Věstník (West, Tex.), Vol. 54, No. 2, Ed. 1 Wednesday, January 12, 1966: Searching Inside

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... Fraternally, Cynthia Kovar LODGE NO. 17, NEW TÁBOR Dear Věstník Readers, On the 12th of December, 1965... lodge meetings in 1966! LODGE NO. 30, TAITON Dear Věstník Readers, The Taiton SPJST Youth Club met Jan...! A fan, Pamela Kovar Pay Your Poli Tax by Jan. 31st! LODGE NO. 30, TAITON Dear Věstník, Last Tuesday wc

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Věstník (HERALD) «ince Entercd as second clasa mail matter Januarý 3rd, 1933 av West, Texas, under... coucerning delivery of Vestnik must be sent to Supreme Lodge, Box 100, Temple, Texas Paid subscriptions... and advertising matter shoulú be addressed to Vestnik, West, Texas Deadline for materiál to be accepted... A, Orange Grove, Texas LEO KRAUSE, Jr, — Secretary P. O. Box 427, lneš, Texas 77968 VĚSTNÍK DISTRICT

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... Wednesday, January 12, 1966 VĚSTNÍK nt TYPES OF CERTIFICATES OFFERED BY THE SPJST We A®e Preferred..., Theresa Mazanec, Reportér i Věstník deadline is Saturday nooá LODGE NO. 30, TAITON Dear Vestnik Readers

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... of Elk. Both parents are memtoers of SPJST Lodge No. 35, Elk. Věstník deacíiine is Saturday noon... to them, as if we were about to elasp hands. Songs like “Narodil se Kristus Pan,” and Syn Bozi VĚSTNÍK se.... Kope to see all of you again at that time. Fratemally, Victor J. Gerlich, Reportér Věstník cíeadline

Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... Věstník (HEEALB) 8INCE mi Entered as second class mail matter January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas..., Temple, Texas Předplatné a oznámky buďtéž zasílány na Věstník, West, Texas Látka na uveřejnění ve... KRAUSE, tajemník PO Box 427, Inez, Texas 77968 VĚSTNÍK SEZNÁM ORGANISÁTORŮ OKRSEK I. Melvin Škrabánek P O

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... lodge in the Vestnik. Next Frida.y (the 14th) is the lodge monthly meeting, and I ani sure our newly... Your Poli Tax by Jan. 31st! LODGE NO. 48, BEYERSYILLE Dear Vestnik Readers, On behaif of Lodge No. 48... to miss out, so we hope to see everyone there. Fraternally, Mrs. Eva žett Věstník ctefidlir.íf

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... to the massivereservoirs. For example, Lake Meredith got 211,000 VĚSTNÍK minnows early in 1965 to provide a forage fish... for improved intelligence on the Texas jackrabbit situation? Věstník deadline is SaUirday noon Doctor

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... Werinesday', January 12, 1966 LODGE NO. 30, TAITON Dear Věstník, The Taiton SPJST held its first.... children. Adolf Sabrsula Ed Sabrsula Ostoja, Muniza —Resolution Committee VĚSTNÍK EXPRES SIÓN OF SYMPATHY

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... thank all of you for your spirit of VĚSTNÍK giving at this time of year. These gifts are aJU appreciated... at the “Svoboda” and Senátor Cuip Krueger, I say thank you! věstník deadline is Saturday noon SPJST Bulletin Board

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... of Temple VĚSTNÍK Lodge No. 49, Hillje Saturday, Jan. 22 — The Continentals Saturday, Feb. 12 — The Kounts... PICTURES If you recently sent us any unsolicite,d photographs whieh háve appeared in the Vestnik, and wish

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