enviroment and asso-
ciating with other children.
The retarded are normal In
their desires for social activity,
■ucceaa and being needed, the
speaker continued.
Th job of special education
to basically the same as regular
education and should be a part
not from ordinary school
Objectives of special educa-
tion are to dlscovsr the Indivi-
dual capaeitiei and causes of
retardation. Eskridge caUed this
purposeful diagnosis."
The second objective he men-
tioned wa* "courageous prog-
nosis," to help ths retarded to
‘face the facts." The children
must be taught to realise their
limitations, developing a con-
structive, courageous attitude.
The third step I* what the
speaker termed "realistic educa-
tion"—the complete development
of the child’s ability.
Eskridge added the retarded
child must learn to accept re-
sponsibility and deWlop a sense
'relatedness" to his family
education when they are 14. they
should be prepared tar »n occu-
All the program phases In
special education should lead
up to that time of vocational
rehabilitation, Eskridge stated
The island af Hawaii oentains
about twe thirds of the ana af
the Hawaiian island group.
The speakers was Introduced by
Jim Shetey Of the Opportunity
School board Among guests
were Supt. George Gentry, mem-
ber* of the school board, Par-
ents council and volunteer
hiehh MSI
Cm. a, iSfm jfti
Scarborough's Pharmacy
11* N. Mala .... «ari*w*
In epectai education the re-
toting taws, aM wneinw rncaes- Unl#(j m Uught to use their
eering has interfere with inter- ^ constructively and
over into their adulthood.
"Meet important, "Eskridge
is that the pupil* be pro-
treatment *v*r gtoen a major’ssg- vldsd practical vocational fo-
ment of the labor movement by struct Ion*.
No longer eligible for special
General Phone
Merger Listed
merger of the Texas Telephone
and the Oklahoma Telephone
___ effective April 1, wa* an-
nounced Thursday by Walter G.
w-"• The Texa* and Oklahoma com-
,r*att,t panics have been operating under
" General Telephone System
The Marquis of Queensberry
supervised the drawing up of
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas
and Louisiana, and Is part of the
General Telephone System.
Cloudy days and freqnent
rains In Norway's fjord country
rule out drying hay on the
ground. The crop is spread
boxing rules that bear his wires like laundry so breezes
during 10
years of
has never
lost a
has served
well. We
help to
him to the
U. S
(Paid Political Ad)
can get at It.
■ -f
Cast Your Vote For
District 6 City Council Post
City Election Tuesday, April 2
During Hil four ytars of sarvict as a mambar of the city council, Lacy has supportad
•vary maasura daiignad to banofit fha paople of Baytown.
At the sama tima he has zealously guarded the interest of the taxpayer*, making
cartain that aach got valua racaivad for hi* tax dollar.
Lacy ii For Prograss. His voting record proves his attitude.
His honesty and Integrity as a public official have never bean questioned.
Ha has no saltish motives. Ha offers to serve because he believes in Baytown and
in the people of laytawn.
Ha knows Baytown's problems and how best to .deal with them.
- - —........... r -
If you baliive In Fairness and Honesty in the conduct of your city govtrnmant, vote
for Lacy Lusk.
'. if
F- I
. -I
_mi. pH w
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Hartman, Fred. The Baytown Sun (Baytown, Tex.), Vol. 37, No. 154, Ed. 1 Friday, March 29, 1957, newspaper, March 29, 1957; Baytown, Texas. ( accessed November 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Sterling Municipal Library.